Libel, truth a defense, I, 3 Lieutenant governor:
Joint election with governor, V, 3 Vacancy, governor nominates successor, XIII, 10 Limitation of actions against state, VIII, 2 Local laws, restrictions, IV, 18 Manufacturers’ materials and finished products, taxation, VIII, 1 Medical examiner, optional in certain counties, VI, 4 Merchants’ stock-in-trade, taxation, VIII, 1 Military power, subordinate to civil, I, 20 Milwaukee county, coroner and surveyor, abolishment of offices, VI, 4 Minors, special laws forbidden, IV, 31 Municipal corporation:
Municipal court, establishment, jurisdiction, VII, 14 Municipal home rule, XI, 3 Municipal judge:
Names, legislative change, IV, 31 Navigable waters, jurisdiction, IX, 1 Oath, officers to take, IV, 28 Pardons, governor, legislature may grant, V, 6 Petition, right unabridged, I, 4 Port development, appropriations, VIII, 10 Printing, state contracts, IV, 25 Private laws:
Prohibitions enumerated, IV, 31 Pro se appearances permitted, I, 21 Public instruction, state superintendent, X, 1 Public land commissioners, X, 7, 8 Public lands:
Proceeds to school fund, X, 2 School and university, X, 7, 8 Ultimate title in people, IX, 3 Public officers:
Extra compensation, change, IV, 26 State printing contracts, interest in, IV, 25 Punishments, cruel and unusual, I, 6 Raffle games, legislature may authorize, IV, 24 Register of deeds, election, term, VI, 4 Religion:
Freedom, public moneys, I, 18 Test for office or witness, I, 19 Remedies for wrongs, I, 9 Representatives, how chosen, term, IV, 4 Rivers, jurisdiction over, free usage, IX, 1 Salary, extra compensation, IV, 26 School buildings, use of, I, 24 School children, transportation, I, 23 School district, debt limit, tax levy, XI, 3 School fund:
Special laws forbidden, IV, 31 School lands, sale, payment, X, 7, 8 Schools:
Free, uniform, no sectarian instruction, X, 3 Religious instruction, released time, X, 3 Taxation for support, X, 4 Searches and seizures, I, 11 Secretary of state: