This is the preview version of the Wisconsin State Legislature site.
Please see for the production version.
31. Page 1, line 2: delete “protection" and substitute “preservation” .
42. Page 2, line 2: delete “LEGACY" and substitute “DOMESTIC ASSET
63. Page 2, line 4: on lines 4, 6 and 8, delete “legacy" and substitute “domestic
7asset preservation".
84. Page 2, line 18: delete “nonlegacy trust to a legacy trust" and substitute
9“nondomestic asset preservation trust to a domestic asset preservation trust".
105. Page 2, line 20: delete “nonlegacy trust" and substitute “nondomestic asset
11preservation trust".
126. Page 3, line 10: after that line insert:

1(6m) “Domestic asset preservation trust" means a trust created by a written
2instrument, the terms of which do all of the following:
3 (a) Appoint at least one qualified trustee to accept property that is the subject
4of a disposition, regardless of whether the terms of the trust also appoint a
5nonqualified trustee.
6 (b) Expressly designate the laws of this state to govern the meaning and effect
7of the terms of the trust, in whole or in part.
8 (c) Expressly provide that the trust is irrevocable.
9 (d) Include a spendthrift provision that applies to an interest of a beneficiary
10in trust property, including an interest of a transferor who is a beneficiary.”.
117. Page 3, line 14: delete lines 14 to 23.
128. Page 3, line 25: delete “Nonlegacy" and substitute “Nondomestic asset
149. Page 3, line 25: delete “a legacy" and substitute “a domestic asset
1610. Page 4, line 1: after that line insert:
17(11m) “Qualified affidavit” means an affidavit that meets all of the
18requirements of s. 701.1312 (2).”.
1911. Page 4, line 3: on lines 3, 12, 14 and 16, delete “legacy" and substitute
20“domestic asset preservation".
2112. Page 4, line 9: after “state," insert “the trust company or bank is subject
22to supervision by the department of financial institutions, the federal deposit
23insurance corporation, the U.S. comptroller of the currency, or a successor of any of

113. Page 4, line 23: delete lines 23 to 25 and substitute:
2“(d) A qualified trustee of the domestic asset preservation trust has the power
3to maintain records for the trust on an exclusive or nonexclusive basis, prepare or
4arrange for the preparation of fiduciary income tax returns for the trust, and
5maintain or arrange for custody in this state of some or all of the property that is the
6subject of a qualified disposition, and a material portion of the administration of the
7trust is performed in this state.”.
814. Page 6, line 10: on lines 10, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24 and 25, delete “legacy" and
9substitute “domestic asset preservation".
1015. Page 6, line 11: before that line insert:
11“5. The notice is considered provided to a spouse if one of the following
12requirements is met:
13 a. The notice is delivered to the spouse via certified mail, with a return receipt
15 b. The notice is given to the spouse in-person and the spouse acknowledges the
16receipt of the notice in a signed and notarized document.”.
1716. Page 6, line 16: delete “legacy" and substitute “domestic asset
1917. Page 7, line 3: on lines 3, 5, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20 and 25, delete “legacy"
20and substitute “domestic asset preservation".
2118. Page 7, line 9: delete “legacy" and substitute “domestic asset

119. Page 8, line 1: on lines 1, 4, 5, 8, 14, 17, 18 and 21, delete “legacy" and
2substitute “domestic asset preservation".
320. Page 8, line 11: delete “legacy trust unless the terms of the legacy trust"
4and substitute “domestic asset preservation trust unless the terms of the domestic
5asset preservation trust".
621. Page 9, line 2: on lines 2, 3, 5, 11, 12, 17 and 22, delete “legacy" and
7substitute “domestic asset preservation".
822. Page 10, line 22: on lines 22 and 24, delete “legacy" and substitute
9“domestic asset preservation".
1023. Page 11, line 20: on lines 20 and 24, delete “legacy" and substitute
11“domestic asset preservation".
1224. Page 12, line 3: on lines 3, 4, 14, 16, 17 and 22, delete “legacy" and
13substitute “domestic asset preservation".
1425. Page 13, line 5: on lines 5, 7, 11, 14 and 20, delete “legacy" and substitute
15“domestic asset preservation".
1626. Page 13, line 21: delete “legacy trust and the legacy" and substitute
17“domestic asset preservation trust and the domestic asset preservation".
1827. Page 14, line 11: on lines 11, 12 and 22, delete “legacy" and substitute
19“domestic asset preservation".
2028. Page 15, line 5: on lines 5, 6, 9, 15 and 18, delete “legacy" and substitute
21“domestic asset preservation".

129. Page 15, line 11: delete “legacy trust, each trustee and each advisor of the
2legacy trust" and substitute “domestic asset preservation trust, each trustee and
3each advisor of the domestic asset preservation trust".
430. Page 15, line 25: delete “(8)" and substitute “(6m)".
531. Page 16, line 1: on lines 1, 5, 11 and 21, delete “legacy" and substitute
6“domestic asset preservation".
732. Page 16, line 3: delete “nonlegacy" and substitute “nondomestic asset
933. Page 16, line 21: after that line insert:
10(6) Subsection (1) and ss. 701.1302, 701.1306, 701.1307, and 701.1310 do not
11apply to the collection of taxes and debts owed to or being collected by the department
12of revenue.
13701.1312 Transferor's affidavit required. (1) Except as provided in sub.
14(4), a transferor shall sign a qualified affidavit before or substantially
15contemporaneously with making a qualified disposition.
16(2) A qualified affidavit shall be notarized and shall contain all of the following
17statements under oath:
18 (a) The property being transferred to the domestic asset preservation trust was
19not derived from unlawful activities.
20 (b) The transferor has full right, title, and authority to transfer the property
21to the domestic asset preservation trust.
22 (c) The transferor will not be rendered insolvent immediately after the transfer
23of the property to the domestic asset preservation trust.

1(d) The transferor does not intend to defraud any creditor by transferring the
2property to the domestic asset preservation trust.
3 (e) There are no pending or threatened court actions against the transferor,
4except for any court action identified by the affidavit or an attachment to the
6 (f) The transferor is not involved in any administrative proceeding, except for
7any proceeding identified by the affidavit or an attachment to the affidavit.
8 (g) The transferor does not contemplate at the time of the transfer the filing for
9relief under the federal bankruptcy code.
10(3) A qualified affidavit is considered defective if it materially fails to meet the
11requirements set forth in sub. (2), but a qualified affidavit is not considered defective
12due to any of the following:
13 (a) Any nonsubstantive variances from the language set forth in sub. (2).
14 (b) Any statements or representations in addition to those set forth in sub. (2)
15if the statements or representations do not materially contradict the statements or
16representations required by that subsection.
17 (c) Any technical errors in the form, substance, or method of administering an
18oath if those errors were not the fault of the affiant, and the affiant reasonably relied
19upon another person to prepare or administer the oath.
20(4) (a) A qualified affidavit is not required from a transferor who is not a
21beneficiary of the legacy trust that receives the disposition.
22 (b) A subsequent qualified affidavit is not required in connection with any
23qualified disposition made after the execution of an earlier qualified affidavit if that
24disposition is a part of, is required by, or is the direct result of a prior qualified
25disposition that was made in connection with that earlier qualified affidavit.

1(5) If a qualified affidavit is required under this section and a transferor fails
2to timely sign a qualified affidavit or signs a defective qualified affidavit, then,
3subject to the normal rules of evidence, that failure or defect may be considered as
4evidence in any proceeding commenced pursuant to s. 701.1306, but the domestic
5asset preservation trust or the validity of any attempted qualified disposition shall
6not be affected in any other way due to that failure or defect.
7Section 1m. Nonstatutory provisions.
8(1) Reconciliation provisions.
9(a) If 2023 Wisconsin Act .... (Senate Bill 759) creates s. 702.102 (11), the
10language “special power of appointment” in ss. 701.1301 (6) (b) and 701.1304 (2) of
11this act is changed to “nongeneral power of appointment.” If 2023 Wisconsin Act ....
12(Senate Bill 759) does not create s. 702.102 (11), the language “special power of
13appointment” in ss. 701.1301 (6) (b) and 701.1304 (2) of this act is unchanged.
14(b) If 2023 Wisconsin Act .... (Senate Bill 759) creates s. 702.102 (11), the
15language “, as defined in s. 702.02 (7),” in s. 701.1304 (2) of this act is void. If 2023
16Wisconsin Act .... (Senate Bill 759) does not create s. 702.102 (11), the language “, as
17defined in s. 702.02 (7),” in s. 701.1304 (2) of this act is not void.”.
1834. Page 16, line 24: after that line insert:
19 Section 3. Effective date.
20(1) This act takes effect on July 1, 2025.”.