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The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 20.235 (1) (fr) of the statutes is created to read:
2 20.235 (1) (fr) Wisconsin promise grants. A sum sufficient for Wisconsin
3promise grants under s. 39.439.
4Section 2. 39.439 of the statutes is created to read:
539.439 Wisconsin promise grants. (1) Definitions. In this section:
6 (a) “Expected family contribution" means the amount that a student and the
7student's family are expected to contribute toward the student's tuition and other
8educational expenses in the student's first year of enrollment at a public institution
9of higher education, as determined after the student and student's family have
10completed the most recent federal Free Application for Federal Student Aid, as
11described in 20 USC 1090 (a), and the amounts of all other available grants and
12scholarships are applied.

1(b) “Other educational expenses" means the median cost per student calculated
2by the board under sub. (7).
3 (c) “Public institution of higher education" means any of the following:
4 1. Any institution or college campus of the University of Wisconsin System.
5 2. Any technical college established under ch. 38.
6 3. Any tribally controlled college located in this state.
7 (d) “Resident student” includes a student who is a citizen of a country other
8than the United States and who meets all of the following requirements:
9 1. The student graduated from a high school in this state or received a
10declaration of equivalency of high school graduation from this state.
11 2. The student was continuously present in this state for at least 3 years
12following the first day of attending a high school in this state or immediately
13preceding receipt of a declaration of equivalency of high school graduation.
14 3. The student enrolls in a public institution of higher education and provides
15that institution with proof that the person has filed or will file an application for a
16permanent resident visa with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services as soon as
17the student is eligible to do so.
18 (e) “Tuition," when referring to the University of Wisconsin System, means
19academic fees and segregated fees; when referring to the technical colleges, means
20“program fees" and “additional fees" as described in s. 38.24 (1m) and (1s); and when
21referring to a tribally controlled college, means the charge for the courses for which
22a student is enrolled.
23(2) Establishment of grant program. There is established, to be administered
24by the board, a Wisconsin promise program to provide grants to students who meet
25the eligibility criteria specified in sub. (3).

1(3) Eligibility. Subject to subs. (5) and (6), a student is eligible for a grant
2under this section if the student meets all of the following criteria:
3 (a) The student is a resident student enrolled at least half-time in a public
4institution of higher education.
5 (b) The student has successfully completed counseling explaining the benefits
6and obligations of the program under this section, including the terms and conditions
7of the agreement under par. (c) and consequences of noncompliance specified in sub.
9 (c) The student signs an agreement that includes all of the following:
10 1. A promise to graduate from the public institution of higher education with
11a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4-point scale or the equivalent.
12 2. A promise to be employed within 3 months after the date of the student's
13graduation and to remain continuously employed within this state for at least 3 years
14thereafter, except for no more than 45 days of unemployment within this 3-year
15period and except that the start of the student's employment may be deferred if the
16student's studies continue after graduation, such as when the student graduates
17from the collegiate transfer program of a technical college or the student graduates
18with a bachelor's degree and continues to graduate school.
19(4) Amount of grant. The amount of the grant under this section shall be based
20on the expected family contribution and shall be an amount calculated to cover the
21expected family contribution for 4 semesters or 60 credits, whichever is greater. The
22grant shall be paid from the appropriation account under s. 20.235 (1) (fr).
23(5) Grant conversion to loan. (a) Except as provided in par. (b), if a student
24who received a grant under this section fails to comply with the terms of the
25agreement under sub. (3) (c), including failure to satisfy the promises in sub. (3) (c)

11. and 2., the grant shall convert to a loan. This loan shall be repaid at an annual
2interest rate of 5 percent, calculated from the date the grant funds were disbursed.
3 (b) In the rules under sub. (8), the board shall provide for a hardship exception
4under which a student who fails to comply with the terms of the agreement under
5sub. (3) (c), including failure to satisfy either of the promises in sub. (3) (c) 1. or 2.,
6may obtain a waiver from the board under which the grant received by the student
7is not converted to a loan under par. (a). The rules shall specify standards for the
8board's determination of hardship and a process for seeking a waiver under this
10 (c) The board shall deposit in the general fund as general purpose
11revenue-earned all repayments of loans under par. (a) and the interest on the loans.
12(6) Delinquent support obligations. The board may not make a grant under
13this section to a person whose name appears on the statewide support lien docket
14under s. 49.854 (2) (b), unless the person provides to the board a payment agreement
15that has been approved by the county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and that
16is consistent with rules promulgated under s. 49.858 (2) (a).
17(7) Calculating housing and materials costs. The board shall annually
18calculate, for students at public institutions of higher education, the median cost per
19student, for an academic year, of all of the following:
20 (a) Housing.
21 (b) Textbooks and other books and materials required for classes in which a
22student is enrolled, including laboratory materials and supplies.
23(8) Rules. The board shall promulgate rules to implement this section.
24Section 3 . 227.01 (13) (Lt) of the statutes is created to read:

1227.01 (13) (Lt) Relates to the calculation under s. 39.439 (7).
2 (End)