Copies of Administrative Code pages that were replaced or removed from the code according to the specified Administrative Register. File names show the removed code chapter, or part chapter, and Register number.
Register 826 - Removed Chapter ATCP 82 - Bulk Milk Collection, Sampling, And Transportation
Register 826 - Removed Chapter CSB 2 - Additions To Schedules In SS. 961.14,
961.16, 961.18, 961.20 And 961.22, Stats.
Register 826 - Removed Chapter DCF 201 - Child Care Subsidy Program
Register 826 - Removed Chapter NR 270 - Ore Mining And Dressing
Register 826 - Removed Chapter NR 660 - Hazardous Waste Management: General
Register 826 - Removed Chapter Trans 29 - Utility Facilities On Department Of Transportation Railroad Property
Register 826 - Removed Chapter Trans 104 - Examination Procedures For Operator's License