State treasurer:
Duties, compensation, VI, 3 Stationery, state, legislative, IV, 25 Suffrage, laws may be enacted on, III, 2 Suitors, appearances, I, 21 Superintendent of public instruction, X, 1 Supreme court:
Authority over court system, VII, 3 Justices:
Eligibility for office, VII, 10, 24 Taxation for common schools, X, 4 Taxes:
Income, privilege and occupational, VIII, 1 Nonresidents protected, II, 2 Special laws forbidden, IV, 31 Territory, rights under protected, XIV, 1, 2 Towns:
Debt limit, tax levy, XI, 3 Officers, election, appointment, XIII, 9 Transportation:
Trapping, right to; guaranteed, I, 26 Treason:
Suspension of sentence and report to legislature, V, 6 Trial by jury, right to, I, 5, 7 University established, fund, no sectarian instruction, X, 6 Vacancies:
Legislature, writs of election, IV, 14 Victims of crime, rights and protections, I, 9m Villages:
Debt limit, tax levy, XI, 3 Officers, election, appointment, XIII, 9 Voting:
Laws may be enacted on, III, 2 Warrants, probable cause, I, 11 Waters, jurisdiction over, free usage, IX, 1 Witnesses:
Right of accused to meet, I, 7 Worship, freedom, public moneys, I, 18 Writ of error preserved, I, 21 Writs of election, legislative vacancies, IV, 14