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SB663-SSA1,1,65 1. “Charging facility” means electric vehicle charging equipment, including
6Level 1, Level 2, and fast charging equipment and analogous successor technologies.
SB663-SSA1,1,77 2. “Electric provider” has the meaning given in s. 16.957 (1) (f).
SB663-SSA1,1,98 3. “Eligible applicant” means a business, an electric provider that has entered
9into an agreement under par. (b), or the owner of a multiunit dwelling.
SB663-SSA1,2,410 (b) An electric provider may apply for a grant under par. (e) 1. a. if it provides
11with its application an agreement in writing with a business that has a place of

1business located along a clean energy corridor designated under par. (d). The
2agreement shall provide that the business will host a charging facility owned by the
3electric provider for which the electric provider will provide maintenance and be
4liable for all costs related to the facility.
SB663-SSA1,2,65 (c) The department shall establish and administer a charging facility grant
SB663-SSA1,2,117 (d) The department of administration, in consultation with the department of
8transportation and the public service commission, shall designate one or more clean
9energy corridors consisting of contiguous state trunk highways connecting this state
10to Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois. In designating these corridors, the
11department of administration shall attempt to do all of the following:
SB663-SSA1,2,1312 1. Connect with any similar corridors existing in the states of Minnesota,
13Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois.
SB663-SSA1,2,1514 2. Continue segments of highway that are designated as electric vehicle
15corridor-ready by the federal highway administration.
SB663-SSA1,2,1616 3. Designate heavily traveled highways.
SB663-SSA1,2,1817 (e) 1. The department shall award grants of settlement funds from the
18appropriation under s. 20.855 (4) (h) to eligible applicants for any of the following:
SB663-SSA1,2,2019 a. The installation of publicly accessible charging facilities at places of business
20located along a clean energy corridor designated under par. (d).
SB663-SSA1,2,2321 b. The installation of charging facilities at places of business other than those
22covered under subd. 1. a. or at multiunit dwellings. Charging facilities under this
23subd. 1. b. need not be publicly accessible.
SB663-SSA1,3,424 2. The department of administration, in consultation with the department of
25transportation and public service commission, may establish criteria for awarding

1grants under this paragraph. The department of administration shall provide an
2opportunity for public comment before the criteria is implemented for any criteria
3proposed for establishment by the department of administration under this
SB663-SSA1,3,65 3. Notwithstanding subd. 2., the department shall do all of the following in
6awarding grants under this paragraph:
SB663-SSA1,3,87 a. Give highest priority to projects that minimize gaps of greater than 50 miles
8in charging facility coverage along clean energy corridors designated under par. (d).
SB663-SSA1,3,119 b. If applications for grants under this paragraph exceed the funding available,
10provide secondary priority to awarding grants to as many separate eligible
11applicants as possible.
SB663-SSA1,3,1312 4. a. A grant under subd. 1. a. may not exceed 75 percent of the cost to purchase,
13install, and maintain a charging facility.
SB663-SSA1,3,1514 b. A grant under subd. 1. b. may not exceed 50 percent of the cost to purchase,
15install, and maintain a charging facility.
SB663-SSA1,3,1716 5. The department may award multiple grants under this paragraph to a single
17eligible applicant.
SB663-SSA1,3,2118 6. The awarding of grants under this paragraph does not confer any ownership
19interest to the department or the state in charging facilities that are installed under
20the grants. An eligible applicant that is awarded a grant is responsible for the
21operation and maintenance of a charging facility installed under the grant.
SB663-SSA1,3,2522 7. The department may not award more than a total of $10,000,000 in grants
23under this paragraph. Not less than $5,000,000 of the total amount shall be awarded
24under subd. 1. a. and not less than $3,000,0000 of the total amount shall be awarded
25under subd. 1. b.
1(f) A person who is awarded a grant under this subsection and installs a
2charging facility may charge a parking fee to any person who uses the facility if one
3of the following applies:
SB663-SSA1,4,64 1. The person is an electric provider and the fee is a flat fee, is based on the
5amount of time a user parks near or is connected to the facility, or is based on the
6amount of electricity the user consumes.
SB663-SSA1,4,77 2. All of the following apply:
SB663-SSA1,4,98 a. The fee is a flat fee, is based on the amount of time a user parks near or is
9connected to the facility, or is based on the amount of electricity the user consumes.
SB663-SSA1,4,1210 b. All of the electricity that a user receives by connecting to the person's
11charging facility is obtained from the electric provider serving the area in which the
12charging facility is located.
SB663-SSA1,4,1413 c. The person does not otherwise directly or indirectly provide electricity to the
14public for a fee.
SB663-SSA1,4,2315 (g) Not later than 6 months after the department has awarded grants under
16par. (e), the department of administration shall prepare a report describing the
17locations of the charging facilities installed under the charging facility grant
18program and of any gap of greater than 50 miles in charging facility coverage along
19clean energy corridors designated under par. (d) and providing any other pertinent
20details regarding the program. The department of administration shall submit the
21report to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3)
22having jurisdiction over matters relating to energy and transportation and to the
23department of transportation.
SB663-SSA1,4,2424 (h) No grant may be awarded under this section after June 30, 2027.
SB663-SSA1,2 25Section 2. 20.855 (4) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
120.855 (4) (h) Volkswagen settlement funds. All moneys received from the
2trustee of the settlement funds, as defined in s. 16.047 (1) (a), for the replacement of
3vehicles in the state fleet under s. 16.047 (2) and for the grants under s. 16.047 (4m),
and (4s). No moneys may be expended from this appropriation after June 30,
SB663-SSA1,3 6Section 3. Nonstatutory provisions.
SB663-SSA1,5,227 (1) Report on contributions by drivers of electric passenger motor vehicles.
8Not later than the first day of the 25th month beginning after the effective date of
9this subsection, the department of administration shall prepare a report describing
10potential methods of ensuring an equitable contribution by drivers of electric
11passenger motor vehicles, as compared to drivers of other passenger motor vehicles,
12to the costs of constructing and maintaining state highways and providing local
13transportation aids. The report shall consider the past growth of electric motor
14vehicle registrations and the projected growth over the next decade. The report shall
15consider the potential of utility revenue assessments of electric vehicle charging
16facilities to replace revenues from motor vehicle fuel taxes. The department of
17administration shall consult with the department of transportation; the public
18service commission; public utilities; proprietors of, or organizations representing
19proprietors of, gas stations, restaurants, and retail stores; and other stakeholders in
20preparing the report. The department of administration shall submit the report to
21the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3) having
22jurisdiction over matters relating to energy and transportation.