(9) (a) Consistently with
section 26 USC 3305 of the internal revenue
16code, relating to federal instrumentalities
which that are neither wholly nor
17partially owned by the United States nor otherwise specifically exempt from the tax
by section under 26 USC 3301 of the internal revenue code:
1. Any contributions required and paid under this chapter for
1939 or any
20subsequent year by any such instrumentality, including any national bank, shall be
21refunded to
such that instrumentality in case this chapter is not certified with
22respect to such year under
s. 26 USC 3304 of said code.
2. No national banking association
which is
subject to this chapter shall be 24required to comply with any
of its provisions or requirements
under this chapter, to
25the extent that such compliance would be contrary to
s. 26 USC 3305 of said code.
67. 108.161 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
2108.161 (title)
Federal administrative financing account; Reed Act
4Section 68
. 108.161 (1) and (1m) of the statutes are consolidated, renumbered
5108.161 (1) and amended to read:
(1) The fund's treasurer shall maintain within the fund an
7employment security “federal administrative financing account
",," and shall credit
8thereto to that account all amounts credited to the fund
pursuant to the federal
9employment security administrative financing act (of 1954) and section 903 of the
10federal social security act, as amended. (1m) The treasurer of the fund shall also
11credit to said account under 42 USC 1101 to 1103 and all federal moneys credited to
12the fund
pursuant to under sub. (8).
13Section 69
. 108.161 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) The requirements of
said section 903 42 USC 1103 shall control any
15appropriation, withdrawal
, and use of any moneys in
said the federal administrative
16financing account.
17Section 70
. 108.161 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) Consistently Consistent with this chapter and
said section 903,
19such 42 USC 1103, moneys
in the federal administrative financing account shall be
20used solely for benefits or employment security administration by the department,
21including unemployment insurance, employment service, apprenticeship programs,
22and related statistical operations.
23Section 71
. 108.161 (3e) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3e) Notwithstanding sub. (3), any moneys allocated under
section 903
25of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, 42 USC 1103 for federal fiscal years
12000 and 2001 and the first $2,389,107 of any distribution received by this state
section 903 of that act 42 USC 1103 in federal fiscal year 2002 shall be used
3solely for unemployment insurance administration.
4Section 72
. 108.161 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) Such moneys Moneys in the federal administrative financing
6account shall be encumbered and spent for employment security administrative
7purposes only pursuant to, and after the effective date of, a specific legislative
8appropriation enactment
that does all of the following:
Stating States for which such purposes and in what amounts the
10appropriation is being made
to the administrative account created by s. 108.20.
Directing Directs the fund's treasurer to transfer the appropriated amounts
the administrative account the appropriation account under s. 20.445 (1) (n) only
13as and to the extent that they are currently needed for such expenditures, and
14directing directs that there shall be restored to the
federal administrative financing 15account
created by sub. (1) any amount thus transferred
which that has ceased to be
16needed or available for such expenditures.
Specifying Specifies that the appropriated amounts are available for
18obligation solely within the 2 years beginning on the appropriation law's date of
19enactment. This paragraph does not apply to the appropriations under s. 20.445 (1)
20(nd) and (ne) or to any amounts expended from the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1)
21(nb) from moneys transferred to this state on March 13, 2002, pursuant to
section 903
22(d) of the federal Social Security Act 42 USC 1103 (d).
Limiting Limits the total amount
which that may be obligated during any
24fiscal year to the aggregate of all amounts credited under sub. (1), including amounts
pursuant to under sub. (8), reduced at the time of any obligation by the sum
2of the moneys obligated and charged against any of the amounts credited.
3Section 73
. 108.161 (5) and (6) of the statutes are consolidated, renumbered
4108.161 (5m) and amended to read:
(5m) The total of the amounts
thus appropriated
under sub. (4) for use
6in any fiscal year shall in no event exceed the moneys available for such use
7hereunder under this section, considering the timing of credits
hereunder under this
8section and the sums already spent or appropriated or transferred or otherwise
hereunder. (6) under this section. The fund's treasurer shall keep a
10record of all such
times and amounts; shall charge
transactions and shall do all of the
12(a) Charge each sum against the earliest credits
duly available therefor
; shall
14(b) Include any sum
that has been appropriated but not yet spent
15hereunder under this section in computing the fund's net balance as of the close of
16any month, in line with the federal requirement that any such sum shall, until spent,
17be considered part of the fund
; and shall certify
18(c) Certify the relevant facts whenever necessary
19Section 74
. 108.161 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) If any moneys appropriated
hereunder under this section are used
21to buy and hold suitable land
, with a view to the future construction of an and to build
22a suitable employment security building thereon, and if such land is later sold or
23transferred to other use, the proceeds of such sale
, or the value of such land when
), shall be credited to the
federal administrative financing account
25created by sub. (1) except as otherwise provided in ss. 13.48 (14) and 16.848.
75. 108.161 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) If any sums are appropriated and spent
hereunder under this
3section to buy land and to build a suitable employment security building thereon, or
4to purchase information technology hardware and software,
then any federal
5moneys thereafter credited to the fund or paid to the department by way of gradual
6reimbursement of such employment security capital expenditures, or in lieu of the
7estimated periodic amounts
which that would otherwise
(, in the absence of such
), be federally granted for the rental of substantially equivalent
9quarters, shall be credited to the
federal administrative financing account
10by sub. (1), consistently with any federal requirements applicable to the handling
11and crediting of such moneys.
12Section 76
. 108.161 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
(9) Any land and building or office quarters acquired under this section
14shall continue to be used for employment security purposes. Realty or quarters may
15not be sold or transferred to other use if prior action is taken under s. 13.48 (14) (am)
16or 16.848 (1) and may not be sold or transferred without the governor's approval. The
17proceeds from the sale, or the value of realty or quarters upon transfer, shall be
18credited to the
federal administrative financing account
established in sub. (1) or
19credited to the
fund established in s. 108.20
appropriate appropriation account
20under s. 20.445, or both
as determined by the department in accordance with federal
21requirements. Equivalent substitute rent-free quarters may be provided, as
22federally approved. Amounts credited under this subsection shall be used solely to
23finance employment security quarters according to federal requirements.
24Section 77
. 108.162 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) Any amount appropriated under s. 20.445 (1) (na)
which that has
2not been obligated shall be available for employment security local office building
3projects, consistent with this section and
s. 108.161
and 108.20.
4Section 78
. 108.17 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2m) When a written statement of account is issued to an employer by
6the department
, showing as duly credited that shows a specified amount received
7from the employer under this chapter
as having been credited, no other form of state
therefor is required.
9Section 79
. 108.17 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) If an employing unit
makes application applies to the department
11to adjust an alleged overpayment by the employer of contributions or interest under
12this chapter, and files such an application within 3 years after the close of the
13calendar year in which such payment was made, the department shall
make a
14determination determine under s. 108.10
as to the existence and whether and to
15what extent
of any such an overpayment
, and said section shall apply to such
16determination exists. Except as provided in sub. (3m), the department shall allow
17an employer a credit for any amount determined under s. 108.10 to have been
18erroneously paid by the employer, without interest, against its future contribution
19payments; or, if the department finds it impracticable to allow the employer such a
20credit, it shall refund
such the overpayment to the employer, without interest, from
21the fund or the
administrative account, as the case may be appropriate appropriation
22under s. 20.445.
23Section 80
. 108.17 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) If an appeal tribunal or the commission issues a decision under
25s. 108.10 (2), or a court issues a decision on review under s. 108.10 (4), in which it is
1determined that an amount has been erroneously paid by an employer, the
2department shall, from the
administrative account
appropriation under s. 20.445 (1)
3(wd), credit the employer with interest at the rate of 0.75 percent per month or
4fraction thereof on the amount of the erroneous payment. Interest shall accrue from
5the month which the erroneous payment was made until the month in which it is
6either used as a credit against future contributions or refunded to the employer.
7Section 81
. 108.18 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (c) Permitting the employer to pay such lower rate is consistent with
9the relevant conditions then applicable to additional credit allowance for such year
section 26 USC 3303 (a)
of the federal unemployment tax act, any other
11provision to the contrary notwithstanding.
12Section 82
. 108.18 (7) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (a) 1. Except as provided in pars. (b) to (i), any employer may make
14payments to the fund during the month of November in excess of those required by
15this section and s. 108.19
(1), (1e), and (1f). Each payment shall be credited to the
16employer's account for the purpose of computing the employer's reserve percentage
17as of the immediately preceding computation date.
18Section 83
. 108.18 (7) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (h) The department shall establish contributions
, other than
those 20contributions required by this section and
assessments required under s. 108.19
21(1e), and (1f) and contributions other than those submitted during the month of
22November or authorized under par. (f) or (i) 2.
, as a credit, without interest, against
23future contributions payable by the employer or shall refund the contributions at the
24employer's option.
25Section 84
. 108.19 (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
1108.19 (title)
Special assessments.
. 108.19 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 108.19 (1) (a) and
3amended to read:
(1) (a) Each employer subject to this chapter shall regularly
5to the administrative account at the rate of two-tenths of one
pay an assessment
6equal to 0.2 percent per year on its payroll, except that the department may prescribe
7at the close of any fiscal year such lower rates
of contribution under this
section 8subsection, to apply to classes of employers throughout the ensuing fiscal year, as will
9in the department's judgment adequately finance the administration of this chapter,
10and as will in the department's judgment fairly represent the relative cost of the
11services rendered by the department to each such class.
86. 108.19 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (d) Assessments under this subsection shall be credited to the
14appropriation account under s. 20.445 (1) (wc).
15Section 87
. 108.19 (1e) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1e) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), each employer, other than an
17employer that finances benefits by reimbursement in lieu of contributions under s.
18108.15, 108.151, or 108.152 shall, in addition to other
contributions amounts payable
19under s. 108.18 and this section, pay an assessment
to the administrative account 20for each year
prior to before the year 2010 equal to the lesser of 0.01 percent of its
21payroll for that year or the solvency contribution that would otherwise be payable
22by the employer under s. 108.18 (9) for that year.
23Section 88
. 108.19 (1e) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
(1e) (cm) Assessments under this subsection shall be credited to the
25appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (wh).
89. 108.19 (1e) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1e) (d) The department may expend the moneys received from
3assessments levied under this subsection in the amounts authorized under s. 20.445
(gh) (wh) for the renovation and modernization of unemployment insurance
5information technology systems, specifically including development and
6implementation of a new system and reengineering of automated processes and
7manual business functions.
8Section 90
. 108.19 (1f) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1f) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), each employer, other than an
10employer that finances benefits by reimbursement in lieu of contributions under s.
11108.15, 108.151, or 108.152 shall, in addition to other
contributions amounts payable
12under s. 108.18 and this section, pay an assessment for each year equal to the lesser
13of 0.01 percent of its payroll for that year or the solvency contribution that would
14otherwise be payable by the employer under s. 108.18 (9) for that year.
15(d) Assessments under this
paragraph subsection shall be deposited in the
16unemployment program integrity fund.
17Section 91
. 108.19 (1f) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1f) (c) Notwithstanding par. (a), the department may, if it finds that the
19full amount of the levy is not required to effect the purposes specified in
sub. (1s) s.
20108.20 (2) (b) for any year, prescribe a reduced levy for that year and in such case shall
21publish in the notice under par. (b) the rate of the reduced levy.
22Section 92
. 108.19 (1m) of the statutes is renumbered 108.19 (1m) (a) and
23amended to read:
(1m) (a) Each employer subject to this chapter as of the date a rate is
25established under this subsection shall pay an assessment
to the unemployment
1interest payment fund at a rate established by the department sufficient to pay
2interest due on advances from the federal unemployment account under
Title XII of
3the federal social security act, 42 USC 1321 to
1324. The rate established by the
4department for employers who finance benefits under s. 108.15 (2), 108.151 (2), or
5108.152 (1) shall be 75 percent of the rate established for other employers. The
6amount of any employer's assessment shall be the product of the rate established for
7that employer multiplied by the employer's payroll of the previous calendar year as
8taken from quarterly employment and wage reports filed by the employer under s.
9108.205 (1) or, in the absence of the filing of such reports, estimates made by the
11(d) Each assessment made under this subsection is due within 30 days after the
12date the department issues the assessment.
If the
13(f) The department shall use amounts collected from employers under this
exceed the amounts needed to pay interest due
on advances from the
15federal unemployment account under 42 USC 1321 to 1324. If the amounts collected
16exceed the amounts needed to pay that interest for a given year, the department shall
any the excess to pay interest owed in subsequent years on advances from the
18federal unemployment account. If the department determines that additional
19interest obligations are unlikely, the department shall transfer the excess to the
20fund's balancing account
of the fund, the unemployment program integrity fund, or
21both in amounts determined by the department.
22Section 93
. 108.19 (1m) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
(1m) (e) Assessments under this subsection shall be deposited in the
24unemployment interest payment fund.
94. 108.19 (1n) of the statutes is renumbered 108.19 (1m) (b) and
2amended to read:
(1m) (b) The department shall publish as a class 1 notice under ch. 985
4any rate established under
sub. (1m) par. (a) within 10 days
of after the date that the
5rate is established.
6Section 95
. 108.19 (1p) of the statutes is renumbered 108.19 (1m) (c) and
7amended to read:
(1m) (c) Notwithstanding
sub. (1m) par. (a), an employer having a
9payroll of $25,000 or less for the preceding calendar year is exempt from any
10assessment under
sub. (1m) this subsection.
11Section 96
. 108.19 (1q) of the statutes is renumbered 108.20 (3) and amended
12to read:
(3) Unemployment interest payment fund. There is created a separate,
14nonlapsible trust fund designated as the unemployment interest payment fund
15consisting of all amounts collected under
s. 108.19 (1m)
(a) and all interest and
16penalties on those amounts collected under s. 108.22.
17Section 97
. 108.19 (1s) of the statutes is renumbered 108.20 (2), and 108.20
18(2) (a) 3., as renumbered, is amended to read:
(2) (a) 3. Amounts transferred under
sub. (1m) s. 108.19 (1m) (f).
20Section 98
. 108.19 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 108.19 (1) (b) and
21amended to read:
(1) (b) If the department finds, at any time within a fiscal year for which
23it has prescribed lower
contribution rates
to the administrative account than the
24maximum rate permitted under
sub. (1) par. (a), that such lower rates will not
25adequately finance the administration of this chapter or are excessive for that
1purpose, the department may by
general rule prescribe a new schedule of rates in no
2case exceeding the specified maximum to apply under this
section subsection for the
3balance of the fiscal year.
4Section 99
. 108.19 (2m) of the statutes is renumbered 108.19 (1) (c) and
5amended to read:
(1) (c) Within the limit specified
by sub. (1) under par. (a), the
7department may by rule prescribe at any time as to any period any such rate or rates
8or schedule as it deems necessary and proper
hereunder under this subsection.
9Unless thus prescribed, no such rate or rates or schedule shall apply under
sub. (1)
10or (2) par. (a) or (b).
11Section 100
. 108.19 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
12Section 101
. 108.19 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 108.18 (1) (c) and
13amended to read:
(1) (c)
If section 303 Notwithstanding par. (b), if 42 USC 503 (a) (5)
15title III of the social security act and
section 26 USC 3304 (a) (4)
of the internal
16revenue code are amended to permit a state agency to use, in financing
17administrative expenditures incurred in carrying out its employment security
some any part of
the moneys collected or to be collected under the state
19unemployment insurance law, an employer's contributions in partial or complete
20substitution for grants under
title III 42 USC 501 to 506, then
this chapter shall, by
21rule of the department, be modified in the manner and to the extent and within the
22limits necessary to permit such use by the department under this chapter; and the
23modifications shall become effective on the same date as such use becomes
24permissible under the federal amendments the department may credit any portion
1of that part of an employer's contributions to the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1)
3Section 102
. 108.20 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
4108.20 Segregated funds. (1) Unemployment administration fund. There
5is created a separate, nonlapsible trust fund designated as the unemployment
6administration fund consisting of moneys credited to the appropriation accounts
7under s. 20.445 (1) (wc), (wd), and (wh).
8(2) Unemployment program integrity fund.
9Section 103
. 108.22 (1) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (am) The interest, penalties, and tardy filing fees levied under pars.
11(a), (ac), (ad), and (af) shall be paid to the department and credited to the
12administrative account appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (wd).
13Section 104
. 108.22 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) If any person owes any contributions, reimbursements or
15assessments under s. 108.15, 108.151,
108.152, 108.155, or 108.19
(1m), benefit
16overpayments, interest, fees, payments for forfeitures, other penalties, or any other
17amount to the department under this chapter and fails to pay the amount owed, the
18department has a perfected lien upon the right, title, and interest in all of the
19person's real and personal property located in this state in the amount finally
20determined to be owed, plus costs. Except where creation of a lien is barred or stayed
21by bankruptcy or other insolvency law, the lien is effective upon the earlier of the date
22on which the amount is first due or the date on which the department issues a
23determination of the amount owed under this chapter and shall continue until the
24amount owed, plus costs and interest to the date of payment, is paid, except as
25provided in sub. (8) (d). If a lien is initially barred or stayed by bankruptcy or other
1insolvency law, it shall become effective immediately upon expiration or removal of
2such bar or stay. The perfected lien does not give the department priority over
3lienholders, mortgagees, purchasers for value, judgment creditors, and pledges
4whose interests have been recorded before the department's lien is recorded.