Active, Final, and Withdrawn Rules (Rules archive prior to 1996 is not complete)
Relating to cisco (lake herring) harvest in Lake Superior and affecting small business.
Relating to the ambient air quality standards for fire particles (PM2.5).
Relating to wildlife management rules making remedial revisions to regulations for hunting, trapping, closed areas, nuisance wildlife management, removal of car-killed deer, and invasive species.
Relating to wildlife management rules relating to hunting, trapping, closed areas, nuisance wildlife management and captive wildlife.
Relating to the 2016 wildlife management spring hearing rule related to tree stands and hunting hours.
Relating to wildlife management rules relating to fences for farm-raised white-tailed deer.
Relating to the generation, transportation, recycling, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste and used oil.
Relating to public use of department properties and implementation and administration of the Stewardship grant program.