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Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Haywood added as a coauthor of Assembly Bill 96.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Senators Taylor and Spreitzer added as cosponsors of Assembly Bill 264.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Haywood added as a coauthor of Assembly Bill 264.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Senators Taylor and Spreitzer added as cosponsors of Assembly Bill 265.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Haywood added as a coauthor of Assembly Bill 265.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Senators Taylor and Spreitzer added as cosponsors of Assembly Bill 266.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Haywood added as a coauthor of Assembly Bill 266.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Senators Taylor and Spreitzer added as cosponsors of Assembly Bill 267.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Haywood added as a coauthor of Assembly Bill 267.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Senators Taylor and Spreitzer added as cosponsors of Assembly Bill 268.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Haywood added as a coauthor of Assembly Bill 268.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Nedweski added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 12.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 31.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representatives Cabrera, C. Anderson, Conley, Jacobson and Haywood added as cosponsors of Senate Bill 40.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 43.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 55.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 63.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representatives Cabrera, C. Anderson and Haywood added as cosponsors of Senate Bill 103.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 120.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 153.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 206.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 243.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 244.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 272.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 278.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 282.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Senator Spreitzer added as a coauthor of Senate Bill 293.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representatives Jacobson, Cabrera, Conley and Haywood added as cosponsors of Senate Bill 293.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Senator Spreitzer added as a coauthor of Senate Bill 294.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representatives Jacobson, Cabrera, Conley and Haywood added as cosponsors of Senate Bill 294.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Senator Spreitzer added as a coauthor of Senate Bill 295.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representatives Jacobson, Cabrera, Conley and Haywood added as cosponsors of Senate Bill 295.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Senators Taylor and Spreitzer added as coauthors of Senate Bill 296.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Haywood added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 296.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Senators Taylor and Spreitzer added as coauthors of Senate Bill 297.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representatives Jacobson, Cabrera, Conley and Haywood added as cosponsors of Senate Bill 297.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 302.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 307.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 313.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 315.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Jacobson added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 322.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Schraa added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 329.
Legislative Reference Bureau Corrections
Corrections In:
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(June 14, 2023)
1. Page 3, line 4: delete “line 3” and substitute “line 1”.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Senate President
June 14, 2023
The Honorable, the Senate:
Pursuant to Senate Rule 36 (2)(c) and section 13.52 (6), Wisconsin Statutes, the Co-Chairs of the Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions shall prepare and submit a report in writing, on Senate Bill 70, relating to state finances and appropriations, constituting the executive budget act of the 2023 legislature..
Thank you for prompt attention to this matter.
Referrals and Receipt of Committee Reports Concerning Proposed Administrative Rules
Relating to Commercial Building Code and affecting small business.
Submitted by the Department of Safety and Professional Services.
Report received from Agency, May 31, 2023.
Referred to the committee on Housing, Rural Issues and Forestry, June 14, 2023.
Messages from the Assembly
By Edward A. Blazel, chief clerk.
Mr. President:
I am directed to inform you that the Assembly has
Amended and concurred in as amended:
Senate Bill 247 (Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 adopted)
Messages from the Assembly Considered
Assembly Bill 39
Relating to: changes to the low-income housing tax credit.
By Representatives Armstrong, Kurtz, Allen, Dittrich, Edming, Green, Kitchens, Magnafici, Murphy, Mursau, Novak, Snyder, Spiros, Summerfield, Tusler and VanderMeer; cosponsored by Senators Feyen and Quinn.
Read first time and referred to the committee on Senate Organization.
Assembly Bill 96
Relating to: developer-financed tax incremental districts.
By Representatives Plumer, Armstrong, Gundrum, Novak, O'Connor, Ohnstad and Spiros; cosponsored by Senators Feyen, Cowles and Quinn.
Read first time and referred to the committee on Government Operations.
Assembly Bill 264
Relating to: residential housing infrastructure revolving loan fund and revolving loan program.
By Representatives Armstrong, O'Connor, Brooks, Emerson, Steffen, C. Anderson, Doyle, Duchow, Edming, Green, Joers, Murphy, Ortiz-Velez, Penterman, Petryk, Plumer, Rozar, Schraa, Sinicki, Snyder, Swearingen, Wichgers, Shankland and Krug; cosponsored by Senators Quinn, Jacque, Cabral-Guevara and Jagler.
Read first time and referred to the committee on Senate Organization.
Assembly Bill 265