NR 661.0040 Conditional exclusion for used, intact cathode ray tubes exported for recycling. NR 661.0041 Notification and recordkeeping for used, intact cathode ray tubes, CRTs, exported for reuse. Subchapter H — Financial Requirements for Management of Excluded Hazardous Secondary Material
NR 661.0140 Applicability. NR 661.0142 Cost estimate. NR 661.0143 Financial assurance condition. NR 661.0147 Liability requirements. NR 661.0148 Incapacity of owners or operators, guarantors, or financial institutions. NR 661.0151 Wording of the instruments. Subchapter I—Use and Management of Containers
NR 661.0170 Applicability. NR 661.0171 Condition of containers. NR 661.0172 Compatibility of hazardous secondary material with containers. NR 661.0173 Management of containers. NR 661.0176 Special requirements for ignitable or reactive hazardous secondary material. NR 661.0177 Special requirements for incompatible materials. NR 661.0179 Air emission standards. Subchapter J—Tank Systems
NR 661.0190 Applicability. NR 661.0191 Assessment of existing tank system’s integrity. NR 661.0193 Containment and detection of releases. NR 661.0194 General operating requirements. NR 661.0196 Response to leaks or spills and disposition of leaking or unfit-for-use tank systems. NR 661.0197 Termination of remanufacturing exclusion. NR 661.0198 Special requirements for ignitable or reactive materials. NR 661.0199 Special requirements for incompatible materials. NR 661.0200 Air emission standards. Subchapter M — Emergency Preparedness and Response for Management of Excluded Hazardous Secondary Materials
NR 661.0400 Applicability. NR 661.0410 Preparedness and prevention. NR 661.0411 Emergency procedures for facilities generating or accumulating 6,000 kg or less of hazardous secondary material. NR 661.0420 Contingency planning and emergency procedures for facilities generating or accumulating more than 6,000 kg of hazardous secondary material. Subchapter AA — Air Emission Standards for Process Vents
NR 661.1030 Applicability. NR 661.1032 Standards: process vents. NR 661.1033 Standards: closed-vent systems and control devices. NR 661.1034 Test methods and procedures. NR 661.1035 Recordkeeping requirements. Subchapter BB — Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks
NR 661.1050 Applicability. NR 661.1052 Standards: pumps in light liquid service. NR 661.1053 Standards: compressors. NR 661.1054 Standards: pressure relief devices in gas/vapor service. NR 661.1055 Standards: sampling connection systems. NR 661.1056 Standards: open-ended valves or lines. NR 661.1057 Standards: valves in gas/vapor service or in light liquid service. NR 661.1058 Standards: pumps and valves in heavy liquid service, pressure relief devices in light liquid or heavy liquid service, and flanges and other connectors. NR 661.1059 Standards: delay of repair. NR 661.1060 Standards: closed-vent systems and control devices. NR 661.1061 Alternative standards for valves in gas/vapor service or in light liquid service: percentage of valves allowed to leak. NR 661.1062 Alternative standards for valves in gas/vapor service or in light liquid service: skip period leak detection and repair. NR 661.1063 Test methods and procedures. NR 661.1064 Recordkeeping requirements. Subchapter CC — Air Emission Standards for
Tanks and Containers
NR 661.1080 Applicability. NR 661.1082 Standards: general. NR 661.1083 Material determination procedures. NR 661.1084 Standards: tanks. NR 661.1086 Standards: containers. NR 661.1087 Standards: closed-vent systems and control devices. NR 661.1088 Inspection and monitoring requirements. NR 661.1089 Recordkeeping requirements. Ch. NR 661 NoteNote: Chapter NR 661 as it existed on August 31, 2020, is repealed and a new ch. NR 661 is created by CR 19-082, eff. 9-1-20. NR 661.0001(1)(1) This chapter identifies solid wastes subject to regulation as hazardous wastes under chs. NR 662 to 665, 668, and 670, and subject to the notification requirements under s. NR 660.07. In this chapter: NR 661.0001(1)(a)(a) Subchapter A defines the terms “solid waste” and “hazardous waste,” identifies wastes that are excluded from regulation under chs. NR 662 to 666, 668, and 670, and establishes special management requirements for hazardous waste produced by very small quantity generators and hazardous waste that is recycled. NR 661.0001(1)(b)(b) Subchapter B sets forth the criteria used by the department to identify characteristics of hazardous waste and to list particular hazardous wastes. NR 661.0001(2)(a)(a) The definition of solid waste contained in this chapter applies only to wastes that also are hazardous for the purposes of chs. NR 660 to 673. For example, it does not apply to materials such as non-hazardous scrap, paper, textiles, or rubber, that are not otherwise hazardous wastes and that are recycled. NR 661.0001(2)(b)(b) This chapter identifies only some of the materials that are solid wastes and hazardous wastes for the purposes of ss. 291.15, 291.85, 291.91, and 291.93, Stats., and 42 USC 6927, 6934, and 6973 (a). A material that is not defined as a solid waste in this chapter, or is not a hazardous waste identified or listed in this chapter, is still a solid waste and a hazardous waste for the purposes of those provisions if any of the following are met: NR 661.0001(2)(b)1.1. In the case of ss. 291.15, 291.91, and 291.93, Stats., or 42 USC 6927 and 6934, the department or EPA has reason to believe that the material may be a solid waste within the meaning of s. 289.01 (33), Stats., and section 1004 (27) of RCRA, or a hazardous waste within the meaning of s. 291.01 (7), Stats., and section 1004 (5) of RCRA. NR 661.0001(3)(a)(a) “Spent material” means any material that has been used and, as a result of contamination, can no longer serve the purpose for which it was produced without processing. NR 661.0001(3)(c)(c) “By-product” means a material that is not one of the primary products of a production process and is not solely or separately produced by the production process. Examples of by-products are process residues such as slags or distillation column bottoms. “By-product” does not include a co-product that is produced for the general public’s use and is ordinarily used in the form it is produced by the process. NR 661.0001(3)(d)(d) “Reclaimed” means a material that has been processed to recover a usable product or that has been regenerated. Examples of “reclaimed material” are recovery of lead values from spent batteries, regeneration of spent solvents, and, for the purposes of s. NR 661.0004 (1) (w) and (x), smelting, melting, and refining furnaces solely engaged in metals reclamation if the metal recovery from the hazardous secondary material meets the requirements specified for metals recovery from hazardous waste found in ss. NR 666.100 (4) (a) to (c), and if the residuals meet the requirements specified in s. NR 666.112. NR 661.0001(3)(e)1.1. Employed as an ingredient, including use as an intermediate, in an industrial process to make a product, such as distillation bottoms from one process used as feedstock in another process. However, a material will not satisfy this condition if distinct components of the material are recovered as separate end products, as when metals are recovered from metal-containing secondary material. NR 661.0001(3)(e)2.2. Employed in a particular function or application as an effective substitute for a commercial product, such as spent pickle liquor used as phosphorous precipitant and sludge conditioner in wastewater treatment.
Department of Natural Resources (NR)
Chs. NR 600-699; Environmental Protection – Hazardous Waste Management