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AB68-SSA1,1145,2222 1. The applicant.
AB68-SSA1,1145,2323 2. Officers, directors, and principal employees of the applicant.
AB68-SSA1,1145,2524 3. Each individual shareholder, member, or partner who directly or indirectly
25controls 10 percent or more of the ownership interests of the applicant.
1(c) A nonrefundable license fee of $1,000.
AB68-SSA1,1146,22 (d) A nonrefundable investigation fee of $800.
AB68-SSA1,1146,9 3(4) Upon the filing of an application for an initial license and the payment of
4the fees for licensing and investigation under sub. (3), the office shall investigate the
5financial condition and responsibility, financial and business experience, character,
6and general fitness of the applicant. The office may conduct criminal history
7background checks of the applicant and of each partner, member, officer, director,
8and principal employee of the applicant. The office may issue a license if the office
9finds all of the following to be true:
AB68-SSA1,1146,1010 (a) The applicant's financial condition is sound.
AB68-SSA1,1146,1311 (b) The applicant's business will be conducted honestly, fairly, equitably,
12carefully, and efficiently within the purposes and intent of this subchapter and in a
13manner commanding the confidence and trust of the community.
AB68-SSA1,1146,1614 (c) No person on behalf of the applicant has knowingly made an incorrect
15statement of a material fact in the application or in any report or statement made
16under this subchapter.
AB68-SSA1,1146,1717 (d) The applicant has met any other requirements as determined by the office.
AB68-SSA1,1147,6 18(5) A license issued under this section expires at the close of business on
19September 30 of the odd-numbered year following its issuance, unless renewed or
20earlier surrendered, suspended, or revoked. No later than 15 days after a licensee
21ceases to engage in the business of student education loan servicing in this state for
22any reason, including a business decision to terminate operations in this state,
23license revocation, bankruptcy, or voluntary dissolution, the licensee shall provide
24written notice of surrender to the office and shall surrender to the office its license
25for each location in which the licensee has ceased to engage in such business. The

1written notice of surrender shall identify the location where the records of the
2licensee will be stored and the name, address, and telephone number of an individual
3authorized to provide access to the records. The surrender of a license does not
4reduce or eliminate the licensee's civil or criminal liability arising from acts or
5omissions occurring prior to the surrender of the license, including any
6administrative actions undertaken by the office.
AB68-SSA1,1147,18 7(6) A license issued under this section may be renewed for the ensuing
824-month period upon the filing of an application containing all required documents
9and fees as provided in this section. A renewal application shall be filed on or before
10September 1 of the year in which the license expires. A renewal application filed with
11the office after September 1 that is accompanied by a $100 late fee is considered to
12be timely and sufficient. If an application for a renewal license has been filed with
13the office on or before the date the license expires, the license continues in effect until
14the issuance by the office of the renewal license applied for or until the office has
15notified the licensee in writing of the office's refusal to issue the renewal license
16together with the grounds on which the refusal is based. The office may refuse to
17issue a renewal license on any ground on which the office may refuse to issue an
18initial license.
AB68-SSA1,1147,22 19(7) An applicant or licensee under this section shall notify the office, in writing,
20of any change in the information provided in the initial application for a license or
21the most recent renewal application for a license, as applicable, not later than 10
22business days after the occurrence of the event that results in the change.
AB68-SSA1,1148,6 23(8) The office may consider an application for a license under this section
24abandoned if the applicant fails to respond to any request for information required
25under this subchapter or any rule promulgated under this subchapter, as long as the

1office notifies the applicant, in writing, that the application will be considered
2abandoned if the applicant fails to submit the information within 60 days after the
3date on which the request for information is made. An application filing fee paid
4prior to the date an application is abandoned under this subsection may not be
5refunded. Abandonment of an application under this subsection does not preclude
6the applicant from submitting a new application for a license under this section.
AB68-SSA1,1148,13 7(9) A licensee may not act within this state as a student loan servicer under any
8name or at any place of business other than that identified in the license. A licensee
9may not change the location of the licensee's place of business without prior written
10notice to the office. Not more than one place of business may be maintained under
11the same license, but the office may issue more than one license to a licensee that
12complies with the provisions of this subchapter as to each license. A license is not
13transferable or assignable.
AB68-SSA1,1148,20 14(10) (a) A student loan servicer shall maintain adequate records of each
15student education loan transaction. Except as otherwise required by federal law, a
16federal student loan education agreement, or a contract between the federal
17government and the student loan servicer, a student loan servicer shall maintain
18these records for not less than 2 years following the final payment on the student
19education loan or the assignment of the student education loan, whichever occurs
AB68-SSA1,1149,221 (b) Upon request by the office, a student loan servicer shall make the records
22under par. (a) available or shall send these records to the office by registered or
23certified mail, return receipt requested, or by any express delivery carrier that
24provides a dated delivery receipt, not later than 5 business days after requested by

1the office to do so. The office may grant a licensee additional time to make these
2records available or to send the records to the office.
AB68-SSA1,1149,4 3(11) (a) The office may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a license issued
4under this section if the office finds any of the following:
AB68-SSA1,1149,65 1. That the licensee has violated any provision of this subchapter, any rule
6promulgated thereunder, or any lawful order of the office made thereunder.
AB68-SSA1,1149,97 2. That any fact or condition exists that, if it had existed at the time of the
8original application for the license, clearly would have warranted a denial of the
AB68-SSA1,1149,1110 3. That the licensee made a material misstatement in an application for a
11license or in information furnished to the office.
AB68-SSA1,1149,1212 4. That the licensee has failed to pay any fee required under this section.
AB68-SSA1,1149,2313 (b) The office shall suspend a license issued under this section if the office finds
14that the licensee is an individual who fails to comply, after appropriate notice, with
15a subpoena or warrant issued by the department of workforce development or a
16county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and related to paternity or child
17support proceedings or who is delinquent in making court-ordered payments of child
18or family support, maintenance, birth expenses, medical expenses, or other expenses
19related to the support of a child or former spouse, as provided in a memorandum of
20understanding entered into under s. 49.857. A licensee whose license is suspended
21under this paragraph is entitled to a notice and hearing only as provided in a
22memorandum of understanding entered into under s. 49.857 and is not entitled to
23any other notice or hearing under this section.
AB68-SSA1,1150,324 (c) The office shall revoke a license issued under this section if the department
25of revenue certifies under s. 73.0301 that the licensee is liable for delinquent taxes.

1A licensee whose license is revoked under this paragraph for delinquent taxes is
2entitled to a notice under s. 73.0301 (2) (b) 1. b. and a hearing under s. 73.0301 (5)
3(a) but is not entitled to any other notice or hearing under this section.
AB68-SSA1,1150,94 (d) The office shall revoke a license issued under this section if the department
5of workforce development certifies under s. 108.227 that the licensee is liable for
6delinquent unemployment insurance contributions. A licensee whose license is
7revoked under this paragraph for delinquent unemployment insurance
8contributions is entitled to a notice under s. 108.227 (2) (b) 1. b. and a hearing under
9s. 108.227 (5) (a) but is not entitled to any other notice or hearing under this section.
AB68-SSA1,1150,1410 (e) A person whose license has been suspended, revoked, or refused renewal
11under this subsection may request a hearing under s. 227.44 within 30 days after the
12date of suspension, revocation, or refusal. The office may appoint a hearing examiner
13under s. 227.46 to conduct the hearing. This paragraph does not apply to a
14suspension or revocation under pars. (b) to (d).
AB68-SSA1,1150,1715 (f) An abatement of the license fee may not be made if the license is suspended
16or revoked under this subsection or surrendered in connection with a suspension or
17revocation proceeding.
AB68-SSA1,1150,19 18(12) All fees received by the office under this section shall be credited to the
19appropriation account under s. 20.144 (1) (g).
AB68-SSA1,1150,22 20224.106 Student loan servicers. (1) In this section, “nonconforming
21payment" means a payment on a student education loan that is different from the
22required payment.
AB68-SSA1,1151,2 23(2) (a) Except as otherwise provided in federal law, a federal student education
24loan agreement, or a contract between the federal government and a student loan

1servicer, a student loan servicer shall comply with the requirements of this
AB68-SSA1,1151,53 (b) A student loan servicer shall respond to a written inquiry from a student
4loan borrower or the representative of a student loan borrower within 30 days after
5receiving the inquiry.
AB68-SSA1,1151,76 (c) Upon receipt of a nonconforming payment on a student education loan, a
7student loan servicer shall do all of the following:
AB68-SSA1,1151,98 1. Ask the student loan borrower how the student loan borrower prefers the
9student loan servicer to apply the nonconforming payment.
AB68-SSA1,1151,1110 2. Note how the student loan borrower prefers the student loan servicer to
11apply the nonconforming payment.
AB68-SSA1,1151,1312 3. Apply the nonconforming payment in the manner preferred by the student
13loan borrower.
AB68-SSA1,1151,1614 4. Until the student loan borrower indicates otherwise, apply any future
15nonconforming payments in the same manner preferred by the student loan
16borrower as noted under subd. 2.
AB68-SSA1,1151,2017 (d) If there is a sale, assignment, or other transfer of the servicing of a student
18education loan that results in a change in the identity of the person to whom a
19student loan borrower is required to send payments or direct any communication
20concerning the student education loan, all of the following apply:
AB68-SSA1,1151,2521 1. As a condition of the sale, assignment, or transfer, the student loan servicer
22shall require the new student loan servicer to honor all benefits originally
23represented as available to the student loan borrower during the repayment of the
24student education loan and preserve the availability of these benefits, including any
25benefits for which the student loan borrower has not yet qualified.
12. Within 45 days after the sale, assignment, or transfer, the student loan
2servicer shall transfer to the new student loan servicer all information regarding the
3student loan borrower, the account of the student loan borrower, and the student
4education loan of the student loan borrower, including the repayment status of the
5student loan borrower and any benefits associated with the student education loan.
AB68-SSA1,1152,86 3. The sale, assignment, or transfer of the servicing of the student education
7loan shall be completed at least 7 days before the next payment on the student
8education loan is due.
AB68-SSA1,1152,149 (e) A student loan servicer that obtains the right to service a student education
10loan shall adopt policies and procedures to verify that the student loan servicer has
11received all information regarding the student loan borrower, the account of the
12student loan borrower, and the student education loan of the student loan borrower,
13including the repayment status of the student loan borrower and any benefits
14associated with the student education loan.
AB68-SSA1,1152,15 15(3) A student loan servicer may not do any of the following:
AB68-SSA1,1152,1716 (a) Directly or indirectly employ a scheme, device, or artifice to defraud or
17mislead any student loan borrower.
AB68-SSA1,1152,2318 (b) Engage in an unfair or deceptive practice toward any person or
19misrepresent or omit any material information in connection with the servicing of
20a student education loan, including misrepresenting the amount, nature, or terms
21of any fee or payment due or claimed to be due on a student education loan, the terms
22and conditions of the loan agreement, or the student loan borrower's obligations
23under the loan.
AB68-SSA1,1152,2424 (c) Obtain property by fraud or misrepresentation.
1(d) Misapply student education loan payments to the outstanding balance of
2a student education loan.
AB68-SSA1,1153,43 (e) Provide inaccurate information to a credit bureau, thereby harming the
4determination of a student loan borrower's creditworthiness.
AB68-SSA1,1153,85 (f) Fail to report both the favorable and unfavorable payment history of a
6student loan borrower to a nationally recognized consumer credit bureau at least
7annually if the student loan servicer regularly reports information to such a credit
AB68-SSA1,1153,139 (g) Refuse to communicate with an authorized representative of a student loan
10borrower who provides a written authorization signed by the student loan borrower,
11except that the student loan servicer may adopt procedures reasonably related to
12verifying that the representative is in fact authorized to act on behalf of the student
13loan borrower.
AB68-SSA1,1153,1614 (h) Make any false statement or omit a material fact in connection with
15information or reports filed with a governmental agency or in connection with an
16investigation conducted by the office or another governmental agency.
AB68-SSA1,1153,1917 (i) Fail to evaluate a student loan borrower for an income-based repayment
18program prior to placing the student loan borrower in forbearance or default, if an
19income-based repayment program is available to the student loan borrower.
AB68-SSA1,1153,2220 (j) Violate any applicable federal law or regulation relating to student
21education loan servicing, including the federal Truth in Lending Act, 15 USC 1601
22to 1667f, and regulations adopted under that act.
AB68-SSA1,1153,25 23(4) (a) A student loan borrower injured by violation of this section may bring
24an action in any court of competent jurisdiction and recover the damages, fees, and
25penalties set forth in par. (b).
1(b) A student loan servicer that fails to comply with any requirement imposed
2under this section with respect to a student loan borrower is liable in an amount
3equal to the sum of all of the following:
AB68-SSA1,1154,54 1. Any actual damages sustained by the student loan borrower as result of the
AB68-SSA1,1154,86 2. If the student loan borrower establishes by a preponderance of the evidence
7that the violation was willful or intentional, a monetary award equal to 2 times the
8amount of actual damages.
AB68-SSA1,1154,119 3. In the case of any successful action by the student loan borrower to enforce
10the liability set out in this paragraph, the costs of the action, together with
11reasonable attorney fees, as determined by the court.
AB68-SSA1,1154,1412 (c) For purposes of par. (b), actual damages includes damages caused by
13emotional distress or mental anguish with or without accompanying physical injury
14proximately caused by a violation of this section.
AB68-SSA1,1154,1615 (d) The remedies provided in this subsection do not preclude the availability
16of other remedies that may be available to a student loan borrower.
AB68-SSA1,1154,18 17224.107 Office powers and duties. (1) The office may conduct
18investigations and examinations as follows:
AB68-SSA1,1154,2319 (a) For purposes of initial licensing, renewal, suspension, or revocation or of
20investigation to determine compliance with this subchapter, the office may access,
21receive, and use any books, accounts, records, files, documents, information, or
22evidence belonging to a licensee or person under examination, including any of the
AB68-SSA1,1154,2424 1. Criminal, civil, and administrative history information.
12. Personal history and experience information, including independent credit
2reports obtained from a consumer reporting agency, as defined in 15 USC 1681a.
AB68-SSA1,1155,53 3. Any other documents, information, or evidence the office considers relevant
4to the inquiry or investigation regardless of the location, possession, control, or
5custody of the documents, information, or evidence.
AB68-SSA1,1155,146 (b) For the purposes of investigating violations or complaints arising under this
7subchapter or of examination, the office may review, investigate, or examine any
8licensee or person subject to this subchapter as often as necessary in order to carry
9out the purposes of this subchapter. The office may direct, subpoena, or order the
10attendance of and examine under oath any person whose testimony may be required
11about the student education loan or the business or subject matter of the
12examination or investigation and may direct, subpoena, or order the person to
13produce books, accounts, records, files, and any other documents the office considers
14relevant to the inquiry.
AB68-SSA1,1156,215 (c) In making an examination or investigation authorized by this section, the
16office may control access to any documents and records of the licensee or person
17under examination or investigation. The office may take possession of the
18documents and records or place a person in exclusive charge of the documents and
19records in the place where they are usually kept. During the period of control, a
20person may not remove or attempt to remove any of the documents and records
21except pursuant to a court order or with the consent of the office. Unless the office
22has reasonable grounds to believe the documents or records of the licensee or person
23have been, or are at risk of being, altered or destroyed for purposes of concealing a
24violation of this subchapter, the licensee or owner of the documents and records may

1have access to the documents or records as necessary to conduct its ordinary business
AB68-SSA1,1156,43 (d) In order to carry out the purposes of this section, the office may do any of
4the following:
AB68-SSA1,1156,75 1. Retain attorneys, accountants, or other professionals and specialists as
6examiners, auditors, or investigators to conduct or assist in the conduct of
7examinations or investigations.
AB68-SSA1,1156,118 2. Enter into agreements or relationships with other government officials or
9regulatory associations in order to improve efficiencies and reduce regulatory
10burden by sharing resources, standardized or uniform methods or procedures, and
11documents, records, information, or evidence obtained under this section.
AB68-SSA1,1156,1412 3. Use, hire, contract for, or employ public or privately available analytical
13systems, methods, or software to examine or investigate the licensee or person
14subject to this subchapter.
AB68-SSA1,1156,1615 4. Accept and rely on examination or investigation reports made by other
16government officials, within or outside this state.
AB68-SSA1,1156,2117 5. Accept audit reports made by an independent certified public accountant for
18the licensee or person subject to this subchapter in the course of that part of the
19examination covering the same general subject matter as the audit and may
20incorporate the audit report in a report of examination, report of investigation, or
21other writing of the office.
AB68-SSA1,1156,2522 (e) A licensee or person subject to investigation or examination under this
23section may not knowingly withhold, abstract, remove, mutilate, or destroy any
24books, physical records, computer records, or other information relating to
25information regulated under this subchapter.
1(f) The costs of an investigation conducted by the office shall be paid by the
2licensee or person being investigated. Funds received by the office under this
3paragraph shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.144 (1) (g).
AB68-SSA1,1157,6 4(2) The office may do any of the following to address a violation of this
5subchapter, any rule promulgated under this subchapter, or any order issued under
6this subchapter:
AB68-SSA1,1157,127 (a) Issue an order requiring a student loan servicer to cease and desist from a
8violation, to correct the conditions resulting from the violation, and to take actions
9to prevent such violations in the future. As part of the order, the office may require
10the student loan servicer to reimburse persons injured by the violation. A student
11loan servicer that violates an order issued under this paragraph shall, for each
12violation, forfeit not more than $1,000 per day for each day the violation continues.
AB68-SSA1,1157,1713 (b) Commence administrative proceedings on its own initiative, or commence
14civil actions through the department of justice, to restrain by temporary or
15permanent injunction a person from violating this subchapter, to recover any fees or
16penalties owed under this subchapter, or to seek relief available under this
17subchapter on behalf of student loan borrowers.
AB68-SSA1,1157,1918 (c) Suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a license issued under s. 224.105 as
19provided in s. 224.105 (11).
AB68-SSA1,1157,20 20(3) The office may promulgate rules to implement this subchapter.
AB68-SSA1,2492 21Section 2492. 224.30 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,1158,222 224.30 (6) Public service loan forgiveness program information. The
23department shall collect and maintain information regarding loan forgiveness
24programs available to individuals employed by the state or a local unit of
25government. The department shall make the information available to the state, local

1units of governments, and employees of the state and local units of government on
2the Internet or by other means.
AB68-SSA1,2493 3Section 2493 . 224.55 of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,1158,5 4224.55 Support accounts for individuals with disabilities. (1)
5Definitions. In this section:
AB68-SSA1,1158,66 (a) “ABLE account" means an account established under an ABLE program.
AB68-SSA1,1158,87 (b) “ABLE program” means a qualified ABLE program under section 529A of
8the Internal Revenue Code.
AB68-SSA1,1158,13 9(2) Department to establish ABLE program. (a) Implementation directly or
10by agreement.
The department shall implement and administer an ABLE program,
11either directly or by entering into a formal or informal agreement with another state,
12or with an entity representing an alliance of states, to establish an ABLE program
13or otherwise administer ABLE program services for the residents of this state.
AB68-SSA1,1158,1914 (b) Review of other states' partnership programs. The department shall review
15section 529A ABLE state partnership programs offered by other states and, no later
16than the first day of the 10th month beginning after the effective date of this
17subsection, determine whether, as the best option for Wisconsin residents, the
18department will implement the ABLE program under par. (a) directly or by entering
19into an agreement.
AB68-SSA1,1158,2220 (c) Agreement terms. An agreement under par. (a) may require the party
21contracting with the department, in addition to providing any other services, to do
22any of the following:
AB68-SSA1,1159,223 1. Develop and implement an ABLE program in accordance with all
24requirements under section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code, and modify this
25ABLE program as necessary for participants in the ABLE program to qualify for the

1federal income tax benefits or treatment provided under section 529A of the Internal
2Revenue Code and rules adopted under section 529A.