1095. 86.31 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) Town road improvements — discretionary grants. From the
5appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (ft), the department shall allocate
$5,732,500 in
6fiscal years 2011-12 to 2016-17 and $5,923,600 in fiscal
year years 2017-18
72018-19, $6,033,600 in fiscal year 2019-20, and $6,162,400 in fiscal year 2020-21 8and each fiscal year thereafter, to fund town road improvements with eligible costs
9totaling $100,000 or more. The funding of improvements under this subsection is in
10addition to the allocation of funds for entitlements under sub. (3).
1096. 86.31 (3r) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3r) Municipal street improvements — discretionary grants. From the
13appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (ft), the department shall allocate
$976,500 in fiscal
14years 2009-10 to 2016-17 and $3,850,400 in fiscal
year years 2017-18
and 2018-19,
15$3,867,700 in fiscal year 2019-20, and $3,950,300 in fiscal year 2020-21 and each
16fiscal year thereafter, to fund municipal street improvement projects having total
17estimated costs of $250,000 or more. The funding of improvements under this
18subsection is in addition to the allocation of funds for entitlements under sub. (3).
1098. 93.06 (16) of the statutes is created to read:
(16) Farmer mental health assistance. Provide mental health
23assistance to farmers and farm families.
1099. 93.40 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (g) Promote the growth of the dairy industry through research,
2planning, and assistance, including grants and loans to dairy producers
, grants to 3local organizations that coordinate grazing, and grants to persons operating
4processing plants.
In awarding grants to persons operating processing plants, the
5department shall give preference to persons operating small processing plants.
1100. 93.49 (3) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 93.49 (3) (a) (intro.)
7and amended to read:
(3) (a) (intro.) From the appropriation under s. 20.115 (4) (as), the
9department shall provide grants to school districts, in coordination with the
10department of public instruction, and to nonprofit organizations, farmers, and any
11other entities for the creation and expansion of farm to school programs. The
12department shall give preference to
the following types of proposals
132. Proposals that are innovative or that provide models that other school
14districts can adopt.
1101. 93.49 (3) (a) 1. of the statutes is created to read:
(3) (a) 1. Proposals from school districts in which a high percentage of
17pupils satisfy the income eligibility criteria under
42 USC 1758 (b) (1) for a free or
18reduced-price lunch.
1102. 94.57 of the statutes is created to read:
2094.57 Medical cannabis. (1)
Definitions. In this section:
(a) “Dispensary" means an entity licensed under this section that cultivates,
22acquires, manufactures, possesses, delivers, transfers, transports, sells, or dispenses
23cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinols, paraphernalia, or related supplies and
24educational materials to treatment teams and other dispensaries.
(b) “Maximum authorized amount" has the meaning given in s. 961.01 (14c).
1(c) “Medication with tetrahydrocannabinols" has the meaning given in s.
2146.44 (1) (c).
(d) “Qualifying patient" has the meaning given in s. 146.44 (1) (e).
(e) “Registry identification card" has the meaning given in s. 146.44 (1) (g).
(f) “Treatment team" has the meaning given in s. 961.01 (20t).
(g) “Usable cannabis” has the meaning given in s. 961.01 (21f).
(h) “Written certification" has the meaning given in s. 146.44 (1) (h).
8(2) Departmental powers and duties. (a) The department shall provide
9licensing, regulation, record keeping, and security for dispensaries.
(b) The department shall determine policies allowing entities to grow cannabis
11and distribute cannabis and tetrahydrocannabinols to dispensaries, shall develop
12security guidelines for the entities, and shall regulate such entities.
13(3) Licensing. The department shall issue licenses to operate as a dispensary
14and shall decide which and how many applicants receive a license on the basis of all
15of the following:
(a) Convenience to treatment teams and the preferences of treatment teams.
(b) The ability of an applicant to provide to treatment teams a sufficient amount
18of tetrahydrocannabinols.
(c) The experience the applicant has running a nonprofit organization or a
(d) The preferences of the governing bodies with jurisdiction over the area in
22which the applicants are located.
(e) The ability of the applicant to keep records confidential and maintain a safe
24and secure facility.
(f) The ability of the applicant to abide by the prohibitions under sub. (4).
1(4) Prohibitions. The department may issue a license under this section to an
2applicant only if the applicant has been a resident of this state for at least the 2 years
3immediately preceding the application. The department may not issue a license to,
4and must revoke a license of, any entity to which any of the following applies:
(a) The entity is located within 500 feet of a public or private elementary or
6secondary school, including a charter school.
(b) The dispensary distributes to a treatment team a number of cannabis plants
8or an amount of usable cannabis that, in the period of distribution, results in the
9treatment team possessing more than the maximum authorized amount.
(c) The dispensary possesses a number of cannabis plants or an amount of
11usable cannabis that exceeds the combined maximum authorized amount for all of
12the treatment teams that use the dispensary by a number or an amount determined
13by the department by rule to be unacceptable.
14(5) Licensing procedure; fees; license term. (a) An application for a license
15under this section shall be in writing on a form provided by the department and
16include the licensing application fee under par. (b) 1.
(b) 1. A licensing application fee shall be an amount determined by the
18department but not less than $250.
2. The annual fee for a dispensary shall be an amount determined by the
20department but not less than $5,000.
(c) A dispensary license is valid unless revoked. Each license shall be issued
22only for the applicant named in the application and may not be transferred or
(d) The department shall approve or deny an application for a dispensary
25license within 60 days after receiving it.
1(6) Distribution of medical tetrahydrocannabinols. (a) A dispensary may
2deliver or distribute tetrahydrocannabinols and drug paraphernalia to a member of
3a treatment team only if done in a face-to-face transaction, if the dispensary receives
4a copy of the qualifying patient's written certification or registry identification card,
5and if the tetrahydrocannabinols are contained in or derived from cannabis grown
6in this state under par. (f).
(b) A dispensary may possess or manufacture tetrahydrocannabinols and drug
8paraphernalia with the intent to deliver or distribute under par. (a).
(c) An entity operating under policies determined under sub. (2) and rules
10promulgated under sub. (9) may possess tetrahydrocannabinols, possess or
11manufacture tetrahydrocannabinols with the intent to deliver or distribute to a
12dispensary, or deliver or distribute tetrahydrocannabinols to a dispensary.
(d) A dispensary may have 2 locations, one for cultivation or production and one
14for distribution.
(e) A dispensary shall have all tetrahydrocannabinols and cannabis tested for
16mold, fungus, pesticides, and other contaminants and may not distribute
17tetrahydrocannabinols or cannabis that test positive for mold, fungus, pesticides, or
18other contaminants if the contaminants, or level of contaminants, are identified by
19the testing laboratories under sub. (7) to be potentially unsafe to a qualifying
20patient's health.
(f) A dispensary or an entity operating under policies determined under sub.
22(2) and rules promulgated under sub. (9) may cultivate cannabis, including
23cultivating cannabis outdoors.
24(7) Testing laboratories. The department shall register entities as
25tetrahydrocannabinols-testing laboratories. The laboratories may possess or
1manufacture tetrahydrocannabinols and drug paraphernalia and shall perform the
2following services:
(a) Test cannabis and tetrahydrocannabinols produced for dispensaries for
4potency and for mold, fungus, pesticides, and other contaminants.
(b) Research findings related to medication with tetrahydrocannabinols,
6including findings that identify potentially unsafe levels of contaminants.
(c) Provide training to persons who hold registry identification cards,
8treatment teams, persons employed by dispensaries, and entities that grow cannabis
9and distribute to dispensaries cannabis and tetrahydrocannabinols, as provided by
10policies determined under sub. (2) and rules promulgated under sub. (9), on the
1. The safe and efficient cultivation, harvesting, packaging, labeling, and
13distribution of cannabis and tetrahydrocannabinols.
2. Security and inventory accountability procedures.
3. The most recent research on medication with tetrahydrocannabinols.
16(8) Confidentiality. The department may disclose to a law enforcement
17agency only information necessary to verify that a dispensary has a license issued
18under this section, an entity is complying with policies determined under sub. (2) and
19rules promulgated under sub. (9), or an entity is registered under sub. (7).
20(9) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to administer and enforce
21this section. The department may use the procedure under s. 227.24 to promulgate
22rules under this section. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (c) and (2), emergency rules
23promulgated under this subsection remain in effect until January 1, 2023, or the date
24on which permanent rules take effect, whichever is sooner. Notwithstanding s.
25227.24 (1) (a) and (3), the department is not required to provide evidence that
1promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the
2preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to
3provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection.
4Section 1103
. 100.30 (2) (am) 1m. a., b., c., d. and e. and (c) 1g. and 1r. of the
5statutes are amended to read:
(2) (am) 1m. a. In the case of the retail sale of motor vehicle fuel by a
7refiner at a retail station owned or operated either directly or indirectly by the
8refiner, the refiner's lowest selling price to other retailers or to wholesalers of motor
9vehicle fuel on the date of the refiner's retail sale, less all trade discounts except
10customary discounts for cash, plus any excise, sales or use taxes imposed on the
11motor vehicle fuel or on its sale and any cost incurred for transportation and any
12other charges not otherwise included in the invoice cost of the motor vehicle fuel
, plus
13a markup of 9.18 percent of that amount to cover a proportionate part of the cost of
14doing business; or the average posted terminal price at the terminal located closest
15to the retail station
plus a markup of 9.18 percent of the average posted terminal
16price to cover a proportionate part of the cost of doing business; whichever is greater.
b. In the case of the retail sale of motor vehicle fuel by a wholesaler of motor
18vehicle fuel, who is not a refiner, at a retail station owned or operated either directly
19or indirectly by the wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel, the invoice cost of the motor
20vehicle fuel to the wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel within 10 days prior to the date
21of sale, or the replacement cost of the motor vehicle fuel, whichever is lower, less all
22trade discounts except customary discounts for cash, plus any excise, sales or use
23taxes imposed on the motor vehicle fuel or on its sale, and any cost incurred for
24transportation and any other charges not otherwise included in the invoice cost or
25replacement cost of the motor vehicle fuel
, plus a markup of 9.18 percent of that
1amount to cover a proportionate part of the cost of doing business; or the average
2posted terminal price at the terminal located closest to the retail station
plus a
3markup of 9.18 percent of the average posted terminal price to cover a proportionate
4part of the cost of doing business; whichever is greater.
c. In the case of the retail sale of motor vehicle fuel by a person other than a
6refiner or a wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel at a retail station, the invoice cost of the
7motor vehicle fuel to the retailer within 10 days prior to the date of sale, or the
8replacement cost of the motor vehicle fuel, whichever is lower, less all trade discounts
9except customary discounts for cash, plus any excise, sales or use taxes imposed on
10the motor vehicle fuel or on its sale and any cost incurred for transportation and any
11other charges not otherwise included in the invoice cost or the replacement cost of
12the motor vehicle fuel
, plus a markup of 6 percent of that amount to cover a
13proportionate part of the cost of doing business; or the average posted terminal price
14at the terminal located closest to the retailer
plus a markup of 9.18 percent of the
15average posted terminal price to cover a proportionate part of the cost of doing
16business; whichever is greater.
d. In the case of a retail sale of motor vehicle fuel by a refiner at a place other
18than a retail station, the refiner's lowest selling price to other retailers or to
19wholesalers of motor vehicle fuel on the date of the refiner's retail sale, less all trade
20discounts except customary discounts for cash, plus any excise, sales or use taxes
21imposed on the motor vehicle fuel or on its sale and any cost incurred for
22transportation and any other charges not otherwise included in the invoice cost of
23the motor vehicle fuel
to which shall be added a markup to cover a proportionate part
24of the cost of doing business, which markup, in the absence of proof of a lesser cost,
25shall be 3 percent of the cost to the retailer as set forth in this subd. 1m. d.
1e. In the case of a retail sale of motor vehicle fuel by a person other than a refiner
2at a place other than a retail station, the invoice cost of the motor vehicle fuel to the
3retailer within 10 days prior to the date of the sale, or the replacement cost of the
4motor vehicle fuel, whichever is lower, less all trade discounts except customary
5discounts for cash, plus any excise, sales or use taxes imposed on the motor vehicle
6fuel or on its sale and any cost incurred for transportation and any other charges not
7otherwise included in the invoice cost or the replacement cost of the motor vehicle
to which shall be added a markup to cover a proportionate part of the cost of doing
9business, which markup, in the absence of proof of a lesser cost, shall be 3 percent
10of the cost to the retailer as set forth in this subd. 1m. e.
(c) 1g. With respect to the wholesale sale of motor vehicle fuel by a refiner, “cost
12to wholesaler" means the refiner's lowest selling price to other retailers or to
13wholesalers of motor vehicle fuel on the date of the refiner's wholesale sale, less all
14trade discounts except customary discounts for cash, plus any excise, sales or use
15taxes imposed on the motor vehicle fuel or on its sale and any cost incurred for
16transportation and any other charges not otherwise included in the invoice cost of
17the motor vehicle fuel
, to which shall be added a markup to cover a proportionate part
18of the cost of doing business, which markup, in the absence of proof of a lesser cost,
19shall be 3 percent of the cost to the wholesaler as set forth in this subdivision.
1r. With respect to the wholesale sale of motor vehicle fuel by a person other
21than a refiner, “cost to wholesaler" means the invoice cost of the motor vehicle fuel
22to the wholesaler of motor vehicle fuel within 10 days prior to the date of the sale or
23the replacement cost of the motor vehicle fuel, whichever is lower, less all trade
24discounts except customary discounts for cash, plus any excise, sales or use taxes
25imposed on the motor vehicle fuel or on its sale and any cost incurred for
1transportation and any other charges not otherwise included in the invoice cost or
2the replacement cost of the motor vehicle fuel
to which shall be added a markup to
3cover a proportionate part of the cost of doing business, which markup, in the absence
4of proof of a lesser cost, shall be 3 percent of the cost to the wholesaler as set forth
5in this subdivision.
1104. 102.01 (2) (ad) of the statutes is repealed.
1105. 102.01 (2) (ar) of the statutes is repealed.
1106. 102.01 (2) (dm) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (dm) “Order" means any decision, rule, regulation, direction,
10requirement, or standard of the department
or the division, or any other
11determination arrived at or decision made by the department
or the division.
1107. 102.04 (2r) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2r) (b) The franchisor has been found by the department
or the division 14to have exercised a type or degree of control over the franchisee or the franchisee's
15employees that is not customarily exercised by a franchisor for the purpose of
16protecting the franchisor's trademarks and brand.
1108. 102.07 (8) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) (c) The
department may not admit in evidence any state or
19federal law, regulation, or document granting operating authority
, or
a license when
20determining whether an independent contractor meets the conditions specified in
21par. (b) 1. or 3.
1109. 102.07 (17m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(17m) A participant in a
trial employment match program job 24subsidized employment placement under s. 49.147 (3) is an employee of any
1employer under this chapter for whom the participant is performing service at the
2time of the injury.
1110. 102.07 (20) of the statutes is amended to read:
(20) An individual who is performing services for a person participating
5in the self-directed services option, as defined in s. 46.2897 (1), for a person receiving
6long-term care benefits under s.
46.27, 46.275
, or 46.277 or under any children's
7long-term support waiver program on a self-directed basis, or for a person receiving
8the Family Care benefit, as defined in s. 46.2805 (4), or benefits under the Family
9Care Partnership program, as described in s. 49.496 (1) (bk) 3., on a self-directed
10basis and who does not otherwise have worker's compensation coverage for those
11services is considered to be an employee of the entity that is providing financial
12management services for that person.
1111. 102.11 (1) (am) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (am) 1. The employee is a member of a class of employees that does
15the same type of work at the same location and, in the case of an employee in the
16service of the state, is employed in the same office, department, independent agency,
17authority, institution, association, society, or other body in state government or, if the
or the division determines appropriate, in the same subunit of an office,
19department, independent agency, authority, institution, association, society, or other
20body in state government.
1112. 102.12 of the statutes is amended to read:
22102.12 Notice of injury, exception, laches. No claim for compensation may
23be maintained unless, within 30 days after the occurrence of the injury or within 30
24days after the employee knew or ought to have known the nature of his or her
25disability and its relation to the employment, actual notice was received by the
1employer or by an officer, manager or designated representative of an employer. If
2no representative has been designated by posters placed in one or more conspicuous
3places where notices to employees are customarily posted, then notice received by
4any superior is sufficient. Absence of notice does not bar recovery if it is found that
5the employer was not misled by that absence. Regardless of whether notice was
6received, if no payment of compensation, other than medical treatment or burial
7expense, is made, and if no application is filed with the department within 2 years
8after the date of the injury or death or the date the employee or his or her dependent
9knew or ought to have known the nature of the disability and its relation to the
10employment, the right to compensation for the injury or death is barred, except that
11the right to compensation is not barred if the employer knew or should have known,
12within the 2-year period, that the employee had sustained the injury on which the
13claim is based. Issuance of notice of a hearing on the motion of the department
14the division has the same effect for the purposes of this section as the filing of an
15application. This section does not affect any claim barred under s. 102.17 (4).
1113. 102.13 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c) So long as the employee, after a written request of the employer
18or insurer that complies with par. (b), refuses to submit to or in any way obstructs
19the examination, the employee's right to begin or maintain any proceeding for the
20collection of compensation is suspended, except as provided in sub. (4). If the
21employee refuses to submit to the examination after direction by the department
, the
22division, or an examiner, or in any way obstructs the examination, the employee's
23right to the weekly indemnity that accrues and becomes payable during the period
24of that refusal or obstruction, is barred, except as provided in sub. (4).
1114. 102.13 (1) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (d) 2. Any physician, chiropractor, psychologist, dentist, physician
2assistant, advanced practice nurse prescriber, or podiatrist who attended a worker's
3compensation claimant for any condition or complaint reasonably related to the
4condition for which the claimant claims compensation may be required to testify
5before the
division department when the
division department so directs.
1115. 102.13 (1) (d) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (d) 3. Notwithstanding any statutory provisions except par. (e), any
8physician, chiropractor, psychologist, dentist, physician assistant, advanced
9practice nurse prescriber, or podiatrist attending a worker's compensation claimant
10for any condition or complaint reasonably related to the condition for which the
11claimant claims compensation may furnish to the employee, employer, worker's
12compensation insurer,
or department
, or division information and reports relative to
13a compensation claim.
1116. 102.13 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read: