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2 Section 54m. 20.370 (5) (hq) of the statutes is created to read:
3 20.370 (5) (hq) Department land acquisition. From the moneys received by the
4department for forestry activities, the amounts in the schedule for transfer to the
5capital improvement fund.
6Section 54n. 20.370 (5) (hr) of the statutes is created to read:
7 20.370 (5) (hr) County forest grants. From the moneys received by the
8department for forestry activities, the amounts in the schedule for transfer to the
9capital improvement fund.”.
1024. Page 247, line 6: delete lines 6 and 7.
1125. Page 249, line 22: after that line insert:
12 Section 74m. 20.465 (3) (hm) of the statutes is created to read:
13 20.465 (3) (hm) Urban search and rescue task force supplement. As a
14continuing appropriation, to be used for response costs of a local agency for an urban
15search and rescue task force deployment under s. 323.72 (1) and for reimbursement
16to a local agency for any increase in contributions for duty disability premiums under
17s. 40.05 (2) (aw) for employees who receive duty disability benefits under s. 40.65
18because of an injury incurred while performing duties as a member of an urban
19search and rescue task force under a contract under s. 323.72 (1). All moneys
20received under s. 323.72 (3) as reimbursement for expenses incurred for an urban
21search and rescue task force response shall be credited to this appropriation
2326. Page 250, line 12: delete “not to exceed" and substitute “ up to".

127. Page 252, line 22: delete “A sum sufficient" and substitute “The amounts
2in the schedule".
328. Page 253, line 12: delete “The amounts" and substitute “Biennially, the
529. Page 253, line 14: delete lines 14 and 15.
630. Page 253, line 18: delete lines 18 to 21 and substitute “schedule to make
7payments as provided under 2021 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9125 (1).”.
831. Page 255, line 4: delete “$33,875,000" and substitute “ $83,875,000".
932. Page 255, line 8: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
10with page 256, line 2, and substitute:
11 Section 97m. 20.866 (2) (ta) of the statutes is amended to read:
12 20.866 (2) (ta) Natural resources; Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson
13stewardship 2000 program.
From the capital improvement fund a sum sufficient for
14the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship 2000 program under s. 23.0917.
15The state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed $1,046,250,000 for this
16program. The state may contract additional public debt in an amount up to
17$42,600,000 for this program. The state may contract additional public debt in an
18amount up to $90,000,000.
Except as provided in s. 23.0917 (4g) (b), (4m) (k), (5), (5g),
19and (5m), the amounts obligated, as defined in s. 23.0917 (1) (e), under this
20paragraph may not exceed $46,000,000 in fiscal year 2000-01, may not exceed
21$46,000,000 in fiscal year 2001-02, may not exceed $60,000,000 in each fiscal year
22beginning with fiscal year 2002-03 and ending with fiscal year 2009-10, may not
23exceed $86,000,000 in fiscal year 2010-11, may not exceed $60,000,000 in fiscal year
242011-12, may not exceed $60,000,000 in fiscal year 2012-13, may not exceed

1$47,500,000 in fiscal year 2013-14, may not exceed $54,500,000 in fiscal year
22014-15, and may not exceed $33,250,000 in each fiscal year beginning with 2015-16
3and ending with fiscal year 2021-22. Except as provided in s. 23.0917 (4g) (b), (4m)
4(f) and (k), (5g), and (5m), the amounts obligated, as defined in s. 23.0917 (1) (e),
5under this paragraph cannot exceed $33,250,000 in each fiscal year beginning with
6fiscal year 2022-23 and ending with fiscal year 2025-26.
733. Page 258, line 25: delete “not to exceed" and substitute “ up to".
834. Page 259, line 8: delete “not to exceed" and substitute “up to".
935. Page 262, line 11: delete “$74,086,000" and substitute “ $24,086,000".
1036. Page 262, line 23: delete “allocated” and substitute “allocated. This
11amount is".
1237. Page 263, line 5: delete the material beginning with “not to" and ending
13with “exceed" on line 6 and substitute “up to”.
1438. Page 263, line 10: delete “not to exceed" and substitute “up to".
1539. Page 263, line 16: delete “not to exceed" and substitute “up to".
1640. Page 263, line 23: delete “not to exceed" and substitute “up to".
1741. Page 267, line 5: delete lines 5 to 9.
1842. Page 267, line 22: delete lines 22 to 24 and substitute:
19 Section 136e. 23.0917 (3) (bt) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
20 23.0917 (3) (bt) 3. For each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2022-23 and
21ending with fiscal year 2025-26, $1,000,000 plus the amount transferred to the
22capital improvement fund under s. 20.370 (5) (hq) in that fiscal year.

1Section 136g. 23.0917 (3) (bw) of the statutes is renumbered 23.0917 (3) (bw)
3Section 136h. 23.0917 (3) (bw) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
4 23.0917 (3) (bw) 2. In obligating moneys under the subprogram for land
5acquisition, for each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2022-23 and ending with
6fiscal year 2025-26, the department shall set aside the amount transferred to the
7capital improvement fund under s. 20.370 (5) (hr) in that fiscal year to be obligated
8only to provide grants to counties under s. 23.0953.
9Section 137m. 23.0917 (3) (dm) 8. of the statutes is created to read:
10 23.0917 (3) (dm) 8. For each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2022-23 and
11ending with fiscal year 2025-26, $16,000,000.”.
1243. Page 269, line 14: delete “may not" and substitute “ cannot".
1344. Page 269, line 25: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
14with page 270, line 13, and substitute:
15 Section 149m. 23.0917 (5g) (i) of the statutes is created to read:
16 23.0917 (5g) (i) 1. In this paragraph:
17 a. “Bonding authority” means the bonding authority under s. 20.866 (2) (ta)
18beginning in fiscal year 1999-2000 and ending in fiscal year 2021-22.
19 b. “Excluded amount” means the amount by which the annual obligation
20authority for the purpose under sub. (3) (br) beginning in fiscal year 2019-20 and
21ending in fiscal year 2021-22 exceeded the amounts obligated for that purpose in
22those fiscal years.

1c. “Obligated amount” means the amount that the department expended,
2obligated, or otherwise encumbered from the moneys appropriated under s. 20.866
3(2) (ta) beginning in fiscal year 1999-2000 and ending in fiscal year 2021-22.
4 d. “Unobligated amount” means the amount by which the bonding authority
5exceeded the obligated amount, not including the excluded amount.
6 2. Of the unobligated amount beginning in fiscal year 2022-23, the department
7may obligate amounts necessary for the purposes of the subprograms under subs. (3),
8(4), and (4j). For each subprogram, the department cannot obligate under this
9subdivision in a fiscal year more than the fiscal year 2022-23 obligation limit for each
10subprogram, and in total not more than the total annual obligation limit for that
11fiscal year.”.
1245. Page 270, line 24: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
13with page 271, line 9.
1446. Page 271, line 17: delete lines 17 to 25.
1547. Page 272, line 6: after that line insert:
16 Section 157m. 23.098 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
17 23.098 (2) The department shall establish a program to make grants from the
18appropriations under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) and (tz) to friends groups and nonprofit
19conservation organizations for projects for property development activities on
20department properties. The department may not encumber more than $250,000
21$500,000 in each fiscal year for these grants.”.
2248. Page 274, line 3: delete lines 3 to 6.
2349. Page 275, line 7: delete “30 63" and substitute “30".

150. Page 275, line 9: after “section." insert “Beginning on the effective date of
2this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date], the amount is 63 cents per acre.
351. Page 275, line 21: delete “$6.75 $11.75." and substitute “$6.75. Beginning
4on the effective date of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date], the amount is $11.75.
552. Page 276, line 15: delete “may" and substitute “cannot".
653. Page 276, line 16: delete “not".
754. Page 279, line 11: delete the material beginning with “If the" and ending
8with “emergency, the" on line 12 and substitute “The”.
955. Page 281, line 11: delete lines 11 and 12.
1056. Page 282, line 12: delete “June 30, 2021 2023." and substitute “2 years
June 30, 2021".
1257. Page 288, line 5: after “Graduates" insert “-Wisconsin".
1358. Page 290, line 3: delete that line and substitute:
14 Section 224b. 49.175 (1) (y) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 49.175 (1) (y) Offender reentry demonstration project. For the offender reentry
16demonstration project under s. 49.37 (1), $250,000 in each fiscal year 2021-22 and
17$0 in fiscal year 2022-23
1859. Page 292, line 8: delete the material beginning with “not to" and ending
19with “exceed" on line 9 and substitute “up to”.
2060. Page 293, line 13: delete the material beginning with “maintain" and
21ending with “under" on line 14 and substitute “implement”.
2261. Page 295, line 19: delete “Eighty Three dollars and 20" and substitute

162. Page 295, line 20: after “(dq)." insert “Beginning on the effective date of
2this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date], the amount is three dollars and 20 cents.
363. Page 296, line 2: delete “$3.50" and substitute “ three dollars and fifty
564. Page 296, line 11: delete “$3.50" and substitute “ three dollars and fifty
765. Page 298, line 17: delete “may not" and substitute “cannot".
866. Page 298, line 20: delete “may not claim" and substitute “cannot claim".
967. Page 298, line 20: delete “may not be" and substitute “cannot be".
1068. Page 299, line 17: delete “may not" and substitute “cannot".
1169. Page 299, line 20: delete “may not claim" and substitute “cannot claim".
1270. Page 299, line 20: delete “may not be" and substitute “cannot be".
1371. Page 300, line 17: delete “may not" and substitute “cannot".
1472. Page 300, line 20: delete “may not claim" and substitute “cannot claim".
1573. Page 300, line 20: delete “may not be" and substitute “cannot be".
1674. Page 301, line 6: delete “For taxable years beginning after December 31,
" and substitute “For subsequent taxable years,".
1875. Page 301, line 7: delete “not to exceed" and substitute “ up to".
1976. Page 302, line 8: delete “may not" and substitute “cannot".
2077. Page 303, line 10: delete “may not" and substitute “cannot".
2178. Page 303, line 13: delete “may not claim" and substitute “cannot claim".
2279. Page 303, line 13: delete “may not be" and substitute “cannot be".

180. Page 304, line 10: delete “may not" and substitute “cannot".
281. Page 304, line 13: delete “may not claim" and substitute “cannot claim".
382. Page 304, line 13: delete “may not be" and substitute “cannot be".
483. Page 305, line 10: delete “may not" and substitute “cannot".
584. Page 305, line 13: delete “may not claim" and substitute “cannot claim".
685. Page 305, line 13: delete “may not be" and substitute “cannot be".
786. Page 306, line 2: delete “not to exceed" and substitute “up to".