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Trans 29.04(1)(b) (b) A permit is required for every separate utility installation or modification. A utility may include several utility facilities in the same application if the utility owns each facility and the installation or modification occurs at the same time.
Trans 29.04(2) (2)Authority granted by permit.
Trans 29.04(2)(a)(a) By issuing a permit, the department:
Trans 29.04(2)(a)1. 1. Approves, subject to the permit conditions, a specified use and occupancy of department railroad property; but
Trans 29.04(2)(a)2. 2. Does not warrant that title to the department railroad property is free and clear of all encumbrances, that it has sole ownership or that it will defend the utility in its peaceful use and occupancy of the department railroad property.
Trans 29.04(2)(b) (b) A permit from the department does not relieve a utility from the responsibility to comply with all applicable federal and state laws and local ordinances affecting the design, materials or performance of the permitted activity and does not supersede any other governmental requirements for plan approval or for authority to undertake the permitted activity.
Trans 29.04(2)(c) (c) The department may terminate a permit at any time for any lawful reason. A utility shall not obtain any interest or estate of any kind or extent whatsoever in the department railroad property by reason of a permit or by reason of the occupancy or use permitted. The permit is personal to the utility and shall not pass to its successors or assigns. Upon request, however, to ease the burdens accompanying utility ownership changes, the department may allow a successor utility to obtain permits identical to those held by its predecessor; this may be done by filing a request to obtain permits identical to those held by the predecessor utility and shall not require the permittee to file a permit application under this chapter for each separate permit sought.
Trans 29.04(3) (3)Facilities within highway right-of-way.
Trans 29.04(3)(a)(a) The department shall require a utility highway permit for a utility facility proposed within that portion of department railroad property that lies within a state trunk highway right-of-way. A utility facility authorized within department railroad property by a highway permit shall be constructed in accordance with this chapter.
Trans 29.04(3)(b) (b) A utility shall obtain a permit under this chapter where a utility facility either exists or is proposed within a town, county, village or city highway or street right-of-way existing over, upon or across department railroad property.
Trans 29.04(4) (4)Permit application processing.
Trans 29.04(4)(a)(a) A permit application shall be required for each separate utility facility, except for the placement of additional circuits, cables, tubes or appurtenances within an existing conduit or duct. A utility seeking a permit shall provide the department with 4 copies of a utility permit application. The department shall distribute the permit application for timely comment and review to the appropriate transit commission, to the railroad operator and to all appropriate department offices. The department shall seek concurrence, within 20 business days, from any affected railroad operator and rail transit commission, but the department may approve the permit application without first obtaining the concurrence of the railroad operator or the transit commission.
Trans 29.04(4)(b) (b) Within 25 business days after receiving a fully completed application and the fee required under s. Trans 29.07, the department shall review and shall either grant or deny the application. This review period may be extended by the mutual agreement of the department and the applicant.
Trans 29.04(4)(c) (c) If the department approves the permit application, the department shall issue a permit to the applicant utility. The department shall stamp all forms, plans, sketches or notes attached to the approved permit with the word “APPROVED." The department shall also distribute complete sets of the approved permit application to the utility, transit commission and railroad operator.
Trans 29.04(5) (5)Information required for permit issuance.
Trans 29.04(5)(a)(a) General requirements. Every utility seeking a permit shall provide the department with adequate information. The detail required may vary with the complexity of the utility facility proposed, but shall include appropriate permit forms, drawings or sketches and utility facility information so that the effect on railroad operations, maintenance, traffic safety and visibility can be properly evaluated.
Trans 29.04(5)(b) (b) Drawings or sketches. A permit application shall include adequate drawings or sketches showing the existing or proposed location of all utility facilities within the department railroad property. The utility shall submit drawings or sketches, drawn to a scale appropriate to the information provided, showing:
Trans 29.04(5)(b)1. 1. Utility facility locations relative to those existing railroad facilities whose existence and location are a relevant consideration in determining the appropriateness, under this rule, of the utility facility installation or modification for which a permit is sought and relative to the department railroad property boundary lines;
Trans 29.04(5)(b)2. 2. All the minimum vertical and horizontal clearances of the proposed utility facilities and the minimum burial depth of underground utility facility installations;
Trans 29.04(5)(b)3. 3. Railroad engineering stationing and milepost numbers, when known, or land ties when railroad engineering stationing or milepost numbers are unavailable; and
Trans 29.04(5)(b)4. 4. The locations of any utility identification pipes and other above-ground appurtenances.
Trans 29.04(5)(c) (c) Description. All applications shall include a general description of the size, nature and extent of each utility facility to be installed, modified or retained within the department railroad property and shall include a general description of the location and general method of facility placement.
Trans 29.04(5)(c)1. 1. Applications for utility facility installations or modifications shall include detail of placement methods, special protection measures, effect on drainage, proposed access points, trees to be trimmed or removed, and, when appropriate, coordination of activities with the railroad operator. Applications for utility facility installation or modification shall also include a description of routine maintenance requirements.
Trans 29.04(5)(c)2. 2. Applications for pipeline installations or modifications shall specify the material transmitted; the maximum working, test and design pressures; and the design standards for the pipeline.
Trans 29.04(5)(c)3. 3. Applications for electrical utility facility installations or modifications shall specify the proposed operating voltages. The permit drawing or sketch shall illustrate the proposed orientation of the lowest line on the supporting structures.
Trans 29.04(5)(c)4. 4. Applications for communication facilities installations or modifications shall specify the outside cable diameter or conduit dimensions, whether aerial or buried.
Trans 29.04 Note Note: Utility permit applications may be obtained from the appropriate department of transportation region office.
Trans 29.04 History History: Cr. Register, December, 1985, No. 360, eff. 1-1-86; am. (1) (b), (3) (a), (4) (a), (b), (5) (b) 4., (c) 1., 3. and 4., Register, January, 1999, No. 517, eff. 2-1-99.
Trans 29.05 Trans 29.05Utility permit violations.
Trans 29.05(1) (1) If a utility fails to comply with all provisions, conditions, and requirements of a permit, the department may revoke the permit and the utility shall remove the utility facility from the property, and restore the property in accordance with s. Trans 29.09. Modification of any term of an approved permit to meet changed or unexpected field conditions shall require prior approval from the department.
Trans 29.05(2) (2) The utility shall be responsible for its own forces and the forces of any of its subcontractors working on department property to assure compliance with all permit provisions.
Trans 29.05 History History: Cr. Register, December, 1985, No. 360, eff. 1-1-86; am. Register, January, 1999, No. 517, eff. 2-1-99.
Trans 29.06 Trans 29.06Permit at job site. The utility's work forces or its subcontractor's forces shall have a complete copy of the approved permit in their possession at the job site at all times when utility facility work is being done within the department railroad property. If a utility fails to have an approved copy of the permit at the job site, it shall be sufficient cause for stopping utility facility work within the department railroad property.
Trans 29.06 History History: Cr. Register, December, 1985, No. 360, eff. 1-1-86.
Trans 29.07 Trans 29.07Fees.
Trans 29.07(1) (1) Upon application for a permit under this chapter, a utility shall pay to the department an administrative and inspection fee as set forth in the following fee schedule:
Type of Facility   Fee
Trans 29.07(1)(a) (a) “Transverse utility crossings." Aerial or underground crossings involving the installation of a utility facility, the modification of a utility facility or the placement of additional components upon existing facilities previously permitted or legally erected on department property by other than the current permittee.   $175
Trans 29.07(1)(b) (b) “Longitudinal aerial utility installation." Aerial utility facility installations involving the installation of a utility facility or the modification of a utility facility within the department railroad property.
Trans 29.07(1)(b)1. 1. Permit for up to 5 miles of installation.   $235
Trans 29.07(1)(b)2. 2. Permit for up to 10 miles of installation.   $390
Trans 29.07(1)(b)3. 3. Permit for up to 15 miles of installation.   $545
Trans 29.07(1)(b)4. 4. Permit for up to 20 miles of installation.   $700
Trans 29.07(1)(c) (c) “Longitudinal underground utility installations." Underground utility facility installations involving the installation of a utility facility or the modification of a utility facility on the department railroad property. The fee is based on one pre-construction inspection and on one daily inspection for each day's work or fraction of a day's work.
Trans 29.07(1)(c)1. 1. Permit for up to 5 miles of installation.   $125*
Trans 29.07(1)(c)2. 2. Permit for up to 10 miles of installation.   $175*
Trans 29.07(1)(c)3. 3. Permit for up to 15 miles of installation.   $225*
Trans 29.07(1)(c)4. 4. Permit for up to 20 miles of installation.   $275*
  * plus $50 for each daily inspection
Trans 29.07(1)(d) (d) Where spot checking or regular inspections reveal the need for corrections or changes to comply with the permit, the permittee shall pay the costs of those corrections or changes and a $50 fee per required follow-up inspection.
Trans 29.07(2) (2) In addition to any fee paid under sub. (1), the railroad operator may require reimbursement from the utility for reasonable services rendered including administration, flagging, track removal and reinstalling, and other functions necessary to accommodate a utility facility installation or modification. Reimbursement arrangements for these services shall be solely between the railroad operator and the utility. Concurrence in the permit application by the railroad operator implies agreement between the utility and the railroad operator on service reimbursement.
Trans 29.07(3) (3) Whenever a “transverse utility crossing" is installed or modified within department railroad property where that department railroad property is also located within a town, county, village or city highway or street right-of-way, the department need not conduct its usual post-installation or post-modification inspection if, as a substitute for that inspection, the utility provides an affidavit of a professional engineer, duly registered to practice engineering in Wisconsin, certifying that the utility installation or modification has been carried out in accordance with the pertinent application, these rules, all other applicable rules or standards and sound engineering practices. The utility shall file the required affidavit with the department not more than 10 days after the utility facility is installed or modified. Whenever the provisions of this subsection are applicable and followed, the fee established in sub. (1) (a) shall be reduced to $100 reflecting the department's diminished inspection activities.
Trans 29.07 History History: Cr. Register, December, 1985, No. 360, eff. 1-1-86; am. (2), Register, January, 1999, No. 517, eff. 2-1-99.
Trans 29.08 Trans 29.08Notification of work activities.
Trans 29.08(1) (1)Notifying department and railroad operator. The utility shall notify the department and the railroad operator at least 72 hours prior to commencing any work upon, over, under or within the department railroad property. If a utility ceases work on a utility facility for more than 48 hours, except for holidays or weekends, the utility shall again give the department and the railroad operator 72 hours notice prior to recommencing the work activity. At the conclusion of all work, the utility shall notify the department and the railroad operator within 10 calendar days, holidays and weekends excepted, that the work is completed. When notified, the department may, within 30 days, inspect the completed utility facility and inform the utility whether the work is satisfactory.
Trans 29.08(2) (2)Emergency utility work. If an emergency maintenance situation arises requiring immediate action within the department railroad property to protect the general public safety, the utility shall immediately notify the railroad operator, or the department when no railroad operator is in place, that an emergency exists and that the utility is proceeding to correct the emergency situation. Emergency operations by a utility may be performed on department railroad property whenever conditions or time considerations prevent application to the department for prior written approval. However, as soon as practicable, the utility shall apply to the department for the required permit under s. Trans 29.04.
Trans 29.08 History History: Cr. Register, December, 1985, No. 360, eff. 1-1-86; am. (1), Register, January, 1999, No. 517, eff. 2-1-99.
Trans 29.09 Trans 29.09Restoration of railroad lands and facilities. The utility shall restore the department railroad property and the railroad facilities thereon to a condition that is as near as is reasonably practicable to its preexisting condition and that is mutually acceptable to the department and the railroad operator. Failure of the utility to satisfactorily restore those lands or facilities shall be grounds for the department to arrange to restore the deficiency; the utility shall pay the cost for this restoration.
Trans 29.09 History History: Cr. Register, December, 1985, No. 360, eff. 1-1-86.
Trans 29.10 Trans 29.10Utility facility specifications.
Trans 29.10(1) (1)Location.
Trans 29.10(1)(a)(a) General. A utility shall always locate its utility facilities to minimize the need for subsequent adjustments to accommodate future railroad improvements and to allow for the later servicing or expanding of its utility facilities with minimal obstruction to or interference with the flow of railroad traffic.
Trans 29.10(1)(b) (b) Longitudinal placement. Utility facility longitudinal installations or modifications shall be located on alignments uniformly parallel to and within 5 feet of the outer limits of the department railroad property. A different alignment may be approved if the department and railroad agree. No installation or modification may be approved within the track zone.
Trans 29.10(1)(c) (c) Transverse crossings. Utility facilities shall cross the department railroad property on a line as nearly perpendicular to the railroad track alignment as is practicable.
Trans 29.10(2) (2)Utility facility design and installation.
Trans 29.10(2)(a)(a) General. The utility shall provide the department with a design of each utility facility to be installed or modified within the department railroad property. The department shall review the utility's facility design with respect to its location and to the manner of its installation or modification. The department shall also review the facility design with respect to the measures proposed to preserve safe and free railroad traffic flow, structural integrity of the railroad facilities, ease of railroad maintenance and the aesthetic appearance of the department railroad property.
Trans 29.10(2)(b) (b) Utility facility design standards. The minimum new utility facility design, construction and operation standards shall be those found in the Wisconsin administrative code for the utility and the utility activity in question. If the codes, ordinances or laws of any governmental agency having jurisdiction over the utility or over its activities are more restrictive than this chapter, they shall govern. All new utility facility installations or modifications shall, as a minimum, meet the following requirements:
Trans 29.10(2)(b)1. 1. Electrical power and electronic communication utility facilities shall conform with ch. PSC 114, Wis. Adm. Code.
Trans 29.10(2)(b)2. 2. Water lines shall conform with the specifications of the American water works association and chs. NR 110 and 811, Wis. Adm. Code.
Trans 29.10(2)(b)3. 3. Pressure pipelines shall conform with the requirements of title 49, code of federal regulations, parts 192, 193, subparts A, B and D, attached as appendix 1, and 195, and ch. PSC 135.
Trans 29.10(2)(b)4. 4. Liquid petroleum pipelines shall conform with the recommended practices of the American petroleum institute for pipeline crossings under railroads and highways.
Trans 29.10(2)(c) (c) Drainage and other utility facilities. A utility shall take extreme care in installing or modifying a utility facility to avoid disturbing either existing drainage facilities or other previously installed underground utility facilities. Where appropriate, trenches for underground utility facilities shall be backfilled with previously excavated material, and necessary outlets shall be provided to prevent water entrapment. Underdrains shall be provided where necessary.
Trans 29.10 Note Note: Copies of the National Electric Safety Code, the American Water Works Association specifications, 49 CFR Parts 192 and 195 and the American Petroleum Institute recommended practices are on file at the offices of the Department of Transportation, the Secretary of State and the Legislative Reference Bureau.
Trans 29.10 History History: Cr. Register, December, 1985, No. 360, eff. 1-1-86; correction in (2) (b) 2. made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, August, 1996, No. 488, eff. 9-1-96; am. (1) (b) and (2) (b) 3., Register, January, 1999, No. 517, eff. 2-1-99.
Trans 29.11 Trans 29.11Utility facility maintenance and repairs.
Trans 29.11(1)(1)General. A utility shall keep its utility facilities in good repair, both structurally and aesthetically.
Trans 29.11(2) (2)Trees. The utility may not spray, cut or trim trees on department railroad property unless the department gives prior written permission. When the removal of a tree is permitted, the stump shall be cut flush with the ground or be removed. All resulting debris, refuse, and waste shall be removed from the department railroad property, unless agreed to otherwise in writing.
Trans 29.11 History History: Cr. Register, December, 1985, No. 360, eff. 1-1-86; am. (2), Register, January, 1999, No. 517, eff. 2-1-99.
Trans 29.12 Trans 29.12Pipelines.
Trans 29.12(1) (1)Location and alignment. The crossing location and alignment for pipeline installations or modifications shall be as follows:
Trans 29.12(1)(a) (a) A pipeline shall not be located where conditions are unsuitable for pipeline crossings. Unsuitable locations include: in deep cuts, near footings of bridges or retaining walls, across drainage facilities where water flow may be obstructed, within the basin of an underpass drained by a pump or in wet or rocky terrain where it is difficult to bury the pipeline.
Trans 29.12(1)(b) (b) Longitudinal pipeline installations or modifications shall be within 5 feet of the outer limits of the department railroad property.
Trans 29.12(1)(c) (c) Vertical and horizontal clearances between the pipeline and the railroad and between the pipeline and other utility facilities shall be sufficient to permit maintenance of the pipeline, the railroad and all other utility facilities. Except in unusual circumstances, the pipeline shall be located outside the 45° cone of support for the footings of existing structures.
Trans 29.12(2) (2)Depth.
Trans 29.12(2)(a)(a) Crossings. For transverse installations or modifications, the vertical distance between the low point of the railroad cross section, usually the flow line of the ditch, and the top of the pipeline, or the pipeline casing when required, may not be less than 3 feet, unless special, suitable pipeline cover or protection is provided. The vertical distance between the top of the pipeline, or casing when required, and the base of the rails may not be less than 4 feet 6 inches on secondary or industrial tracks and may not be less than 5 feet 6 inches on main tracks.
Trans 29.12(2)(b) (b) Longitudinal installations. For longitudinal installations or modifications, the vertical distance from the finished railroad property surface to the top of the pipeline, or casing when required, shall be at least 54 inches if within 50 feet of the track centerline and shall be at least 24 inches if more than 50 feet from the track centerline. These distances may not be reduced unless the pipeline is satisfactorily protected, such as with concrete, metal or other durable casing.
Trans 29.12(2)(c) (c) Alternate location. If the minimum burying depths stated in pars. (a) and (b) are infeasible because of other utility facility placement, the water table, topographical features or an ordinance, a utility may locate the pipeline elsewhere so that the minimum burying depths stated are met.
Trans 29.12(3) (3)Appurtenance requirements.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.