Permanent Rules: Promulgation Process Completed (Rules archive prior to 1996 is not complete)
Relating to county and district fairs.
Relating to soil and water resource management and affecting small businesses.
Relating to inedible animal by-products.
Relating to dog import rabies vaccination.
Relating to the removal of obsolete language and resolve statutory conflicts.
Relating to administrative orders and contested cases.
Relating to plant inspection and pest control.
Relating to the safety, maintenance, and operation of public pools and water attractions.
Relating to the regulation of recreational and educational camps and affecting small business.
Relating to petroleum product inspections, and affecting small businesses.
Relating to county and district fairs.
Relating to dog sellers and dog facility operators.
Relating to the potato industry.
Relating to dairy manufacturing facility investment credit, meat processing facility investment credit, food processing plant and food warehouse investment credit, and woody biomass harvesting and processing credit.
Relating to residential rental practices.
Relating to dairy product advertising and labeling.
Relating to milk, food, and water testing laboratories.
Relating to program administration; general.
Relating to agricultural development and market promotion.
Relating to animal disease movement and animal markets, dealers and truckers, and affeting small business.
Relating to grain warehouse keepers and milk contractors.
Relating to the dog sellers and dog facility operator licensing requirements.
Relating to prohibited noxious weed seeds.
Relating to various minor and technical rule changes.
Relating to livestock premises registration.
Relating to flammable, combustible, and hazardous liquids in Wisconsin.
Relating to regulation of retail food establishments and affecting small business.
Relating to food processing plants, and affecting small business.
Relating to meat and poultry products, and affecting small business.
Relating to grain dealers and grain warehouse keepers; milk contractors; and vegetable contractors.
Relating to swine animal disease control.
Relating to soil and water resource management and affecting small business.
Relating to agent status for local health departments to license, investigate, and inspect retail food, vending, lodging and recreational establishments and ensure public health.
Relating to producer led watershed protection grants.
Relating to maple syrup grading and processing, and affecting small business.
Relating to restricting the import of certain plants, wood and wood products to prevent the introduction of the mountain pine beetle into Wisconsin.
Relating to who may issue a special order within the department.
Relating to various minor and technical changes.
Relating to bulk milk tanker licensing regulations, and affecting small business.
Relating to food warehouses and food processing plant licensing, and affecting small business.
Relating to animal disease control and animal movement, and animal markets, dealers and truckers, and affecting small business.
Relating to the manufacture and distribution of fertilizer.
Relating to mobile air conditioners, reclaiming or recycling refrigerant and affecting small business.
Relating to dairy farms and plants, and affecting small business.
Relating to the cherry marketing order.
Relating to telephone solicitations and the state do-not-call registry.
Relating to various minor and technical rule changes.
Relating to the cranberry agricultural marketing order and affecting small business.
Relating to leaf tobacco buying and selling.
Relating to residential rental practices.
Relating to egg grading, handling and labeling, and affecting small business.
Relating to the "grow Wisconsin dairy processor" grant program created under ss. 20.115 (4) (dm) and 93.40 (1) (g), Stats.
Relating to drug residues in animals for human food, and affecting small business.
Relating to the clean sweep program.
Relating to milk hauler regulations, and affecting small business.
Relating to home improvement practices and basement waterproofing practices, and affecting small businesses.
Relating to various minor and technical rule changes.
Relating to animal disease control and animal movement, and animal markets, dealers and truckers, and affecting small business.
Relating to fair packaging and labeling; selling commodities by weight, measure or count; weights and measures; gasoline advertising; and mobile air conditioners, reclaiming or recycling refrigerant; various minor and technical rule changes; and affecting small business.
Relating to manufactured home communities-fair trade practices and affecting small business.
Relating to soil and water resource management and affecting small business.
Relating to Wisconsin's farmland preservation program and affecting small business.
Relating to discretion in enforcement of rule violations by small businesses and affecting small businesses.
Relating to allowing certain selected Wisconsin state-inspected meat establishments to sell meat and meat products in other state and affecting small business.
Relating to regulation of Wisconsin's shellfish shippers and processors.
Relating to telephone solicitations; no-call and no-text list.
Relating to retail food establishment.
Relating to the "grow Wisconsin dairy producer" grant and loan program.
Relating to livestock premises registration.
Relating to pesticide use and control.