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2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
January 31, 2024 - Offered by Representative Moses.
1 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
21. Page 1, line 2: delete “ready-to-use glucagon rescue therapies" and
3substitute “undesignated glucagon".
42. Page 2, line 2: delete “Ready-to-use glucagon rescue therapies" and
5substitute “Undesignated glucagon".
63. Page 2, line 6: delete lines 6 to 8 and substitute:
7“(am) “Advanced practice registered nurse” has the meaning given in s. 154.01
9 (b) “Diabetes medical management plan” means a document developed by the
10personal health care team of a pupil that sets out the health services needed by the
11pupil at school and at school-sponsored activities and is signed by the personal
12health care team and the parent or guardian of the pupil.

1(bm) “Diabetes provider” means a physician, physician assistant, or advanced
2practice registered nurse who has primary responsibility for the treatment and care
3of a pupil's diabetes.”.
44. Page 2, line 12: delete lines 12 to 17.
55. Page 2, line 18: delete “public, private, or tribal school" and substitute
6“public school, including a charter school, or a private or tribal school".
76. Page 2, line 19: delete the material beginning with “(g) “School personnel”
8means" and ending with “plan." on page 3, line 2 and substitute:
9“(g) “School personnel” means an individual authorized under sub. (3) (b) to
10administer undesignated glucagon to a pupil.”.
117. Page 3, line 2: after that line insert:
12“(h) “Undesignated glucagon” means a glucagon approved by the federal food
13and drug administration for the treatment of severe hypoglycemia in a dosage form
14that can be rapidly administered to a patient with diabetes in a hypoglycemic
15emergency that is prescribed in the name of a school or school district.” .
168. Page 3, line 4: delete the material beginning with “a ready-to-use" and
17ending with “rescue therapy" on line 5 and substitute “undesignated glucagon”.
189. Page 3, line 6: delete the material beginning with “Ready-to-use" and
19ending with “reactions." on line 9.
2010. Page 3, line 10: delete lines 10 to 21 and substitute:
21(3) Undesignated glucagon in schools. (a) The governing body of a school
22may obtain a prescription for undesignated glucagon under sub. (2) and maintain a
23supply of undesignated glucagon in any secure location that is immediately
24accessible to school personnel. The governing body of a school shall maintain any

1supply of undesignated glucagon rescue therapy in accordance with the
2manufacturer's instructions.
3 (b) If authorized in writing by the governing body of a school, a school principal
4or school administrator, or the administrator of a county children with disabilities
5education board or cooperative educational service agency, any of the following may
6administer, on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity, undesignated
7glucagon to a pupil in accordance with the pupil's diabetes medical management plan
8or the pupil's diabetes provider's order for glucagon if the pupil's prescribed glucagon
9is not available on-site or has expired:
10 1. A school bus operator validly authorized under ss. 343.12 and 343.17 (3) (c)
11to operate the school bus he or she is operating.
12 2. A school employee or volunteer.
13 3. A county children with disabilities education board employee or volunteer.
14 4. A cooperative educational service agency employee or volunteer.”.
1511. Page 3, line 22: delete the material beginning with “a ready-to-use" and
16ending with “rescue therapy" on line 23 and substitute “undesignated glucagon”.
1712. Page 4, line 6: after that line insert:
18(3m) Independent authority. The authority to administer undesignated
19glucagon under sub. (3) (b) is independent of the authority to administer glucagon
20under s. 118.29 (2) (a) 2. and 2r.”.
2113. Page 4, line 7: after “medicine." insert “(a)".
2214. Page 4, line 10: delete “a ready-to-use undesignated glucagon rescue
23therapy" and substitute “undesignated glucagon".

115. Page 4, line 11: delete the material beginning with “a ready-to-use" and
2ending with “rescue therapy" on line 12 and substitute “undesignated glucagon”.
316. Page 4, line 13: delete the material beginning with “physician" and ending
4with “physician assistant" on line 14 and substitute “diabetes provider”.
517. Page 4, line 16: delete “subsection" and substitute “paragraph".
618. Page 4, line 17: after that line insert:
7“(b) Nothing in this section creates or imposes any duty, obligation, or basis for
8liability on any governing body of a school, any school personnel, or any other
9employee or agent of a school or school board to acquire, make available, or
10administer undesignated glucagon.
11 (c) Nothing in this section creates or imposes any duty, obligation, or basis for
12liability on any employer or any other person to supervise or exercise control over an
13individual's provision or administration of undesignated glucagon if the employer or
14other person reasonably believes the individual is acting under authorization under
15sub. (3) (b).”.
1619. Page 4, line 22: delete the material beginning with “a ready-to-use" and
17ending with “rescue therapy" on line 23 and substitute “undesignated glucagon”.