March 11, 2025 - Offered by Senator Jacque.
SB15-SA1,1,54“Section 12g. 939.623 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 939.623 (3) (a) and 5amended to read: SB15-SA1,1,96939.623 (3) (a) This section applies to a crime involving an elder person crime 7victim irrespective of whether the defendant had actual knowledge of the crime 8victim’s age. A mistake regarding the crime victim’s age is not a defense to an 9increased penalty under this section. SB15-SA1,12r10Section 12r. 939.623 (3) (b) of the statutes is created to read: SB15-SA1,2,211939.623 (3) (b) This section applies to a crime involving an adult at risk crime
1victim only if the defendant had actual knowledge that the crime victim is an adult 2at risk.”. SB15-SA1,2,55“Section 23e. 940.198 (4) (title) of the statutes is amended to read: SB15-SA1,2,66940.198 (4) (title) Knowledge of age not required. SB15-SA1,23m7Section 23m. 940.198 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 940.198 (4) (a) and 8amended to read: SB15-SA1,2,129940.198 (4) (a) This section applies to a crime involving an elder person 10victim irrespective of whether the defendant had actual knowledge of the victim’s 11age. A mistake regarding the victim’s age is not a defense to a prosecution under 12this section. SB15-SA1,23s13Section 23s. 940.198 (4) (b) of the statutes is created to read: SB15-SA1,2,1514940.198 (4) (b) This section applies to a crime involving an adult at risk victim 15only if the defendant had actual knowledge that the victim is an adult at risk.”. SB15-SA1,2,18163. Page 6, line 21: delete the material beginning with “irrespective of 17whether” and ending with “paragraph” on page 7, line 2, and substitute “only if the 18defendant had actual knowledge that the victim is an adult at risk”.