Active, Final, and Withdrawn Rules (Rules archive prior to 1996 is not complete)
Relating to smoking in places of employment and public buildings.
Relating to offender field supervision.
Relating to the revocation of probation, parole, or extended supervision.
Relating to military family financial aid.
Relating to a water supply service area planning process for public water supply systems.
Relating to the indirect source program and affecting developers that construct indirect emission sources.
Relating to training requirements for individuals administering nonprescription and prescription drug products to pupils.
Relating to coverage and related reports for unemployment insurance purposes.
Relating to quarterly wage reports for unemployment insurance purposes.
Relating to observers at a polling place or other location where votes are being cast, counted, canvassed, or recounted.
Relating to continuation of group health insurance policies.
Relating to the natural gas pipeline safety code, including updates to the state additions to the federal pipeline safety code.