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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
January 4, 2022 - Introduced by Representatives L. Myers, Brostoff, Goyke,
Ohnstad, Anderson, Hong, Cabrera, Hebl, Sinicki, Neubauer, Andraca,
Snodgrass, Pope, Shelton, Conley, Subeck, Stubbs, Milroy, Emerson, B.
, Shankland, S. Rodriguez, Considine, Vining and Baldeh,
cosponsored by Senators Larson, L. Taylor, Erpenbach, Agard, Roys and
Smith. Referred to Committee on Energy and Utilities.
1An Act to amend 196.374 (2) (a) 1. and 196.374 (3) (b) 1.; and to create 196.374
2(1) (gm), 196.374 (2) (a) 2. f. and 196.374 (3) (f) 5. of the statutes; relating to:
3Focus on Energy inclusion of programs promoting energy efficiency and
4renewable energy measures for low-income households.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Current law requires investor-owned electric and natural gas utilities to fund
statewide energy efficiency and renewable resources programs, known as Focus on
Energy, and related programs. The bill requires Focus on Energy to include
programs that promote energy efficiency and renewable energy measures for
low-income households and that address the energy needs and decrease the energy
burden of low-income households. The bill requires these programs to be
coordinated with the weatherization assistance program administered by the
Department of Administration. The bill requires the Public Service Commission to
ensure that that not less than 25 percent of the moneys utilities are required to spend
to fund Focus on Energy is spent annually on these programs for low-income
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:

1Section 1. 196.374 (1) (gm) of the statutes is created to read:
2 196.374 (1) (gm) “Low-income household” has the meaning given in s. 16.957
3(1) (m).
4Section 2. 196.374 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
5 196.374 (2) (a) 1. The energy utilities in this state shall collectively establish
6and fund statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource programs , including
7programs for low-income households
. The energy utilities shall contract, on the
8basis of competitive bids, with one or more persons to develop and administer the
9programs. The utilities may not execute a contract under this subdivision unless the
10commission has approved the contract. The commission shall require each energy
11utility to spend the amount required under sub. (3) (b) 2. to fund statewide energy
12efficiency and renewable resource programs.
13Section 3. 196.374 (2) (a) 2. f. of the statutes is created to read:
14 196.374 (2) (a) 2. f. Components, in coordination with the weatherization
15assistance program administered by the department of administration under s.
1616.26, to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy measures for low-income
17households in this state and initiatives and market strategies to address the energy
18needs and decrease the energy burden of low-income households. The commission
19shall ensure that not less than 25 percent of the moneys utilities are required to
20spend under subd. 1. or sub. (3) (b) 2. is spent annually on programs under this
21subdivision paragraph.
22Section 4. 196.374 (3) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
23 196.374 (3) (b) 1. At least every 4 years, after notice and opportunity to be
24heard, the commission shall, by order, evaluate the energy efficiency and renewable
25resource programs under sub. (2) (a) 1., (b) 1. and 2., and (c) and ordered programs

1and set or revise goals, priorities, and measurable targets for the programs. The
2commission shall give priority to programs that moderate the growth in electric and
3natural gas demand and usage, facilitate markets and assist market providers to
4achieve higher levels of energy efficiency, promote energy reliability and adequacy,
5promote energy efficiency and renewable energy measures for low-income
avoid adverse environmental impacts from the use of energy, and
7promote rural economic development.
8Section 5. 196.374 (3) (f) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
9 196.374 (3) (f) 5. Minimum requirements for energy efficiency and renewable
10resource programs under sub. (2) (a) 1. for low-income households and eligibility
11requirements for programs for low-income households.
12 (End)