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SPS 381.01 Note“Point of standards application” means the specific location, depth or distance from a facility, activity or practice at which the concentration of a substance in groundwater is measured for purposes of determining whether a preventive action limit or an enforcement standard has been attained or exceeded.
SPS 381.01(181)(181)“Potable water” means water that is both:
SPS 381.01(181)(a)(a) Safe for drinking, personal or culinary use.
SPS 381.01(181)(b)(b) Free from impurities present in amounts sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological effects.
SPS 381.01(182)(182)“POWTS” means a private onsite wastewater treatment system.
SPS 381.01(183)(183)“POWTS component” means any subsystem, subassembly or other system designed for use in or as part of a private onsite wastewater treatment system which may include treatment, dispersal or holding and related piping.
SPS 381.01(183m)(183m)“POWTS component manual” means a document that contains detailed design, installation, and operation and maintenance procedures for POWTS components. A component manual that is approved under s. SPS 384.10 (3) (c) is an acceptable method under s. SPS 383.61.
SPS 381.01(184)(184)“POWTS dispersal component” means a device or method that is intended to promote the assimilation of treated wastewater by the environment.
SPS 381.01(185)(185)“POWTS holding component” means any receptacle intended to collect wastewater for a period of time, including holding and dosing tanks.
SPS 381.01(186)(186)“POWTS treatment component” means a device or method that is intended to reduce the contaminant load of wastewater.
SPS 381.01(186s)(186s)“Pre-development” means the condition of the topography of vegetation, including that resulting from human activities that existed prior to land disturbance for construction.
SPS 381.01(187)(187)“Prefabricated plumbing” means concealed drain piping, vent piping or water supply or a combination of these types of piping, contained in a modular building component, which will not be visible for inspection when delivered to the final site of installation.
SPS 381.01(187e)(187e)“Prefabricated sump and pump system” means a simplex or duplex pump and sump designed as a combined unit.
SPS 381.01(188)(188)“Pressure relief valve” means a pressure actuated valve held closed by a spring or other means and designed to automatically relieve pressure at a designated pressure.
SPS 381.01(189)(189)“Pressure vacuum breaker assembly” means a type of cross connection control assembly which consists of an independently acting check valve force-loaded to the closed position and an independently acting air inlet valve located downstream of the check valve that is force-loaded to the open position. The assembly also includes two tightly closing shutoffs, one at the inlet of the assembly and one at the outlet of the assembly, and two tightly closing test cocks, one immediately upstream and one immediately downstream of the check valve.
SPS 381.01(190)(190)“Pressurized flushing device” means a device that uses the water supply to create a pressurized discharge to flush a fixture exclusive of gravity type flushing systems.
SPS 381.01(191)(191)“Preventive action limit” or “PAL” has the meaning as specified under s. 160.01 (6), Stats.
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: Section 160.01 (6), Stats., reads:
SPS 381.01 Note“Prevention action limits” means a numerical value expressing the concentration of a substance in groundwater which is adopted under s. 160.15, Stats.
SPS 381.01(192)(192)“Principal residence” means a residence that is occupied at least 51% of the year by the owner. Principal residence includes a residence owned by a trust or estate of an individual, if the residence is occupied at least 51% of the year by a person who has an ownership interest in the residence as a beneficiary of the trust or estate.
SPS 381.01(193)(193)“Private interceptor main sewer” means a sewer serving 2 or more buildings and not part of the municipal sewer system.
SPS 381.01(194)(194)“Private onsite wastewater treatment system” has the meaning given under s. 145.01 (12), Stats.
SPS 381.01(195)(195)“Private water main” means a water main serving 2 or more buildings and not part of the municipal water system.
SPS 381.01(195m)(195m)“Process piping” means that piping which is separated from a water supply system or drain system by the acceptable methods or means specified under ch. SPS 382 and is part of a system used exclusively for refining, manufacturing, industrial, or shipping purposes of every character and description.
SPS 381.01(196)(196)“Public” means, in the classification of plumbing fixtures, those fixtures which are available for use by the public or employees.
SPS 381.01(197)(197)“Public building” has the meaning specified under s. 101.01 (12), Stats.
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: Section 101.01 (12), Stats., reads:
SPS 381.01 Note“Public building” means any structure, including exterior parts of such building, such as a porch, exterior platform or steps providing means of ingress or egress, used in whole or in part as a place of resort, assemblage, lodging, trade, traffic, occupancy, or use by the public or by 3 or more tenants. When used in relation to building codes, “public building” does not include a previously constructed building used as a community-based residential facility as defined in s. 50.01 (1g) which serves 20 or fewer unrelated residents or an adult family home, as defined in s. 50.01 (1).
SPS 381.01(197m)(197m)“Public lavatory” means a lavatory located in a public restroom or located outside of a public restroom. Hand wash sinks required by Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), Department of Health Services (DHS), National Institutes of Health (NIH), or United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are considered public lavatory fixtures.
SPS 381.01(198)(198)“Public sewer” means a sewer owned and controlled by a public authority.
SPS 381.01(199)(199)“Public water main” means a water supply pipe for public use owned and controlled by a public authority.
SPS 381.01(199m)(199m)“Push-fit fitting” means a mechanical fitting that joins pipes or tubes and achieves a seal by pushing the mating pipe or tube into the fitting.
SPS 381.01(200)(200)“Quick closing valve” means a valve or faucet that closes automatically when released manually or controlled by mechanical means for fast action closing.
SPS 381.01(201)(201)“Receptor” means a fixture or device that receives the discharge from indirect or local waste piping.
SPS 381.01(202)(202)“Redoximorphic feature” means a feature formed in the soil matrix by the processes of reduction, translocation and oxidation of iron and manganese compounds in seasonally saturated soil.
SPS 381.01(203)(203)“Reduced pressure detector fire protection backflow prevention assembly” means a type of reduced pressure principle type backflow preventer serving a fire protection system and which includes a parallel flow meter to indicate leakage or unauthorized use of water downstream of the assembly.
SPS 381.01(203m)(203m)“Reduced pressure fire protection principle backflow preventer” means an assembly serving a fire protection system and consisting of 2 independently-acting check valves, internally force loaded to a normally closed position, and separated by an intermediate chamber or zone in which there is a hydraulically operated relief means of venting to atmosphere, internally forced loaded to a normally open position. The term “reduced pressure principle backflow preventer for fire protection systems” has the same meaning as reduced pressure fire protection principle backflow preventer.
SPS 381.01(204)(204)“Reduced pressure principle backflow preventer” means a cross connection control assembly consisting of 2 independently-acting check valves, internally force-loaded to a normally closed position and separated by an intermediate chamber or zone in which there is a hydraulically operated relief means for venting to atmosphere, internally force-loaded to a normally open position. These assemblies are designed to operate under continuous pressure conditions. The assembly shall include 2 properly located, tightly closing shut-off valves and properly located test cocks.
SPS 381.01(205)(205)“Relief vent” means a vent which permits additional circulation of air in or between drain and vent systems.
SPS 381.01(206)(206)“Riser” means a water supply pipe that extends vertically one full story or more.
SPS 381.01(207)(207)“Roof drain” means a drain installed to receive water collecting on the surface of a roof and to discharge it into a conductor.
SPS 381.01(208)(208)“Roughing in” means the installation of all parts of the plumbing system which can be completed prior to the installation of fixtures including drain, water supply and vent piping and the necessary fixture supports.
SPS 381.01(209)(209)“Rowhouse” means a building which is not more than 3 stories in height and which contains only 3 or more attached, vertically separated, side-by-side or back-to-back dwelling units, with each dwelling unit served by an individual exterior exit within 6 feet of the exit discharge grade.
SPS 381.01(209m)(209m)“RV transfer tank” means a type of stationary container used to collect and hold wastewater discharges generated by an individual camping trailer or recreational vehicle.
SPS 381.01(210)(210)“Safing” means a membrane or material installed beneath a fixture to prevent leakage from escaping to the floor, ceiling or walls.
SPS 381.01(211)(211)“Sand interceptor” means a receptacle designed to intercept and retain sand, grit, earth and other similar solids.
SPS 381.01(212)(212)“Sanitary sewer” means a pipe that carries wastewater consisting in part of domestic wastewater.
SPS 381.01(212e)(212e)“Scrub sink” means a plumbing fixture used for hand and arm washing prior to surgery or other medical procedures.
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: A scrub sink may also be referred to as a surgeon washup sink.
SPS 381.01(213)(213)“Scum” means the accumulated floating solids generated during the biological, physical or chemical treatment, coagulation or sedimentation of wastewater.
SPS 381.01(214)(214)“Secretary” means the secretary of the department of safety and professional services or designee.
SPS 381.01(214m)(214m)“Service sink” means a fixture designed to be used for building or facility maintenance.
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: A service sink may also be referred to as a mop sink, mop basin or janitor’s sink.
SPS 381.01(215)(215)“Servicing” has the meaning as specified under s. NR 113.03 (57).
SPS 381.01(216)(216)“Sewage” means wastewater containing fecal coliform bacteria exceeding 200 CFU, colony forming units, per 100 ml.
SPS 381.01(217)(217)“Sewage grinder pump” means a type of sewage pump which macerates wastewater consisting in part of sewage.
SPS 381.01(218)(218)“Sewage pump” means an automatic pump for the removal of wastewater from a sanitary sump.
SPS 381.01(218m)(218m)“Siphonic roof drain system” means a drainage system designed to receive water collecting on a roof surface via negative pressure conditions created by roof drains that allow water to enter the stormwater piping system while minimizing the ingress of air, generating a negative differential fluid pressure within the piping system thereby inducing full-bore flow without pipe gradient.
SPS 381.01(219)(219)“Slip-joint” means a connection in which one pipe slips into another, the joint of which is made tight with a compression type fitting.
SPS 381.01(220)(220)“Sludge” means the accumulated solids generated during the biological, physical or chemical treatment, coagulation or sedimentation of water or wastewater.
SPS 381.01(221)(221)“Small commercial establishment” means a commercial establishment or business place with a maximum daily wastewater flow rate of less than 5,000 gallons per day as determined from the design criteria of the state plumbing code. Small commercial establishment includes a farm, including a residence on a farm, if the residence is occupied by a person who is an operator of the farm and if the maximum daily wastewater flow rate of the farm and the residence on the farm is less than 5,000 gallons-per-day as determined from the design criteria of the state plumbing code.
SPS 381.01(222)(222)“Soil” means the naturally occurring pedogenically developed and undeveloped regolith overlying bedrock.
SPS 381.01(223)(223)“Soil consistence” means the resistance of soil material to deformation or rupture as related to the degree of adhesion and cohesion of a soil mass.
SPS 381.01(224)(224)“Soil horizon” means a layer of soil material approximately parallel to the land surface and differing from adjacent genetically related layers in physical, chemical, or biologic characteristics.
SPS 381.01(225)(225)“Soil morphology” means the physical or structural characteristics of a soil profile particularly as related to the arrangement of soil horizons based on color, texture, structure, consistence, and porosity.
SPS 381.01(226)(226)“Soil profile” means a vertical section of soil containing one or more soil horizons.
SPS 381.01(227)(227)“Soil profile evaluation” means a determination of soil properties or characteristics as they relate to wastewater or nonwater-carried human waste treatment or dispersal.
SPS 381.01(228)(228)“Soil structure” means the combination or arrangement of individual soil particles into definable aggregates or peds, which are characterized and classified on the basis of size, shape, and degree of distinctness.
SPS 381.01(229)(229)“Soil texture” means the relative proportions of sand, silt and clay (soil separates) in a soil.
SPS 381.01(229m)(229m)“Special wastewater” means any wastewater containing deleterious waste material as defined in s. SPS 382.34 (3) (b).
SPS 381.01(230)(230)“Spigot” means the end of a pipe which fits into a bell or hub.
SPS 381.01(231)(231)“Spill level” means the horizontal plane to which water will rise to overflow through channels or connections which are not directly connected to any drainage system, when water is flowing into a fixture, vessel or receptacle at the maximum rate of flow.
SPS 381.01(231m)(231m)“Spill resistant vacuum breaker” means a cross connection control assembly consisting of one check valve force-loaded closed and an air inlet force loaded open to atmosphere located downstream of the check valve. The assembly also includes 2 tightly closing shut-off valves and 2 test cocks or a no. 1 test cock and a bleed valve.
SPS 381.01(232)(232)“Spring line, pipe” means the line or place from which the arch of a pipe or conduit rises.
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: See ch. SPS 382 Appendix for an illustration depicting the spring line of a pipe.
SPS 381.01(233)(233)“Stack” means a drain or vent pipe that extends vertically one full story or more.
SPS 381.01(234)(234)“Stack vent” means a vent extending from the highest horizontal drain connected to a stack.
SPS 381.01(235)(235)“Standpipe” means a drain pipe serving as a receptor for the discharge wastes from indirect or local waste piping.
SPS 381.01(236)(236)“State” means the state of Wisconsin, its agencies and institutions.
SPS 381.01(237)(237)“State plumbing code” means chs. SPS 381 to 387.
SPS 381.01(238)(238)“Sterilizer, boiling type” means a device of nonpressure type, used for boiling instruments, utensils, or other equipment for disinfecting.
SPS 381.01(239)(239)“Sterilizer, instrument” means a device for the sterilization of various instruments.
SPS 381.01(240)(240)“Sterilizer, pressure” means a pressure vessel fixture designed to use steam under pressure for sterilizing.
SPS 381.01 NoteNote: A pressure sterilizer is also referred to as an autoclave.
SPS 381.01(241)(241)“Sterilizer, pressure instrument washer” means a pressure vessel designed to both wash and sterilize instruments during the operating cycle of the device.
SPS 381.01(242)(242)“Sterilizer, utensil” means a device for the sterilization of utensils.
SPS 381.01(243)(243)“Sterilizer vent” means a separate pipe or stack, indirectly connected to the drain system at the lower terminal, which receives the vapors from nonpressure sterilizers, or the exhaust vapors from pressure sterilizers, and conducts the vapors directly to the outer air.
SPS 381.01(244)(244)“Sterilizer, water” means a device for sterilizing water and storing sterile water.
SPS 381.01(245)(245)“Storm sewer” means a pipe, other than a pipe located inside a building, that carries any of the following: storm water, groundwater or clear water.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.