NR 812.07(7)(7) “Approval” means the prior approval of the department. NR 812.07(8)(8) “Approved” means approved by the department. NR 812.07(9)(9) “ASSE” means American society of sanitary engineering. NR 812.07(10)(10) “ASTM” or “ASTM International” means the international technical standards organization originally known as the American Society for Testing and Materials. NR 812.07 NoteNote: The ASTM International headquarters address is 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19148-2959.
NR 812.07(11)(11) “Aquifer” means a geological layer of either unconsolidated material, usually sand or gravel or both, or bedrock lying below the ground surface, that is all or partially saturated with water and permeable enough to allow water to be extracted as from a well. NR 812.07(12)(12) “Artesian pressure” means water pressure in an aquifer sufficient enough to cause the groundwater level in a well to rise above the level at which it was encountered in the well whether or not the water flows at the ground surface. NR 812.07(16)(16) “Bail-down method” means a method for setting a screen whereby the screen is fitted with an open pipe sleeve or a bail-down shoe at its lower end and sediment is removed from below the screen to allow the screen to settle into place. NR 812.07(17)(17) “Basement” means a subsurface structure or part of a structure in which the floor is entirely below grade. NR 812.07(17m)(17m) “Batch chlorination” means the process of disinfecting a well by injecting, in one continuous pour, a chlorine solution that equals or exceeds the volume of standing water in the well and by using a process that recirculates the solution through the pump and pump discharge piping system back into the well. NR 812.07(18)(18) “Bedrock” means any naturally formed consolidated or coherent material of the earth’s crust, composed of one or more minerals, rock fragments or organic material that underlies any soil or other unconsolidated surficial material or is exposed at the surface. Bedrock includes, but is not limited to limestone (dolomite), sandstone, shale and igneous and metamorphic crystalline rock, including granite, rhyolite, quartzite, gabbro, basalt, gneiss, schist, diorite and greenstone. NR 812.07(19m)(19m) “Chemical conditioning” means using department-approved chemicals or products to restore a well to its original capacity, production capability or water quality. NR 812.07(20)(20) “Cistern” means a tank in which rainwater is stored or collected. NR 812.07(22)(22) “Clay slurry” means a fluid mixture of water, clean native clay, and drill cuttings or sand. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section SPS 381.01 (56) defines “clear water” as wastewater other than storm water, having no impurities or where impurities are below a minimum concentration considered harmful by the department, including but not limited to noncontact cooling water and condensate drainage from refrigeration compressors and air conditioning equipment, drainage of water used for equipment chilling purposes and cooled condensate from steam heating systems or other equipment. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 810.02 (6) defines “community water system” as a public water system which serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents. Any water system serving 7 or more homes, 10 or more mobile homes, 10 or more apartment units, 10 or more duplex units, or 10 or more condominium units shall be considered a community water system unless information is provided by the owners indicating that 25 year-round residents will not be served. NR 812.07(24m)(24m) “Comparable protection” means to substitute alternative protective measures to provide similar or equal sanitary protection to that provided by this chapter including the well location requirements of s. NR 812.08. NR 812.07(25)(25) “Conduit” means piping or tubing used to protect discharge or suction piping or electrical wires. NR 812.07(26)(26) “Confining bed” means a geological layer of either unconsolidated material, usually clay or hardpan, or bedrock, usually shale, that is all or partially saturated with water and having permeability low enough relative to the aquifer to give the water in the aquifer artesian head. NR 812.07(27)(27) “Contaminant” means any physical, chemical, biological or radiological substance or matter in water. NR 812.07(27m)(27m) “Crawl space” means the space below a building having no basement; the space being at ground grade, in a depression or in an excavation. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 810.02 (9) defines “cross connection” as a connection or potential connection between any part of a water supply system and another environment containing substances in a manner that, under any circumstances, would allow the substances to enter the water supply system by means of back siphonage or back pressure. NR 812.07(30)(30) “Department” means the department of natural resources. NR 812.07(30f)(30f) “Detention basin” means an excavation into soils having low permeability or installed with a liner having low permeability, not having a permanent pool of water, designed and constructed to temporarily hold storm water to reduce peak discharges of storm water for flood control and to allow for the physical settling of pollutants. NR 812.07(30m)(30m) “Detention pond” means an impoundment that has a permanent pool of water and is designed to have the capacity to temporarily store storm water runoff to provide flood control and to allow for the physical settling of pollutants. NR 812.07(30t)(30t) “Ditch” means a long narrow excavation dug in the earth for the drainage of surface water. NR 812.07(31)(31) “Drawdown” means the extent to which the water level or hydraulic head in and near a well is lowered when water is pumped or flows from the well. NR 812.07(32)(32) “Drilled well” means a well constructed by boring, drilling, jetting, driving or similar methods. “Drilled well” includes a well constructed by driving a point in combination with a process to remove material below the 10-foot depth, or by a combination of jetting and driving. NR 812.07(33)(33) “Drillhole” means an excavation or opening deeper than it is wide that extends more than 10 feet below the ground surface constructed for any purpose other than to obtain groundwater. NR 812.07(34)(34) “Drilling mud” means a fluid mixture of water, sodium bentonite, drill cuttings and any approved additives. NR 812.07(35)(35) “Driven point well” means a well constructed by joining a drive point with lengths of pipe, and driving the assembly into the ground with percussion equipment or by hand, but without first removing material below the 10-foot depth. “Driven point well” does not include a well constructed by driving a point in combination with a process to remove material below the 10-foot depth or by a combination of jetting and driving. NR 812.07 NoteNote: A “driven point well” is also known as a point well or sand point well.
NR 812.07(35g)(35g) “DSPS” means the department of safety and professional services. NR 812.07(35m)(35m) “Dug well” means a well consisting of a large diameter hole, deeper than it is wide, constructed into the ground, usually by hand, but if by mechanical means, by methods other than drilling, jetting or boring; and within which the side walls are supported by a curbing. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 809.04 (29) defines “entry point” as a location in the public water system after treatment or chemical addition, if any, but prior to the distribution system. A sample collected in the distribution system may be considered an entry point sample if the department has determined it is more representative of the water sources. NR 812.07(37)(37) “Established ground surface” means the permanent elevation of the surface of the site of a well. NR 812.07(38)(38) “Existing” when referring to an installation, well, water system, reservoir, spring, pit or alcove means an installation, well, water system, reservoir, spring, pit or alcove that was constructed, reconstructed or installed before July 1, 2020. NR 812.07(41)(41) “Feature” means any well construction or pump installation item for which there is a specification in this chapter. NR 812.07(41m)(41m) “Filling and sealing” means to fill a well, drillhole, pit or reservoir with a material or materials so the well, drillhole, pit or reservoir will not act as a vertical conduit to contaminate another well, groundwater or an aquifer. NR 812.07 NoteNote: The term “filling and sealing” replaces the term “abandonment,” previously used in this chapter.
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 116.03 (14) defines “floodfringe” as that portion of the floodplain outside of the floodway, which is covered by flood water during the regional flood. The term “floodfringe” is generally associated with standing water rather than flowing water. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 116.03 (16) defines “floodplain” as that land which has been or may be covered by flood water during the regional flood. The floodplain includes the floodway, floodfringe, shallow depth flooding, flood storage and coastal floodplain areas. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 116.03 (22) defines “floodway” as the channel of a river or stream, and those portions of the floodplain adjoining the channel required to carry the regional flood discharge. NR 812.07(46)(46) “Flowing well” means a well from which groundwater flows above the ground surface without pumping. NR 812.07(47)(47) “Flushing” means causing a rapid intermittent flow of water from a well by pumping, bailing or similar operation. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 113.03 (21) defines “grease interceptor” as a water tight receptacle designed to intercept and retain grease or fatty substances contained in kitchen and other food wastes. Grease interceptor and grease trap mean the same thing. NR 812.07(49)(49) “Groundwater” means any of the waters of the state, as defined in s. 281.01 (18), Stats., occurring in a saturated subsurface geological formation of rock or soil. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section 281.01 (18), Stats., defines “waters of the state” to include those portions of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior within the boundaries of this state, and all lakes, bays, rivers, streams, springs, ponds, wells, impounding reservoirs, marshes, watercourses, drainage systems and other surface water or groundwater, natural or artificial, public or private, within this state or its jurisdiction. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section 291.01 (22), Stats., defines “treatment facility” as a facility at which hazardous waste is subjected to treatment and may include a facility where hazardous waste is generated. This term does not include a wastewater treatment facility whose discharges are regulated under ch. 283, Stats., unless the facility is required to be permitted as a hazardous waste treatment facility under the resource conservation and recovery act. NR 812.07(50b)(50b) “Heat exchange driller” means an individual who performs heat exchange drilling. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section 280.01 (2b), Stats., defines “heat exchange drillhole” as an excavation or opening in the ground that is deeper than it is wide, that extends more than 25 feet below the ground surface, and that is made for the purpose of installing a geothermal closed-loop heat exchange system. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section 280.01 (2c), Stats., defines “heat exchange drilling” as the industry and procedure employed in making heat exchange drillholes. NR 812.07(51)(51) “High capacity property” means one property on which a high capacity well system exists or is to be constructed. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section 281.34 (1) (b), Stats., defines “high capacity well” as a well, except for a residential well or fire protection well, that, together with all other wells on the same property, except for residential wells and fire protection wells, has a capacity of more than 100,000 gallons per day. NR 812.07(53)(53) “High capacity well system” means one or more wells, drillholes, or mine shafts used or to be used to withdraw water for any purpose on one property, if the total pumping or flowing capacity of all wells, drillholes, or mine shafts on one property is 70 or more gallons per minute based on the pump curve at the lowest system pressure setting, or based on the highest flow rate from a flowing well or wells. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section SPS 381.01 (121) defines “holding tank” as a watertight receptacle for the collection and holding of wastewater. NR 812.07(54r)(54r) “Hung well casing pipe” means a casing pipe that is smaller in diameter than the enlarged drillhole into which it is placed and installed in a manner so it does not extend all the way to the bottom of the enlarged drillhole. NR 812.07(55c)(55c) “Infiltration basin” means an excavation into permeable soils designed and constructed to temporarily store surface water runoff and allow it to infiltrate so as to provide flood control, groundwater recharge and to allow for the settling of pollutants. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 140.05 (11) defines “land disposal system” as a facility for disposing of liquid wastes consisting of: (a) absorption or seepage pond system, (b) ridge and furrow system, (c) spray irrigation system, (d) overland flow system, (e) subsurface field absorption system, (f) land spreading system, or (g) any other land area receiving liquid waste discharges. NR 812.07(56)(56) “Landfill” has the meaning specified in s. NR 500.03 (120) or 660.10 (68). “Landfill” includes existing, proposed, and abandoned landfills, open dumps, one-time disposal landfills as defined in ch. NR 500, small and intermediate size construction and demolition waste landfills as defined in ch. NR 500, mining waste disposal sites as defined in ch. NR 182 and hazardous waste disposal facilities as defined in chs. NR 660 to 670. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 500.03 (120) defines “landfill” as a land disposal facility, not classified as a landspreading facility or surface impoundment facility, where solid waste is disposed on land by utilizing the principles of engineering to confine the solid waste to the smallest practical area, to reduce it to the smallest practical volume, and to cover it with a layer of earth or other approved material as required. Section NR 660.10 (68) defines “landfill” as a disposal facility or part of a facility where hazardous waste is placed in or on land and which is not a pile, a land treatment facility, a surface impoundment, an underground injection well, a salt dome formation, a salt bed formation, an underground mine, a cave or a corrective action management unit. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 146.02 (4h) defines “licensed heat exchange driller” as an individual who has obtained a license pursuant to s. 280.15 (2m), Stats., and s. NR 146.04, as a heat exchange driller and has paid the annual license fee under s. 280.15 (2m) (c) 1., Stats. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 146.02 (4j) defines “licensed pump installer” as any individual who has obtained a license under s. 280.15 (2m), Stats., and s. NR 146.04, as a pump installer and has paid the annual license fee under s. 280.15 (2m) (c) 2., Stats. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 146.02 (4k) defines “licensed water well driller” as any individual who has obtained a license under s. 280.15 (2m), Stats., and s. NR 146.04, as a water well driller and has paid the annual license fee under s. 280.15 (2m) (c) 1., Stats. NR 812.07(57t)(57t) “Lift station” means a wastewater collection and pumping structure that collects wastewater from collector sewers and pumps it through force main sewers. NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 500.03 (127) defines “limits of filling” as the outermost limit at which waste from a facility has been disposed of, or approved or proposed for disposal.
Department of Natural Resources (NR)
Chs. NR 800- ; Environmental Protection – Water Supply
administrativecode/NR 812.07(30f)
administrativecode/NR 812.07(30f)