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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
January 6, 2022 - Offered by Senator Darling.
1 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
21. Page 1, line 4: after “authorities" insert “created by 1st class cities".
32. Page 3, line 4: delete “Within" and substitute “On any property wholly or
4partially owned by a housing authority before October 1, 2021, and within".
53. Page 3, line 7: after “development." insert “This paragraph applies only to
6a housing authority created by a 1st class city.".
74. Page 3, line 11: after “4624." insert “This paragraph applies only to a project
8or development on a property wholly or partially owned before October 1, 2021, by
9a housing authority created by a 1st class city.".
105. Page 3, line 18: delete lines 18 to 20 and substitute “any contract in an
11amount of $25,000 or less, or, if the contract is for a project on a property wholly or
12partially owned before October 1, 2021, by a housing authority created by a 1st class

1city, $50,000 or less,
but if the estimated cost of the contract is between $10,000 and
2$25,000, the authority, except a contract for a project on a property wholly or partially
3owned before October 1, 2021, by an authority created by a 1st class city,
shall give
4a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, of the proposed work before the contract is entered
5into. A contract”.
66. Page 4, line 2: delete “tenant support services,".
77. Page 4, line 3: after “authority" insert “and, for projects located on
8properties wholly or partially owned before October 1, 2021, by a housing authority
9created by a 1st class city, tenant support services
108. Page 4, line 14: delete lines 14 to 18 and substitute:
11 Section 9m. 66.1205 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
12 66.1205 (1) (c) It shall not accept any person as a tenant in any housing project
13if the person or persons who would occupy the dwelling accommodations have an
14aggregate annual income in excess of 5 times the annual rental of the quarters to be
15furnished the person or persons, except that in the case of families with minor
16dependents the aggregate annual income of the person or persons who would occupy
17the dwelling accommodations may exceed 5 times the annual rental of the quarters
18to be furnished by $100 for each minor dependent or by an amount equal to the
19annual income of the minor dependents. In computing the rental for the purpose of
20selecting tenants, the authority shall determine and include in the rental the
21average annual cost to the occupants, of heat, water, electricity, gas, cooking range
22and other necessary services or facilities, whether or not the charge for such services
23and facilities is in fact included in the rental. This paragraph does not apply to a

1property wholly or partially owned before October 1, 2021, by a housing authority
2created by a 1st class city.
39. Page 4, line 21: after “(b)," insert “created by a 1st class city,".
410. Page 4, line 22: after “authority" insert “created by a 1st class city".
511. Page 4, line 23: after “units" insert “located in a property wholly or
6partially owned before October 1, 2021, by the authority".