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AB687,23,522 111.85 (1) (b) For a fair-share agreement to be authorized, at least two-thirds
23of the eligible public safety employees voting in a referendum shall vote in favor of
24the agreement. For a maintenance of membership agreement to be authorized, at
25least a majority of the eligible public safety employees or employees represented by

1a collective bargaining unit under s. 111.825 (1r) (a) to (ec), (eh), (ei), or (f) or (1t)

2voting in a referendum shall vote in favor of the agreement. In a referendum on a
3fair-share agreement, if less than two-thirds but more than one-half of the eligible
4public safety employees vote in favor of the agreement, a maintenance of
5membership agreement is authorized.
AB687,48 6Section 48. 111.85 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB687,23,207 111.85 (1) (c) If a fair-share or maintenance of membership agreement is
8authorized in a referendum, the employer shall enter into such an agreement with
9the labor organization named on the ballot in the referendum. Each fair-share or
10maintenance of membership agreement shall contain a provision requiring the
11employer to deduct the amount of dues as certified by the labor organization from the
12earnings of the public safety employees affected by the agreement and to pay the
13amount so deducted to the labor organization. Unless the parties agree to an earlier
14date, the agreement shall take effect 60 days after certification by the commission
15that the referendum vote authorized the agreement. The employer shall be held
16harmless against any claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability made by
17public safety employees or local labor organizations which may arise for actions
18taken by the employer in compliance with this section. All such lawful claims,
19demands, suits and other forms of liability are the responsibility of the labor
20organization entering into the agreement.
AB687,49 21Section 49. 111.85 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB687,24,922 111.85 (1) (d) Under each fair-share or maintenance of membership
23agreement, a public safety employee who has religious convictions against dues
24payments to a labor organization based on teachings or tenets of a church or religious
25body of which he or she is a member shall, on request to the labor organization, have

1his or her dues paid to a charity mutually agreed upon by the public safety employee
2and the labor organization. Under each maintenance of membership agreement, an
3employee represented by a collective bargaining unit under s. 111.825 (1r) (a) to (ec),
4(eh), (ei), or (f) or (1t) who has religious convictions against dues payments to a labor
5organization based on teachings or tenets of a church or religious body of which he
6or she is a member shall, on request to the labor organization, have his or her dues
7paid to a charity mutually agreed upon by the employee and the labor organization.

8Any dispute concerning this paragraph may be submitted to the commission for
AB687,50 10Section 50. 111.85 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB687,25,711 111.85 (2) (a) Once authorized, a fair-share or maintenance of membership
12agreement covering public safety employees or a maintenance of membership
13agreement covering employees represented by a collective bargaining unit under s.
14111.825 (1r) (a) to (ec), (eh), (ei), or (f) or (1t)
shall continue in effect, subject to the
15right of the employer or labor organization concerned to petition the commission to
16conduct a new referendum. Such petition must be supported by proof that at least
1730 percent of the public safety employees in the collective bargaining unit desire that
18the fair-share or maintenance of membership agreement be discontinued. Upon so
19finding, the commission shall conduct a new referendum. If the continuance of the
20fair-share or maintenance of membership agreement is approved in the referendum
21by at least the percentage of eligible voting public safety employees required for its
22initial authorization, it shall be continued in effect, subject to the right of the
23employer or labor organization to later initiate a further vote following the procedure
24prescribed in this subsection. If the continuance of the maintenance of membership
25agreement is approved in the referendum by at least the percentage of eligible voting

1employees represented by a collective bargaining unit under s. 111.825 (1r) (a) to (ec),
2(eh), (ei), or (f) or (1t) required for its initial authorization, it shall be continued in
3effect, subject to the right of the employer or labor organization to later initiate a
4further vote following the procedure prescribed in this subsection.
If the
5continuation of the agreement is not supported in any referendum, it is deemed
6terminated at the termination of the collective bargaining agreement, or one year
7from the date of the certification of the result of the referendum, whichever is earlier.
AB687,51 8Section 51. 111.85 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB687,25,189 111.85 (2) (b) The commission shall declare any fair-share or maintenance of
10membership agreement suspended upon such conditions and for such time as the
11commission decides whenever it finds that the labor organization involved has
12refused on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation or creed to receive as a member
13any public safety employee in the collective bargaining unit involved, or any
14employee represented by a collective bargaining unit under s. 111.825 (1r) (a) to (ec),
15(eh), (ei), or (f) or (1t),
and the agreement shall be made subject to the findings and
16orders of the commission. Any of the parties to the agreement, or any public safety
17employee covered thereby, may come before the commission, as provided in s. 111.07,
18and petition the commission to make such a finding.
AB687,52 19Section 52. 111.85 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB687,25,2420 111.85 (4) The commission may, under rules adopted for that purpose, appoint
21as its agent an official of a state agency whose public safety employees or whose
22employees represented by a collective bargaining unit under s. 111.825 (1r) (a) to (ec),
23(eh), (ei), or (f) or (1t)
are entitled to vote in a referendum to conduct a referendum
24provided for herein.
AB687,53 25Section 53 . 111.91 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1111.91 (1) (a) Except as provided in pars. (b) to (d), with regard to a collective
2bargaining unit under s. 111.825 (1) (g), and except as provided in pars. (b) and (c),
3with respect to employees represented by a collective bargaining unit under s.
4111.825 (1r) (a) to (ec), (eh), (ei), or (f) or (1t),
matters subject to collective bargaining
5to the point of impasse are wage rates, consistent with sub. (2), the assignment and
6reassignment of classifications to pay ranges, determination of an incumbent's pay
7status resulting from position reallocation or reclassification, and pay adjustments
8upon temporary assignment of classified public safety employees to duties of a higher
9classification or downward reallocations of a classified public safety employee's
10position; fringe benefits consistent with sub. (2); hours and conditions of
AB687,54 12Section 54 . 111.91 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB687,26,1813 111.91 (1) (b) The employer is not required to bargain with a collective
14bargaining unit under s. 111.825 (1) (g) or a collective bargaining unit under s.
15111.825 (1r) (a) to (ec), (eh), (ei), or (f) or (1t)
on management rights under s. 111.90,
16except that procedures for the adjustment or settlement of grievances or disputes
17arising out of any type of disciplinary action referred to in s. 111.90 (3) shall be a
18subject of bargaining.
AB687,55 19Section 55 . 111.91 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB687,26,2220 111.91 (1) (c) The employer is prohibited from bargaining with a collective
21bargaining unit under s. 111.825 (1) (g), (1r) (a) to (ec), (eh), (ei), or (f), or (1t) on
22matters contained in sub. (2).
AB687,56 23Section 56 . 111.93 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB687,27,724 111.93 (3) (a) If a collective bargaining agreement exists between the employer
25and a labor organization representing employees in a collective bargaining unit

1under s. 111.825 (1) (g), (1r) (a) to (ec), (eh), (ei), or (f), or (1t), the provisions of that
2agreement shall supersede the provisions of civil service and other applicable
3statutes, as well as rules and policies of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and
4the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System, related to wages, fringe
5benefits, hours, and conditions of employment whether or not the matters contained
6in those statutes, rules, and policies are set forth in the collective bargaining
AB687,57 8Section 57 . Subchapter VI of chapter 111 [precedes 111.95] of the statutes is
9created to read:
AB687,27,1010 CHAPTER 111
AB687,27,18 15111.95 Declaration of policy. The public policy of the state as to labor
16relations and collective bargaining involving faculty and academic staff at the
17University of Wisconsin System, in furtherance of which this subchapter is enacted,
18is as follows:
AB687,27,21 19(1) The people of the state of Wisconsin have a fundamental interest in
20developing harmonious and cooperative labor relations within the University of
21Wisconsin System.
AB687,27,25 22(2) It recognizes that there are 3 major interests involved: that of the public,
23that of the employee, and that of the employer. These 3 interests are to a considerable
24extent interrelated. It is the policy of this state to protect and promote each of these
25interests with due regard to the rights of the others.
1111.96 Definitions. In this subchapter:
AB687,28,4 2(1) “Academic staff" means academic staff under s. 36.15, but does not include
3any individual holding an appointment under s. 36.13 or 36.15 (2m) or who is
4appointed to a visiting faculty position.
AB687,28,5 5(2) “Board" means the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
AB687,28,13 6(3) “Collective bargaining" means the performance of the mutual obligation of
7the state as an employer, by its officers and agents, and the representatives of its
8employees, to meet and confer at reasonable times, in good faith, with respect to the
9subjects of bargaining provided in s. 111.998 with the intention of reaching an
10agreement, or to resolve questions arising under such an agreement. The duty to
11bargain, however, does not compel either party to agree to a proposal or require the
12making of a concession. Collective bargaining includes the reduction of any
13agreement reached to a written and signed document.
AB687,28,14 14(4) “Collective bargaining unit" means a unit established under s. 111.98 (1).
AB687,28,15 15(5) “Commission" means the employment relations commission.
AB687,28,17 16(6) “Division” means the division of personnel management in the department
17of administration.
AB687,28,20 18(7) “Election" means a proceeding conducted by the commission in which the
19employees in a collective bargaining unit cast a secret ballot for collective bargaining
20representatives, or for any other purpose specified in this subchapter.
AB687,28,21 21(8) “Employee" includes:
AB687,28,2422 (a) All faculty, including faculty who are supervisors or management
23employees, but not including faculty holding a limited appointment under s. 36.17
24or deans.
1(b) All academic staff, except for supervisors, management employees, and
2individuals who are privy to confidential matters affecting the employer-employee
AB687,29,4 4(9) “Employer" means the state of Wisconsin.
AB687,29,6 5(10) “Faculty" means faculty under s. 36.13, except for an individual holding
6an appointment under s. 36.15.
AB687,29,11 7(11) “Fair-share agreement" means an agreement between the employer and
8a labor organization representing employees under which all of the employees in a
9collective bargaining unit are required to pay their proportionate share of the cost
10of the collective bargaining process and contract administration measured by the
11amount of dues uniformly required of all members.
AB687,29,12 12(12) “Institution" has the meaning given in s. 36.05 (9).
AB687,29,14 13(13) “Labor dispute" means any controversy with respect to the subjects of
14bargaining provided in this subchapter.
AB687,29,18 15(14) “Labor organization" means any employee organization whose purpose is
16to represent employees in collective bargaining with the employer, or its agents, on
17matters pertaining to terms and conditions of employment, but does not include any
18organization that does any of the following:
AB687,29,2019 (a) Advocates the overthrow of the constitutional form of government in the
20United States.
AB687,29,2221 (b) Discriminates with regard to the terms or conditions of membership
22because of race, color, creed, sex, age, sexual orientation, or national origin.
AB687,30,4 23(15) “Maintenance of membership agreement" means an agreement between
24the employer and a labor organization representing employees that requires that all
25of the employees whose dues are being deducted from earnings under s. 20.921 (1)

1or 111.992 (1) (b) at or after the time the agreement takes effect continue to have dues
2deducted for the duration of the agreement and that dues be deducted from the
3earnings of all employees who are hired on or after the effective date of the
AB687,30,6 5(16) “Management employees" includes those personnel engaged
6predominately in executive and managerial functions.
AB687,30,8 7(17) “Representative" includes any person chosen by an employee to represent
8the employee.
AB687,30,12 9(18) “Strike" includes any strike or other concerted stoppage of work by
10employees, any concerted slowdown or other concerted interruption of operations or
11services by employees, or any concerted refusal to work or perform their usual duties
12as employees of the state.
AB687,30,18 13(19) “Supervisor" means any individual whose principal work is different from
14that of the individual's subordinates and who has authority, in the interest of the
15employer, to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign,
16reward, or discipline employees, or to adjust their grievances, or to authoritatively
17recommend such action, if the individual's exercise of such authority is not of a
18merely routine or clerical nature, but requires the use of independent judgment.
AB687,30,20 19(20) “Unfair labor practice" means any unfair labor practice specified in s.
AB687,31,4 21111.965 Duties of the state. (1) (a) In the furtherance of this subchapter, the
22state shall be considered as a single employer. With respect to a collective bargaining
23unit specified in s. 111.98 (1) (b) to (hm) or (jk) to (qm), the board shall negotiate and
24administer collective bargaining agreements. To coordinate the employer position
25in the negotiation of agreements, the board shall maintain close liaison with the

1division relative to the negotiation of agreements and the fiscal ramifications of those
2agreements. The board shall coordinate its collective bargaining activities with the
3division. The legislative branch shall act upon those portions of tentative
4agreements negotiated by the board that require legislative action.
AB687,31,85 (b) With respect to a collective bargaining unit specified in s. 111.98 (1) (b) to
6(hm) or (jk) to (qm), the board shall establish a collective bargaining capacity and
7shall represent the state in its responsibility as an employer under this subchapter.
8The board shall coordinate its actions with the administrator of the division.
AB687,31,17 9(2m) (a) With respect to a collective bargaining unit specified in s. 111.98 (1)
10(a) or (j), the University of Wisconsin-Madison shall negotiate and administer
11collective bargaining agreements. To coordinate the employer position in the
12negotiation of agreements, the University of Wisconsin-Madison shall maintain
13close liaison with the division relative to the negotiation of agreements and the fiscal
14ramifications of those agreements. The University of Wisconsin-Madison shall
15coordinate its collective bargaining activities with the division. The legislative
16branch shall act upon those portions of tentative agreements negotiated by the
17University of Wisconsin-Madison that require legislative action.
AB687,31,2218 (b) With respect to a collective bargaining unit specified in s. 111.98 (1) (a) or
19(j), the University of Wisconsin-Madison shall establish a collective bargaining
20capacity and shall represent the state in its responsibility as an employer under this
21subchapter. The University of Wisconsin-Madison shall coordinate its actions with
22the administrator of the division.
AB687,32,2 23111.97 Rights of employees. Employees have the right of self-organization
24and the right to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively
25through representatives of their own choosing under this subchapter, and to engage

1in lawful, concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual
2aid or protection. Employees also have the right to refrain from any such activities.
AB687,32,5 3111.98 Collective bargaining units. (1) Collective bargaining units for
4faculty and staff are structured with a collective bargaining unit for each of the
5following groups:
AB687,32,66 (a) Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
AB687,32,77 (b) Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
AB687,32,88 (cm) Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
AB687,32,99 (d) Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.
AB687,32,1010 (dm) Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
AB687,32,1111 (e) Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.
AB687,32,1212 (em) Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.
AB687,32,1313 (f) Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.
AB687,32,1414 (fm) Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.
AB687,32,1515 (g) Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
AB687,32,1616 (gm) Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Stout.
AB687,32,1717 (h) Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Superior.
AB687,32,1818 (hm) Faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
AB687,32,1919 (j) Academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
AB687,32,2120 (jk) Academic staff employed at the University of Wisconsin System
AB687,32,2222 (jm) Academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
AB687,32,2323 (k) Academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
AB687,32,2424 (L) Academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.
AB687,32,2525 (Lm) Academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
1(n) Academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.
AB687,33,22 (nm) Academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.
AB687,33,33 (o) Academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.
AB687,33,44 (om) Academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.
AB687,33,55 (p) Academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
AB687,33,66 (pm) Academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-Stout.
AB687,33,77 (q) Academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-Superior.
AB687,33,88 (qm) Academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
AB687,33,22 9(2) (a) Notwithstanding sub. (1), 2 or more collective bargaining units described
10under sub. (1) (b) to (hm) or (jk) to (qm) may be combined into a single unit or the
11collective bargaining units described under sub. (1) (a) and (j) may be combined into
12a single unit. If 2 or more collective bargaining units seek to combine into a single
13collective bargaining unit, the commission shall, upon the petition of at least 30
14percent of the employees in each unit, hold an election, or include on any ballot for
15an election held under s. 111.990 (2) the question of whether to combine units, to
16determine whether a majority of those employees voting in each unit desire to
17combine into a single unit. A combined collective bargaining unit shall be formed
18including all employees from each of those units in which a majority of the employees
19voting in the election approve a combined unit. The collective bargaining units shall
20be combined immediately unless there is no existing collective bargaining agreement
21in force in any of the units to be combined and then the collective bargaining units
22shall be combined upon expiration of the last agreement for the units concerned.
AB687,34,1023 (b) If 2 or more collective bargaining units have combined under par. (a), the
24commission shall, upon petition of at least 30 percent of the employees in any of the
25original units, hold an election of the employees in the original unit to determine

1whether the employees in that unit desire to withdraw from the combined collective
2bargaining unit. If a majority of the employees voting desire to withdraw from the
3combined collective bargaining unit, separate units consisting of the unit in which
4the election was held and a unit composed of the remainder of the combined unit shall
5be formed. The new collective bargaining units shall be formed immediately unless
6there is a collective bargaining agreement in force for the combined unit and then the
7new units shall be formed upon the expiration of the agreement. While there is a
8collective bargaining agreement in force for the combined collective bargaining unit,
9a petition for an election under this paragraph may be filed only during October in
10the calendar year prior to the expiration of the agreement.
AB687,34,18 11(4) Any labor organization may petition for recognition as the exclusive
12representative of a collective bargaining unit described under sub. (1) or (2) in
13accordance with the election procedures under s. 111.990 if the petition is
14accompanied by a 30 percent showing of interest in the form of signed authorization
15cards. Any additional labor organization seeking to appear on the ballot must file
16a petition within 60 days of the date of filing of the original petition and prove,
17through signed authorization cards, that at least 10 percent of the employees in the
18collective bargaining unit want it to be their representative.
AB687,35,2 19(5) Although academic staff supervisors are not considered employees for the
20purpose of this subchapter, the commission may consider a petition for a statewide
21collective bargaining unit consisting of academic staff supervisors, but the
22representative of the supervisors may not be affiliated with any labor organization
23representing employees. For purposes of this subsection, affiliation does not include
24membership in a national, state, county, or municipal federation of national or
25international labor organizations. The certified representative of the supervisors

1may not bargain collectively with respect to any matter other than wages and fringe
AB687,35,13 3111.990 Representatives and elections. (1) A representative chosen for the
4purposes of collective bargaining by a majority of the employees voting in a collective
5bargaining unit is the exclusive representative of all of the employees in such unit
6for the purposes of collective bargaining. Any individual employee, or any minority
7group of employees in any collective bargaining unit, may present any grievance to
8the employer in person, or through representatives of their own choosing, and the
9employer shall confer with the individual employee or group of employees with
10respect to the grievance if the majority representative has been given the
11opportunity to be present at the conference. Any adjustment resulting from a
12conference may not be inconsistent with the conditions of employment established
13by the majority representative and the employer.