One-Hundred and Seventh Regular Session12:52 P.M. TUESDAY, January 14, 2025
The Assembly met in the Assembly Chamber located in the State Capitol.
Speaker Pro Tempore Petersen in the chair.
Representative August asked unanimous consent for a quorum call. Granted.
A quorum was present.
The prayer was offered by Pastor Dwayne Morris of Cavalry Baptist Church in Watertown.
Representative Kreibich led the membership in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the United States of America flag.
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Present - Representatives Allen, Anderson, Andraca, Armstrong, Arney, August, Bare, Behnke, Billings, Born, Brill, Brooks, Brown, Callahan, Clancy, Cruz, Dallman, DeSanto, DeSmidt, Dittrich, Donovan, Doyle, Duchow, Emerson, Fitzgerald, Franklin, Goeben, Goodwin, Green, Gundrum, Gustafson, Haywood, Hong, Hurd, Hysell, B. Jacobson, J. Jacobson, Joers, Johnson, Kaufert, Kirsch, Kitchens, Knodl, Kreibich, Krug, Kurtz, Madison, Maxey, Mayadev, McCarville, McGuire, Melotik, Miresse, Moore Omokunde, Moses, Murphy, Mursau, Nedweski, Neubauer, Neylon, Novak, O'Connor, Ortiz-Velez, Palmeri, Penterman, Petersen, Phelps, Piwowarczyk, Prado, Pronschinske, Rivera-Wagner, Rodriguez, Roe, Sheehan, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Snyder, Sortwell, Spaude, Spiros, Steffen, Stroud, Stubbs, Subeck, Summerfield, Swearingen, Taylor, Tenorio, Tittl, Tranel, Tucker, Tusler, Udell, VanderMeer, Vining, Wichgers, Wittke, Zimmerman, and Speaker Vos - 99.
Absent with leave - None.
Vacancies - None.
Leaves of Absence
Representative Summerfield asked unanimous consent for a leave of absence for part of today's session for Representative Callahan. Granted.
Calendar of Tuesday, January 14
hist198589Representative August asked unanimous consent that Senate Joint Resolution 2 be withdrawn from today's calendar and taken up at this time. Granted. Relating to: requiring photographic identification to vote in any election (second consideration).
hist198591The question was: Shall Senate Joint Resolution 2 be ordered to a third reading? Motion carried.
hist198592Representative August asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Joint Resolution 2 be given a third reading. Granted. hist198595Representative Callahan asked unanimous consent that his leave of absence be lifted. Granted. The question was: Senate Joint Resolution 2 having been read three times, shall the bill be concurred in?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Allen, Armstrong, August, Behnke, Born, Brill, Brooks, Callahan, Dallman, Dittrich, Donovan, Duchow, Franklin, Goeben, Green, Gundrum, Gustafson, Hurd, B. Jacobson, Kaufert, Kitchens, Knodl, Kreibich, Krug, Kurtz, Maxey, Melotik, Moses, Murphy, Mursau, Nedweski, Neylon, Novak, O'Connor, Penterman, Petersen, Piwowarczyk, Pronschinske, Rodriguez, Snyder, Sortwell, Spiros, Steffen, Summerfield, Swearingen, Tittl, Tranel, Tucker, Tusler, VanderMeer, Wichgers, Wittke, Zimmerman, and Speaker Vos - 54.
Noes - Representatives Anderson, Andraca, Arney, Bare, Billings, Brown, Clancy, Cruz, DeSanto, DeSmidt, Doyle, Emerson, Fitzgerald, Goodwin, Haywood, Hong, Hysell, J. Jacobson, Joers, Johnson, Kirsch, Madison, Mayadev, McCarville, McGuire, Miresse, Moore Omokunde, Neubauer, Ortiz-Velez, Palmeri, Phelps, Prado, Rivera-Wagner, Roe, Sheehan, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Spaude, Stroud, Stubbs, Subeck, Taylor, Tenorio, Udell, and Vining - 45.
Absent or not voting - None.
Motion carried.
hist198596Representative August asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Joint Resolution 2 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted. Assembly Joint Resolution 1
Relating to: requiring photographic identification to vote in any election (second consideration).
hist198597Representative August asked unanimous consent that Assembly Joint Resolution 1 be laid on the table. Granted. _____________
Representative August moved that the Assembly stand adjourned pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1.
The question was: Shall the Assembly stand adjourned?
Motion carried.
The Assembly stood adjourned.
3:13 P.M.