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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
February 18, 2021 - Introduced by Representatives Tranel, Novak, Kurtz,
Oldenburg, VanderMeer, Dittrich, Knodl, Moses, Murphy, Mursau,
Skowronski and Tusler, cosponsored by Senators Marklein, Nass, Cowles,
Feyen, Stroebel, Felzkowski and Ballweg. Referred to Committee on
1An Act to amend 256.15 (4m) (d); and to create 256.12 (5) (c), 256.15 (1) (ij),
2256.15 (4) (a) 4. and 256.15 (10m) of the statutes; relating to: ambulance
3staffing and emergency medical personnel.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Generally, this bill changes ambulance staffing requirements and makes other
changes related to emergency medical personnel.
The bill allows an ambulance that is engaged in an nonemergent interfacility
transport to be staffed with one emergency medical technician and one individual
who has a certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Currently, an ambulance
may be staffed with any of the following: any two emergency medical services
practitioners, licensed registered nurses, licensed physician assistants or
physicians, or any combination of those individuals; one emergency medical services
practitioner plus one individual with an emergency medical services practitioner
training permit; or, for certain rural ambulance service providers, one emergency
medical technician and one emergency medical responder.
Current law allows a rural ambulance service provider to upgrade the service
level of an ambulance to the highest level of license of any emergency services
practitioner staffing that ambulance if approved by the medical director. The bill
prohibits the Department of Health Services from requiring the rural ambulance
service provider to stock an ambulance with equipment to perform all functions that
the emergency medical services practitioner with the highest level of license may
perform in order to upgrade its ambulance service level.

Under the bill, an ambulance service provider or emergency medical services
program may not prohibit an emergency medical responder or emergency medical
services practitioner who is employed by or volunteering with it from being employed
by or volunteering with another ambulance service provider or emergency medical
services program.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1 . 256.12 (5) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
2 256.12 (5) (c) 1. If the department requires the signature of a clerk of a
3municipality before allowing an ambulance service provider to receive funds under
4this subsection, the department shall allow the clerk to submit an electronic
6 2. If the department requires an ambulance service provider to submit the
7population of its service area, the population shall be derived using census data. The
8department may only require an updated and signed population form after a census
9every 10 years, except that the department may require an updated and signed
10population form if the service area of the ambulance service provider changes.
11Section 2 . 256.15 (1) (ij) of the statutes is created to read:
12 256.15 (1) (ij) “Interfacility transport” means any transfer of a patient between
13health care facilities or any nonemergent transfer of a patient.
14Section 3 . 256.15 (4) (a) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
15 256.15 (4) (a) 4. If the ambulance is engaged in a nonemergent interfacility
16transport, one emergency medical technician who is in the patient compartment
17during transport of the patient and one individual who has a certification in
18cardiopulmonary resuscitation, through a course approved by the department.
19Section 4 . 256.15 (4m) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:

1256.15 (4m) (d) A rural ambulance service provider that is intending to
2upgrade its service under par. (b) shall submit to the department an update to its
3operational plan including a description of its intention to upgrade. The department
4may not require a rural ambulance service provider to stock an ambulance with
5equipment to perform all functions that the emergency medical services practitioner
6with the highest level of license may perform in order to upgrade the ambulance
7service level under par. (b).
8Section 5 . 256.15 (10m) of the statutes is created to read:
9 256.15 (10m) Exclusive arrangements prohibited. An ambulance service
10provider or emergency medical services program may not prohibit an emergency
11medical responder or emergency medical services practitioner who is employed by
12or volunteering with the ambulance service provider or emergency medical services
13program from being employed by or volunteering with another ambulance service
14provider or emergency medical services program.
15Section 6 . Effective date.
16 (1) This act takes effect on the first day of the 7th month beginning after
18 (End)