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(b) The department may determine to hold a public hearing or afford the opportunity for a public hearing for ER actions. If the department determines to afford the opportunity for a public hearing for an ER action, the department shall follow EA procedures under par. (a).
History: Cr. Register, April, 1992, No. 436, eff. 5-1-92; CR 16-069: am. (3) (a), (4) (title), renum. (4) to (4) (a) and am., cr. (4) (b) Register October 2019 No. 766, eff. 11-1-19.
Trans 400.13Decision on proposed action.
(1)FEIS; record of decision.
(am) The department shall develop a single document that consists of a combined FEIS/ROD, unless any of the following applies:
1. The FEIS makes substantial changes to the proposed action that are relevant to environmental or safety concerns.
2. There are significant new circumstances or information relevant to environmental concerns and that bear on the proposed action or the impacts of the proposed action.
(b) The record of decision, whether issued in combination with an FEIS or separately, shall contain the following information:
1. A statement of the decision.
2. Identification of all alternatives considered by the department in reaching its decision, specifying which one is considered environmentally preferable.
3. A statement indicating that all practicable means to avoid or mitigate environmental harm have been adopted, and if not so adopted, a statement specifying the reasons for not adopting all such means.
(2)EA; finding of no significant impact.
(a) The decision to revise an EA to constitute a FONSI shall not be made until after the end of the comment period specified in the notice of availability of the EA provided for under s. Trans 400.11 (8).
(b) If potentially significant impacts have not been identified, the department shall revise the EA as appropriate and shall attach a summary of the public hearing, if a hearing was held, and a summary of any comments received and responses thereto. These items, along with a statement of no significant impact, shall constitute the FONSI and the record of decision.
(c) If, at any point in the EA process, the department determines that the proposed action may have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment, an EIS shall be prepared.
(a) Unless the department determines to hold, or affords the opportunity for, a public hearing under s. Trans 400.12 (4) (b), an approved ER document constitutes the department’s final decision on a proposed action.
(b) When the department holds, or affords the opportunity for, a public hearing on an ER, the decision to revise an ER to constitute a final decision on a proposed action shall not be made until after the end of the comment period specified in the notice of availability of the ER provided for under s. Trans 400.11 (8).
(c) If potentially significant impacts have not been identified during the ER availability period, the department shall revise the ER as appropriate and shall attach a summary of the public hearing, if a hearing was held, and a summary of any comments received and responses thereto. These items, along with a statement of no significant impact, shall constitute the final action determination document and the record of decision.
(d) If, at any point in the ER process, the department determines that the proposed action may have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment, an EIS shall be prepared before proceeding with the proposed action.
History: Cr. Register, April, 1992, No. 436, eff. 5-1-92; CR 16-069: r. (1) (a), cr. (1) (am), am. (1) (b) (intro.), (2) (a), cr. (3) Register October 2019 No. 766, eff. 11-1-19.
Trans 400.14DEIS and FEIS reevaluation and supplement.
(a) A reevaluation of a DEIS shall be prepared if 3 years have elapsed before the date of publication of the notice of availability of the FEIS or combined FEIS/ROD provided for under s. Trans 400.11 (4). A reevaluation of a DEIS shall also be prepared any time prior to the date of publication of the notice of availability of the FEIS or combined FEIS/ROD if, in the judgment of the department, there have been significant changes in the proposed action, the affected human environment, the anticipated environmental impacts or the proposed mitigation measures. If in either case the reevaluation indicates or confirms any such significant changes, a new environmental document or supplemental DEIS shall be prepared prior to proceeding with the proposed action. The supplemental DEIS shall be prepared and processed in the same manner as a DEIS under this chapter. Preparation of the supplemental DEIS shall not require withdrawal of previous approvals for those aspects of the proposed action not directly affected by the changed condition or new information.
(b) An EA may be used to assess the need to prepare a supplemental DEIS if it is uncertain that significant changes in the proposed action, the affected human environment, the anticipated environmental impacts or proposed mitigation measures will result in significant environmental impacts which could not be identified from preparing a reevaluation of the DEIS. The EA shall be prepared and processed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. Preparation of the EA shall not require withdrawal of previous approvals for those aspects of the proposed action not directly affected by the changed condition or new information.
(a) A reevaluation of a FEIS shall be prepared any time there have been, in the judgment of the department, significant changes in the proposed action, the affected human environment, the anticipated environmental impacts or the proposed mitigation measures. If the reevaluation confirms any such significant changes, a new environmental document or supplemental FEIS shall be prepared prior to proceeding with the proposed action. The supplemental FEIS shall be prepared and processed in the same manner as a FEIS under this chapter. Preparation of the supplemental FEIS shall not require withdrawal of previous approvals for those aspects of the proposed action not directly affected by the changed condition or new information.
(b) An EA may be used to assess the need to prepare a supplemental FEIS if it is uncertain that significant changes in the proposed action, the affected human environment, the anticipated environmental impacts or proposed mitigation measures will result in significant environmental impacts which could not be identified from preparing a reevaluation of the FEIS. The EA shall be prepared and processed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. Preparation of the EA shall not require withdrawal of previous approvals for those aspects of the proposed action not directly affected by the changed condition or new information.
(3)Revision of final action document.
(a) The department may revise a final action document, including a ROD, FONSI, ER, or CE, in order to do any of the following:
1. Select a different alternative, if the new selected alternative is fully evaluated in the FEIS, EA, ER, or CE to the same degree as the originally selected alternative.
2. Make substantial changes to mitigation measures or findings discussed in the final agency action.
(b) If the department revises a final action document under par. (a), those agencies that reviewed the FEIS, EA, ER, or CE shall be given an opportunity to review and comment on the revised final action document. To the extent practicable, the approved revised final action document shall be provided to all persons, organizations, and agencies that received the FEIS, EA, ER, or CE.
History: Cr. Register, April, 1992, No. 436, eff. 5-1-92; CR 16-069: am. (1) (a), (2) (a), cr. (3) Register October 2019 No. 766, eff. 11-1-19.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.