NR 502.13(6)(a)(a) An operator of a municipal solid waste combustor with a design capacity of 10 tons per day or greater shall test its residue quarterly the first year after an approval has been issued. After the first year of quarterly testing the residues shall be tested on an annual basis, except as provided in par. (m). The testing program listed in Table 1 shall be applied to all samples collected as required by sub. (5) (a) to (d). The department may require dioxin and furan testing, if circumstances warrant. Test results shall be submitted to the department with the annual report specified under sub. (8). NR 502.13(6)(b)(b) An operator of a municipal solid waste combustor with a design capacity of less than 10 tons per day shall: NR 502.13(6)(b)2.2. Test its residue annually beginning the first June after an approval has been issued using the testing program listed in Table 1 for all samples collected under sub. (5) (f). The department may require dioxin or furan testing, if circumstances warrant. NR 502.13(6)(b)3.3. Submit test results to the department with the annual report specified under sub. (8). NR 502.13(6)(c)(c) A leachate sample from the monofill where the residue is disposed of may be substituted for the synthetic precipitation leaching procedure, EPA Method 1312, after the initial 4 rounds of testing. The leachate sample shall be tested for all of the parameters listed in Table 1, Section III, unless a reduction in the number of parameters tested for has been approved by the department. The municipal solid waste combustor using the leachate substitute shall be responsible for the testing. If significant levels of any of the listed parameters are detected in the leachate tested from a monofill that receives multiple sources of residue, the department may require all contributing municipal solid waste combustors to perform leach testing of their residue using EPA Method 1312. NR 502.13 NoteNote: Method 1312 is in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods”, EPA Publication SW-846, third edition, November 1986, as amended by Updates I in July 1992, II in September 1994, IIA in August 1993, IIB in January 1995, III in December 1996 and IIIA in April 1998. The test methods are available at no cost at Copies of the test methods may be obtained from the superintendent of documents, U.S. government printing office, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954, (866) 512-1800, Copies may also be obtained from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. department of commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, (800) 553-6847, Copies of the test methods are available for inspection at the offices of the department of natural resources, legislative reference bureau and the secretary of state. NR 502.13(6)(d)(d) The operator of the municipal solid waste combustor may apply to the department at the end of the initial 4 rounds of testing for elimination of those parameters listed in Table 1, Section II which do not appear in its residues at significant levels. NR 502.13(6)(e)(e) The provisions of this subsection do not supersede the testing requirements for the 8 heavy metal parameters listed in par. (g) using the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure, EPA Method 1311. NR 502.13(6)(f)(f) During the scheduled testing period, if any parameter in the bulk analysis is not detected at or above the specified detection limits, then that parameter may be eliminated from further leach testing for that test period. NR 502.13(6)(g)(g) An operator of a municipal solid waste combustor shall test its residue for the parameters listed in this paragraph quarterly and within 2 weeks of completing initial startup and shakedown, and after any significant changes in plant design, operation or waste input that significantly affects or changes the residue characteristics by using the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure, EPA Method 1311. Multiple samples may be tested separately and the results combined to obtain an arithmetic mean for each parameter. The operator shall immediately notify the department if test results indicate that any of the following limits are exceeded: NR 502.13 NoteNote: Method 1311 is in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods”, EPA Publication SW-846, third edition, November 1986, as amended by Updates I in July 1992, II in September 1994, IIA in August 1993, IIB in January 1995, III in December 1996 and IIIA in April 1998. The test methods are available at no cost at Copies of the test methods may be obtained from the superintendent of documents, U.S. government printing office, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954, (866) 512-1800, Copies may also be obtained from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. department of commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, (800) 553-6847, Copies of the test methods are available for inspection at the offices of the department of natural resources, legislative reference bureau and the secretary of state. NR 502.13 NoteNote: Copies of these test procedures can be obtained from the department of natural resources, bureau of waste management, 101 S. Webster Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53707. Copies of these test methods are also available for inspection at the offices of the legislative reference bureau and the secretary of state. Personal copies can be obtained from the U.S. environmental protection agency, office of solid waste, 401 M Street SW, Washington D.C. 20460.
NR 502.13(6)(h)(h) If any of the limits in par. (g) are exceeded, the operator may elect to complete confirmatory testing on the retained sample within 2 weeks of receiving the initial results. If the operator elects to perform the confirmatory testing, only the constituents exceeding the limits will require testing. NR 502.13(6)(i)(i) If any of the limits in par. (g) are exceeded and confirmatory testing under par. (h) is not completed, or if the test results of par. (h) confirms the exceedance of the limits for the parameters listed in par. (g), the residue may be treated to reduce leachable constituents below the threshold values, prior to disposal, or the residue shall be managed in accordance with chs. NR 660 to 679 until a significant change to the facility design, operation or waste input can be demonstrated which produces consistent test results that meet the specified limits. NR 502.13(6)(j)(j) If a significant change to the waste input can be demonstrated, the operator shall confirm this change by completing confirmatory testing of one new sample taken in accordance with sub. (5). In cases where the contributing waste input cannot be isolated, consistent test results meeting the specified limits shall be obtained from monthly testing according to the requirements of par. (g) for a minimum of 3 months. Only the constituents exceeding the limits in par. (g) will require retesting under this provision. NR 502.13(6)(k)(k) If none of the limits in par. (g) are exceeded or the confirmatory testing defined in par. (h) is below the specified limits in par. (g), the residue may be disposed of in a single composite lined monofill in accordance with the provisions of s. NR 504.11 (2) (a). In cases where limits in par. (g) were exceeded during initial testing, but were not exceeded in the confirmatory testing, additional testing in accordance with par. (g) shall be performed monthly for a minimum of 3 months to confirm that the initial exceedances were not representative of the residue characteristics. Only the constituents exceeding the limits require retesting under this provision. If there are any exceedances during this 3 month period, the residue shall be managed in accordance with the provisions of chs. NR 660 to 679. NR 502.13(6)(L)(L) All treated residue shall be tested according to the requirements of this section. NR 502.13(6)(m)(m) The department may require different testing frequency and parameters, if circumstances warrant. NR 502.13 NoteNote: Methods 1311 and 1312 are in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods”, EPA Publication SW-846, third edition, November 1986, as amended by Updates I in July 1992, II in September 1994, IIA in August 1993, IIB in January 1995, III in December 1996 and IIIA in April 1998. The test methods are available at no cost at Copies of the test methods may be obtained from the superintendent of documents, U.S. government printing office, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954, (866) 512-1800, Copies may also be obtained from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. department of commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, (800) 553-6847, Copies of the test methods are available for inspection at the offices of the department of natural resources, legislative reference bureau and the secretary of state. NR 502.13(7)(7) Record keeping. Operators of municipal solid waste combustor facilities shall maintain a record at the facility available for inspection by department staff during normal business hours. Records shall be compiled on a monthly basis, at a minimum. The department may approve alternative record-keeping programs. The following shall be included in the records: NR 502.13(7)(a)(a) The hours of plant operation, combustion temperatures and residence time. NR 502.13(7)(c)(c) The weight of material rejected by the facility and where it was sent. Where exact weights are not available, estimates shall be made of the weight of rejected hazardous waste, lead-acid batteries, the material sent to a recycler and the material sent to a landfill. NR 502.13(7)(d)(d) The weight of residue produced and where it was sent. Where exact weights are not available, the volume of residue produced shall be recorded. NR 502.13(7)(e)(e) A list of the states of origin of solid waste accepted at the facility in the previous year and the amount, by weight, originating in each state. NR 502.13(7)(f)(f) The recording person’s initials and the date of each entry. NR 502.13(8)(a)(a) The facility operator shall compile and submit to the department the records defined in sub. (7) as an annual report. NR 502.13(8)(b)(b) The report shall cover the calendar year and be submitted no later than April 1 of the following year. NR 502.13(8)(c)(c) The annual report shall include the results of all testing required under sub. (6) for the previous year. NR 502.13(9)(a)(a) The operator or designated agent of a municipal solid waste combustor shall screen the incoming waste to eliminate the materials identified in pars. (b) to (d), from entering the facility. NR 502.13(9)(b)(b) The screening of materials from the combustion process may be accomplished at the facility or by the contributors of the waste from the area served by the facility that have an effective recycling program. Additional restrictions to waste acceptance for some facilities may exist as specified in s. 287.07, Stats. Alkaline batteries and similar heavy metal sources should not be accepted at municipal solid waste combustor facilities. NR 502.13(9)(c)(c) Hazardous waste as defined by s. NR 660.10 (52) may not be accepted at a municipal solid waste combustion facility. This includes waste produced by small quantity generators. Household hazardous waste shall be excluded if separated from residential waste. Household hazardous waste may be accepted if not separated from residential waste. NR 502.13(9)(d)(d) Major appliances, large metal objects, lead/acid batteries, building materials, and noncombustible furniture, office and farm equipment may not be fed into a municipal solid waste combustor. NR 502.13(9)(e)(e) Waste oils may be burned only in compliance with state and federal regulations. NR 502.13(10)(10) Waste screening plan. The operator of a municipal solid waste combustion facility shall evaluate and submit to the department a waste screening and handling plan that contains the following: NR 502.13(10)(b)(b) Identification of other items that will not be accepted by the combustor due to heavy metal content or other reasons. NR 502.13(10)(d)(d) Procedures and authority for enforcement of its requirements. NR 502.13(10)(e)(e) The plan may include the effective recycling program under s. 287.11, Stats., developed by each responsible unit or units served by the municipal solid waste combustor. Other waste reduction plans, such as medical waste reduction plans, may be included where appropriate. NR 502.13(10)(f)(f) No municipal solid waste combustion facility may begin initial operation or continue operating unless a waste screening and handling plan under this section has been approved by the department. NR 502.13(11)(11) Operator qualifications. The municipal solid waste combustion facility shall be operated by personnel meeting the operator qualification requirements established under s. 285.51, Stats. NR 502.13 HistoryHistory: Cr., Register, June, 1996, No. 486, eff. 7-1-96; CR 05-020: am. (6) (a), (b) 2., (c) and Table 1 Register January 2006 No. 601, eff. 2-1-06; corrections in (6) (i), (k), (9) (c) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register January 2011 No. 661.
Department of Natural Resources (NR)
Chs. NR 500-599; Environmental Protection – Solid Waste Management