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2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
February 8, 2019 - Introduced by Senators Bewley, Marklein, Smith and Craig,
cosponsored by Representatives Meyers, Horlacher, Milroy, Vruwink,
Bowen, Zamarripa and Subeck. Referred to Committee on Government
Operations, Technology and Consumer Protection.
1An Act to amend 1.10 (4); and to create 1.10 (3) (w) of the statutes; relating
designating the ruffed grouse as the state small game bird.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Current law designates a variety of state symbols and requires the Wisconsin
Blue Book
to include information about them. This bill designates the ruffed grouse
as the state small game bird and requires the Wisconsin Blue Book to include that
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
3Section 1. 1.10 (3) (w) of the statutes is created to read:
4 1.10 (3) (w) The ruffed grouse (bonasa umbellus) is the state small game bird.
5Section 2. 1.10 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 1.10 (4) The Wisconsin Blue Book shall include the information contained in
7this section concerning the state song, ballad, waltz, dance, beverage, tree, grain,
8flower, bird, fish, animal, domestic animal, wildlife animal, dog, insect, fossil,

1mineral, rock, soil, fruit, tartan, pastry, dairy product, and herb, and small game
3 (End)