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11 c. Each patient's assigned diagnosis related group.
12 d. The number of days after the date of anticipated discharge each patient was
13in the hospital.

1e. Each patient's Medicaid identification number.
2 f. Each Medicaid claim number.
3 g. Each patient's county of residence.”.
43. Page 4, line 12: after “2024" insert “, as well as the information required
5under par. (b) 5.".
64. Page 4, line 16: after “2024" insert “, as well as the information required
7under par. (b) 5.".
85. Page 4, line 20: after “2024" insert “, as well as the information required
9under par. (b) 5.".
106. Page 4, line 25: after “2024" insert “, as well as the information required
11under par. (b) 5.".
127. Page 5, line 13: delete “rate" and substitute “rates".
138. Page 5, line 14: after “$10,000,000" insert “general purpose revenue".
149. Page 5, line 16: after “enhanced rate." insert “The enhanced rates developed
15under this subsection may not be applied once the $10,000,000 general purpose
16revenue and any related federal funds have been expended.".
1710. Page 5, line 17: delete “rate" and substitute “rates".
1811. Page 6, line 9: delete “shall only be applicable" and substitute “may be
19applicable only".
2012. Page 6, line 18: after “wounds," insert “the amount of time the enhanced
21rate is needed to address the extensive wound care needs, and".
2213. Page 6, line 19: delete “including".

114. Page 6, line 21: delete the material beginning with “may only" and ending
2with “true:" on line 22 and substitute “may be applicable only if all of the following
415. Page 7, line 2: after that line insert:
5 Section 3. Nonstatutory provisions.
6(1) Reporting requirements for enhanced nursing home rates and hospital
7supplemental payments.
8(a) By June 1, 2025, the department of health services shall submit a report to
9the joint committee on finance that includes all of the information required under
10pars. (b) and (c).
11(b) For the enhanced nursing home rates under s. 49.45 (6r), the department
12of health services shall compile for the report required under par. (a) all of the
13following information:
14 1. The number of residents, resident days, and distribution of funding by
15facility for each of the enhanced rates.
162. The number and percentage of newly admitted residents that meet the
17criteria for each of the enhanced rates.
183. Information on the amount of the enhanced rates, including a description of
19how each rate was determined by the department of health services.
20(c) For the supplemental hospital payments under s. 49.45 (3n), the
21department of health services shall compile for the report required under par. (a) all
22of the following information:
231. The number of qualifying avoidable patient days for which a supplement was
24paid to the hospital.

12. The number of high-acuity patients for which a supplement was paid to the
33. The total amount of the supplement paid to the hospital.
44. The most significant condition or reason, in the judgment of the hospital,
5preventing the discharge of the patient to another facility or setting, for each
6high-acuity patient with qualifying avoidable patient days. The department of
7health services may specify categories of conditions, reasons, or other data elements
8necessary to facilitate the administration of the collection and analysis of this data.”.