Active, Final, and Withdrawn Rules (Rules archive prior to 1996 is not complete)
Relating to discretion in enforcement of rule violations by small businesses and affecting small businesses.
Relating to allowing certain selected Wisconsin state-inspected meat establishments to sell meat and meat products in other state and affecting small business.
Relating to regulation of Wisconsin's shellfish shippers and processors.
Relating to telephone solicitations; no-call and no-text list.
Relating to retail food establishment.
Relating to the "grow Wisconsin dairy producer" grant and loan program.
Relating to livestock premises registration.
Relating to pesticide use and control.
Relating to circumstances for a waiver to allow child care subsidy payments for a parent who is a child care provider and affecting small businesses.
Relating to subsidized guardianship.
Relating to technical and minor substantive changes in existing ETF administrative rules.
Relating to elections to Employee Trust Fund Board and Teachers Retirement Board.
Relating to payday lending.
Relating to auto title loans.
Relating to restaurants and the Wisconsin Food Code, and affecting small businesses.
Relating to fee for screening newborns for congenital and metabolic disorders and other services.
Relating to licenses authorizing persons to carry concealed weapons; concealed carry certification cards for qualified former federal law enforcement officers; the recognition by Wisconsin of concealed carry licenses issued by other states; and the certification of firearms safety and training instructors.
Relating to the wolf hunting and trapping season, regulations, a depradation program, training hunting dogs, and coyote hunting.
Relating to the bobcat hunting and trapping season.
Relating to the administration of the Wisconsin Forest Landowner Grant Program and the Weed Management Area Private Forest Grant Program.
Relating to wastewater treatment works.
Relating to environmental cleanups.
Relating to requiring access to wire cutters when trolling in outlying waters.
Relating to pre-2009 net business loss carryforwards.
Relating to applicant appearances.
Relating to requirements for registration as a professional engineer.
Relating to continuing education and training in the use of pesticides by veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
Relating to the definitions of "patient" and "prescription legend animal drugs."
Relating to deceptive advertising.
Relating to temporary educational licenses and continuing education requirements for podiatrists.
Relating to landscape architecture licensure and practice.
Relating to responsibilities of the manager and practical training for apprentices.
Relating to physician assistant practice prescribing limitations, employment requirements, and supervising physician responsibilities.
Relating to the erection of signs on public highways, and affecting small business.
Relating to the erection of signs on public highways.
Relating to the uniform traffic citation.
Relating to initial annual certification elections.
Relating to the Wisconsin talent incentive grant.
Relating to the injured patients and families compensation fund annual fund fees and mediation panel fees for fiscal year 2013 and affecting small business.
Relating to determination of ability to pay.
Relating to determination of eligibility for assignment of publicly appointed counsel.
Relating to district board member appointments.