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1Section 3. 101.12 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
2 101.12 (2m) The department may not require the submission or examination
3of essential drawings, calculations, and specifications for a public building, public
4structure, or place of employment to which all of the following apply:
5 (a) The public building, structure, or place of employment is a single-story
6building or structure containing less than 200,000 cubic feet of volume.
7 (b) No portion of the public building, structure, or place of employment is
8classified by the department, under rules promulgated by the department, into any
9of the following occupancy groups:
10 1. Assembly Group A.
11 2. Educational Group E.
12 3. High hazard Group H.
13 4. Institutional Group I.
14 5. Residential Group R.
15 (c) The essential drawings, calculations, and specifications are prepared by a
16person who is registered as an architect or professional engineer under ch. 443 or who
17holds a designer permit under s. 443.07, and that person signs, dates, and seals or
18stamps the essential drawings, calculations, and specifications.
19Section 4. 101.19 (1g) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
20 101.19 (1g) (a) The examination of plans for public buildings, public structures,
21places of employment, and the components thereof. The department shall require
22that 50 percent of plan examination fees be submitted as a nonrefundable deposit at
23the time an appointment for examination of plans is scheduled.
24Section 5. 145.02 (5) (c) of the statutes is created to read:

1145.02 (5) (c) The department may not require examination of plumbing plans
2and specifications for a plumbing installation, addition, or alteration to which all of
3the following apply:
4 1. The plumbing installation, addition, or alteration involves no more than 25
5plumbing fixtures.
6 2. No portion of the building or structure with which the plumbing installation,
7addition, or alteration is connected is classified by the department, under rules
8promulgated by the department, into any of the following occupancy groups:
9 a. Assembly Group A.
10 b. Educational Group E.
11 c. High hazard Group H.
12 d. Institutional Group I.
13 e. Residential Group R.
14 3. The plumbing plans and specifications are prepared by any of the following:
15 a. A person who is registered as an architect or professional engineer under ch.
16443 and who signs, dates, and seals or stamps the plumbing plans and specifications.
17 b. A person who holds a designer permit under s. 443.07 in the field of plumbing
18systems and who signs, dates, and seals or stamps the plumbing plans and
20 c. A licensed master plumber, licensed master plumber (restricted), or utility
21contractor who signs and dates the plumbing plans and specifications.
22Section 6. Initial applicability.
23 (1) The treatment of s. 101.12 (1) (intro.), (2), and (2m) first applies to essential
24drawings, calculations, and specifications submitted for examination under s. 101.12
25on the effective date of this subsection.

1(2) The treatment of s. 101.19 (1g) (a) first applies to an appointment for
2examination of plans that is scheduled on the effective date of this subsection.
3 (3) The treatment of s. 145.02 (5) (c) first applies to plumbing plans and
4specifications submitted for examination under ch. 145 on the effective date of this
6 (End)