One-Hundred and Sixth Regular Session9:47 A.M. THURSDAY, January 25, 2024
The Assembly met in the Assembly Chamber located in the State Capitol.
Speaker Vos in the chair.
Representative August asked unanimous consent for a quorum call. Granted.
A quorum was present.
The prayer was offered by Reverend Kent Vant Hul of First Reformed Church of Cedar Grove.
Representative Goyke led the membership in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Present - Representatives Allen, C. Anderson, J. Anderson, Andraca, Armstrong, August, Baldeh, Bare, Behnke, Billings, Binsfeld, Bodden, Born, Brandtjen, Brooks, Cabrera, Callahan, Clancy, Conley, Considine, Dallman, Dittrich, Donovan, Doyle, Drake, Duchow, Edming, Emerson, Goeben, Goyke, Green, Gundrum, Gustafson, Haywood, Hong, Hurd, Jacobson, Joers, S. Johnson, Katsma, Kitchens, Krug, Kurtz, Macco, Madison, Magnafici, Maxey, McGuire, Melotik, Michalski, Moore Omokunde, Moses, Murphy, Mursau, Myers, Nedweski, Neubauer, Neylon, Novak, O'Connor, Ohnstad, Oldenburg, Ortiz-Velez, Palmeri, Penterman, Petersen, Petryk, Plumer, Pronschinske, Ratcliff, Rettinger, Riemer, Rodriguez, Rozar, Sapik, Schmidt, Schraa, Schutt, Shankland, Shelton, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Snyder, Sortwell, Spiros, Steffen, Stubbs, Subeck, Summerfield, Swearingen, Tittl, Tranel, Tusler, VanderMeer, Vining, Wichgers, Wittke, Zimmerman and Speaker Vos - 99.
Absent with leave - None.
Vacancies - None.
Leaves of Absence
Representative Summerfield asked unanimous consent for a leave of absence for part of today's session for Representative Callahan. Granted.
Representative Subeck asked unanimous consent for a leave of absence for part of today's session for Representative Cabrera. Granted.
Special Guests
Representative Sapik introduced Hometown Hero Award recipients sixth-graders Chloe Kramp and Kim Philaja, who have donated more than $6000 raised through their lemonade stand to charities in their community in Northern Wisconsin. Miss Kramp and Miss Philaja addressed the members from the rostrum.
Representative Katsma introduced Hometown Hero Award recipient Lloyd Ter Maat of Cedar Grove, recognized for his work with the “Trailer Ministry” through the First Reformed Church, collecting and delivering home furnishings to those in need in the Milwaukee area for over 40 years. Mr. Ter Maat addressed the members from the rostrum.
Amendments Offered
hist185018Assembly Amendment 3 to Assembly Bill 154 offered by Representative Subeck. Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 375 offered by Representative Zimmerman.
Introduction and Reference of Proposals
Read first time and referred:
Relating to: eliminating constitutional restrictions on marriage (first consideration).
By Representatives Cabrera, Neubauer, Snodgrass, Clancy, Ratcliff, C. Anderson, J. Anderson, Andraca, Bare, Conley, Emerson, Hong, Jacobson, Joers, Madison, Moore Omokunde, Ohnstad, Palmeri, Riemer, Shankland, Shelton, Sinicki, Subeck and Vining; cosponsored by Senators Carpenter, Spreitzer, Agard, Hesselbein, L. Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Roys, Smith, Taylor, Wirch and Felzkowski.
Relating to: proclaiming January 2024 as Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month in the state of Wisconsin.
By Representatives Billings, Kitchens, Duchow, Penterman, Krug, Murphy, Joers, Bare, Drake, Emerson, Magnafici, Stubbs, Vining, Ratcliff, Allen, Binsfeld, Gundrum, Sinicki, Moore Omokunde, Conley, Green, C. Anderson, Tittl, Mursau, Madison, O'Connor, Schraa, Palmeri, S. Johnson and Shankland; cosponsored by Senators L. Johnson, James, Wirch, Carpenter, Smith, Ballweg, Agard and Testin.
Relating to: prohibiting governmental entity discrimination (first consideration).
By Representatives Murphy, Allen, Behnke, Bodden, Brandtjen, Dittrich, Goeben, Gundrum, Maxey, O'Connor, Vos and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senators Nass, Wanggaard, Cabral-Guevara and Jacque.
Relating to: proclaiming the week of April 29 to May 3, 2024, as School Nutrition Professionals Appreciation Week.
By Representatives Vining, Hurd, Joers, Ratcliff, Behnke, Penterman, Rozar, Schmidt, C. Anderson, Andraca, Bare, Clancy, Conley, Considine, Drake, Emerson, Hong, S. Johnson, Madison, Moore Omokunde, Mursau, Palmeri, Shankland, Shelton, Sinicki, Stubbs and Subeck; cosponsored by Senators Ballweg, Cowles, Pfaff, Roys, Spreitzer, Taylor, Agard and Larson.
Relating to: observing February 29, 2024, as Rare Disease Day in Wisconsin.
By Representatives Dittrich, Zimmerman, Sinicki, Nedweski, Gundrum, Mursau, Bare, Binsfeld, Conley, Stubbs, Ohnstad, Murphy, Edming, Jacobson, Tittl, O'Connor, Subeck, Moses, Drake, Emerson, Tusler, Shankland and Ratcliff; cosponsored by Senators Testin, Wirch, Spreitzer, Agard and Larson.
Relating to: a pilot school-centered mental health program and making an appropriation.
By Representatives Dittrich and Zimmerman; cosponsored by Senator Testin.
Relating to: electronic and remote witnessing and notarization of estate planning documents.
By Representatives Tusler, Baldeh, Behnke, Doyle, Kitchens, O'Connor, Ratcliff, Rettinger and Subeck; cosponsored by Senators Ballweg and Feyen.
Relating to: the Wisconsin Artistic Endowment Foundation and the Wisconsin regranting program.
By Representatives Novak, Kitchens and Mursau; cosponsored by Senator James.
Relating to: education about rechargeable batteries and providing grants for collecting and recycling rechargeable batteries.
By Representative Kitchens; cosponsored by Senator Cowles.
Relating to: eliminating minimum markup requirements and the prohibition on sales below cost.
By Representatives Maxey, Michalski, Bodden, Allen, Murphy, Neylon, O'Connor, Penterman, Rettinger, Schmidt and Brandtjen; cosponsored by Senators Hutton and Stroebel.
Relating to: University of Wisconsin System resident undergraduate tuition freeze and making an appropriation.
By Representatives Palmeri, Shelton, Shankland, Emerson, J. Anderson, Baldeh, Clancy, Conley, Joers, Madison, Neubauer, Ohnstad, Ratcliff, Sinicki, Stubbs and Subeck; cosponsored by Senators Larson, Spreitzer, Roys and Agard.
hist185325To committee on Colleges and Universities. Relating to: University of Wisconsin System tuition grant program, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
By Representatives Palmeri, Shelton, Shankland, Emerson, J. Anderson, Andraca, Baldeh, Bare, Clancy, Conley, Jacobson, Joers, Madison, Neubauer, Ohnstad, Ratcliff, Sinicki, Stubbs and Subeck; cosponsored by Senators Smith, Spreitzer, Roys, Larson and Agard.
hist185326To committee on Colleges and Universities. Relating to: funding for Wisconsin grants for University of Wisconsin System students and technical college students and making an appropriation.
By Representatives Shankland, Emerson, J. Anderson, Baldeh, Bare, Clancy, Conley, Jacobson, Joers, Madison, Neubauer, Ohnstad, Palmeri, Ratcliff, Shelton, Sinicki, Stubbs and Subeck; cosponsored by Senators Pfaff, Smith, Spreitzer, Roys, Larson and Agard.
hist185327To committee on Colleges and Universities. Relating to: funding for state aid to technical colleges and making an appropriation.
By Representatives Emerson, Shankland, J. Anderson, Baldeh, Clancy, Conley, Joers, Madison, Neubauer, Ohnstad, Palmeri, Ratcliff, Shelton, Sinicki, Stubbs and Subeck; cosponsored by Senators Smith, Spreitzer, Roys, Larson and Agard.