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SPS 381.01(82m)(82m)“Dual check valve type with atmospheric port backflow preventer” has the same meaning as specified in sub. (18).
SPS 381.01(83)(83)“Dwelling” means a structure, or that part of a structure, which is used or intended to be used as a home, residence or sleeping place by one person or by 2 or more persons maintaining a common household, to the exclusion of all others.
SPS 381.01(84)(84)“Effluent” means liquid discharged from a process, device, appurtenance or piping system.
SPS 381.01(85)(85)“Ejector” means an automatically operated device to elevate wastewater by the use of air under higher than atmospheric pressure.
SPS 381.01(86)(86)“Elevation” or “EL” means the vertical distance from the datum to a point under investigation.
SPS 381.01(87)(87)“Enforcement standard” or “ES” has the meaning specified under s. 160.01 (2), Stats.
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: Section 160.01 (2), Stats., reads:
SPS 381.01 Note“Enforcement standard” means a numerical value expressing the concentration of a substance in groundwater which is adopted under ss. 160.07 and 160.09.
SPS 381.01(88)(88)“Engineered soil” means a mineral product that is equivalent to in situ soil for which treatment capability has been credited under Table 383.44-3, or superior to in situ soil in its ability to treat or disperse domestic wastewater from a POWTS.
SPS 381.01(89)(89)“Engineered system” means a system designed to meet the intent of the code but not the enumerated specifications of the state plumbing code.
SPS 381.01(90)(90)“Estimated wastewater flow” means the typical quantity of domestic wastewater generated daily by a dwelling, building or facility.
SPS 381.01(90e)(90e)“Experimental plumbing system” has the same meaning as experimental system as specified in sub. (91).
SPS 381.01(90m)(90m)“Exam sink” means a plumbing fixture used for hand washing in health care and related facilities.
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: An exam sink may also be referred to as a treatment sink.
SPS 381.01(91)(91)“Experimental system” means a type of plumbing system from which valid and reliable data are being sought to demonstrate compliance with the intent of chs. SPS 382 to 384.
SPS 381.01(92)(92)“Failing private onsite wastewater treatment system” has the meaning specified under s. 145.01 (4m), Stats.
SPS 381.01(93)(93)“Farm” means a parcel of 35 or more acres of contiguous land that is devoted primarily to agricultural use, as defined under s. 91.01 (2), Stats.
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: Section 91.01 (2), Stats., reads:
SPS 381.01 Note(a) Any of the following activities conducted for the purpose of producing an income or livelihood:
SPS 381.01 Note1. Crop or forage production.
SPS 381.01 Note2. Keeping livestock.
SPS 381.01 Note3. Beekeeping.
SPS 381.01 Note4. Nursery, sod, or Christmas tree production.
SPS 381.01 Note4m. Floriculture.
SPS 381.01 Note5. Aquaculture.
SPS 381.01 Note6. Fur farming.
SPS 381.01 Note7. Forest management.
SPS 381.01 Note8. Enrolling land in a federal agricultural commodity payment program or a federal or state agricultural land conservation payment program.
SPS 381.01 Note(b) Any other use that the department, by rule, identifies as an agricultural use.
SPS 381.01(93m)(93m)“Fats, oil, and grease” and “FOG” mean organic polar compounds derived from vegetable, plant, or animal sources that are composed of long chain triglycerides that are insoluble in water. Fats are generally solid particles, oils are usually liquid at room temperature, and grease is usually solid at room temperature.
SPS 381.01(94)(94)“Faucet” means a valve end of a water pipe by means of which water can be drawn from or held within the pipe.
SPS 381.01(95)(95)“Final effluent” means the effluent from the last POWTS treatment component.
SPS 381.01(96)(96)“Fixture drain” means the drain from a fixture to a junction with another drain pipe.
SPS 381.01(97)(97)“Fixture supply” means that portion of a water distribution system serving one plumbing fixture, appliance or piece of equipment.
SPS 381.01(98)(98)“Fixture supply connector” means that portion of water supply piping which connects a plumbing fixture, appliance or a piece of equipment to the water distribution system.
SPS 381.01(99)(99)“Fixture unit, drainage” or “dfu” means a measure of the probable discharge into the drain system by various types of plumbing fixtures. The drainage fixture unit value for a particular fixture depends on its volume rate of drainage discharge, on the time duration of a single drainage operation, and on the average time between successive operations.
SPS 381.01(100)(100)“Fixture unit, supply” or “sfu” means a measure of the probable hydraulic demand on the water supply by various types of plumbing fixtures.
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: The supply fixture unit value for a particular fixture depends on its volume rate of supply, on the time duration of a single supply operation, and on the average time between successive operations.
SPS 381.01(101)(101)“Floodfringe” has the meaning specified under s. NR 116.03 (14).
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: Section NR 116.03 (14) reads:
SPS 381.01 Note“Floodfringe” means that portion of a floodplain which is outside of the floodway, which is covered by flood water during the regional flood. The term “floodfringe” is generally associated with standing water rather than flowing water.
SPS 381.01(102)(102)“Flood level rim” means the edge of the receptacle from which water overflows.
SPS 381.01(103)(103)“Floodplain” has the meaning specified under s. NR 116.03 (16).
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: Section NR 116.03 (16) reads:
SPS 381.01 Note“Floodplain” means that land which has been or may be covered by flood water during the regional flood. The floodplain includes the floodway, floodfringe, shallow depth flooding, flood storage and coastal floodplain areas.
SPS 381.01(104)(104)“Floodway” has the meaning specified under s. NR 116.03 (22).
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: Section NR 116.03 (22) reads:
SPS 381.01 Note“Floodway” means the channel of a river or stream, and those portions of the floodplain adjoining the channel required to carry the regional flood discharge.
SPS 381.01(105)(105)“Floor sink” means a receptor for the discharge from indirect or local waste piping installed with its flood level rim even with the surrounding floor.
SPS 381.01(106)(106)“Flow” means the volumetric measure of a liquid stream in a specified time.
SPS 381.01(107)(107)“Flushometer valve” means a device which discharges a predetermined quantity of water to fixtures for flushing purposes and is closed by direct water pressure.
SPS 381.01(108)(108)“Flush valve” means a device located at the bottom of a tank for flushing water closets and similar fixtures.
SPS 381.01(108m)(108m)“Foundation drain” means a subsoil drain that serves the area of the foundation of a building.
SPS 381.01(108s)(108s)“Freeze resistant sanitary yard hydrant with backflow protection” means a device, typically installed with a portion below ground surface, to supply potable water without danger of damage to the device due to freezing and to provide protection of the potable water supply and groundwater from contamination due to back-siphonage or back-pressure.
SPS 381.01(109)(109)“Garage, private” means a building or part of a building used for the storage of vehicles or other purposes, by a family or less than 3 persons not of the same family and which is not available for public use.
SPS 381.01(110)(110)“Garage, public” means a building or part of a building which accommodates or houses self-propelled land, air or water vehicles for 3 or more persons not of the same family.
SPS 381.01(111)(111)“Governmental unit” has the meaning specified under s. 145.01 (5), Stats.
SPS 381.01(112)(112)“Graywater” means wastewater contaminated by waste materials, exclusive of urine, feces or industrial waste, deposited into plumbing drain systems.
SPS 381.01(113)(113)“Grease interceptor” means a receptacle designed to intercept and retain or remove grease or fatty substances.
SPS 381.01(114)(114)“Groundwater” has the meaning specified under s. 160.01 (4), Stats.
SPS 381.01(115)(115)“Hand-held shower” means a hose and a hand-held discharge piece such as a shower head or spray connecting to a fixture fitting.
SPS 381.01(116)(116)“Health care facility” means a hospital, nursing home, community-based residential facility, or ambulatory surgery center.
SPS 381.01(117)(117)“Health care plumbing appliance” means a plumbing appliance used in health care facilities and health care related facilities, the function of which involves a potential for exposure to infectious wastes. Examples of health care plumbing appliances include autoclaves, dialysis units, endoscope reprocessors, sterilizers, surgical suction systems, therapeutic tubs, and washer or disinfector units. Examples of appliances or fixtures that are not regarded as health care plumbing appliances are auto-analyzers, bathtubs, high-purity water systems, and wheelchair washers.
SPS 381.01(117m)(117m)“Health care related facility” means an assisted living, residential care apartment complex, memory care, infirmary, inpatient mental health center, inpatient hospice, adult day care center, renal dialysis center, facility for the developmentally disabled, institute for mental disease, urgent care center, medical clinic or office, dental clinic or office, residential care center for children and youth, or school of medicine, surgery, or dentistry.
SPS 381.01(118)(118)“High groundwater” means zones of soil saturation which include perched water tables, shallow regional groundwater tables or aquifers, or zones that are seasonally, periodically or permanently saturated.
SPS 381.01(119)(119)“High groundwater elevation” means the higher of either the elevation to which the soil is saturated when observed as a free water surface, or the elevation to which the soil has been seasonally or periodically saturated as indicated by the highest elevation of redoximorphic features in the soil profile.
SPS 381.01(120)(120)“High hazard” means a situation where the water supply system could be contaminated with a toxic substance or solution so as to make the water unsuitable for the designated use.
SPS 381.01(121)(121)“Holding tank” means a watertight receptacle for the collection and holding of wastewater.
SPS 381.01(122)(122)“Horizontal pipe” means any pipe or fitting which makes an angle of less than 45° with the horizontal.
SPS 381.01(123)(123)“Horizontal reference point” means a stationary, identifiable point to which horizontal dimensions can be related.
SPS 381.01(124)(124)“Hose connection backflow preventer” means a type of cross connection control device which consists of 2 independent checks, force-loaded or biased to a closed position, with an atmospheric vent located between the 2 check valves, which is force-loaded or biased to an open position, and a means for attaching a hose.
SPS 381.01(125)(125)“Hose connection vacuum breaker” means a type of cross connection control device which consists of a check valve member force-loaded or biased to a closed position and an atmospheric vent valve or means force-loaded or biased to an open position when the device is not under pressure.
SPS 381.01(126)(126)“Hot water” means water at a temperature of 110° F. or more.
SPS 381.01(127)(127)“Hot water storage tank” means a tank used to store water that is heated indirectly by a circulating water heater or by steam or hot water circulating through coils or by other heat exchange methods internal or external to the tank.
SPS 381.01(128)(128)“Human health hazard” has the meaning specified under s. 254.01 (2), Stats.
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: Section 254.01 (2), Stats., reads:
SPS 381.01 Note“Human health hazard” means a substance, activity or condition that is known to have the potential to cause acute or chronic illness, to endanger life, to generate or spread infectious diseases, or otherwise injuriously to affect the health of the public.
SPS 381.01(129)(129)“Hydrostatic test” means a test performed on a plumbing system or portion thereof in which the system is filled with a liquid, normally water, and raised to a designated pressure.
SPS 381.01(129m)(129m)“Imminent health hazard” means a significant threat or danger to health that is considered to exist when there is evidence sufficient to show that a product, practice, circumstance, or event creates a situation that requires immediate correction or cessation of operation to prevent injury or illness based on any of the following:
SPS 381.01(129m)(a)(a) The number of potential injuries or illnesses.
SPS 381.01(129m)(b)(b) The nature, severity, or duration of the potential injury or illness.
SPS 381.01(130)(130)“Indian lands” means lands owned by the United States and held for the use or benefit of Indian tribes or bands or individual Indians, and lands within the boundaries of a federally recognized reservation that are owned by Indian tribes or bands or individual Indians.
SPS 381.01(131)(131)“Indirect waste piping” means drain piping which does not connect directly with the drain system, but which discharges into the drain system by means of an air break or air gap into a receptor.
SPS 381.01(132)(132)“Individual vent” means a pipe installed to vent a fixture trap.
SPS 381.01(133)(133)“Industrial wastewater” means the liquid wastes that result from industrial processes.
SPS 381.01(133s)(133s)“Infiltration component” means any device or method that is intended to promote the assimilation of water into in situ soil.
SPS 381.01(134)(134)“Infiltrative surface” means the plane within a treatment or dispersal component at which effluent is applied to in situ soil or engineered soil.
SPS 381.01(135)(135)“In situ soil” means soil naturally formed or deposited in its present location or position and includes soil material that has been plowed using normal tillage implements and depositional material resulting from erosion or flooding.
SPS 381.01(136)(136)“Interceptor” or “separator” means a device designed and installed so as to separate and retain deleterious, hazardous or undesirable matter from wastes flowing through it.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.