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1.   Discharge duration and specified pumping rate
2.   Observed water table at time of dewatering
3.   If used, type and amount of chemical used for pH adjustment
4.   If used, type and amount of polymer used for treatment
5.   Maintenance activities
IX.   References
The American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHTO) Soil Classification System
X.   Definitions
Exceptional Resource Waters (ERW) (V.B.1): are waters listed in s. NR 102.11.
Highly susceptible wetland (VI.B): include the following types: fens, sedge meadows, bogs, low prairies, conifer swamps, shrub swamps, other forested wetlands, fresh wet meadows, shallow marshes, deep marshes and seasonally flooded basins.
Karst feature (III): are an area or geologic feature subject to bedrock dissolution so that it is likely to provide a conduit to groundwater, and may include caves, enlarged fractures, mine features, exposed bedrock surfaces, sinkholes, springs, seeps or swallets.
Less susceptible wetland (VI.B): include degraded wetlands dominated by invasive species such as reed canary grass.
Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) (V.B.1): are waters listed in s. NR 102.10.
Targeted performance standard (IV): means a performance standard that will apply in a specific area, where additional practices beyond those contained in NR 151 are necessary to meet water quality standards.
Treatment facility (V.B.3): includes wastewater treatment plants or wet detention basins constructed in accordance with WDNR Conservation Practice Standard 1001 Wet Detention Basin or other approved land application sites.
Figure 1: USDA Soil Textural Triangle
Ditch Check
1062 (3/06)
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Conservation Practice Standard
Note: Words in the standard that are shown in italics are described in X. Definitions. The words are italicized the first time they are used.
I.   Definition
A temporary dam constructed across a swale or drainage ditch to reduce the velocity of water flowing in the channel. Ditch checks1 can be constructed out of stone, a double row of straw bales or from engineered products found on the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Erosion Control Product Acceptability List (PAL).
II.   Purpose
The purpose of this practice is to reduce flow velocity and to pond water, thereby reducing active channel erosion and promoting settling of suspended solids behind the ditch check.
III.   Conditions Where Practice Applies
This Standard applies where grading activity occurs in areas of channelized flows and a temporary measure is needed to control erosion of the channel until permanent stabilization practices can be applied.
Under no circumstance shall ditch checks be placed in intermittent or perennial stream without permission from WDNR. This Practice may not be substituted for major perimeter trapping measures.
IV.   Federal, State, and Local Laws
Users of this standard shall be aware of applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, or permit requirements governing the use and placement of ditch checks. This standard does not contain the text of federal, state, or local laws.
V.   Criteria
This section establishes the minimum standards for design, installation and performance requirements.
A.   Height
1.   Installed, the minimum height of ditch checks shall be 10 inches and shall not exceed a maximum height of 16 inches for manufactured or biodegradable materials and 36 inches for stone (or other inorganic materials).
2.   Ditch checks must be installed with the center lower than the sides forming a weir. If this is not done stormwater flows are forced to the edge of the ditch check thus promoting scour, or out of the channel causing excessive erosion.
3.   Stone ditch checks shall have a minimum top width of 2-feet measured in the direction of flow with maximum slopes of 2:1 (2 horizontal to 1 vertical) on the upslope side and 2:1 on the down slope side.
B.   Placement
1.   At a minimum install one ditch check for every two feet of drop in the channel.
2.   Ditch checks shall be placed such that the resultant ponding will not cause inconvenience or damage to adjacent areas.
C.   Material Specifications
1.   Stone ditch checks shall be constructed of a well-graded angular stone, a D50 of 3 inch or greater, sometimes referred to as breaker run or shot rock.
2.   Ditch checks may be constructed of other approved materials but must be capable of withstanding the flow velocities in the channel. Manufactured products listed in WisDOT's PAL are also acceptable for temporary ditch checks.
Note: Silt fence and single rows of straw bales are ineffective as ditch checks and are not permitted.
D.   Construction - Refer to Figure 1 & 2
1.   Ditch checks shall be utilized during rough grading and shall be removed once the final grading and channel stabilization is applied, unless intended to be part of a permanent stormwater management plan.
2.   Channel erosion mat or other non-erodible materials shall be placed at the base of a ditch check, and extended a minimum of 6 feet, to prevent scour and washing out the toe of the ditch check. DNR Conservation Practice Channel Erosion Mat (1053) contains criteria for the placement of erosion mat in this location.
3.   Chink or seal stone and rock ditch checks to minimize the flow through the ditch check.
VI.   Considerations
A.   For added stability, the base of a stone or rock ditch check should be keyed into the soil to a depth of 6-inches.
B.   Stone ditch checks may be underlain by a nonwoven geotextile fabric to ease installation and removal. If the geotextile fabric is extended, it can serve purpose specified in section V.D.2
C.   Ditch checks installed in grass lined channels may kill the vegetation if water is ponded for extended periods or excessive siltation occurs. Proper maintenance is required to keep areas above and below the ditch check stabilized.
D.   The best way to prevent sediment from entering the storm sewer system is to stabilize the disturbed area of the site as quickly as possible, preventing erosion and stopping sediment transport at its source.
E.   When placing ditch checks in swales adjacent to roadways consider designating a `clear zone' free of obstacles posing a threat to out of control vehicles.
F.   Mowing operations may throw stones from ditch checks causing a potential safety hazard.
VII.   Plans and Specifications
A.   Plans and specifications for installing ditch checks shall be in keeping with this standard and shall describe the requirements for applying the practice to achieve its intended purpose. The plans and specifications shall address the following:
1.   Location and spacing of ditch check
2.   Schedules and sequence of installation and removal
3.   Standard drawings and installation details
4.   Rock gradation
B.   All plans, standard detail drawings, or specifications shall include schedule for installation, inspection, and maintenance. The responsible party shall be identified.
VIII.   Operation and Maintenance
A.   Ditch checks shall, at a minimum, be inspected weekly and within 24 hours after every precipitation event that produces 0.5 inches of rain or more during a 24 hour period.
B.   Unless incorporated into a permanent stormwater management system, ditch checks shall be removed once the final grading and channel stabilization is applied.
C.   Sediment deposits shall be removed when deposits reach 0.5 the height of the barrier. Removal of sediment may require replacement of stone. Maintenance shall be completed as soon as possible with consideration to site conditions.
IX.   References
WisDOT “Erosion Control Product Acceptability List" is available online at: Printed copies are no longer distributed.
X.   Definitions
D50 (V.C.1): The particle size for which 50% of the material by weight is smaller than that size.
Ditch Checks (I) Are commonly referred to as temporary check dams. Stone ditch checks refer to those made out of either stone or rock.
Construction Site Diversion
1066 (03/06)
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Conservation Practice Standard
Note: Words in the standard that are shown in italics are described in IX. Definitions. The words are italicized the first time they are used.
I.   Definition
A temporary1 berm or channel constructed across a slope to collect and divert runoff.
II.   Purpose
To intercept, divert, and safely convey runoff at construction sites in order to divert clean water away from disturbed areas, or redirect sediment laden waters to an appropriate sediment control facility.
III.   Conditions Where Practice Applies
A.   This practice is applicable to construction sites where temporary surface water runoff control or management is needed. Locations and conditions include:
1.   Above disturbed areas, to limit runoff onto the site.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.