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d. Telecommunications utility trade practices assessment.
2. Any 911 charges billed on the telephone bill.
3. The federal subscriber line charge.
4. The access recovery charge.
5. The charge for 120 local calls, excluding extended community calling calls.
6. Other charges as approved by the commission.
(b) $25, if the eligible telecommunications carrier does not offer local service on a stand-alone basis, and only offers it as part of a service package.
(c) The commission may authorize a different lifeline base rate based on the particular facts and circumstances concerning an eligible telecommunications carrier’s local service or internet access charges.
(2g)Lifeline adjustment.
(a) Except as provided in par. (b) and sub. (2r):
1. If the lifeline base rate is $25 or less, the lifeline adjustment shall be $10.
2. If the lifeline base rate is greater than $25, the lifeline adjustment shall be the lesser of the following:
a. The amount necessary to reduce the lifeline monthly rate to $15.
b. The maximum reimbursement available under 47 CFR 54.403, plus $9.25.
Note: Subsection (2g) (a) 2. b. caps the adjustment at, essentially, double the maximum amount available from the federal USF at the time the rules went into effect. In the future, the amount available from the federal USF may increase, but the state portion is frozen at $9.25 so that if, for example, the federal subscriber line charge is raised and paid for through the federal USF, the state does not automatically increase its reimbursement portion. This step was taken to protect the state fund by blocking any automatic increase in state reimbursement due to federal action.
(b) If the ETC offers prepaid wireless service, the lifeline adjustment for that service shall be the greater of the following:
1. The number of minutes that, when calculated using the lowest per minute rate the ETC offers to its prepaid wireless customers, equals or exceeds the value of the adjustment under par. (a) that would otherwise apply.
2. The number of minutes recognized by the federal communications commission as an acceptable compliance plan provision for that provider.
(c) The adjustment under par. (a) 1. shall be increased automatically if both of the following occur:
1. A federal communications commission order or a change in federal law causes an increase in a customer’s lifeline base rate.
2. The state reimbursement amount after the increased lifeline adjustment is not greater than it was before the federal communications commission order or change in federal law.
Note: A provider may petition the commission under s. PSC 160.01(2)(b) for an increased lifeline adjustment if the increased adjustment would increase the state reimbursement amount.
(d) Notwithstanding subs. (2g) and (2r), the lifeline adjustment for partial months of service shall follow the policy set by the federal universal service administration corporation or its successors.
(2r)Adjustments for residents of tribal lands.
(a) When a customer qualifies for federal universal service fund support for eligible residents of tribal lands under 47 CFR 54.400 et seq.:
1. If the lifeline base rate under sub. (2) is $25 or less, the lifeline adjustment shall be $10, plus whatever federal universal service fund support the customer qualifies for as an eligible resident of tribal lands.
2. If the lifeline base rate under sub. (2) is greater than $25, the lifeline adjustment shall be the amount necessary to reduce the lifeline monthly rate to the level at which the adjustment results in a state reimbursement amount that is equal to what it would be under sub. (2g) (a) 2., plus whatever federal universal service fund support the customer qualifies for as an eligible resident of tribal lands.
(b) The adjustment under par. (a) 1. shall be increased automatically if both of the following occur:
1. A federal communications commission order or a change in federal law causes an increase in a customer’s lifeline base rate.
2. The state reimbursement amount after the increased adjustment is not greater than it was before the federal communications commission order or change in federal law.
Note: A provider may petition the commission under s. PSC 160.01(2) (b) for an increased lifeline adjustment if the increased adjustment would increase the state reimbursement amount.
(3)Showing the adjustment.
(a) Except as provided in par. (b), the eligible telecommunications carrier shall show the lifeline adjustment either as an adjustment to the full tariffed or standard rate on a customer’s bill or as a special rate designation. Whenever possible, the eligible telecommunications carrier shall begin showing the lifeline adjustment or rate on an eligible customer’s bill on the next bill date following the date of application for lifeline assistance. If the ETC does not apply the lifeline adjustment or rate on the next bill date, when the ETC does apply the credit it shall be applied back to the date of application.
(b) If an eligible telecommunications carrier offers prepaid service and does not render a bill for that service, if it maintains a statement of account or account balance for a prepaid service customer the provisions of par. (a) apply to the statement of account or account balance. If the ETC does not maintain a statement of account or account balance, the ETC shall include information about adjustments and applicability dates in its terms of service.
(4)Termination and notice of impending termination. Providers shall follow the provisions of 47 CFR 54.405 (e) to terminate lifeline enrollment. The provider shall query the state database used to verify the customer’s eligibility in order to obtain information about whether the customer is still eligible according to that database. If that database indicates that the customer is no longer eligible, the ETC shall follow the de-enrollment procedures in 47 CFR 54.405 (e). The ETC shall send the notice separately from the customer’s regular monthly bill, if one is provided. The notice shall state the termination date and shall provide information about how to demonstrate continued eligibility.
(5)Provider reimbursement.
(a) Only low-income and full eligible telecommunications carriers may receive reimbursement from the state universal service fund.
(b) An ETC may only receive reimbursement if it complies with all federal lifeline requirements, including the requirement to stop requesting federal universal service fund reimbursement for a prepaid wireless telephone that has not been used in 60 days and the requirement to use the appropriate state database where possible to verify lifeline eligibility.
(c) The commission may withhold or suspend reimbursement while investigating compliance with state or federal lifeline requirements.
(d) If an ETC is eligible to receive lifeline reimbursement under the federal lifeline program, it may receive reimbursement from the state universal service fund for the difference between what it is eligible to receive in federal reimbursement and what its reimbursement would otherwise be under sub. (2g).
(e) Notwithstanding par. (c), the provider reimbursement for partial months of service shall follow the policy set by the federal universal service administration corporation or its successors.
(5m)Deadline for filing. An eligible telecommunications carrier shall file its reimbursement request with the fund administrator before April 1 of the year following the year during which the customer was charged the lifeline monthly rate for which reimbursement is sought. A provider may obtain an extension from commission staff for good cause, if the extension request is received before the April 1 deadline.
(6)Limitations on charges.
(a) An eligible telecommunications carrier may not do any of the following to a lifeline customer:
1. Charge a deposit for service if the customer voluntarily accepts call limitation.
2. Request that the customer pay in advance for more than one month’s local service bill.
3. Disconnect the customer from local service for nonpayment of toll charges.
(b) An ETC may counsel a customer that otherwise would be subject to disconnection to accept call limitation.
(7)Call limitation under special programs. An eligible telecommunications carrier acting under the limited conditions specified in its commission approved telecommunications customer assistance program under s. PSC 160.08 may impose call limitation on lifeline customers.
(8)Federal-only ETCs. Federal-only eligible telecommunications carriers shall comply with all federal lifeline requirements, including the requirement to stop requesting federal universal service fund reimbursement for a prepaid wireless telephone that has not been used in 60 days and the requirement to use the appropriate state database where possible to verify lifeline eligibility.
History: Cr. Register, April, 1996, No. 484, eff. 5-1-96; am. (1), renum. (2) (a) to be (2) (b) and am., renum. (4) to be (3) and am., renum. (6) to be (5) and am., renum. (5) to be (4), cr. (2) (a), (c), (6) and (7), r. (2) (b) and (3), Register, April, 2000, No. 532, eff. 5-1-00; CR 13-068: r. (1), (2), cr. (1), (1g), (1r), (2), (2g), (2r), (3) (title), renum. (3) to (3) (a) and am., cr. (3) (b), r. and recr. (4), r. (5), (6), cr. (5), (5m), (6), (7) (title), am. (7), cr. (8) Register January 2016 No. 721, eff. 2-1-16; correction in numbering in (4) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 1., Stats., Register January 2016 No. 721; correction in (1r) (d) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register April 2016 No. 724.
PSC 160.063Outreach for low-income assistance programs.
(1)Funding may be available to fund projects to increase participation of the eligible populations in the universal service fund low-income support programs.
(2)Funding from the universal service fund for projects under sub. (1) may not exceed $250,000 in one year. Funding shall be limited to not more than 6 projects with at least one project focused statewide and one project focused on the Milwaukee area, if feasible.
(3)The commission may periodically review applications and grant funding, when funding is available, based on complete responses to a request for applications. An application may involve disbursement of support during multiple state fiscal years. All applications become public documents upon filing.
(3m)An application for funding under sub. (1) shall include all of the following:
(a) A description of the proposed project.
(b) The name and a description of any project partners and the role of each partner.
(c) A description of the proposed activities and an explanation of how those activities may increase participation of eligible populations in the universal service fund low-income support programs.
(d) A budget showing a breakdown of costs and how a grant under this section would be used.
(e) Any other information that the commission considers necessary.
(4)The commission may authorize funding to conduct or contract for an evaluation of the effectiveness of this program in promoting enrollment in low-income programs and subscribership to telecommunications service. This evaluation shall be completed within 2 years of the date on which the commission grants the project funding. The cost of this evaluation shall not exceed $25,000. This $25,000 shall be included as part of the $250,000 maximum total funding available under this section during the year in which the evaluation occurs.
History: Cr. Register, April, 2000, No. 532, eff. 5-1-00; CR 13-068: am. (1) to (3), cr. (3m), am. (4) Register January 2016 No. 721, eff. 2-1-16.
PSC 160.071Service and equipment pricing for individuals with special telecommunications needs.
(1)Special telecommunications needs certification.
(a) A person with a disability may determine whether that disability presents a barrier to use of telecommunications services, or equipment, or both. That person shall determine what accommodations are needed to ensure effective telecommunications access.
(b) When a provider, the fund administrator, a vendor, or the commission has sound reason to question the self-certification of a customer under par. (a), additional verification of disability, such as an appropriate medical professional’s written diagnosis and description of physical limitations and special needs resulting from that diagnosis, may be required for certification of special telecommunications needs. An appropriate medical professional is one who is qualified to make such a diagnosis and provide such a description.
(1m)Telecommunications equipment purchase program.
(a) Definitions. In this subsection:
1. “Cognitive impairment” means a condition that limits every day practical skills and involves significant difficulty with memory, information processing, executive functions, or some combination thereof.
2. “Disability” means a physical, cognitive, or sensory impairment that limits or curtails an individual’s ability to use telecommunications services or equipment, or both.
(am) The universal service fund administrator shall make vouchers available to assist customers with a disability who have special telecommunications needs certification under s. PSC 160.071 (1) in the purchase of equipment needed to personally access and use essential services of the telecommunications network. A customer may not use a voucher to purchase equipment which will be used exclusively for commercial purposes.
(b) Vouchers shall be limited to the following amounts by category of disability:
1. $100 for hard of hearing.
2. $800 for deaf and severely hard of hearing.
3. $1,600 for speech impaired.
4. $1,600 for mobility or motion impaired.
5. $2,500 for severely hard of hearing - low vision or deaf - low vision.
6. $7,200 for severely hard of hearing - blind or deaf - blind.
(c) A voucher recipient under par. (b) 1. is not required to make a co-payment. All other voucher recipients are required to make a co-payment of $100 when the equipment is purchased. Under par. (f), for certain low income customers the co-payment may be supplied by funding through the telecommunications assistance program administered by the Wisconsin department of health services under s. 46.297, Stats., and ch. DHS 78. For certain low-income customers in the categories under par. (b) 3. and 4. the co-payment may be supplied by the universal service fund if the customer provides a medical professional’s statement confirming the need for telecommunications equipment available under this section and if the customer certifies that he or she would meet the income requirements of the telecommunications assistance program.
(e) An applicant shall submit a completed, commission-approved voucher application form to the universal service fund administrator.
Note: Customers with disabilities may obtain commission-approved voucher application forms from the fund administrator, the commission, or other sources, including the commission’s website:
(f) Applicants for vouchers under this section shall be Wisconsin residents. An applicant may not receive a voucher for equipment for the same disability more than once every 3 years. An applicant may receive a voucher for equipment even if another person in the same household has also received a voucher. The fund administrator shall refer applications filed by low-income individuals in the categories under par. (b) 2., 5., and 6., to the Wisconsin department of health services for telecommunications assistance program funding to provide any customer co-payment required under par. (c). If the applicant is found eligible, the fund administrator may issue an alternative voucher to include that program’s funding. If found ineligible, the fund administrator shall process a voucher application in priority according to its original date of receipt.
(g) The fund administrator shall grant applications on a first-come, first-served basis except no single disability classification described in par. (b) may be issued vouchers totaling more than 75% of the total annual budget within the first 3 quarters of the budget year.
(h) The fund administrator shall establish a waiting list for applications held pending available funding or under par. (g).
(i) The commission may establish new disability categories and voucher maximums if it identifies a need.
(j) Vendors may redeem vouchers, submitted with an invoice, from the universal service fund administrator. A vendor may not receive reimbursement that exceeds the total purchase price of the equipment with tax less, where applicable, a customer co-payment of $100. The commission may, for good cause, suspend a vendor’s eligibility to redeem vouchers under this program. Suspended vendors may not receive reimbursement for vouchers submitted for purchases or customer orders made after the date of suspension.
(k) Commission staff may impose reasonable limits on the types and quantities of devices that may be purchased with one voucher.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.