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Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires the Department of Natural Resources to provide a method by
which a resident of this state who is 15 and one-half years of age or older, or an
emancipated minor, who applies for a hunting, fishing, or trapping license may elect
to include his or her name as a donor of an anatomical gift in the record of potential
donors maintained by the Department of Transportation (donor registry) and to so
indicate on a printed license, a conservation card, or a donor card. The bill requires
DNR to transmit information about applicants who elect to be included in the donor
registry to DOT, and requires DOT to record donor authorizations received from
DNR in the donor registry even if the person does not have an operator's license or
identification card issued by DOT. Under current law, DOT must maintain those
records and disclose them to an eye bank, organ procurement organization, or tissue
bank under certain circumstances.
Under the bill, this method for electing to be a donor is similar to the method
by which a person may, under current law, elect to be a donor in an application to DOT
for an operator's license or identification card. However, under current law, a person

applying for an operator's license or identification card who elects to be a donor must
also indicate that election in the space provided on the license or card. Under this
bill, electing to be a donor on an application to DNR for a hunting, fishing, or trapping
license is sufficient to authorize a gift; the applicant may, but is not required to,
indicate that election in the space that the bill requires to be provided on a license
or conservation card. In addition, current law is more specific about how an
anatomical gift may be described in the space provided on a driver's license or
identification card than this bill is about an anatomical gift on a DNR license or
conservation card. The bill also does not include provisions similar to those under
current law that allow a person to refuse to be a donor of an anatomical gift by so
indicating on the space provided on a driver's license or identification card and to
revoke or amend an anatomical gift by crossing out the donor authorization. In
addition, the bill does not require a space to be designated where an organ donor
sticker may be affixed as current law requires on a driver's license or identification
Under current law, DOT is required to cooperate with the Department of Health
Services in establishing a donor registry. This bill requires DNR to also cooperate
with DHS for this purpose.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1 . 20.370 (9) (ma) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 20.370 (9) (ma) General program operations — state funds. From the general
3fund, the amounts in the schedule for communications, customer services, aids
4administration, watershed management, and environmental analysis and
5sustainability, and the collection and administration of anatomical gift donor
6information under s. 29.024 (12)
7Section 2 . 29.024 (5) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
8 29.024 (5) (f) Anatomical gift. The form for an application for a hunting,
9fishing, or trapping license shall include all of the following:
10 1. A question as to whether the applicant wishes to include his or her name as
11a donor of an anatomical gift in the record of potential donors maintained by the

1department of transportation and, if so, a space where the applicant must provide
2his or her middle initial.
3 2. A statement that an affirmative response to the question under subd. 1.
4authorizes an anatomical gift under s. 157.06, but that an applicant may also comply
5with s. 29.024 (12).
6 3. A method by which the applicant may elect to receive a donor card that is
7separate from any license.
8 4. A statement that the applicant is not required to respond to the question
9under subd. 1. in order to obtain a license.
10 5. A statement that the purpose of maintaining the record of potential donors
11is to facilitate the determination of whether a person is a potential donor in the event
12of his or her death.
13 6. A statement that the applicant must be a resident who is at least 15 and
14one-half years of age or an emancipated minor to include his or her name as a donor
15of an anatomical gift in the record of potential donors maintained by the department
16of transportation.
17Section 3 . 29.024 (12) of the statutes is created to read:
18 29.024 (12) Donor information. (a) Department to transmit information. If
19a resident applicant answers the question regarding anatomical gifts in an
20application under sub. (5) (f) 1. in the affirmative, the department shall transmit to
21the department of transportation that authorization along with any other
22information about the applicant that the department of health services determines
23to be necessary under s. 157.06 (20).
24 (b) Record of gift. 1. If an applicant has indicated in an application under sub.
25(5) (f) that he or she wishes to include his or her name as a donor of an anatomical

1gift, the department shall include on the applicant's hunting, fishing, or trapping
2license, so that it is clearly visible if printed, a space for the applicant to indicate that
3he or she wishes to be a donor of an anatomical gift. The anatomical gift described
4on the printed license shall be signed by the applicant. This printed and signed
5document shall serve as a record of gift under s. 157.06 (2) (t).
6 2. A part of the reverse side of each conservation card under s. 23.47 (2) shall
7be printed to serve as a record of gift under s. 157.06 (2) (t), with space for the card
8holder to indicate that he or she wishes to be a donor of an anatomical gift. The
9anatomical gift described on the conservation card shall be signed by the holder of
10the conservation card.
11 3. The department shall produce a separate, pocket-sized donor card to be
12issued to each applicant who requests one under sub. (5) (f) 3. The document shall
13include a space for the applicant to fill in his or her name and indicate that he or she
14wishes to be a donor of an anatomical gift. The anatomical gift described on the donor
15card shall be signed by the applicant. This document shall serve as a record of gift
16under s. 157.06 (2) (t).
17 4. Persons authorizing gifts of their body parts remain subject to s. 157.06.
18Section 4 . 157.06 (2) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
19 157.06 (2) (bm) “Conservation card” means a conservation card issued by the
20department of natural resources under s. 23.47 (2).
21Section 5 . 157.06 (2) (jm) of the statutes is created to read:
22 157.06 (2) (jm) “Hunting, fishing, or trapping license” means a hunting,
23fishing, or trapping license issued by the department of natural resources under ch.
25Section 6 . 157.06 (2) (t) of the statutes is amended to read:

1157.06 (2) (t) “Record of gift" means a donor card or other record used to make
2an anatomical gift, including a statement or symbol on a driver's license or,
3identification card, conservation card, or printed hunting, fishing, or trapping
or in a donor registry.
5Section 7 . 157.06 (5) (a) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
6 157.06 (5) (a) 1m. Affixing to, or authorizing a person to imprint on, the donor's
7conservation card or printed hunting, fishing, or trapping license a statement or
8symbol that indicates that the donor has made an anatomical gift.
9Section 8 . 157.06 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
10 157.06 (5) (c) The revocation, suspension, expiration, or cancellation of a
11driver's license or, identification card, or hunting, fishing, or trapping license on
12which an anatomical gift has been made does not invalidate the anatomical gift.
13Section 9 . 157.06 (20) of the statutes is amended to read:
14 157.06 (20) Donor Registry. The department of health services may establish
15a donor registry. If the department of health services establishes a donor registry
16under this subsection, the department of transportation and department of natural
shall cooperate with the department of health services in establishing the
18donor registry. The department of health services shall promulgate administrative
19rules governing any donor registry established under this subsection.
20Section 10. 343.175 (1v) of the statutes is created to read:
21 343.175 (1v) Department to record information received from department
22of natural resources.
The department shall record a donor authorization received
23under s. 29.024 (12) (a) in its file of the person. If no file exists, the department shall
24create a file for that person. The department shall maintain, disclose, and remove
25this information in the same manner required with respect to other information in

1its record of potential donors under this section and ss. 157.06, 343.14 (6) and (7), and
2343.50 (4m).
3 (End)