NR 812.35 NoteNote: Chapter SPS 384 requires that backflow prevention devices such as hose connection vacuum breakers, backflow preventers with intermediate atmospheric vent and reduced pressure principle backflow preventers must be reviewed by and receive device approval from department of safety and professional services. Chapter SPS 382 requirements do not allow backflow preventers to be buried or installed in a pit. Installation of hose connection vacuum breakers in areas subject to freezing must be of the type that allows draining. Department of safety and professional services plan approval must be received prior to the installation of a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer. Reduced pressure principle backflow preventers must be installed by a plumber licensed under ch. 145, Stats. and listed by department of safety and professional services to do such work. The device must be tested at least once a year by a department of safety and professional services listed backflow prevention device tester. NR 812.35 NoteNote: As the result of an incorrect transcription of the amendment of sub. (2) by CR 13-099, that provision incorrectly read “Yard hydrants having hose threaded outlets...” from 10-1-14 to 11-1-16. NR 812.35 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, January, 1991, No. 421, eff. 2-1-91; correction in (intro.) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 12., Stats., Register, September, No. 465; corrections made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 4., Stats., Register, September, 1996, No. 489; correction in (intro.) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats, Register, May, 2000, No. 533; correction in (intro.), (3) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672; CR 13-099: am. (intro.), r. (1), renum. (2), (3) to (1), (2) and am. Register September 2014 No. 705, eff. 10-1-14; CR 13-099 transcription error in (2) corrected Register Otober 2016 No. 730; correction in (1) (a) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register June 2020 No. 774. NR 812.36(1)(1) Approvals to construct pits. A pit structure that is completely or partially below the ground surface or below a building floor used for the housing of wells, off-set pumps, pressure tanks, or heads of pressure tanks may not be constructed without prior written approval from the department under s. NR 812.09. Pits used only for the housing of valves are exempt from the requirements of this section except that a pit used for this purpose shall be watertight, may not be connected to a sewer, shall be drained to permeable soil or to the ground surface and may not be subject to flooding. NR 812.36(2)(2) Specification for new pits. Pits shall conform to Figure 8 of ch. NR 812 Appendix and all of the following minimum specifications: NR 812.36(2)(a)1.1. ‘Area.’ Five square feet of free floor area shall be provided for each square foot of area required for any pump installation equipment. The inside area of a pit may not be less than 24 square feet. NR 812.36(2)(a)2.2. ‘Width.’ The width of the pit shall be not less than 2/3 of the length. NR 812.36(2)(a)3.3. ‘Height.’ The height inside shall be at least 6 feet, but not less than 6 inches higher than any equipment installed in the pit. NR 812.36(2)(a)4.4. ‘Walls, floor and roof thicknesses.’ The wall thickness shall be at least 6 inches and waterproof. The floor thickness shall be at least 4 inches when the floor bears on a footing. Floors used as a wall footing shall be at least 6 inches thick from the outside edge of the floor to a point at least one foot inside the wall of the pit. The roof thickness shall be at least 5 inches. NR 812.36(2)(b)1.1. ‘Material.’ The pit shall be constructed of reinforced poured concrete thoroughly puddled in place. The concrete shall be prepared to meet the requirements specified in s. NR 812.11 (15) (e) or by using clear water and washed sand and gravel or crushed rock in the following proportions: 1 part cement, 2 parts sand, and 3 parts gravel. The water-cement ratio may not exceed 6 gallons of water per 94 pounds of cement. A 6-bag concrete mix per cubic yard with a 28-day design strength of at least 3,000 lbs. per foot and a slump test of no more than 3 inches may be used. NR 812.36(2)(b)2.2. ‘Watertight juncture.’ The junction of walls, floor and roof shall be made watertight by use of water stops or keyed joints. Conduits or similar connection with the pit shall be watertight. NR 812.36(2)(b)3.3. ‘Reinforcement.’ The deck or pit roof and walls of the pit structure shall be reinforced with bars or wire mesh to insure strength and durability. NR 812.36(2)(b)4.4. ‘Elevation of pit roof.’ The pit roof, deck or wall top shall be above the ground surface. NR 812.36(2)(c)1.1. ‘Placement.’ The pit shall be provided with a manhole opening. The opening shall be located directly over the well, unless the well casing pipe itself extends through the roof, or if a capped section of well casing pipe at least equal in diameter to the well casing pipe is cast into the pit roof directly over the well. NR 812.36(2)(c)2.2. ‘Size.’ The manhole opening shall be at least 20 inches square or 20 inches in diameter and shall be sufficiently large to allow entrance or removal of any unit or equipment to be installed in the pit. NR 812.36(2)(c)3.3. ‘Curbing.’ The manhole opening shall be provided with a raised concrete curbing at least 4 inches thick. The curbing shall extend at least 4 inches above the pit roof. NR 812.36(2)(c)4.4. ‘Cover.’ A structurally substantial, watertight, overlapping, tight-fitting, cover with skirted sides at least 3 inches high shall be provided for the manhole. The department recommends that a welded sheet steel cover be used, but a cover made out of lumber and covered in turn with sheet metal or tin may be acceptable if waterproof. NR 812.36(2)(c)5.5. ‘Exceptions.’ A watertight, cast iron manhole frame and cover with a gasket may be substituted for a curbed manhole. When the pit is an alcove adjoining a basement foundation, a watertight concrete plug may be substituted for a curbed manhole if the roof of the pit terminates in a walkway, breezeway, patio or porch, providing the pit is reasonably accessible. NR 812.36(2)(d)1.1. ‘Gravity drain.’ The pit shall be drained by a watertight gravity drain discharging to the ground surface at a point at least 8 feet from the well. The drain shall be constructed of materials conforming to ch. SPS 384 and shall have a minimum diameter of 2 inches with a screened outlet. NR 812.36(2)(d)2.2. ‘Alcoves.’ An alcove may be drained to the basement floor if the pit floor slopes toward the basement and if the basement is adequately drained. If the basement is not adequately drained, a gravity drain shall be provided for the pit. The pit floor shall be one foot above the basement floor. NR 812.36(2)(e)(e) Termination of well casing pipe. The well casing pipe shall terminate at least 12 inches above the pit floor and be provided with an approved watertight seal. NR 812.36(2)(f)1.1. ‘Pit.’ A pit should be vented with 2, 2-inch diameter or larger galvanized steel pipes located in opposite corners, one pipe to extend to within one foot of the pit floor and the other to extend only through the pit roof. If used, the upper end of the vent pipes shall terminate with return bends and screened outlets. NR 812.36(2)(f)2.2. ‘Well.’ The well vent pipe shall extend to the top of the pit and terminate with a return bend and a screened outlet. NR 812.36(2)(g)(g) Pump installation. The free space in the pit around the well casing pipe shall be maintained so that the top of the well casing pipe is readily accessible for installation, adjustment or removal of an approved well seal and for the installation and removal of the pump or piping. NR 812.36(3)(3) Driveway ramps. If a well must be located in a driveway, parking area, walkway or other high traffic area due to small lot size, accessibility constraints or inability to otherwise meet the minimum separation distance requirements of s. NR 812.08, the well may be contained within a driveway ramp structure without department approval provided the driveway ramp meets the specifications of this subsection. NR 812.36(3)(a)(a) Relation to floodplain. Driveway ramps may not be constructed in a floodway or floodplain. NR 812.36(3)(b)(b) Construction specifications. Driveway ramps shall conform to Figure 9 of ch. NR 812 Appendix and all of the following minimum specifications: NR 812.36(3)(b)1.1. ‘Nonpressurized conduit.’ If the well has a nonpressurized conduit, the pump installer shall evaluate the integrity of the nonpressurized conduit and its connection to the well casing pipe by performing a pressure test. If the nonpressurized conduit fails the pressure test, the nonpressurized conduit shall be eliminated and the installation shall be changed to a pitless connection in accordance with s. NR 812.42 (11) (e). Wells with nonpressurized conduits must be vented to the ceiling in the basement and shall have the pump cables enter through a conduit. NR 812.36(3)(b)2.2. ‘Construction.’ The top of the well shall be contained within a manhole and frame that is set on a concrete ring. The manhole shall be water-tight with a gasketed seal and shall be bolted securely to the frame. The manhole must be surrounded by concrete or asphalt that is sloped so that surface water does not flow toward or pond on the manhole cover. NR 812.36(3)(b)3.3. ‘Height of well.’ The top of the well casing pipe shall terminate a minimum of four inches above the original grade of the driveway, parking lot or sidewalk. NR 812.36(3)(b)4.4. ‘Well seal.’ The top of the well shall be sealed watertight with an approved sanitary well seal. NR 812.36(3)(b)5.5. ‘Conduit for electrical cable.’ Conduit for electrical wiring shall be protected and sealed to comply with s. NR 812.30 (5). If the conduit extends from the well seal to a basement, the end of the conduit shall be sealed with a watertight, vermin-proof seal. NR 812.36 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, January, 1991, No. 421, eff. 2-1-91; am. (1), Register, September, 1994, No. 465, eff. 10-1-94; correction in (2) (d) 1. made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, May, 2000, No. 533; correction in (2) (d) 1. made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672; CR 13-099: cr. (3), Figures 45A, 45B Register September 2014 No. 705, eff. 10-1-14; CR 18-095: am. (1), (2) (intro.), (b) 1., (c) 5., (d) 2., (3) (b) (intro.), 1., 5., r. (3) (b) 6. Register June 2020 No. 774, eff. 7-1-20; correction in (2) (intro.) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register February 2021 No. 782. NR 812.37(1)(1) Scope. This section applies to treatment of water for potable use in a private or non-community water system except for the disinfection, batch chlorination, and acidification prescribed in ss. NR 812.12, 812.22, and 812.41. NR 812.37(2)(a)(a) Water treatment devices installed in a water system shall have a plumbing product approval in accordance with chs. SPS 382 and 384. NR 812.37(2)(b)(b) A water supply requiring approval under sub. (3) shall produce water free from coliform bacteria prior to treatment, unless the department determines that a water supply free from coliform bacteria is not available. NR 812.37(2)(c)(c) Water treatment devices shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s printed instructions, chs. SPS 382 and 384, and, if specified, department written installation approval conditions. If there is a conflict between the manufacturer’s instructions and the code requirements or approval conditions, the code requirements and approval conditions shall take precedence. NR 812.37(2)(d)(d) A water treatment device shall be installed by one of the following: NR 812.37(2)(d)1.1. A plumber licensed under s. 145.06, Stats., if the device is installed downstream of the pressure tank or building control valve. NR 812.37(2)(d)2.2. A licensed pump installer if the device is installed upstream of the pressure tank. NR 812.37 NoteNote: Section 145.06 (4) (a), Stats., provides an exemption from the requirement for a plumbing license for “plumbing work done by a property owner in a one-family building owned and occupied by him or her as his or her home or farm building, except where such license is required by local ordinance.” NR 812.37(2)(e)(e) Treatment for control of regulated contaminants in a non-community water system shall be considered only after the system owner demonstrates that none of the following alternatives are available or feasible: NR 812.37(2)(f)(f) The installation of a water treatment device shall supplement and not replace proper well location, construction and water supply protection. NR 812.37(2)(g)(g) Unless otherwise stated in the department’s installation approval, treatment devices requiring approval under sub. (3) shall be designed and installed to treat all water provided by the water system. The department’s installation approval may exclude treatment of water being supplied for certain uses including outside hose bibs, fire protection systems, boilers used for space heating, turf sprinkler systems and non-food process water. NR 812.37(2)(h)(h) Discharge or disposal of contaminated wastewater, filter media, or gases shall comply with applicable State and Federal regulations. NR 812.37(2)(j)(j) All products in contact with potable water shall be certified for compliance with NSF/ANSI Standard 61 or shall be approved for use under s. NR 812.091. NR 812.37(2)(k)(k) Water treatment devices may not be installed in a private or non-community water system if the department has required the well to be filled and sealed under s. NR 812.26 (4) or has required use of the system to be discontinued. NR 812.37(3)(3) Installation approval required. Department installation approval shall be obtained prior to installation if any of the following conditions apply: NR 812.37(3)(a)(a) The water treatment device is installed for the purpose of controlling bacteria in a non-community water system. NR 812.37(3)(b)(b) The water treatment device will be installed on or within the well or pressure system, or when water treatment occurs within the well. NR 812.37(3)(d)(d) The water treatment device or treatment system will control corrosion or will control, remove or prevent contaminant levels in excess of primary drinking water standards as specified under ch. NR 809, health advisories or action levels in a non-community water system. NR 812.37(3m)(3m) Inspection requirements. Inspection of the existing well and pressure system for compliance with the construction and location requirements of this chapter is required prior to installation of a water treatment device for the purpose of controlling bacteria in a private water system. No person may install a water treatment device for the purpose of controlling bacteria in a private water system unless an inspection has been conducted that meets all of the following requirements: NR 812.37(3m)(a)(a) The inspection shall be conducted by a licensed water well driller or licensed pump installer. NR 812.37(3m)(b)(b) The inspection shall include a comprehensive visual inspection of the well and pressure system and a diligent search for the well construction report. NR 812.37(3m)(c)(c) The inspector shall report the results of the compliance inspection on the form specified by the department. The form shall be completed in full according to department instructions and shall be accurate. The inspector shall identify any corrective measures that would reduce the potential for bacteria to enter the well and pressure system. NR 812.37(3m)(d)(d) The inspector shall provide a completed inspection report and well construction report, if found, to the private water system owner. Use of the department form does not imply department approval of the well and pressure system. NR 812.37(4)(a)(a) In addition to the information required under s. NR 812.09 (2), the department may require the applicant to describe the proposed water treatment device; provide a sketch of the proposed installation; include results of an analysis of coliform bacteria of a water sample taken from the water supply within 6 weeks of application; include results of an analysis of contaminants to be controlled by the water treatment device of water samples taken from the water supply at specified locations; and describe the proposed water quality monitoring, operating, and maintenance programs. Additional sampling and information may be requested depending on the nature of the contamination and other site specific conditions. Analysis of water samples shall meet the requirements under s. NR 812.46 for private water systems and s. NR 809.76 for non-community water systems. NR 812.37(4)(b)(b) The department may require operational procedures including installation of a sample faucet and an entry point sample faucet at specific locations, periodic sampling and analysis, device maintenance, and inspection provisions in its installation approval of a water treatment device. NR 812.37(4)(d)(d) The department may require the water system owner or operator to shut off, bypass or disconnect a water treatment device installed upstream of the first sampling faucet after the well for a period of up to two weeks to obtain a sample of untreated water to analyze for coliform bacteria or other contaminants. NR 812.37(4)(e)(e) At a minimum, fluoride treatment installations or corrosion control treatment system installations shall comply with the following standards: NR 812.37(4)(e)1.1. The fluoride or the corrosion control chemical is added with a positive displacement-type feed pump. NR 812.37(4)(e)2.2. A spring loaded check valve is installed between the positive displacement-type feed pump and the point of injection to prevent backflow of untreated water into the solution tank. NR 812.37(4)(e)3.3. A spring loaded check valve is installed to prevent the siphoning of fluoride or corrosion control chemical into the water. NR 812.37(4)(e)4.4. The feed pump and the well pump are electrically wired in interlock with a flow switch connected in series from the feed pump into the well pump and there are no water outlets upstream of the point of fluoride or corrosion control chemical injection. NR 812.37(4)(e)5.5. The feed pump has a metering device for measuring fluoride or corrosion control chemical flow rates. NR 812.37(4)(e)6.6. The chemical storage tank is covered and installed at an elevation lower than the feed pump. NR 812.37 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, January, 1991, No. 421, eff. 2-1-91; am. (3) (d), (4) (e) (intro.), 1., 3. to 6., cr. (2) (i), (3) (h), Register, September, 1994, No. 465, eff. 10-1-94; corrections in (2) (a) and (c) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, May, 2000, No. 533; correction in (2) (a), (c), (d) 1., 3. made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 6., 7., Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672; CR 13-099: am. (4) (a) Register September 2014 No. 705, eff. 10-1-14; CR 18-095: am. (1), (2) (b), (d), r. and recr. (2) (e), am. (2) (g), (i), cr. (2) (j), (k), am. (3) (a), (b), r. (3) (c), am. (3) (d), r. (3) (e), (f), am. (3) (g), cr. (3m), am. (4) (a), (b), r. (4) (c), am. (4) (d), (e) 5. Register June 2020 No. 774, eff. 7-1-20.; correction in (2) (k), (3) (g), (4) (e) 1. to 4. made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register June 2020 No. 774. NR 812.38NR 812.38 Injection of fertilizers or pesticides for agricultural purposes. NR 812.38(1)(1) Potable water supplies or systems. Chemical addition to a potable well or water system may only be undertaken according to the requirements of s. NR 812.37. The injection of fertilizers or pesticides into a potable well or water system is prohibited. No person may inject fertilizers or pesticides into a potable well or water system. Fertilizers or pesticides may be used with potable water systems by repumping from a tank or a pond. The discharge from the well pump into a reservoir or pond shall have a free fall from a point at least 2 feet above the established reservoir or pond overflow elevation. NR 812.38(2)(a)1.1. The injection of fertilizers into a nonpotable well, well pump suction pipe, or pump column is prohibited. No person may inject fertilizers into a nonpotable well, well pump suction pipe, or pump column. NR 812.38(2)(a)2.2. Fertilizer may be injected in the discharge pipe of a booster pump delivering water from a tank or sealed pond into which the well pump discharges through an air gap from a point at least 2 discharge pipe diameters above the overflow level of the tank or pond.
Department of Natural Resources (NR)
Chs. NR 800- ; Environmental Protection – Water Supply
administrativecode/NR 812.36(2)(g)
administrativecode/NR 812.36(2)(g)