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C.   Mulch and Vegetation - Mulch or seed and mulch may be applied to protect exposed soil from both wind and water erosion.
Refer to WDNR Conservation Practice Standards Mulching for Construction Sites (1058) and Seeding for Construction Site Erosion Control (1059) for criteria.
D.   Water - Water until the surface is wet and repeat as needed. Water shall be applied at rates so that runoff does not occur.
Treated soil surfaces that receive vehicle traffic require a stone tracking pad or tire washing at all point of access. Refer to WDNR Conservation Practice Standard Stone Tracking Pad and Tire Washing (1057) for criteria.
E.   Tillage - A control measure performed with chisel type plows on exposed soils. Tillage shall begin on the windward side of the site. Tillage is only applicable to flat areas.
F.   Polymers - Polymers can be an effective practice for areas that do not receive vehicle traffic. Dry applied polymers must be initially watered for activation to be effective for dust control. Refer to WDNR Conservation Practice Standard Erosion Control Land Application of Polymers (1050) for application criteria.
G.   Tackifiers and Soil Stabilizers Type A - Products must be selected from and installed at rates conforming to the WisDOT Erosion Control PAL. See Section IX for reference. Example products include Latex-based and WDNR, WI
Temporary Grading Practices For Erosion Control
(Surface Roughening and Temporary Ditch Sumps)
1067 (03/04)
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Conservation Practice Standard
Note: Words in the standard that are shown in italics are described in X. Definitions. The words are italicized the first time they are used.
I.   Definition
Temporary1 grading practices used to minimize construction site erosion. These practices include, but are not limited to surface roughening (directional tracking and tillage) and temporary ditch sumps.
II.   Purpose
The purpose of these practices are to minimize erosion and sediment transport during grading operations on construction sites.
III.   Conditions Where Practice Applies
These practices apply where land disturbing activities occur on construction sites. These practices shall be used in conjunction with other erosion control practices.
IV.   Federal, State, and Local Laws
Users of this standard shall be aware of applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, or permit requirements governing these practices. This standard does not contain the text of federal, state, or local laws.
V.   Criteria
These interim practices may be employed in addition to the approved grading plan to reduce erosion and sediment transport.
A.   Surface Roughening - Surface roughening is abrading the soil surface with horizontal ridges and depressions across the slope to reduce runoff velocities.
1.   Directional Tracking - The process of creating ridges with tracked vehicles on unvegetated slopes. This method is used for short durations on sites actively being grad and shall be used in conjunction with other practices. This practice shall be in place at the end of each workday.
  Directional tracking involves driving a tracked vehicle up and down a slope. The tracks create horizontal grooves and ridges. The rough surface slows sheet runoff and helps to prevent rills from forming. (Conversely, if the tracked vehicle is driven along the contour the tracks create vertical grooves and ridges for the water to follow, increasing erosion.)
2.   Tillage - Utilizing conventional tillage equipment to create a series of ridges and furrows on the contour no more than 15 inches apart.
B.   Temporary Ditch Sump - Temporary ditch sumps are ½ to 5 cubic yard excavations made in a drainageway during earthmoving operations. Their purpose is to slow and pond runoff during the time that drainageways are being graded. Sumps shall be in place prior to anticipated rain events.
Construction involves excavating sumps (holes) in the rough ditch grade, and using the excavated material to form a dike on the downstream side of the sump.
Temporary ditch sumps are not effective perimeter controls. Other sediment control practices shall be utilized prior to channels discharging into public waterways.
VI.   Considerations
A.   Directional tracking may compact the soil, therefore additional seedbed preparation may be required. Refer to WDNR Conservation Practice Standard Seeding for Construction Site Erosion Control (1059) for seedbed preparation and seeding criteria.
B.   When constructing a temporary ditch sump, compacting the dike provides additional stability.
C.   Consider at a minimum excavating ½ cubic yard per 1% gradient, for every 500 feet of channel when constructing temporary ditch sumps.
VII.   Plans and Specifications
Due to the interim nature of these practices, and the fact that location determinations are made in the field, they need only be referenced in the erosion control plan narration or general notes.
VIII.   Operation and Maintenance
These practices shall be inspected and repaired or reinstalled after every runoff event.
IX.   References
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. 1992. Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition. Chapter 3 – 3.29 Surface Roughening.
Dane County. 2002. Dane County Erosion Control and Stormwater Manual, First Edition. Appendix Surface Roughening S-16.1.
X.   Definitions
Temporary (I): An erosion control measure that is utilized during construction site grading activities.
Interim Sediment Control
Water Application of Polymers
1051 (11/02)
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Conservation Practice Standard
Note: Words in the standard that are shown in italics are described in IX. Definitions. The words are italicized the first time they are used.
l.   Definition
The application of products containing polymers1 to sediment control structures.
ll.   Purpose
The purpose of this practice is to settle out or remove suspended sediment from water within sediment control structures.
lll.   Conditions Where Practice Applies
This practice shall be used with self-contained sediment control structures, on a temporary basis for construction sites, in an emergency for post-construction sites and only continually at sites holding an individual permit, if needed to improve the sediment removal efficiency of the structure. Polymers shall not be directly applied to surface waters of the state. Sediment control structures may be within, or discharge to, surface waters of the state.
lV.   Federal, State and Local Laws
Water applications of polymer shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, rules or regulations governing polymers. The operator is responsible for securing required permits. This standard does not contain the text of the federal, state, or local laws governing polymers.
V.   Criteria
A.   Toxicity Criteria
If used in accordance with the use restriction, the polymer mixture shall meet an acceptable level of risk such that the product can be used without significant harm to organisms that inhabit or come in contact with the aquatic environment. Every attempt shall be made to eliminate the use of any chemicals known to be environmentally toxic within a polymer mixture. Polymer mixtures shall be non-combustible.
The manufacturer shall supply toxicity testing data to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) based on the polymer mixture, including any binding or buffering agents, catalyst or any other additives.
1.   The use of cationic polyacrylamide shall be avoided where there is danger of impacting aquatic organisms because its toxicity to aquatic test species occurs at very low concentrations.
2.   Anionic polymer mixtures shall have .05% free acrylamide monomer by weight as established by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
3.   Each manufacturer shall provide to the WDNR toxicity information (including acute and chronic water column toxicity test data) from a certified lab, as defined in ch. NR 149 Wis.Adm.Code, for the polymer mixture.
  This data shall include all raw and statistical data regarding death, sub-lethal observations such as immobility, and any other test observations. Standardized toxicity testing procedures should be used and referenced. A use restriction will be calculated by WDNR using the information in Appendix I.
4.   Users of polymer mixtures shall obtain and follow all Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) requirements, manufacturer's recommendations, and WDNR use restrictions.
B.   Application Criteria
1.   Maximum application rates, per storm event, in pounds per acre-feet shall be the lesser of WDNR's use restriction multiplied by 1.35 or the manufacturer's recommended application rate (1.35 is a conversion factor that is used to change the use restriction from ppm to an application rate in pounds per acre-feet).
2.   Neither the manufacturer's written application rate recommendations, nor the application rate shall exceed the WDNR use restriction. The manufacturer or distributor shall provide for the applicator:
a.   Labels affixed to the polymer mixture containers that indicate the recommended application rate and the maximum application rate based on the use restriction.
b.   A product expiration date for the polymer mixture based on product expiration dates of the polymer.
c.   General written application methods.
d.   Written instructions to provide proper safety, storage, and mixing of their product.
3.   The application method shall provide for uniform distribution of the product in the sediment control structure and shall consist of either:
a.   Passive Applications: Polymers applied by non-mechanically dosing the sediment-laden inflow prior to it entering the impoundment area of the sediment control structure. The manufacturer shall base passive application rates on the dissolution rate and/or the dead storage volume of the sediment control structure.
b.   Active or Mechanical Applications: Polymer applied by mechanically or hydraulically mixing directly into a sediment control structure.
4.   The applicator of the polymer mixture shall at the time of application, document the following:
    Name of applicator
    Application rate in pounds per acre-feet of stormwater runoff
    Date applied
    Product type
    Weather conditions during application
    Method of application
  Copies of this documentation shall be entered into the contractor's monitoring log or a project diary and made available upon request.
C.   Product Approval Criteria
The manufacturer shall certify, through independent sampling and test results, that their product performs as per the following requirements. (The product approval process is depicted in flow chart form in Figure 1.)
1.   The toxicity information required in section V.A.3. of this standard shall be reviewed by the WDNR and used to generate a written product use restriction for the polymer mixture. Appendix I outlines the information that needs to be submitted as a part of this review, and states where they must be submitted.
2.   Polymer mixtures shall achieve = 95% sediment reduction as measured by the standpipe method outlined in Appendix II.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.