Active, Final, and Withdrawn Rules (Rules archive prior to 1996 is not complete)
Relating to statewide materials recycling and effective recycling programs and affecting small business.
Relating to department of natural resources property management regulations.
Relating to minor changes to fishing regulations on inland, outlying and boundary waters (the 2023 Fisheries Management housekeeping rule).
Relating to wild bait harvest regulations and affecting small business.
Relating to the management of diversions (transfers of water from the Great Lakes basin to outside of the Great Lakes basin) and intrabasin transfers including the application and review process and other related criteria.
Relating to statewide water supply service area planning for municipalities serving populations greater than 10,000 people.
Relating to establishing the 2023-2024 migratory bird season framework and regulations.
Relating to gray wolf harvest regulations.
Relating to the 2021 Bureau of Wildlife Management housekeeping rule.
Relating to nitrogen compound emissions regulations.
Relating to the 2023 wildlife management spring hearing rule.
Relating to the brownfield site assessment grant program.
Relating to updating Wisconsin’s water quality antidegradation policy and procedures and affecting small business.
Relating to changes to fishing regulations on inland, outlying and boundary waters.
Relating to the Chapter NR 25 reorganization rule.
Relating to the use of new cement formulations for the construction of water wells and affecting small business.
Relating to disposal of material dredged from the Great Lakes.