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AB68-SSA1,1558,223 (c) That unless the state proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the youthful
24offender is permanently incorrigible and is therefore unable to be rehabilitated,

1youthful offenders must have a meaningful opportunity to obtain release from prison
2based on maturity and rehabilitation.
AB68-SSA1,3453 3Section 3453. 973.018 of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,1558,5 4973.018 Sentence adjustment for youthful offenders. (1) Definition. In
5this section, “youthful offender” has the meaning given in s. 973.014 (3) (a).
AB68-SSA1,1558,10 6(2) Sentence adjustment; factors. A court may reduce a term of
7imprisonment, including life imprisonment under s. 973.014 (3), for a youthful
8offender who has served 15 years of his or her term of imprisonment if the court finds
9that the interests of justice warrant a reduction. In making its determination, the
10court shall consider all of the following:
AB68-SSA1,1558,1111 (a) The sentencing factors set forth in ss. 973.014 (3) (e) and 973.017 (2c).
AB68-SSA1,1558,1312 (b) The youthful offender's subsequent growth, behavior, and rehabilitation
13while incarcerated.
AB68-SSA1,1558,21 14(3) Petition for sentence adjustment. (a) One year before the youthful
15offender becomes eligible for a sentence adjustment under this section, the
16department shall provide written notice of the eligibility to the qualifying youthful
17offender, the sentencing court, the district attorney for the county in which the
18youthful offender was sentenced, and the state public defender. Notice under this
19paragraph shall include notice of the youthful offender's right to counsel and notice
20that if the youthful offender believes that he or she cannot afford an attorney, the
21youthful offender may ask the state public defender to represent him or her.
AB68-SSA1,1558,2422 (b) A youthful offender has a right to counsel in the sentence adjustment
23proceedings under this section. The right to counsel begins at the service of notice
24under par. (a).
1(c) After service of notice under par. (a) and upon request by the youthful
2offender or the youthful offender's attorney, the court shall make documents from the
3sentencing hearing available to the youthful offender or his or her attorney, including
4the presentence investigation report in accordance with s. 972.15 (4m) and the
5transcript from the sentencing hearing.
AB68-SSA1,1559,106 (d) A qualifying youthful offender may file a petition for a sentence adjustment
7under this section. The petitioner shall file the petition and any affidavits and other
8written support for the petition in the sentencing court no more than 90 days before
9the youthful offender's eligibility date. A copy of the petition shall be served on the
10district attorney in the county in which the youthful offender was sentenced.
AB68-SSA1,1559,1211 (e) Upon receipt of a petition under par. (d), the district attorney shall notify
12any victims of the crime in accordance with s. 950.04 (1v) (gm).
AB68-SSA1,1559,14 13(4) Hearing. (a) The court shall hold a hearing within 120 days of a petition
14filed under sub. (3) (d), unless all parties agree to an extension for the hearing date.
AB68-SSA1,1559,1915 (b) The court shall consider relevant information, including expert testimony
16and other information about the youthful offender's participation in any available
17educational, vocational, volunteer, community service, or other programs, the
18youthful offender's work reports and psychological evaluations, and the youthful
19offender's major violations of institutional rules, if any.
AB68-SSA1,1559,2220 (c) The youthful offender has the right to attend the hearing, the right to be
21represented by counsel, and the right to testify, present evidence, and cross-examine
AB68-SSA1,1559,2423 (d) The victim shall be given the opportunity to provide a statement concerning
24sentencing in accordance with s. 950.04 (1v) (m).
AB68-SSA1,1559,2525 (e) A hearing under this subsection shall be recorded.
1(f) The decision of the court on a petition under sub. (3) is a final adjudication
2subject to appeal under s. 809.30.
AB68-SSA1,1560,5 3(5) Order. If the court finds that the interests of justice warrant a sentence
4adjustment, the court may amend the judgment of conviction according to one of the
AB68-SSA1,1560,96 (a) If the youthful offender is serving a sentence for a crime committed before
7December 31, 1999, reduce the parole eligibility date and modify the conditions of
8parole. The court may also reduce the sentence, but shall provide for at least 3 years
9of parole supervision after release from prison.
AB68-SSA1,1560,1510 (b) Upon request by the youthful offender, for a crime committed before
11December 31, 1999, convert an indeterminate sentence to a bifurcated sentence
12under s. 973.01 or 973.014 (1g). If the court converts the indeterminate sentence to
13a bifurcated sentence, the court shall set a date for release to extended supervision
14under s. 302.113 that is no later than the original parole eligibility date. The court
15may also modify the conditions of parole or extended supervision.
AB68-SSA1,1560,2016 (c) For a crime committed on or after December 31, 1999, reduce the term of
17confinement in prison and modify the conditions of extended supervision. The court
18may also reduce the total length of the bifurcated sentence. Notwithstanding s.
19973.01 (2) (d), the court shall provide for at least 3 years of extended supervision
20under s. 302.113.
AB68-SSA1,1560,2521 (d) For a life sentence without the possibility of parole or release to extended
22supervision under s. 973.014 (1) (c) or (1g) (a) 3., convert the sentence to a life
23sentence with the possibility of parole or release to extended supervision and set a
24date for parole eligibility or release to extended supervision and conditions for parole
25or extended supervision accordingly.
1(6) Subsequent petitions. A youthful offender is eligible to file a subsequent
2petition under sub. (3) no earlier than 5 years after a hearing is held under sub. (4),
3unless the court sets an earlier date. A youthful offender may file no more than 5
4petitions under sub. (3) during his or her sentence.
AB68-SSA1,1561,7 5(7) Sentence modification on other grounds. Nothing in this section limits
6the youthful offender's right to resentencing, sentence adjustment, or sentence
7modification on other grounds, including under s. 302.113 (9g) or 302.114.
AB68-SSA1,3454 8Section 3454. 973.10 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 973.10 (2) (am)
9and amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1561,1710 973.10 (2) (am) If a probationer violates the conditions of probation, the
11department of corrections may initiate a proceeding before the division of hearings
12and appeals in the department of administration. Unless waived by the probationer,
13a hearing examiner for the division shall conduct an administrative hearing and
14enter an order either revoking or not revoking probation. Upon request of either
15party, the administrator of the division shall review the order. If the probationer
16waives the final administrative hearing, the secretary of corrections shall enter an
17order either revoking or not revoking probation.
AB68-SSA1,1561,18 18(bm) 2. If probation is revoked, the department shall do one of the following:
AB68-SSA1,3455 19Section 3455. 973.10 (2) (a) and (b) of the statutes are renumbered 973.10 (2)
20(bm) 2. a. and b.
AB68-SSA1,3456 21Section 3456 . 973.10 (2) (bm) 1. of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,1561,2322 973.10 (2) (bm) 1. Probation may not be revoked unless one of the following
AB68-SSA1,1561,2424 a. The person committed 3 or more independent violations while on probation.
1b. The condition that the person violated was a condition that the person not
2contact any specified individual.
AB68-SSA1,1562,33 c. The person was required to register as a sex offender under s. 301.45.
AB68-SSA1,1562,54 d. When the person violated the condition of probation, the person also
5allegedly committed a crime.
AB68-SSA1,1562,76 e. The person failed to report or make himself or herself available for
7supervision for a period of more than 60 consecutive days.
AB68-SSA1,3457 8Section 3457 . 973.10 (2s) of the statutes is repealed.
AB68-SSA1,3458 9Section 3458. 973.15 (2m) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1562,1210 973.15 (2m) (a) 1. “Determinate sentence" means a bifurcated sentence
11imposed under s. 973.01 or a life sentence under which a person is eligible for release
12to extended supervision under s. 973.014 (1g) (a) 1. or 2. or (3) (c).
AB68-SSA1,3459 13Section 3459. 973.15 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1562,1714 973.15 (5) A convicted offender who is made available to another jurisdiction
15under ch. 976 or in any other lawful manner shall be credited with service of his or
16her Wisconsin sentence or commitment under the terms of s. ss. 973.155 and 973.156
17for the duration of custody in the other jurisdiction.
AB68-SSA1,3460 18Section 3460 . 973.155 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1562,2319 973.155 (1m) A convicted offender shall be given credit toward the service of
20his or her sentence for all days spent in custody as part of a substance abuse
21treatment program that meets the requirements of s. 165.95 (3), as determined by
22the department of justice under s. 165.95 (9) and (10), for any offense arising out of
23the course of conduct that led to the person's placement in that program.
AB68-SSA1,3461 24Section 3461. 973.156 of the statutes is created to read:
1973.156 Earned compliance credit. (1) In this section, “qualifying offense”
2means a crime other than a violation of ch. 940 or s. 948.02, 948.025, 948.03, 948.05,
3948.051, 948.055, 948.06, 948.07, 948.075, 948.08, 948.085, or 948.095.
AB68-SSA1,1563,10 4(2) Upon the revocation of extended supervision under s. 302.113 (9) or parole
5under s. 302.11 (7), a person shall be given earned compliance credit toward the
6service of his or her sentence for a qualifying offense for each day that the person
7spent on extended supervision or parole without violating a condition or rule of
8extended supervision or parole prior to the violation that resulted in the revocation.
9A person may not be given earned compliance credit for any time between the date
10of the most recent violation and the date of the revocation.
AB68-SSA1,1563,12 11(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to a person who is required to register under
12s. 301.45.
AB68-SSA1,1563,15 13(4) If a person is serving more than one sentence, earned compliance credit
14under sub. (2) is earned only for the time spent on extended supervision or parole for
15qualifying offenses.
AB68-SSA1,1563,17 16(5) The amount of the credit under sub. (2) shall be calculated and applied by
17the appropriate reviewing authority under s. 302.11 (7) (am) or 302.113 (9) (am) 1.
AB68-SSA1,3462 18Section 3462 . 973.176 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1563,2319 973.176 (1) Firearm possession. Whenever a court imposes a sentence or
20places a defendant on probation regarding a felony conviction or regarding a
21conviction for a misdemeanor under s. 175.33 (2)
, the court shall inform the
22defendant of the requirements and penalties applicable to him or her under s. 941.29
23(1m) or (4m).
AB68-SSA1,3463 24Section 3463. 973.25 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1973.25 (1) (a) “Certificate of qualification for employment” means a certificate
2issued by the council on offender employment that provides an offender with relief
3from a collateral sanction, except that it does not provide relief from s. 48.685 (5m),
450.065 (4m), or 111.335 (3) (a) (ar), (b), (c), or (e) or (4) (h) or (i).
AB68-SSA1,3464 5Section 3464 . 977.05 (4) (i) 10. of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,1564,66 977.05 (4) (i) 10. Cases involving youthful offenders under s. 973.018 (3).
AB68-SSA1,3465 7Section 3465 . 977.08 (4s) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,1564,138 977.08 (4s) Beginning on July 1, 2023, and biennially on July 1 of each
9odd-numbered year thereafter, the rates established under sub. (4m) (d) shall be
10adjusted by a percentage equal to the average of the consumer price index over the
11preceding 12-month period, all items, U.S. city average, as determined by the
12bureau of labor statistics of the federal department of labor, except that the
13percentage under this subsection may not be less than zero.
AB68-SSA1,3466 14Section 3466. 978.03 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1564,2415 978.03 (1m) The district attorney of any prosecutorial unit having a population
16of 200,000 or more but less than 750,000 may appoint 3 4 deputy district attorneys
17and such assistant district attorneys as may be requested by the department of
18administration and authorized in accordance with s. 16.505. The district attorney
19shall rank the deputy district attorneys for purposes of carrying out duties under this
20section. The deputies, according to rank, may perform any duty of the district
21attorney, under the district attorney's direction. In the absence or disability of the
22district attorney, the deputies, according to rank, may perform any act required by
23law to be performed by the district attorney. Any such deputy must have practiced
24law in this state for at least 2 years prior to appointment under this section.
AB68-SSA1,3467 25Section 3467 . 978.05 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1978.05 (6) (a) Institute, commence, or appear in all civil actions or special
2proceedings under and perform the duties set forth for the district attorney under ch.
3980 and ss. 17.14, 30.03 (2), 48.09 (5), 59.55 (1), 59.64 (1), 70.36, 89.08, 103.50 (8),
4103.92 (4), 109.09, 343.305 (9) (a), 806.05, 938.09, 938.18, 938.355 (6) (b) and (6g) (a),
5946.86, 946.87, 961.55 (5), 971.14 and 973.075 to 973.077, perform any duties in
6connection with court proceedings in a court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under
7chs. 48 and 938 as the judge may request and perform all appropriate duties and
8appear if the district attorney is designated in specific statutes, including matters
9within chs. 782, 976 and 979 and ss. 51.81 to 51.85. Nothing in this paragraph limits
10the authority of the county board to designate, under s. 48.09 (5), that the corporation
11counsel provide representation as specified in s. 48.09 (5) or to designate, under s.
1248.09 (6) or 938.09 (6), the district attorney as an appropriate person to represent the
13interests of the public under s. 48.14 or 938.14.
AB68-SSA1,3468 14Section 3468. 978.07 (1) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1565,2115 978.07 (1) (c) 1. Any case record of a felony punishable by life imprisonment
16or a related case, after the defendant's parole eligibility date under s. 304.06 (1) or
17973.014 (1) or (3) (b) or date of eligibility for release to extended supervision under
18s. 973.014 (1g) (a) 1. or 2. or (3) (c), whichever is applicable, or 50 years after the
19commencement of the action, whichever occurs later. If there is no parole eligibility
20date or no date for release to extended supervision, the district attorney may destroy
21the case record after the defendant's death.
AB68-SSA1,3469 22Section 3469. 990.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1566,223 990.01 (2) Acquire. “Acquire," when used in connection with a grant of power
24to any person, includes the acquisition by purchase, grant, gift or bequest. It includes

1the power to condemn only in the cases specified in s. 32.02 and subject to the
2limitations under s. 32.015
AB68-SSA1,3470 3Section 3470 . 990.01 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1566,74 990.01 (3) Adult. “Adult" means a person who has attained the age of 18 years,
5except that for purposes of investigating or prosecuting a person who is alleged to
6have violated any state or federal criminal law or any civil law or municipal
7ordinance, “adult" means a person who has attained the age of 17 years
AB68-SSA1,3471 8Section 3471 . 990.01 (20) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1566,129 990.01 (20) Minor. “Minor" means a person who has not attained the age of
1018 years, except that for purposes of investigating or prosecuting a person who is
11alleged to have violated a state or federal criminal law or any civil law or municipal
12ordinance, “minor" does not include a person who has attained the age of 17 years
AB68-SSA1,3472 13Section 3472 . 990.01 (22m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,1566,1614 990.01 (22m) Natural parent. “Natural parent" means a parent of a child who
15is not an adoptive parent, whether the parent is biologically related to the child or
AB68-SSA1,3473 17Section 3473 . 990.01 (39) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,1566,1918 990.01 (39) Spouses. “Spouses" means 2 individuals of the same sex or different
19sexes who are legally married to each other.
AB68-SSA1,3474 20Section 3474 . 990.01 (40m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,1566,2221 990.01 (40m) Stepparent. “Stepparent" means a person who is the spouse of
22a child's parent and who is not also a parent of the child.
AB68-SSA1,3475 23Section 3475. 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 110 (1) (a), as last affected by
242019 Wisconsin Act 8, is amended to read:
1[2017 Wisconsin Act 185] Section 110 (1) (a) Upon the establishment of the Type
21 juvenile correctional facilities under subsection (7) and the secured residential care
3centers for children and youth under subsections (4) and (7m), the department of
4corrections shall begin to transfer each juvenile held in secure custody at the Lincoln
5Hills School and Copper Lake School to the appropriate Type 1 juvenile correctional
6facility or secured residential care center for children and youth. No juvenile may
7be transferred to a Type 1 juvenile correctional facility until the department of
8corrections determines the facility to be ready to accept juveniles, and no juvenile
9may be transferred to a secured residential care center for children and youth until
10the entity operating the facility determines it to be ready to accept juveniles. The
11transfers may occur in phases. The department shall transfer all juveniles a juvenile
12under this subsection no later than July 1, 2021 as soon as a substitute placement
13that meets the needs of the juvenile is ready
AB68-SSA1,3476 14Section 3476. 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 110 (2) (a), as last affected by
152019 Wisconsin Act 8, is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1567,2216[2017 Wisconsin Act 185] Section 110 (2) (a) On the earlier of the date on which
17all juveniles have been transferred to secured residential care centers for children
18and youth and Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities under subsection (1) or July 1,
(a) or transferred to a juvenile detention facility under 2019 Wisconsin Act 8,
72 (1), the department of corrections shall permanently close the Type 1
21juvenile correctional facilities housed at the Lincoln Hills School and Copper Lake
22School in the town of Birch, Lincoln County.
AB68-SSA1,3477 23Section 3477. 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 110 (7), as last affected by 2019
24Wisconsin Act 8
, is amended to read:
1[2017 Wisconsin Act 185] Section 110 (7) Type 1 juvenile correctional
The department of corrections shall establish or construct the Type 1
3juvenile correctional facilities under section 301.16 (1w) (a) of the statutes no later
4than July 1, 2021
, subject to the approval of the joint committee on finance. The
5department shall consider the recommendations of the juvenile corrections study
6committee under subsection (6) (c) 2. in establishing or constructing these facilities.
AB68-SSA1,3478 7Section 3478. 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section 112 (1), as last affected by 2019
8Wisconsin Act 8
, is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1568,179[2017 Wisconsin Act 185] Section 112 (1) The treatment of sections 46.011 (1p)
10(by Section 13), 46.057 (1) (by Section 15), 48.023 (4) (by Section 20), 49.11 (1c) (by
11Section 27), 49.45 (25) (bj) (by Section 29), 301.01 (1n) (by Section 35), 301.20,
12938.02 (4) (by Section 50), 938.34 (2) (a) (by Section 57) and (b) (by Section 59) and
13(4m) (intro.) (by Section 62), 938.48 (3) (by Section 78), (4) (by Section 80), (4m) (b)
14(by Section 82), (5) (by Section 84), (6) (by Section 86), and (14) (by Section 88),
15938.505 (1) (by Section 96), 938.52 (2) (a) and (c) (by Section 98), 938.53 (by Section
16100), and 938.54 (by Section 107) of the statutes takes effect on the date specified
17in the notice under Section 110 (2) (b) or July 1, 2021, whichever is earlier.
AB68-SSA1,3479 18Section 3479 . 2017 Wisconsin Act 370, section 44 (2) and (3) are repealed.
AB68-SSA1,3480 19Section 3480. 2017 Wisconsin Act 370, section 44 (5) is repealed.
AB68-SSA1,3481 20Section 3481. 2019 Wisconsin Act 8, section 72 (1) (b) is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1569,321[2019 Wisconsin Act 8] Section 72 (1) (b) Notwithstanding s. 938.34 (3) (f) 1.,
22a juvenile may be placed in a juvenile detention facility under par. (a) for a period
23longer than 365 days, and shall be transferred out of the juvenile detention facility
24using the procedure and by the date required under 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, section
25110 (1). The department of corrections shall transfer all juveniles placed in a juvenile

1detention facility under par. (a) out of the juvenile detention facility no later than
2July 1, 2021
as soon as a substitute placement that meets the needs of the juvenile
3is ready
AB68-SSA1,3482 4Section 3482. 2019 Wisconsin Act 8, section 74 (1) is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,1569,105[2019 Wisconsin Act 8] Section 74 (1) The treatment of ss. 46.011 (1p), 48.023
6(4), 49.11 (1c), 49.45 (25) (bj), 301.01 (1n), 938.02 (4), 938.34 (4m) (intro.) (by Section
733) and (4n) (intro.), 938.357 (4g) (a), 938.48 (3), (4), (4m) (b), (5), (6), and (14), 938.505
8(1), 938.52 (2) (a) and (c), 938.53, 938.533 (2) (intro.), and 938.54 takes effect on the
9date specified in the notice under 2017 Wisconsin Act 185, Section 110 (2) (b), or July
101, 2021, whichever is earlier
AB68-SSA1,3483 11Section 3483 . 2017 Wisconsin Act 59, sections 202e, 202g, 1646t to 1646y,
121655g to 1655j, 1806f and 9439 (4t) are repealed.