This is the preview version of the Wisconsin State Legislature site.
Please see for the production version.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1 . 106.27 (1) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
2 106.27 (1) (b) 1. Grants for programs that train teachers and, for programs that
3train individuals to become teachers, including teachers in dual enrollment
4programs, and for providing professional development to teachers who provide
5services to gifted and talented pupils, as defined in s. 118.35 (1)
6Section 2. 115.28 (28) of the statutes is created to read:

1115.28 (28) Gifted and talented program resources. (a) Maintain a
2searchable public online database of curricular resources related to serving gifted
3and talented pupils, as defined in s. 118.35 (1).
4 (b) Provide information to school districts on best practices related to serving
5gifted and talented pupils, as defined in s. 118.35 (1), that have been implemented
6by school districts in this state.
7Section 3. 115.385 (1) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
8 115.385 (1) (e) Beginning with the accountability report published for the
92023-24 school year, for each school district, the department's determination of
10whether or not the school district complied with ss. 118.35 and 121.02 (1) (t), as
11reported by the department under s. 118.35 (3m) (b) 4.
12Section 4. 115.385 (1g) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 115.385 (1g) (e) The department may not use information provided under sub.
14(1) (d) 6. or (e).
15Section 5 . 118.35 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
16 118.35 (3m) (a) Annually, each school board shall report all of the following to
17the department:
18 1. Whether the school board employs a gifted and talented program
20 2. If the school employs a gifted and talented program coordinator, the amount
21of time the gifted and talented program coordinator spends on the school board's
22gifted and talented program.
23 3. The total number of gifted and talented pupils enrolled in the school district
24who received services under a gifted and talented program and, for each pupil, the

1pupil's gender, race, and ethnicity and whether the pupil is economically
3 4. Upon request from the department, any other information that is necessary
4for the department to post the information required under par. (b).
5 (b) Annually, for the previous school year, the department shall post on the
6department's Internet site all of the following information and shall notify the
7appropriate standing committees of each house of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3)
8that the information is available on the department's Internet site:
9 1. For each school district, the number of pupils who were evaluated to
10determine whether the pupil is a gifted and talented pupil.
11 2. For each school district, the number of pupils who have been identified as
12a gifted and talented pupil.
13 3. For each school district, the number of pupils who received services under
14a gifted and talented program and, unless the pupil data groups are too small to
15protect pupil privacy, based on criteria determined by the department, the pupils'
16gender, race, and ethnicity and whether the pupils are economically disadvantaged.
17 4. For each school district, the department's determination of whether or not
18the school district complied with this section and s. 121.02 (1) (t).
19 5. For any entity that received a grant under sub. (4), the services and activities
20that the entity provided to gifted and talented pupils.
21 6. The statewide pupil participation rate in advanced placement courses.
22 7. For each school district, the services and activities provided to gifted and
23talented pupils under the program the school district makes available to pupils
24under sub. (3).

18. For each school district, whether the school district employs a gifted and
2talented program coordinator and, if it does, the amount of time the gifted and
3talented program coordinator spends on the school district's gifted and talented
5Section 6 . 118.35 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
6 118.35 (5) For each school year, the department shall audit at least 10 percent
7of school districts, selected at random, for compliance with this section and s. 121.02
8(1) (t). An audit under this subsection does not satisfy a requirement to complete an
9audit under s. 121.02 (2).
10 (End)