NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 116.03 (16) defines “floodplain” as that land which has been or may be covered by flood water during the regional flood. The floodplain includes the floodway, floodfringe, shallow depth flooding, flood storage and coastal floodplain areas. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 116.03 (22) defines “floodway” as the channel of a river or stream, and those portions of the floodplain adjoining the channel required to carry the regional flood discharge. NR 812.07(46)(46) “Flowing well” means a well from which groundwater flows above the ground surface without pumping. NR 812.07(47)(47) “Flushing” means causing a rapid intermittent flow of water from a well by pumping, bailing or similar operation. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 113.03 (21) defines “grease interceptor” as a water tight receptacle designed to intercept and retain grease or fatty substances contained in kitchen and other food wastes. Grease interceptor and grease trap mean the same thing. NR 812.07(49)(49) “Groundwater” means any of the waters of the state, as defined in s. 281.01 (18), Stats., occurring in a saturated subsurface geological formation of rock or soil. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section 281.01 (18), Stats., defines “waters of the state” to include those portions of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior within the boundaries of this state, and all lakes, bays, rivers, streams, springs, ponds, wells, impounding reservoirs, marshes, watercourses, drainage systems and other surface water or groundwater, natural or artificial, public or private, within this state or its jurisdiction. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section 291.01 (22), Stats., defines “treatment facility” as a facility at which hazardous waste is subjected to treatment and may include a facility where hazardous waste is generated. This term does not include a wastewater treatment facility whose discharges are regulated under ch. 283, Stats., unless the facility is required to be permitted as a hazardous waste treatment facility under the resource conservation and recovery act. NR 812.07(50b)(50b) “Heat exchange driller” means an individual who performs heat exchange drilling. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section 280.01 (2b), Stats., defines “heat exchange drillhole” as an excavation or opening in the ground that is deeper than it is wide, that extends more than 25 feet below the ground surface, and that is made for the purpose of installing a geothermal closed-loop heat exchange system. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section 280.01 (2c), Stats., defines “heat exchange drilling” as the industry and procedure employed in making heat exchange drillholes. NR 812.07(51)(51) “High capacity property” means one property on which a high capacity well system exists or is to be constructed. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section 281.34 (1) (b), Stats., defines “high capacity well” as a well, except for a residential well or fire protection well, that, together with all other wells on the same property, except for residential wells and fire protection wells, has a capacity of more than 100,000 gallons per day. NR 812.07(53)(53) “High capacity well system” means one or more wells, drillholes, or mine shafts used or to be used to withdraw water for any purpose on one property, if the total pumping or flowing capacity of all wells, drillholes, or mine shafts on one property is 70 or more gallons per minute based on the pump curve at the lowest system pressure setting, or based on the highest flow rate from a flowing well or wells. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section SPS 381.01 (121) defines “holding tank” as a watertight receptacle for the collection and holding of wastewater. NR 812.07(54r)(54r) “Hung well casing pipe” means a casing pipe that is smaller in diameter than the enlarged drillhole into which it is placed and installed in a manner so it does not extend all the way to the bottom of the enlarged drillhole. NR 812.07(55c)(55c) “Infiltration basin” means an excavation into permeable soils designed and constructed to temporarily store surface water runoff and allow it to infiltrate so as to provide flood control, groundwater recharge and to allow for the settling of pollutants. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 140.05 (11) defines “land disposal system” as a facility for disposing of liquid wastes consisting of: (a) absorption or seepage pond system, (b) ridge and furrow system, (c) spray irrigation system, (d) overland flow system, (e) subsurface field absorption system, (f) land spreading system, or (g) any other land area receiving liquid waste discharges. NR 812.07(56)(56) “Landfill” has the meaning specified in s. NR 500.03 (120) or 660.10 (68). “Landfill” includes existing, proposed, and abandoned landfills, open dumps, one-time disposal landfills as defined in ch. NR 500, small and intermediate size construction and demolition waste landfills as defined in ch. NR 500, mining waste disposal sites as defined in ch. NR 182 and hazardous waste disposal facilities as defined in chs. NR 660 to 670. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 500.03 (120) defines “landfill” as a land disposal facility, not classified as a landspreading facility or surface impoundment facility, where solid waste is disposed on land by utilizing the principles of engineering to confine the solid waste to the smallest practical area, to reduce it to the smallest practical volume, and to cover it with a layer of earth or other approved material as required. Section NR 660.10 (68) defines “landfill” as a disposal facility or part of a facility where hazardous waste is placed in or on land and which is not a pile, a land treatment facility, a surface impoundment, an underground injection well, a salt dome formation, a salt bed formation, an underground mine, a cave or a corrective action management unit. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 146.02 (4h) defines “licensed heat exchange driller” as an individual who has obtained a license pursuant to s. 280.15 (2m), Stats., and s. NR 146.04, as a heat exchange driller and has paid the annual license fee under s. 280.15 (2m) (c) 1., Stats. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 146.02 (4j) defines “licensed pump installer” as any individual who has obtained a license under s. 280.15 (2m), Stats., and s. NR 146.04, as a pump installer and has paid the annual license fee under s. 280.15 (2m) (c) 2., Stats. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 146.02 (4k) defines “licensed water well driller” as any individual who has obtained a license under s. 280.15 (2m), Stats., and s. NR 146.04, as a water well driller and has paid the annual license fee under s. 280.15 (2m) (c) 1., Stats. NR 812.07(57t)(57t) “Lift station” means a wastewater collection and pumping structure that collects wastewater from collector sewers and pumps it through force main sewers. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 500.03 (127) defines “limits of filling” as the outermost limit at which waste from a facility has been disposed of, or approved or proposed for disposal. NR 812.07(58)(a)(a) Protective well casing pipe installed subsequent to initial construction to seal off a zone of contamination; or NR 812.07(58)(b)(b) Well casing pipe installed during or subsequent to the initial well construction to seal off a caving or sloughing formation or to eliminate turbidity. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 810.02 (26) defines “living unit” as a residence, apartment unit, condominium unit, duplex unit, manufactured home or other domicile. NR 812.07(60m)(60m) “Low capacity well” means a well that is not a high capacity well, as defined in sub. (52). NR 812.07(60s)(60s) “Lower drillhole” means that part of a drillhole below the well casing pipe. NR 812.07(61)(61) “Manure hopper or reception tank” means a liquid-tight concrete, steel or otherwise fabricated vessel primarily for the purpose of facilitating conveyance of liquid or solid manure from one point to another in an animal waste handling system. NR 812.07(61g)(61g) “Manure loading area” means an area where manure is transferred from an animal shelter unloader or a barn unloader onto a pad or into a receptacle. NR 812.07(61m)(61m) “Manure stack” means solid manure stacked for more than 120 days on the ground surface or on a paved surface. NR 812.07(61q)(61q) “Manure storage structure, earthen” means an impoundment made by excavation or mounding of soil for treatment or temporary storage of liquid or solid animal wastes. This term includes structures lined with clay, bentonite or synthetic film materials and structures consisting of slats or drainage openings (“picket dams”) used to store solid or semi-solid animal waste material from which runoff occurs. This term also includes fabricated manure storage structures that are not watertight situated above, at or below ground grade. NR 812.07(61u)(61u) “Manure storage structure, fabricated” means a concrete, steel or otherwise fabricated structure used for treatment or temporary storage of liquid or solid animal waste. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section 287.27 (1), Stats., defines “materials recovery facility” as a facility where the materials specified in s. 287.07 (3) or (4) or 287.27 (4) (b), Stats., not mixed with other solid waste, are processed for reuse or recycling by conversion into a consumer product or a product which is used as a raw material in a commercial or industrial process. “Materials recovery facility” does not include a facility operated by a pulp or paper mill which utilizes fiber or paper that has been separated from waste for use as a raw material in a commercial product. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 809.04 (57) defines “non-community water system” as a public water system that is not a community water system. A non-community water system is either a non-transient non-community water system or a transient non-community water system. NR 812.07(65)(65) “Nominal diameter” means the inside pipe diameter for pipe sizes 1-inch diameter through 12-inch diameter and means the outside pipe diameter for pipe sizes greater than 12-inch diameter. NR 812.07(66)(66) “Nonpotable” means water supplied for purposes other than human consumption, sanitary use or the preparation of food or pharmaceutical products. NR 812.07(67)(67) “NSF” or “NSF International” means the public health standards and certification organization formerly known as the National Sanitation Foundation. NR 812.07 NoteNote: The NSF International headquarters address is PO Box 130140, 789 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48113-0140.
NR 812.07(68)(68) “One property” means all contiguous land controlled by one owner, lessee, or any other person having a possessory interest. Lands under single ownership bisected by highways or railroad right-of-ways are considered contiguous. NR 812.07(69)(69) “Outcrop” means bedrock exposed at the ground surface, including roadcuts. NR 812.07(69m)(69m) “Packer” means a solid or inflatable seal lowered into a well or drillhole or attached to a casing string to seal off a specific interval within the well or drillhole. NR 812.07(71)(71) “Permit” means a well location or pump installation permit issued by a county authorized to administer ch. NR 812 under ch. NR 845. NR 812.07(72)(72) “Person” means an individual, firm, business, corporation, limited liability corporation, company, association, cooperative, trust institution, partnership, state, public utility, municipality, or federal, state, or interstate agency. NR 812.07(73)(73) “Pit” means any structure that is completely or partially below the ground surface or below a building floor used for the housing of wells, off-set pumps, pressure tanks or valves. Alcoves are pits. NR 812.07(74)(74) “Pitless adapter or unit” means a mechanical device attached to the well casing pipe, usually below the frost level, for underground conveyance of water from the well. NR 812.07(74)(a)(a) “Weld-on pitless adapter” means a pitless adapter attached to a cut opening in the well casing pipe by a weld applied at the well site. NR 812.07(74)(b)(b) “Pitless unit” means a pitless adapter device assembled and pressure tested for leakage at a factory and designed to be attached, in the field, to the top of the cut-off portion of the well casing pipe. NR 812.07(74)(c)(c) “Clamp-on or bolt-on pitless adapter” is a pump installation discharge equipment device having a saddle designed to be attached to cover the outside of an opening that has been cut through the well casing pipe, to allow the saddle to be connected with nuts to the ends of a threaded U-bolt or U-strap that will surround the well casing pipe. NR 812.07(74)(d)(d) “Bolt-through pitless adapter” is a pitless device that includes two gasketed metal segments that are to be attached with a threaded coupling and designed to extend through and plug a hole that has been cut through the polyvinyl chloride or ABS thermoplastic well casing pipe. NR 812.07(74)(e)(e) “Pitless receiver tank” means a pitless unit having a permanently attached steel pressure tank surrounding the casing pipe as an integral part of the unit and installed, as a unit, at a factory. NR 812.07(75)(75) “Potable” or “potable water” means water supplied for human consumption, sanitary use or for the washing or preparation of food or pharmaceutical products. NR 812.07 NoteNote: The term “water for human consumption” is used interchangeably with the term “potable water.”
NR 812.07(75g)(75g) “POWTS” means a private onsite wastewater treatment system. NR 812.07 NoteNote: A “POWTS” may include, but is not limited to, a substitute for a septic tank or soil absorption field or a substitute for a holding tank.
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section SPS 381.01 (183) defines “POWTS component” as any subsystem, subassembly or other system designed for use in or as part of a private onsite wastewater treatment system which may include treatment, dispersal or holding and related piping. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section SPS 381.01 (184) defines “POWTS dispersal component” as a device or method that is intended to promote the assimilation of treated wastewater by the environment. The terms “absorption field” and “sewage disposal unit” and “POWTS dispersal unit” have been used in previous versions of this rule to describe these types of units. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section SPS 381.01 (185) defines “POWTS holding component” as any receptacle intended to collect wastewater for a period of time, including holding and dosing tanks. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section SPS 381.01 (186) defines “POWTS treatment component” as a device or method that is intended to reduce the contaminant load of wastewater. NR 812.07(76)(76) “Preparation of food products” means washing, cooling, cooking, pasteurizing, bottling, canning or otherwise preparing food for human consumption and includes the washing of utensils and equipment used in the production or preparation of food. NR 812.07(77)(77) “Pressure or box elbow” means a special concentric pipe fitting used to raise the horizontal pressurized concentric piping arrangement between a well and an off-set pump vertically to the specified elevation above the floor. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section 145.01 (12), Stats., defines “private on-site wastewater treatment system” as a sewage treatment and disposal system serving a single structure with a septic tank and soil absorption field located on the same parcel as the structure. This term also means an alternative sewage system approved by the department including a substitute for the septic tank or soil absorption field, a holding tank, a system serving more than one structure or a system located on a different parcel than the structure. A private on-site wastewater treatment system may be owned by the property owner or by a special purpose district. NR 812.07(78)(78) “Private water system” means any water system supplying water that is not a public water system. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section SPS 391.03 (6) defines “pit privy” as an enclosed nonportable toilet into which nonwater-carried human wastes are deposited to a subsurface storage chamber that is not watertight. Section SPS 391.03 (9) defines “vault privy” as an enclosed nonportable toilet into which nonwater-carried human wastes are deposited to a subsurface storage chamber that is watertight.
Department of Natural Resources (NR)
Chs. NR 800- ; Environmental Protection – Water Supply
administrativecode/NR 812.07(57k)
administrativecode/NR 812.07(57k)