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19 121.91 (2m) (t) 1. (intro.) If 2 or more school districts are consolidated under
20s. 117.08 or 117.09, in the 2019-20 2023-24 school year, the consolidated school
21district's revenue limit shall be determined as provided under par. (im) (k), in the
222020-21 2024-25 school year, the consolidated school district's revenue limit shall
23be determined as provided under par. (j) (km), and in each school year thereafter, the
24consolidated school district's revenue limit shall be determined as provided under
25par. (i) (L), except as follows:”.

139. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
2 Section 25. 39.435 (title) and (1) of the statutes are amended to read:
339.435 (title) Wisconsin grants and talent incentive grants. (1) There
4is established, to be administered by the board, a grant program for postsecondary
5resident students enrolled at least half-time and registered as freshmen,
6sophomores, juniors, or seniors in accredited institutions of higher education or in
7tribally controlled colleges in this state, or enrolled at least quarter-time in a
8technical college within the technical college system in this state
. Except as
9authorized under sub. (5), such
These grants shall be made only to students enrolled
10in nonprofit public institutions or tribally controlled colleges in this state.”.
1140. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
12 Section 26. 39.435 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 39.435 (3) Grants under sub. (1) shall not be less than $250 during any one
14academic year, unless the joint committee on finance approves an adjustment in the
15amount of the minimum grant. Grants under sub. (1) shall not exceed $3,000 $3,150
16during any one academic year, except that beginning in academic year 2009-10
172023-24, grants under sub. (1) shall not exceed $3,150 during any one academic year
18for students enrolled in a University of Wisconsin System institution or college
19campus shall not exceed during any one academic year half of the in-state,
20undergraduate tuition and fees charged at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for
21an academic year corresponding to the academic year for which the grant is made
22The board shall, by rule, establish a reporting system to periodically provide student
23economic data and shall promulgate other rules the board deems necessary to assure
24uniform administration of the program.”.

141. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
2 Section 27. 39.437 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
3 39.437 (3) (a) In this subsection, “expected family contribution" means the
4amount that a student and the student's family are expected to contribute in an
5academic year to the cost of the student's postsecondary education, as determined by
6use of the most recent federal Free Application for Federal Student Aid, as described
7in 20 USC 1090 (a), except that, upon implementation of the FAFSA Simplification
8Act, Pub. Law 116-260, section 702, as affected by the FAFSA Simplification
9Technical Corrections Act, Pub. Law 117-103, section 102, “expected family
10contribution” shall be determined consistently with requirements for determining
11the student aid index under 20 USC 472 to 477
1242. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
13 Section 28. 20.235 (1) (fd) of the statutes is amended to read:
14 20.235 (1) (fd) Talent incentive grants. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule
15for talent incentive grants under s. 39.435 (2) 39.436 (1).
16Section 29. 20.235 (1) (fe) of the statutes is amended to read:
17 20.235 (1) (fe) Wisconsin grants; University of Wisconsin System students.
18Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for the Wisconsin grant program under s.
1939.435 for University of Wisconsin System students, except for grants awarded
20under s. 39.435 (2) or (5)
21Section 30. 20.235 (1) (ff) of the statutes is amended to read:
22 20.235 (1) (ff) Wisconsin grants; technical college students. Biennially, the
23amounts in the schedule for the Wisconsin grant program under s. 39.435 for
24technical college students, except for grants awarded under s. 39.435 (2) or (5).

1Section 31. 20.235 (1) (fj) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 20.235 (1) (fj) Impaired student grants. Biennially, the amounts in the
3schedule for impaired student grants under s. 39.435 (5) 39.436 (2).
4Section 32. 20.235 (1) (km) of the statutes is amended to read:
5 20.235 (1) (km) Wisconsin grants; tribal college students. Biennially, the
6amounts in the schedule for the Wisconsin grant program under s. 39.435 for tribal
7college students, except for grants awarded under s. 39.435 (2) or (5). All moneys
8transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm) 10. shall be
9credited to this appropriation account. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (b), the
10unencumbered balance on June 30 of each odd-numbered year shall revert to the
11appropriation account under s. 20.505 (8) (hm).
12Section 33. 36.11 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 36.11 (6) (c) By February 10 of each year, the board shall develop and submit
14to the higher educational aids board for its review under s. 39.285 (1) a proposed
15formula for the awarding of grants under s. 39.435, except for grants awarded under
16s. 39.435 (2) or (5),
for the next fiscal year to students enrolled in the system.
17Section 34. 38.04 (7m) of the statutes is amended to read:
18 38.04 (7m) Financial aids. By February 10 of each year, the board shall develop
19and submit to the higher educational aids board for its review under s. 39.285 (1) a
20proposed formula for the awarding of grants under s. 39.435, except for grants
21awarded under s. 39.435 (2) or (5),
for the next fiscal year to students enrolled in the
22technical colleges.
23Section 35. 39.285 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
24 39.285 (1) (b) If the board determines during a fiscal year that any formula
25approved under par. (a) during the prior fiscal year needs to be modified during the

1fiscal year in order to expend the entire amount appropriated for grants to students
2under s. 39.30 or 39.435, except s. 39.435 (2) or (5), in that fiscal year, the board shall
3submit the modified formula to the joint committee on finance. If the cochairpersons
4of the committee do not notify the board that the committee has scheduled a meeting
5for the purpose of reviewing the modified formula within 14 working days after the
6date of the submittal, the modified formula may be implemented as proposed by the
7board. If, within 14 working days after the date of the submittal, the cochairpersons
8of the committee notify the board that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the
9purpose of reviewing the modified formula, the modified formula may be
10implemented only upon approval of the committee.
11Section 36. 39.285 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
12 39.285 (3) By February 10 of each year, each tribally controlled college in this
13state is requested to develop and submit to the board for its review under sub. (1) a
14proposed formula for the awarding of grants under s. 39.435, except for grants
15awarded under s. 39.435 (2) or (5),
for the next fiscal year to students enrolled at that
16tribally controlled college.
17Section 37. 39.31 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1839.31 Determination of student costs. (intro.) In determining a student's
19total cost of attending a postsecondary institution for the purpose of calculating the
20amount of a grant under s. 39.30, 39.38, 39.435, 39.436, or 39.44, the board shall
21include the following:
22Section 38. 39.435 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 39.436 (1).
23Section 39. 39.435 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
24 39.435 (2m) The board may award a grant under this section to the same
25student for up to 12 semesters of full-time enrollment or their equivalent. If the

1student receiving the grant is enrolled less than full-time in any semester or session,
2only the fraction of the student's enrollment, in proportion to full-time enrollment,
3shall be applied toward this 12-semester limit.
4Section 40. 39.435 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
5 39.435 (4) (a) The board shall award grants under this section based on a
6formula that accounts for expected parental and student contributions a family's
7expected family contribution, as defined in s. 39.437 (3) (a),
and that is consistent
8with generally accepted definitions and nationally approved needs analysis
10Section 41. 39.435 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 39.436 (2) and amended
11to read:
12 39.436 (2) The board shall ensure that grants under this section are made
13available to students
administer a grant program for postsecondary resident
14students enrolled at least half-time and
attending private or public institutions in
15this state who are deaf or hard of hearing or visually impaired and who demonstrate
16need. Grants may also be made available to such students attending private or
17public institutions in other states under criteria established by the board. In
18determining the financial need of these students special consideration shall be given
19to their unique and unusual costs. A grant awarded under this subsection may not
20be less than $250 nor more than $1,800 for any academic year. The board may award
21a grant under this subsection to the same student for up to 10 semesters or their
22equivalent, but may not award a grant to the same student more than 6 years after
23the initial grant is awarded to that student.
24Section 42. 39.436 (title), (3) and (4) of the statutes are created to read:

139.436 (title) Talent incentive grants; grants for students with visual
2or hearing impairment.
3(3) The board shall award grants under this section based on a formula that
4accounts for a family's expected family contribution, as defined in s. 39.437 (3) (a),
5and that is consistent with generally accepted definitions and nationally approved
6needs analysis methodology.
7(4) The board may not make a grant under this section to a person whose name
8appears on the statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b), unless the
9person provides to the board a payment agreement that has been approved by the
10county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and that is consistent with rules
11promulgated under s. 49.858 (2) (a).”.
1243. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
13 Section 43. 39.30 (3) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
14 39.30 (3) Basis of grants. (a) The board shall award grants under this section
15based on a formula that accounts for a family's expected family contribution, as
16defined in s. 39.437 (3) (a), and that is consistent with generally accepted definitions
17and nationally approved needs analysis methodology.
18 (b) The awarding of grants under this section is subject to any formula
19approved or modified by the board under s. 39.285 (1).
20Section 9320. Initial applicability; Higher Educational Aids Board.
21 (1) Wisconsin grant calculation for private nonprofit colleges. The
22treatment of s. 39.30 (3) first applies to grants awarded for the semester or session
23beginning after the effective date of this subsection.”.
2444. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:

1 Section 44. 20.250 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
2 20.250 (1) (f) Psychiatry and behavioral health residency program. The
3amounts in the schedule for a psychiatry and behavioral health residency program
4to support the recruitment and training of psychiatry and behavioral health
645. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
7 Section 45. 36.11 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
8 36.11 (3) (a) The Subject to par. (am), the board shall establish the policies for
9admission within the system and within these policies each institution shall
10establish specific requirements for admission to its courses of instruction. No
11sectarian or partisan tests or any tests based upon race, religion, national origin of
12U.S. citizens or sex shall ever be allowed in the admission of students thereto.
13Section 46. 36.11 (3) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
14 36.11 (3) (am) The board shall establish a direct admission program that
15provides Wisconsin high school graduates with conditional or guaranteed
16undergraduate admission to an institution based on established eligibility criteria.
17Section 9147. Nonstatutory provisions; University of Wisconsin
19 (1) Direct admission program. The Board of Regents of the University of
20Wisconsin System shall work with a consultant to develop the direct admission
21program under s. 36.11 (3) (am) and, in developing the program, shall also consult
22with the department of public instruction, the technical college system board, and
23other interested stakeholders. The Board of Regents shall implement the direct

1admission program under s. 36.11 (3) (am) no later than the beginning of the
2admissions cycle for the 2025-26 academic year.”.
346. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
4 Section 47. 38.34 of the statutes is created to read:
538.34 Grant to support advanced manufacturing engineering
6technology and apprenticeship center.
From the appropriation under s. 20.292
7(1) (f), the board shall award a grant of $250,000 to Mid-State Technical College in
8each fiscal year for an advanced manufacturing engineering technology and
9apprenticeship center to train and maintain a workforce to meet workforce needs for
10the state's paper, pulp, and converting mills. Grants may be used for the center's
11maintenance of capital equipment and supplies, information technology equipment,
12equipment for student learning infrastructure and student learning support, and
13the center's ongoing operations.”.
1447. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
15 Section 48. 20.285 (1) (bt) of the statutes is created to read:
16 20.285 (1) (bt) Missing-in-Action Recovery and Identification Project. As a
17continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for the purposes specified in
182023 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9147 (1a).
19Section 9147. Nonstatutory provisions; University of Wisconsin
21 (1a) Funding for the University of Wisconsin Missing-in-Action Recovery
22and Identification Project.
23 (a) In this subsection:
241. “Board” means the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.

12. “MIA Recovery Project” means the University of Wisconsin
2Missing-in-Action Recovery and Identification Project.
3 (b) From the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (bt), the board shall provide
4funding for the MIA Recovery Project to perform a mission for the recovery and
5identification of Wisconsin veterans who are missing in action.
6 (c) The MIA Recovery Project, acting through its representative, shall submit
7at the conclusion of the mission for which the funds were expended, to the board, the
8joint committee on finance, the standing committees of each house of the legislature
9dealing with veterans matters, the governor, the department of veterans affairs, and
10the department of military affairs, a report on the mission's findings and an
11accounting of expenditures for the mission.”.
1248. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
13 Section 49. 20.285 (1) (cr) of the statutes is created to read:
14 20.285 (1) (cr) Foster youth support programs. The amounts in the schedule
15to provide funding for former foster youth support programs under s. 36.25 (43).
16Section 50. 36.25 (43) of the statutes is created to read:
17 36.25 (43) Foster youth support programs. From the appropriation under s.
1820.285 (1) (cr), the board shall allocate funding to each institution to establish or
19maintain support programs for students enrolled in the institution who formerly
20resided in a foster home or group home. Support programs funded under this
21subsection may offer students who formerly resided in a foster home or group home,
22among other forms of support, any of the following:
23 (a) Scholarships.
24 (b) Employment.

1(c) Emergency funds.
2 (d) Basic supplies.
3 (e) Mentorships to assist with academic preparations and successful
4navigation of the complex college environment.
5 (f) Other resources such as career planning, financial literacy training, and
6math and writing support.”.
749. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
8Section 51. 20.285 (1) (av) of the statutes is created to read:
9 20.285 (1) (av) Veterans services. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts
10in the schedule to provide support services to students who are veterans.” .
1150. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
12 Section 9142. Nonstatutory provisions; Technical College System.
13 (1) Grant for supplies and training at a technical college system regional
14emergency medical technician training center.
From the appropriation under s.
1520.292 (1) (f), in the 2023-24 fiscal year, the technical college system board shall
16award a $2,500,000 grant to Madison Area Technical College for equipment,
17supplies, and emergency medical technician, advanced emergency medical
18technician, and paramedic personnel training at an emergency medical technician
19regional training center located in Baraboo, Wisconsin.”.

151. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF