Permanent Rules: Promulgation Process Completed (Rules archive prior to 1996 is not complete)
Relating to WPDES permit implementation, TMDL implementation, and TMDL development and affecting small business.
Relating to calculating water quality based effluent limitations for point source discharges to surface waters.
Relating to consistency with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency air pollution control regulations and the repeal of obsolete rules, and affecting small business.
Relating to implementing a web-based electronic fish reporting system for licensed commercial fishers of the Great Lakes and affecting small business.
Relating to lake sturgeon regulations on the Menominee River.
Relating to wild life rehabilitation.
Relating to establishing migratory bird hunting seasons including an early duck season for teal-only and the hunting regulations for teal and mourning doves.
Relating to safe drinking water.
Relating to modifications in walleye harvest management in Ceded Territory waters.
Relating to the department's environmental analysis and review procedures under the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act.
Relating to adopting the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.
Relating to wildlife management rules relating to hunting, trapping, and closed areas.
Relating to fishing regulations on inland, outlying, and boundary waters of Wisconsin.
Relating to minor changes to fisheries administrative code.
Relating to increasing the operational efficiency of and simplifying the air permit process and affecting small business.