10(4m) Annual fee. Primary caregivers shall pay an annual fee determined by
11the department but not less than $250.
12(5) Additional information to be provided by registrant. (a) 1. An adult
13registrant shall notify the department of any change in the registrant's name and
14address. An adult registrant who is a qualifying patient shall notify the department
15of any change in his or her practitioner, of any significant improvement in his or her
16health as it relates to his or her debilitating medical condition or treatment, and if
17a primary caregiver stops helping the registrant in the registrant's medication with
18tetrahydrocannabinols. A registrant who is a primary caregiver shall notify the
19department if the registrant becomes a primary caregiver for an additional
20qualifying patient and shall include with the notice a copy of a written certification
21or copy of a registration identification card for each additional qualifying patient.
2. If a qualifying patient is a child, a primary caregiver for the child shall
23provide the department with any information that the child, if he or she were an
24adult qualifying patient, would have to provide under subd. 1. within 10 days after
25the date of the change to which the information relates.
1(b) If a registrant fails to notify the department within 10 days after any change
2for which notification is required under par. (a) 1., his or her registry identification
3card is void. If a registrant fails to comply with par. (a) 2., the registry identification
4card for the qualifying patient to whom the information under par. (a) 2. relates is
(c) If a qualifying patient's registry identification card becomes void under par.
7(b), the registry identification card for each of the qualifying patient's primary
8caregivers with regard to that qualifying patient is void. The department shall send
9written notice of this fact to each such primary caregiver.
10(6) Records. (a) The department shall maintain a list of all registrants.
(b) Notwithstanding s. 19.35 and except as provided in par. (c) and sub. (2) (am),
12the department may not disclose information from an application submitted or a
13registry identification card issued under this section.
(c) The department may disclose to a law enforcement agency, upon the request
15of the law enforcement agency, only information necessary to verify that a person
16possesses a valid registry identification card.
17(7) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to implement the Medical
18Cannabis Registry Program.
19(8) Emergency rules. Using the procedure under s. 227.24, the department
20may promulgate rules under this section. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (c) and (2),
21emergency rules promulgated under this subsection remain in effect until January
221, 2023, or the date on which permanent rules take effect, whichever is sooner.
23Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a) and (3), the department is not required to provide
24evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is
25necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is
1not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this
1764. 146.63 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) Subject to subs. (4) and (5), the department shall distribute
5grants from the appropriation under s. 20.435
(1) (fj) (4) (bf) to assist rural hospitals
6and groups of rural hospitals in procuring infrastructure and increasing case volume
7to the extent necessary to develop accredited graduate medical training programs.
8The department shall distribute the grants under this paragraph to rural hospitals
9and groups of rural hospitals that apply to receive a grant under sub. (3) and that
10satisfy the criteria established by the department under par. (b) and the eligibility
11requirement under sub. (6).
1765. 146.63 (6) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) Eligibility. (intro.) A rural hospital or group of rural hospitals may
14only receive a grant under sub. (3) if the plan to use the funds involves developing
15an accredited graduate medical training program in
any of the following specialties 16a specialty, including any of the following:
17Section 1766
. 146.64 (2) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (c) 1. The department shall distribute funds for grants under par.
19(a) from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (4)
(bf). The department may not
20distribute more than $225,000 from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (4)
(b) (bf) to
21a particular hospital in a given state fiscal year and may not distribute more than
22$75,000 from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (4)
(b) (bf) to fund a given position
23in a graduate medical training program in a given state fiscal year.
1767. 146.64 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) Eligibility. (intro.) A hospital that has an accredited graduate
2medical training program in
any of the following specialties a specialty, including
3any of the following, may apply to receive a grant under sub. (3):
4Section 1768
. 146.81 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c) A dentist
or dental therapist licensed under ch. 447.
1769. 146.89 (1) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (d) 2. A private school, as defined in s. 115.001 (3r), that participates
8in the choice program under s. 118.60 or the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program
9under s. 119.23
or that, pursuant to s. 115.999 (3), 119.33 (2) (c) 3., or 119.9002 (3)
10(c), is responsible for the operation and general management of a school transferred
11to an opportunity schools and partnership program under s. 119.33, subch. IX of ch.
12115, or subch. II of ch. 119.
1770. 146.89 (1) (g) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (g) 1. A public elementary school
, including an elementary school
15transferred to an opportunity schools and partnership program under s. 119.33,
16subch. IX of ch. 115, or subch. II of ch. 119.
17Section 1771
. 146.89 (1) (r) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (r) 1. Licensed as a physician under ch. 448, a dentist
, dental
19therapist, or dental hygienist under ch. 447, a registered nurse, practical nurse, or
20nurse-midwife under ch. 441, an optometrist under ch. 449, a physician assistant
21under ch. 448, a pharmacist under ch. 450, a chiropractor under ch. 446, a podiatrist
22under subch. IV of ch. 448, or a physical therapist under subch. III of ch. 448.
23Section 1772
. 146.89 (1) (r) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (r) 5. An individual who holds a valid, unexpired license,
25certification, or registration issued by another state or territory that authorizes or
1qualifies the individual to perform acts that are substantially the same as those acts
2that an individual who is described in subds. 1. to 4., except a dentist
, dental
3therapist, or dental hygienist, is licensed or certified to perform and who performs
4acts that are within the scope of that license, certification, or registration.
5Section 1773
. 146.89 (3) (b) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (b) 8. Dental services, including tooth extractions and other
7procedures done under local anesthesia only and any necessary suturing related to
8the extractions, performed by a dentist
or dental therapist who is a volunteer health
9provider; and dental hygiene services, performed by a dental hygienist who is a
10volunteer health provider.
11Section 1774
. 146.89 (3m) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) (intro.) A volunteer health care provider who is a dentist
or dental
13therapist may provide dental services or a volunteer health care provider who is a
14dental hygienist may provide dental hygiene services, to persons who are recipients
15of Medical Assistance, if all of the following apply:
16Section 1775
. 146.997 (1) (d) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (d) 3. A dentist
or dental therapist licensed under ch. 447.
1776. 153.05 (2r) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2r) (intro.) Notwithstanding s. 16.75 (1), (2), and (3m), from the
20appropriation account under s. 20.515 (1)
(w) the department of employee trust
21funds may expend up to $150,000, and from the appropriation accounts under s.
2220.435 (1) (fn), (hg), and (hi) the department of health services, in its capacity as a
23public health authority, may expend moneys, to contract with a data organization to
24perform services under this subchapter that are specified for the data organization
25under sub. (1) (c) or, if s. 153.455 (4) applies, for the department of health services
1to perform or contract for the performance of these services. As a condition of the
2contract under this subsection, all of the following apply:
3Section 1777
. 155.01 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) “Health care provider" means a nurse licensed or permitted under
5ch. 441, a chiropractor licensed under ch. 446, a dentist
or dental therapist licensed
6under ch. 447, a physician, physician assistant, perfusionist, podiatrist, physical
7therapist, physical therapist assistant, occupational therapist, or occupational
8therapy assistant licensed under ch. 448, a person practicing Christian Science
9treatment, an optometrist licensed under ch. 449, a psychologist licensed under ch.
10455, a partnership thereof, a corporation or limited liability company thereof that
11provides health care services, a cooperative health care association organized under
12s. 185.981 that directly provides services through salaried employees in its own
13facility, or a home health agency, as defined in s. 50.49 (1) (a).
14Section 1778
. 165.08 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Any civil action prosecuted by the department by direction of any
16officer, department, board, or commission
, or any
shall be compromised or
17discontinued when so directed by such officer, department, board, or commission. 18Any civil action prosecuted by the department on the initiative of the attorney
19general, or at the request of any individual may be compromised or discontinued with
20the approval of
an intervenor under s. 803.09 (2m) or, if there is no intervenor, by
21submission of a proposed plan to the joint committee on finance for the approval of
22the committee. The compromise or discontinuance may occur only if the joint
23committee on finance approves the proposed plan. No proposed plan may be
24submitted to the joint committee on finance if the plan concedes the
25unconstitutionality or other invalidity of a statute, facially or as applied, or concedes
1that a statute violates or is preempted by federal law, without the approval of the
2joint committee on legislative organization the governor.
1779. 165.10 of the statutes is repealed.
4Section 1780
. 165.25 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Represent state in appeals and on remand. Except as provided in
6ss. 5.05 (2m) (a), 19.49 (2) (a), and 978.05 (5), appear for the state and prosecute or
7defend all actions and proceedings, civil or criminal, in the court of appeals and the
8supreme court, in which the state is interested or a party, and attend to and prosecute
9or defend all civil cases sent or remanded to any circuit court in which the state is
10a party.
The joint committee on legislative organization may intervene as permitted
11under s. 803.09 (2m) at any time. Nothing in this subsection deprives or relieves the
12attorney general or the department of justice of any authority or duty under this
14Section 1781
. 165.25 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) Represent state in other matters. If requested by the governor
16or either house of the legislature, appear for and represent the state, any state
17department, agency, official, employee or agent, whether required to appear as a
18party or witness in any civil or criminal matter, and prosecute or defend in any court
19or before any officer, any cause or matter, civil or criminal, in which the state or the
20people of this state may be interested.
The joint committee on legislative
21organization may intervene as permitted under s. 803.09 (2m) at any time. The
22public service commission may request under s. 196.497 (7) that the attorney general
23intervene in federal proceedings. All expenses of the proceedings shall be paid from
24the appropriation under s. 20.455 (1) (d).
25Section 1782
. 165.25 (6) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) (a) 1. At the request of the head of any department of state
2government, the attorney general may appear for and defend any state department,
3or any state officer, employee, or agent of the department in any civil action or other
4matter brought before a court or an administrative agency which is brought against
5the state department, or officer, employee, or agent for or on account of any act
6growing out of or committed in the lawful course of an officer's, employee's, or agent's
7duties. Witness fees or other expenses determined by the attorney general to be
8reasonable and necessary to the defense in the action or proceeding shall be paid as
9provided for in s. 885.07. The attorney general may compromise and settle the action
10as the attorney general determines to be in the best interest of the state
except that,
11if the action is for injunctive relief or there is a proposed consent decree, the attorney
12general may not compromise or settle the action without the approval of an
13intervenor under s. 803.09 (2m) or, if there is no intervenor, without first submitting
14a proposed plan to the joint committee on finance. If, within 14 working days after
15the plan is submitted, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the attorney
16general that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the
17proposed plan, the attorney general may compromise or settle the action only with
18the approval of the committee. The attorney general may not submit a proposed plan
19to the joint committee on finance under this subdivision in which the plan concedes
20the unconstitutionality or other invalidity of a statute, facially or as applied, or
21concedes that a statute violates or is preempted by federal law, without the approval
22of the joint committee on legislative organization.
23Section 1783
. 165.25 (10g) of the statutes is created to read:
(10g) Report on settlement funds. Semiannually submit a report to
25the department of administration and the joint committee on finance regarding
1money received by the department of justice under a settlement agreement. To the
2extent permitted by the terms of each settlement agreement, the report shall specify
3all of the following for each reporting period:
(a) The total amount of settlement funds received.
(b) The amount of settlement funds received that have a purpose specified by
6the terms of the settlement.
(c) The amount of settlement funds received that do not have a purpose
8specified by the terms of the settlement.
(d) The cases from which settlement funds are received.
(e) The purposes for which settlement funds are used, and the amounts
11expended for each purpose.
12Section 1784
. 165.25 (11m) of the statutes is created to read:
(11m) False claims. Diligently investigate possible violations of s.
1420.9315, and, if the department determines that a person has committed an act that
15is punishable under s. 20.9315, may bring a civil action against that person.
16Section 1785
. 165.28 (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 115.94 (intro.).
17Section 1786
. 165.28 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 115.94 (1) and amended
18to read:
(1) In conjunction with the department of
public instruction justice,
20create model practices for school safety. The department of
public instruction justice 21shall provide any resources or staff requested by the office to create the model
22practices. The office shall also consult the Wisconsin School Safety Coordinators
23Association and the Wisconsin Safe and Healthy Schools Training and Technical
24Assistance Center
when creating the model practices.
25Section 1787
. 165.28 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 115.94 (2).
1788. 165.28 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 165.25 (20) and
2amended to read:
(20) Training on school safety. Offer, or contract with another party
4to offer, training to school staff on school safety. Training subjects may include
5trauma informed care and how adverse childhood experiences have an impact on a
6child's development and increase needs for counseling or support. If a school receives
7under s.
165.88 115.945 (2) (b) a grant for the training under this subsection, the
8office department may charge a fee for the training.
1789. 165.68 (1) (a) 3. of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(1) (a) 3. Conduct that is in violation of s. 940.225, 944.30 (1m), 948.02,
11948.025, 948.05, 948.051, 948.055, 948.06, 948.085, 948.09, or 948.10 or that is in
12violation of s. 940.302 (2) if s. 940.302 (2) (a) 1. b. applies.
13Section 1790
. 165.83 (1) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c) 1. An act that is committed by
a person who has attained the age
15of 17 an adult and that is a felony or a misdemeanor.
16Section 1791
. 165.83 (1) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c) 2. An act that is committed by a
person minor who has attained
18the age of 10
but who has not attained the age of 17 and that would be a felony or
19misdemeanor if committed by an adult.
1792. 165.88 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 115.945 (title).
1793. 165.88 (1) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are consolidated,
22renumbered 115.945 (1) and amended to read:
(1) Definitions Definition. In this section
: (a) “Independent,
24“independent charter school” means a charter school established under s. 118.40 (2r)
25or (2x).
1794. 165.88 (1) (b), (c) and (d) of the statutes are repealed.
1795. 165.88 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 115.945 (2), and
3115.945 (2) (a) and (b), as renumbered, are amended to read:
(2) (a) From the appropriation under s.
20.455 20.255 (2) (f), the
of justice shall award grants for expenditures related to improving
6school safety. The department shall accept applications for a grant under this
7subsection from school boards, operators of independent charter schools, governing
8bodies of private schools, and tribal schools.
(b) The department
of justice, in consultation with the department of
10instruction justice, shall develop a plan for use in awarding grants under this
11subsection. The department
of justice shall include in the plan a description of what
12types of expenditures are eligible to be funded by grant proceeds. Eligible
13expenditures shall include expenditures to comply with the model practices created
14in s.
165.28 115.94 (1); expenditures for training under s.
165.28 (3) 165.25 (20);
15expenditures for safety-related upgrades to school buildings, equipment, and
16facilities; and expenditures necessary to comply with s. 118.07 (4) (cf).
17Notwithstanding s. 227.10 (1), the plan need not be promulgated as rules under ch.
1796. 165.88 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 115.945 (3).
1797. 165.88 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 115.945 (4) and
21amended to read:
(4) Report. The department
of justice shall submit an annual report
23to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance providing an account of the
24grants awarded under sub. (2) and the expenditures made with the grant moneys.
1798. 165.95 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) The department of justice shall make grants to counties and to tribes
2to enable them to establish and operate programs, including suspended and deferred
3prosecution programs and programs based on principles of restorative justice, that
4provide alternatives to prosecution and incarceration for criminal offenders who
5abuse alcohol or other drugs. The department of justice shall make the grants from
6the appropriations under s. 20.455 (2)
(ek), (em), (jd), (kn), and (kv). The department
7of justice shall collaborate with the departments of corrections and health and family
8services in establishing this grant program.
1799. 165.986 (title), (1), (2), (3) and (7) (intro.), (a) and (b) of the
10statutes are amended to read:
11165.986 (title)
Beat patrol and community policing officers; grant
12program. (1) The department of justice shall provide grants from the appropriation
13under s. 20.455 (2) (kb) to cities to employ additional uniformed law enforcement
14officers whose primary duty is beat patrolling
or who are assigned to community
15policing. A city is eligible for a grant under this subsection in fiscal year 1994-95 if
16the city has a population of 25,000 or more. A city may receive a grant for a calendar
17year if the city applies for a grant before September 1 of the preceding calendar year.
18Grants shall be awarded to the 10 eligible cities submitting an application for a grant
19that have the highest rates of violent crime index offenses in the most recent full
20calendar year for which data is available under the uniform crime reporting system
21of the federal bureau of investigation.
22(2) A city applying to the department of justice for a grant under sub. (1) shall
23include a proposed plan of expenditure of the grant moneys. The grant moneys that
24a city receives under sub. (1) may be used for salary and fringe benefits only. Except
25as provided in sub. (3), the positions for which funding is sought must be created on
1or after April 21, 1994, and result in a net increase in the number of uniformed law
2enforcement officers assigned to beat patrol duties
or community policing.
3(3) During the first 6 months of the first year of a grant under sub. (1), a city
4may, with the approval of the department, use part of the grant for the payment of
5salary and fringe benefits for overtime provided by uniformed law enforcement
6officers whose primary duty is beat patrolling
or who are assigned to community
7policing. A city may submit a request to the department for a 3-month extension of
8the use of the grant for the payment of overtime costs. To be eligible to use part of
9the first year's grant for overtime costs, the city shall provide the department with
10all of the following:
(a) The reasons why uniformed law enforcement officers assigned to beat patrol
or community policing need to work overtime.