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2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
June 1, 2021 - Offered by Senator Jacque.
1An Act to amend 51.15 (4) (b) and 51.15 (5); and to create 51.15 (4) (d) of the
2statutes; relating to: excluding time for evaluation and treatment of certain
3medical conditions from the time limit for emergency detention without a
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Current law establishes a procedure for emergency detention of an individual
who is believed to be mentally ill, drug dependent, or developmentally disabled and
who demonstrates a substantial probability of physical harm to himself or herself or
others or impairment or injury to himself or herself due to impaired judgment, or
inability to satisfy certain basic needs due to mental illness. Once an individual is
taken into custody by law enforcement or another authorized person for purposes of
an emergency detention, the individual may not be detained for more than 72 hours
without a court hearing. Under the bill, if the individual's behavior cannot be
assessed due directly to evaluation or stabilizing treatment of a nonpsychiatric
medical condition of the individual, the county is allowed to petition a court to
exclude from the 72 hours the period during the evaluation or stabilizing treatment
of a nonpsychiatric medical condition in which the individual's behavior cannot be
assessed. If the county files such a petition, it must do so before the original 72-hour
period has expired.

Currently, in Milwaukee County, the treatment director of a facility has 24
hours from the time the individual is delivered to the facility to determine whether
or not the individual must be detained for purposes of emergency detention.
Currently, the 24-hour period in which the treatment director must make the
determination may be extended by any period that the determination is delayed that
is directly attributable to evaluation or stabilizing treatment of nonpsychiatric
medical conditions. Currently, in counties other than Milwaukee County, there is no
24-hour period for determination by a treatment director.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 51.15 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 51.15 (4) (b) Upon delivery of the individual, the treatment director of the
3facility, or his or her designee, shall determine within 24 hours, except as provided
4in par. (c), whether the individual shall be detained, or shall be detained, evaluated,
5diagnosed and treated, if evaluation, diagnosis and treatment are permitted under
6sub. (8), and shall either release the individual or detain him or her for a period not
7to exceed 72 hours after the individual is taken into custody for the purposes of
8emergency detention, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays and except
9as provided in par. (d)
. If the treatment director, or his or her designee, determines
10that the individual is not eligible for commitment under s. 51.20 (1) (a), the treatment
11director shall release the individual immediately, unless otherwise authorized by
12law. If the individual is detained, the treatment director or his or her designee may
13supplement in writing the statement filed by the law enforcement officer or other
14person, and shall designate whether the subject individual is believed to be mentally
15ill, developmentally disabled or drug dependent, if no designation was made by the
16law enforcement officer or other person. The director or designee may also include
17other specific information concerning his or her belief that the individual meets the
18standard for commitment. The treatment director or designee shall then promptly

1file the original statement together with any supplemental statement and
2notification of detention with the court having probate jurisdiction in the county in
3which the individual was taken into custody. The filing of the statement and
4notification has the same effect as a petition for commitment under s. 51.20.
5Section 2. 51.15 (4) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
6 51.15 (4) (d) If the officer or other person described under par. (a) or the
7treatment director is unable to assess the individual's behavior due directly to
8evaluation or stabilizing treatment of a nonpsychiatric medical condition of the
9individual and before the 72-hour period under par. (b) has expired, the county may
10petition a court to exclude from the 72 hours for which an individual may be detained
11before a hearing the period during the evaluation or stabilizing treatment of a
12nonpsychiatric medical condition in which the individual's behavior cannot be
14Section 3. 51.15 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 51.15 (5) Detention procedure; other counties. In counties having a
16population of less than 750,000, the law enforcement officer or other person
17authorized to take a child into custody under ch. 48 or to take a juvenile into custody
18under ch. 938 shall sign a statement of emergency detention that shall provide
19detailed specific information concerning the recent overt act, attempt, or threat to
20act or omission on which the belief under sub. (1) is based and the names of persons
21observing or reporting the recent overt act, attempt, or threat to act or omission. The
22law enforcement officer or other person is not required to designate in the statement
23whether the subject individual is mentally ill, developmentally disabled, or drug
24dependent, but shall allege that he or she has cause to believe that the individual
25evidences one or more of these conditions. The statement of emergency detention

1shall be filed by the officer or other person with the detention facility at the time of
2admission, and with the court immediately thereafter. The filing of the statement
3has the same effect as a petition for commitment under s. 51.20. When, upon the
4advice of the treatment staff, the director of a facility specified in sub. (2) (d)
5determines that the grounds for detention no longer exist, he or she shall discharge
6the individual detained under this section. Unless a hearing is held under s. 51.20
7(7) or 55.135, the subject individual may not be detained by the law enforcement
8officer or other person and the facility for more than a total of 72 hours after the
9individual is taken into custody for the purposes of emergency detention, exclusive
10of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. If the officer or other person is unable to
11assess the individual's behavior due directly to evaluation or stabilizing treatment
12of a nonpsychiatric medical condition of the individual and before the 72-hour period
13has expired, the county may petition a court to exclude from the 72 hours for which
14an individual may be detained before a hearing the period during the evaluation or
15stabilizing treatment of a nonpsychiatric medical condition in which the individual's
16behavior cannot be assessed.