Permanent Rules: Promulgation Process Completed (Rules archive prior to 1996 is not complete)
Relating to fish refuge establishment.
Relating to department of natural resources property management regulations.
Relating to minor changes to fishing regulations on inland, outlying and boundary waters (the 2023 Fisheries Management housekeeping rule).
Relating to wild bait harvest regulations and affecting small business.
Relating to the management of diversions (transfers of water from the Great Lakes basin to outside of the Great Lakes basin) and intrabasin transfers including the application and review process and other related criteria.
Relating to statewide water supply service area planning for municipalities serving populations greater than 10,000 people.
Relating to establishing the 2023-2024 migratory bird season framework and regulations.
Relating to the 2021 Bureau of Wildlife Management housekeeping rule.
Relating to nitrogen compound emissions regulations.
Relating to the 2023 wildlife management spring hearing rule.
Relating to the brownfield site assessment grant program.
Relating to changes to fishing regulations on inland, outlying and boundary waters.
Relating to the Chapter NR 25 reorganization rule.
Relating to the use of new cement formulations for the construction of water wells and affecting small business.
Relating to disposal of material dredged from the Great Lakes.
Relating to site-specific phosphorus criteria for Lac Courte Oreilles.
Relating to updating, correcting and clarifying existing code requirements and adding requirements for new technologies related to community drinking water system sources, source water quality, storage, treatment, and distribution and affecting small business.
Relating to the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program and affecting small business.
Relating to setting numerical standards to minimize the concentration of polluting substances in groundwater (Cycle 10 Bacteria).
Relating to reporting requirements for sport trolling licensees and affecting small business.
Relating to the Clean Water Fund Program.
Relating to administrative processes and fees for waterway and wetland permitting and affecting small business minimally through an updated fee structure.
Relating to amending the list of date-regulated wild rice harvesting waters in NR 19.09 (4).
Relating to Lake Michigan whitefish management and Great Lakes commercial harvest reporting and affecting small business.
Relating to the promulgation of new drinking water maximum contaminant levels for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) including Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and affecting small business.
Relating to adding narrative surface water criteria with numeric thresholds and analytical methods for poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) including PFOS and PFOA for the purpose of protecting public health as well as revisions to the procedures in the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“WPDES”) permitting program to implement the new water quality criteria and affecting small business.
Relating to the 2021 Wildlife Management spring hearing rule related to hunting, trapping, and target shooting.
Relating to coal combustion residual landfills.
Relating to regulating firefighting foam that contains certain contaminants and affecting small business.
Relating to the incorporation of a PM2.5 emissions reporting requirement, alignment of state and federal emissions reporting terminology, updates to reflect current emissions reporting procedure, and affecting small business.
Relating to well construction and pump installation and affecting small business.
Relating to establishing the 2021 migratory bird season framework and regulations.
Relating to allowing for third party administration of operator certification examinations and affecting small business.
Relating to lake trout harvest and season in Lake Michigan.
Relating to regulation of wastewater discharges from dental offices to sanitary sewers and affecting small business.
Relating to minor changes to fishing regulations on inland, outlying and boundary waters.
Relating to implementing electronics recycling program requirements and affecting small business.
Relating to guide licenses and reporting requirements and affecting small business.
Relating to storm water discharge permits and affecting small business.
Relating to requirements for wetland mitigation.
Relating to fish harvest in Lake Superior and affecting small business.
Relating to incorporation of the 2015 national ambient air quality standards for ozone.
Relating to fishing regulations on inland, outlying and boundary waters (the 2021 Fisheries Management spring hearing rule).
Relating to implementing reasonably available control technology for volatile organic compound emissions from miscellaneous metal and plastic parts coatings and miscellaneous industrial adhesives and affecting small business.
Relating to furbearer registration and tagging simplification.
Relating to Minocqua Chain walleye harvest regulations.
Relating to clarifying and streamlining certain regulatory requirements for septage servicing, and affecting small business.
Relating to nonferrous metallic mineral exploration, bulk sampling, prospecting and mining and nonferrous mining waste management.
Relating to implementation of 2015 Wisconsin Act 204 and 2017 Wisconsin Act 70, contaminated sediment usability, and other changes needed to update, clarify, and promote consistency within chs. NR 700 through NR 799, and affecting small business.
Relating to the 2019 Bureau of Wildlife Management housekeeping rule.
Relating to commercial fisheries of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan and affecting small business.
Relating to black bear management.
Relating to ruffed grouse management.
Relating to eliminating night hunting restrictions for raccoons.
Relating to the off-highway motorcycle program.
Relating to cooling water intake structures.
Relating to harvest management regulations in the Lake Superior fishery and affecting small business.
Relating to processes for waterbody assessments and impaired waters listing, biological criteria for water quality standards, and biological confirmation of phosphorus impairments.
Relating to the development of site-specific numeric phosphorus water quality criteria for surface waters.
Relating to minor revisions to fishing regulations on inland, outlying, and boundary waters.
Relating to closed areas and refuges.
Relating to site-specific phosphorus water quality criteria for Petenwell Lake located in Wood, Juneau, and Adams counties, Castle Rock Lake located in Adams and Juneau counties, and Lake Wisconsin located in Columbia and Sauk counties.
Relating to the generation, transportation, recycling, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste, universal waste, pharmaceuticals, and used oil and affecting small business.
Relating to the beneficial use of industrial byproducts and affecting small business.
Relating to the administration of cost-sharing grant programs for lake and river planning, monitoring, and protection, and aquatic invasive species.
Relating to establishing the 2019 migratory bird season framework and regulations.
Relating to applicability, construction sites.
Relating to public inland lake protection and rehabilitation.
Relating to non-agricultural performance standards, developed urban areas and transportation facility performance standards, and developed urban areas.
Relating to state market development priorities for recycled and recyclable material.
Relating to a forestry research and development grant program.
Relating to the solid waste management grant program.
Relating to effective recycling programs.
Relating to newspaper recycling fees.
Relating to waste reduction and recycling demonstration grants.
Relating to recycling efficiency grants to responsible units.
Relating to waste tire removal and recovery.
Relating to agency roles and responsibilities for petroleum contaminated sites.
Relating to the brownfield green space and public facilities grant program.
Relating to the 2019 Wildlife Management spring hearing rule related to hunting, trapping, and target shooting.
Relating to fishing regulations on inland, outlying and boundary waters.
Relating to increasing the operational efficiency of and simplifying the air permit process, and affecting small business.
Relating to updating Wisconsin's water quality criteria for pathogens, specifically bacteria, to protect recreational uses; and updating related WPDES permit implementation procedures for the revised water quality standards to be consistent with EPA's recreational water quality criteria, and affecting small business.
Relating to taking catfish and rough fish by hand or with a bow and arrow or crossbow.
Relating to marten protection closed areas.
Relating to aquaculture and fish farms.
Relating to wildlife harvest management regulations.
Relating to best management practices, conditions and technical standards to be used in administering cost sharing under chs. NR 153 and 155 and affecting small business.
Relating to well construction and pump installation and affecting small business.
Relating to the managed forest law and forest crop law programs.
Relating to regulating volatile organic compound emissions from lithographic printing facilities and affecting small business.
Relating to research, development and demonstration plans at municipal solid waste landfills and other minor corrections.
Relating to elk management.
Relating to wildlife management, hunting opportunities for the physically disabled, and deer management unit boundaries.
Relating to model ordinances for construction site erosion and sediment control and post-construction storm water management.
Relating to the federal cost-sharing program for suppression of gypsy moth.
Relating to revising white-tailed deer 3-year population objectives and deer managmement unit boundaries.
Relating to lake trout harvest limits in Lake Superior and affecting small business.
Relating to runoff management and non-point source performance standards and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) rule revisions to incorporate by reference those performance standards, and affecting small business.
Relating to Customer and Outreach Services rules related to the automated system for delivering recreational license products.
Relating to minor changes to fisheries administrative code.
Relating to laboratory accreditation and affecting small business.
Relating to the lake trout bag limit and season for Lake Michigan.
Relating to establishing migratory bird hunting seasons and regulations.
Relating to wild life management spring hearing rule related to hunting, trapping, refuges and closed areas, and wildlife nuisance control.
Relating to fishing regulations on inland, outlying, and boundary waters, the 2017 fisheries management spring hearing agenda.
Relating to the WPDES permits, and affecting small businesses.
Relating to cisco (lake herring) harvest in Lake Superior and affecting small business.
Relating to the ambient air quality standards for fire particles (PM2.5).
Relating to wildlife management rules making remedial revisions to regulations for hunting, trapping, closed areas, nuisance wildlife management, removal of car-killed deer, and invasive species.
Relating to wildlife management rules relating to hunting, trapping, closed areas, nuisance wildlife management and captive wildlife.
Relating to the 2016 wildlife management spring hearing rule related to tree stands and hunting hours.
Relating to wildlife management rules relating to fences for farm-raised white-tailed deer.
Relating to the generation, transportation, recycling, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste and used oil.
Relating to public use of department properties and implementation and administration of the Stewardship grant program.
Relating to WPDES permit implementation, TMDL implementation, and TMDL development and affecting small business.
Relating to calculating water quality based effluent limitations for point source discharges to surface waters.
Relating to consistency with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency air pollution control regulations and the repeal of obsolete rules, and affecting small business.
Relating to implementing a web-based electronic fish reporting system for licensed commercial fishers of the Great Lakes and affecting small business.
Relating to lake sturgeon regulations on the Menominee River.
Relating to wild life rehabilitation.
Relating to establishing migratory bird hunting seasons including an early duck season for teal-only and the hunting regulations for teal and mourning doves.
Relating to safe drinking water.
Relating to modifications in walleye harvest management in Ceded Territory waters.
Relating to the department's environmental analysis and review procedures under the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act.
Relating to adopting the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.
Relating to wildlife management rules relating to hunting, trapping, and closed areas.
Relating to fishing regulations on inland, outlying, and boundary waters of Wisconsin.
Relating to minor changes to fisheries administrative code.
Relating to increasing the operational efficiency of and simplifying the air permit process and affecting small business.
Relating to law enforcement aids to counties and municipalities.
Relating to boat rules and regulations.
Relating to the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program.
Relating to the clean Water Fund program.
Relating to directing the distribution of grant funding for a county forest time standards grant.
Relating to NR 40 including clarification to the language and changes to the species listed under NR 40.04 (2) and NR 40.05 (2) Wisconsin's regulated invasive species list, and affecting small business.
Relating to trolling fishing regulations on inland and boundary waters of Wisconsin.
Relating to the processing of WPDES permits and other permit issuance procedural matters.
Relating to the addition of the Blanding's turtle to the State's Protected Wild Animal list, possession exemptions, and turtle seasons and limits and to updating scientific and common names and federal listing status.
Relating to analytical methods used for Wisconsin Pollution Discharge Elimination (WPDES) compliance.
Relating to lake trout harvest limits in Lake Superior.
Relating to hunting and trapping in state parks.
Relating to licensing criteria for water well drilling rig operators, property transfer well inspectors and well filling and sealing contractors, and criteria for citations and relating to standards for property transfer well inspections, well filling and sealing and criteria for citations.
Relating to licensing criteria for heat exchange drillers and standards for heat exchange drillholes that will be approved with notification rather than individual review.
Relating to the control of mercury emitted by coal-fired electric generating units.
Relating to the number, placement, and removal of commercial fishing trap nets in the Restricted Use Area of Lake Superior.
Relating to decreasing the distance from which firewood may be brought onto state lands from 25 to 10 miles and allowing wood from out of state to enter state lands if originating within 10 miles.
Relating to fishing tournaments on inland, outlying, and boundary waters of Wisconsin.
Relating to deer management.
Relating to revisions in chs. NR 405 and 408, necessary to maintain consistency with federal requirements, as well as the rpeal of sections of chs. NR 400 and 410, related to the repeal of ch. NR 411, and affecting small business.
Relating to bobcat hunting and trapping and elk management.
Relating to 2013 Wisconsin Act 1, the Ferrous Mining Law.
Relating to certification of waterworks and wastewater treatment plant operators by the Department of Natural Resources.
Relating to migratory bird hunting regulations.
Relating to minimum standards for county shoreland zoning ordinances.
Relating to contracting for forest regeneration services on state land.
Relating to the department's environmental analysis and review procedures under the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act.
Relating to hunting, trapping, closed areas, dog training, and the use of department lands.
Relating to fishing regulations on inland, outlying, and boundary waters of Wisconsin.
Relating to revising Wisconsin's endangered and threatened species list.
Relating to pretreatment requirements for industrial users, publicly owned wastewater treatment plants and the Department of Natural Resources.
Relating to the sport of falconry.
Relating to regulation of fishing and harvesting of turtles.
Relating to the bobcat hunting and trapping season.
Relating to the administration of the Wisconsin Forest Landowner Grant Program and the Weed Management Area Private Forest Grant Program.
Relating to wastewater treatment works.
Relating to environmental cleanups.
Relating to requiring access to wire cutters when trolling in outlying waters.