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(e) For each group 1 furnace, with or without add-on air pollution control devices, or in-line fluxer, records of 15-minute block average weights of gaseous or liquid reactive flux injection, total reactive flux injection rate and calculations, including records of the identity, composition and weight of each addition of gaseous, liquid or solid reactive flux, including records of any period the rate exceeds the compliant operating parameter value and corrective action taken.
(f) For each continuous monitoring system, records required by s. NR 460.09 (3).
(g) For each affected source and emission unit subject to an emission standard in kg/Mg (lb/ton) of feed or charge, records of feed or charge, or throughput, weights for each operating cycle or time period used in the performance test.
(h) Approved site-specific monitoring plan for a group 1 furnace without add-on air pollution control devices with records documenting conformance with the plan.
(i) Records of all charge materials for each thermal chip dryer, dross-only furnace, and group 1 melting and holding furnaces without air pollution control devices processing only clean charge.
(j) Operating logs for each group 1 sidewell furnace with add-on air pollution control devices documenting conformance with operating standards for maintaining the level of molten metal above the top of the passage between the sidewell and hearth during reactive flux injection and for adding reactive flux only to the sidewell or a furnace hearth equipped with a control device for PM, HCl and D&F emissions.
(k) For each in-line fluxer for which the owner or operator has certified that no reactive flux was used, one of the following:
1. Operating logs which establish that no source of reactive flux was present at the in-line fluxer.
2. Labels required pursuant to s. NR 463.14 (2) which establish that no reactive flux may be used at the in-line fluxer.
3. Operating logs which document each flux gas, agent or material used during each operating cycle.
(L) Records of all charge materials and fluxing materials or agents for a group 2 furnace.
(m) Records of monthly inspections for proper unit labeling for each affected source and emission unit subject to labeling requirements.
(n) Records of annual inspections of emission capture and collection and closed vent systems.
(o) Records for any approved alternative monitoring or test procedure.
(p) Current copy of all required plans, including any revisions, with records documenting conformance with the applicable plan, including all of the following:
1. Startup, shutdown and malfunction plan.
2. Operation, maintenance and monitoring (OM&M) plan.
3. Site-specific secondary aluminum processing unit emission plan, if applicable.
(q) For each secondary aluminum processing unit, records of total charge weight, or if the owner or operator chooses to comply on the basis of aluminum production, total aluminum produced for each 24-hour period and calculations of 3-day, 24-hour rolling average emissions.
History: CR 04-023: cr. Register December 2008 No. 636, eff. 1-1-09.
NR 463.20Applicability of general provisions. The requirements of the general provisions in ch. NR 460 that are applicable to the owner or operator subject to the requirements of this subchapter are shown in ch. NR 460 Appendix RRR.
History: CR 04-023: cr. Register December 2008 No. 636, eff. 1-1-09; correction made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 1., Stats., Register December 2008 No. 636; correction made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register June 2015 No. 714.
Subchapter III — Iron and Steel Foundries
NR 463.21What this subchapter covers.
(1)What is the purpose of this subchapter? This subchapter establishes national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for iron and steel foundries. This subchapter also establishes requirements to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance with the emissions limitations, work practice standards and operation and maintenance requirements in this subchapter.
(2)Am I subject to this subchapter? You are subject to this subchapter if you own or operate an iron and steel foundry that is, or is part of, a major source of hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions. Your iron and steel foundry is a major source of HAP for purposes of this subchapter if it emits or has the potential to emit any single HAP at a rate of 10 tons or more per year or any combination of HAP at a rate of 25 tons or more per year or if it is located at a facility that emits or has the potential to emit any single HAP at a rate of 10 tons or more per year or any combination of HAP at a rate of 25 tons or more per year.
(3)What parts of my foundry does this subchapter cover?
(a) The affected source is a new or existing iron and steel foundry.
(b) This subchapter covers emissions from metal melting furnaces, scrap pre-heaters, pouring areas, pouring stations, automated conveyor and pallet cooling lines, automated shakeout lines and mold and core making lines. This subchapter also covers fugitive emissions from foundry operations.
(c) An affected source is existing if you commenced construction or reconstruction of the affected source before December 23, 2002.
(d) An affected source is new if you commenced construction or reconstruction of the affected source on or after December 23, 2002. An affected source is reconstructed if it meets the definition of “reconstruction’’ in s. NR 463.22.
(4)When do I have to comply with this subchapter?
(a) Except as specified in par. (b), if you have an existing affected source, you shall comply with each emissions limitation, work practice standard and operation and maintenance requirement in this subchapter that applies to you no later than April 23, 2007. Major source status for existing affected sources shall be determined no later than April 23, 2007.
(b) If you have an existing affected source, you shall comply with the work practice standards in s. NR 463.23 (2) (b) or (c), as applicable, no later than April 22, 2005.
(c) If you have a new affected source for which the initial startup date is on or before April 22, 2004, you shall comply with each emissions limitation, work practice standard and operation and maintenance requirement in this subchapter that applies to you by April 22, 2004.
(d) If you have a new affected source for which the initial startup date is after April 22, 2004, you shall comply with each emissions limitation, work practice standard and operation and maintenance requirement in this subchapter that applies to you upon initial startup.
(e) If your iron and steel foundry is an area source that becomes a major source of HAP, you shall meet the requirements of s. NR 460.05 (3) (c).
(f) You shall meet the notification and schedule requirements in s. NR 463.27 (1).
Note: Several of these notifications must be submitted before the compliance date for your affected source.
History: CR 06-110: cr. Register July 2007 No. 619, eff. 8-1-07.
NR 463.22What definitions apply to this subchapter? For terms not defined in this section, the definitions contained in chs. NR 400 and 460 apply to the terms in this subchapter, with definitions in ch. NR 460 taking precedence over definitions in ch. NR 400. If this section defines a term which is also defined in ch. NR 400 or 460, the definition in this section applies in this subchapter. In this subchapter:
(1)“Automated conveyor and pallet cooling line” means any dedicated conveyor line or area used for cooling molds received from pouring stations.
(2)“Automated shakeout line” means any mechanical process unit designed for and dedicated to separating a casting from a mold. These mechanical processes include shaker decks, rotary separators and high-frequency vibration units. Automated shakeout lines do not include manual processes for separating a casting from a mold, such as personnel using a hammer, chisel, pick ax, sledge hammer or jackhammer.
(3)“Bag leak detection system” means a system that is capable of continuously monitoring relative particulate matter loadings in the exhaust of a baghouse to detect bag leaks and other upset conditions. A bag leak detection system includes an instrument that operates on triboelectric, electrodynamic, light scattering, light transmittance or other effect to continuously monitor relative particulate matter loadings.
(4)“Binder chemical” means a component of a system of chemicals used to bind sand together into molds, mold sections and cores through chemical reaction as opposed to pressure.
(5)“Capture system” means the collection of components used to capture gases and fumes released from one or more emissions points and then convey the captured gas stream to a control device or to the atmosphere. A capture system may include the following components as applicable to a given capture system design: duct intake devices, hoods, enclosures, ductwork, dampers, manifolds, plenums and fans.
(6)“Cold box mold or core making line” means a mold or core making line in which the formed aggregate is hardened by catalysis with a gas.
(7)“Combustion device” means an afterburner, thermal incinerator or scrap preheater.
(8)“Conveyance” means the system of equipment that is designed to capture pollutants at the source, convey them through ductwork and exhaust them using forced ventilation. A conveyance may include control equipment designed to reduce emissions of the pollutants. Emissions that are released through windows, vents or other general building ventilation or exhaust systems are not considered to be discharged through a conveyance.
(9)“Cooling” means the process of molten metal solidification within the mold and subsequent temperature reduction prior to shakeout.
(10)“Cupola” means a vertical cylindrical shaft furnace that uses coke and forms of iron and steel such as scrap and foundry returns as the primary charge components and melts the iron and steel through combustion of the coke by a forced upward flow of heated air.
(11)“Deviation” means any instance in which an affected source or an owner or operator of an affected source fails to meet any of the following:
(a) Any requirement or obligation established by this subchapter, including any emission limitation, operating limit, work practice standard or operation and maintenance requirement.
(b) Any term or condition that is adopted to implement an applicable requirement in this subchapter and that is included in the operating permit for any iron and steel foundry required to obtain an operating permit.
(c) Any emission limitation, operating limit or work practice standard in this subchapter during startup, shutdown or malfunction, regardless of whether or not the failure is permitted by this subchapter.
(12)“Electric arc furnace” means a vessel in which forms of iron and steel, such as scrap and foundry returns, are melted through resistance heating by an electric current flowing through the arcs formed between the electrodes and the surface of the metal and also flowing through the metal between the arc paths.
(13)“Electric induction furnace” means a vessel in which forms of iron and steel, such as scrap and foundry returns, are melted though resistance heating by an electric current that is induced in the metal by passing an alternating current through a coil surrounding the metal charge or surrounding a pool of molten metal at the bottom of the vessel.
(14)“Emissions limitation” has the meaning given in s. 285.01 (16), Stats., and includes any operating limit specified in this subchapter.
(15)“Exhaust stream” means gases emitted from a process through a conveyance, as defined in sub. (8).
(16)“Free organic liquids” means material that fails the paint filter test by Method 9095A, “Paint Filter Liquids Test”, Revision 1, December 1996, as published in EPA Publication SW–846 “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods”, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.06 (4) (e). If any portion of the material passes through and drops from the filter within the 5-minute test period, the material contains free liquids.
(17)“Fresh acid solution” means a sulfuric acid solution used for the control of triethylamine emissions that has a pH of 2.0 or less.
(18)“Fugitive emissions” means any pollutant released to the atmosphere that is not discharged through a conveyance, as defined in sub. (8).
(19)“Furan warm box mold or core making line” means a mold or core making line in which the binder chemical system used is that system commonly designated as a furan warm box system by the foundry industry.
(20)“Iron and steel foundry” means a facility or portion of a facility that melts one or more of the following: scrap, ingot or other forms of iron and steel, and pours the resulting molten metal into molds to produce final or near final shape products for introduction into commerce. Research and development facilities and operations that only produce non-commercial castings are not included in this definition.
(21)“Metal melting furnace” means a cupola, electric arc furnace or electric induction furnace that converts one or more of the following: scrap, foundry returns and other solid forms of iron and steel to a liquid state. Metal melting furnace does not include a holding furnace, an argon oxygen decarburization vessel or ladle that receives molten metal from a metal melting furnace, and to which metal ingots or other material may be added to adjust the metal chemistry.
(22)“Mold or core making line” means the collection of equipment that is used to mix an aggregate of sand and binder chemicals, form the aggregate into final shape and harden the formed aggregate. A mold or core making line does not include a line for making green sand molds or cores.
(23)“Mold vent” means an intentional opening in a mold through which gases containing pyrolysis products of organic mold and core constituents produced by contact with or proximity to molten metal normally escape the mold during and after metal pouring.
(24)“Monitoring malfunction” means any sudden, infrequent, not reasonably preventable failure of the monitoring system to provide valid data. Monitoring failures that are caused in part by poor maintenance or careless operation are not malfunctions.
(25)“Pouring area” means an area, generally associated with floor and pit molding operations, in which molten metal is brought to each individual mold. Pouring areas include all pouring operations that are not a pouring station.
(26)“Pouring station” means the fixed location to which molds are brought in a continuous or semi-continuous manner to receive molten metal, after which the molds are moved to a cooling area.
(27)“Responsible official” has the meaning given in s. NR 400.02 (136).
(28)“Scrap preheater” means a vessel or other piece of equipment in which metal scrap that is to be used as melting furnace feed is heated to a temperature high enough to eliminate moisture and other volatile impurities or tramp materials by direct flame heating or similar means of heating.
(29)“Scrubber blowdown” means liquor or slurry discharged from a wet scrubber that is either removed as a waste stream or processed to remove impurities or adjust its composition or pH before being returned to the scrubber.
(30)“Work practice standard” means any design, equipment, work practice, operational standard or combination thereof, that is promulgated pursuant to section 112 (h) of the Clean Air Act (42 USC 7412 (h)).
(31)“You” or “your” means the owner or operator of an iron and steel foundry.
History: CR 06-110: cr. Register July 2007 No. 619, eff. 8-1-07.
NR 463.23Emissions limitations, work practice standards and operation and maintenance requirements.
(1)What emission limits must I meet?
(a) You shall meet each of the following emission limits or standards that applies to you:
1. For each electric arc metal melting furnace, electric induction metal melting furnace or scrap preheater at an existing iron and steel foundry, as described in s. NR 463.21 (3) (c), you may not discharge emissions through a conveyance to the atmosphere that exceed either the limit for particulate matter (PM) in subd. 1. a. or the limit for total metal HAP in subd. 1. b.:
a. 0.005 gr/dscf of PM.
b. 0.0004 gr/dscf of total metal HAP.
2. For each cupola metal melting furnace at an existing iron and steel foundry, as described in s. NR 463.21 (3) (c), you may not discharge emissions through a conveyance to the atmosphere that exceed either the limit for PM in subd. 2. a. or the limit for total metal HAP in subd. 2. b.:
a. 0.006 gr/dscf of PM.
b. 0.0005 gr/dscf of total metal HAP.
3. For each cupola metal melting furnace or electric arc metal melting furnace at a new iron and steel foundry, as described in s. NR 463.21 (3) (d), you may not discharge emissions through a conveyance to the atmosphere that exceed either the limit for PM in subd. 3. a. or, alternatively, the limit for total metal HAP in subd. 3. b.:
a. 0.002 gr/dscf of PM.
b. 0.0002 gr/dscf of total metal HAP.
4. For each electric induction metal melting furnace or scrap preheater at a new iron and steel foundry, as described in s. NR 463.21 (3) (d), you may not discharge emissions through a conveyance to the atmosphere that exceed either the limit for PM in subd. 4. a. or, alternatively, the limit for total metal HAP in subd. 4. b.:
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.