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(b) The SAPU compliance procedures within the OM&M plan may not contain any of the following provisions:
1. Any averaging among emissions of differing pollutants.
2. The inclusion of any affected sources other than emission units in a secondary aluminum processing unit.
3. The inclusion of any emission unit while it is shut down.
4. The inclusion of any periods of startup, shutdown or malfunction in emission calculations.
(c) To revise the SAPU compliance provisions within the OM&M plan prior to the end of the permit term, the owner or operator shall submit a request to the department containing the information required by par. (a) and obtain approval of the department prior to implementing any revisions.
(20)Secondary aluminum processing unit. Except as provided in sub. (21), the owner or operator shall calculate and record the 3-day, 24-hour rolling average emissions of PM, HCl and D&F for each secondary aluminum processing unit on a daily basis. To calculate the 3-day, 24-hour rolling average, the owner or operator shall do all of the following:
(a) Calculate and record the total weight of material charged to each emission unit in the secondary aluminum processing unit for each 24-hour day of operation using the feed or charge weight information required in sub. (5). If the owner or operator chooses to comply on the basis of weight of aluminum produced by the emission unit, rather than weight of material charged to the emission unit, all performance test emissions results and all calculations shall be conducted on the aluminum production weight basis.
(b) Multiply the total feed or charge weight to the emission unit, or the weight of aluminum produced by the emission unit, for each emission unit for the 24-hour period by the emission rate, in lb/ton of feed or charge, for that emission unit, as determined during the performance test, to provide emissions for each emission unit for the 24-hour period, in pounds.
(c) Divide the total emissions for each SAPU for the 24-hour period by the total material charged to the SAPU, or the weight of aluminum produced by the SAPU over the 24-hour period, to provide the daily emission rate for the SAPU.
(d) Compute the 24-hour daily emission rate using Equation 4:
(Equation 4)
Eday is the daily PM, HCl, or D&F emission rate for the secondary aluminum processing unit for the 24-hour period
Ti is the total amount of feed, or aluminum produced, for emission unit i for the 24-hour period (tons or Mg)
ER i is the measured emission rate for emission unit i as determined in the performance test (lb/ton or mg/Mg of feed or charge)
n is the number of emission units in the secondary aluminum processing unit
(e) Calculate and record the 3-day, 24-hour rolling average for each pollutant each day by summing the daily emission rates for each pollutant over the 3 most recent consecutive days and dividing by 3.
(21)Secondary aluminum processing unit compliance by individual emission unit demonstration. As an alternative to the procedures of sub. (20), an owner or operator may demonstrate, through performance tests, that each individual emission unit within the secondary aluminum production unit is in compliance with the applicable emission limits for the emission unit.
(22)Alternative monitoring method for lime addition. The owner or operator of a lime-coated fabric filter that employs intermittent or noncontinuous lime addition may apply to the department for approval of an alternative method for monitoring the lime addition schedule and rate based on monitoring the weight of lime added per ton of feed or charge for each operating cycle or time period used in the performance test. An alternative monitoring method may not be approved unless the owner or operator provides assurance through data and information that the affected source will meet the relevant emission standards on a continuous basis.
(23)Alternative monitoring methods. If an owner or operator wishes to use an alternative monitoring method to demonstrate compliance with any emission standard in this subchapter, other than those alternative monitoring methods which may be authorized pursuant to subs. (10) (e) and (22), the owner or operator may submit an application to the department. Any application shall be processed according to the criteria and procedures in pars. (a) to (f).
(a) The department may not approve averaging periods other than those specified in this section.
(b) The owner or operator shall continue to use the original monitoring requirement until necessary data are submitted and approval is received to use another monitoring procedure.
(c) The owner or operator shall submit the application for approval of alternate monitoring methods no later than the notification of the performance test. The application shall contain all the information specified in subds. 1. to 3.:
1. Data or information justifying the request, such as the technical or economic infeasibility, or the impracticality of using the required approach.
2. A description of the proposed alternative monitoring requirements, including the operating parameters to be monitored, the monitoring approach and technique, and how the limit is to be calculated.
3. Data and information documenting that the alternative monitoring requirements would provide equivalent or better assurance of compliance with the relevant emission standards.
(d) The department may not approve an alternate monitoring application unless it would provide equivalent or better assurance of compliance with the relevant emission standards. Before disapproving any alternate monitoring application, the department shall provide both of the following:
1. Notice of the information and findings upon which the intended disapproval is based.
2. Notice of opportunity for the owner or operator to present additional supporting information before final action is taken on the application. This notice shall specify how much additional time is allowed for the owner or operator to provide additional supporting information.
(e) The owner or operator is responsible for submitting any supporting information in a timely manner to enable the department to consider the application prior to the performance test. Neither submittal of an application nor the department’s failure to approve or disapprove the application relieves the owner or operator of the responsibility to comply with any provisions of this subchapter.
(f) The department may decide at any time, on a case-by-case basis, that additional or alternative operating limits, or alternative approaches to establishing operating limits, are necessary to demonstrate compliance with the emission standards of this subchapter.
History: CR 04-023: cr. Register December 2008 No. 636, eff. 1-1-09; corrections in (11) (b), (14) (b) and (18) (b) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2008 No. 636.
NR 463.16Performance test and compliance demonstration general requirements.
(1)Site-specific test plan. Prior to conducting any performance test required by this subchapter, the owner or operator shall prepare a site-specific test plan which satisfies all of the requirements of this section, and shall obtain review and evaluation of the plan by the department pursuant to the procedures in s. NR 460.06.
(2)initial performance test.
(a) Following the review and evaluation of the site-specific test plan, the owner or operator shall demonstrate initial compliance with each applicable emission, equipment, work practice or operational standard for each affected source and emission unit, and report the results in the notification of compliance status report as described in s. NR 463.17 (2). The owner or operator of any existing affected source for which an initial performance test is required to demonstrate compliance shall conduct this initial performance test no later than the date for compliance established by s. NR 463.115 (1). The owner or operator of any new affected source for which an initial performance test is required shall conduct this initial performance test within 90 days after the date for compliance established by s. NR 463.115 (2). Except for the date by which the performance test shall be conducted, the owner or operator shall conduct each performance test in accordance with the requirements and procedures in s. NR 460.06 (2). Owners or operators of affected sources located at facilities which are area sources are subject only to those performance testing requirements pertaining to D&F. Owners or operators of sweat furnaces meeting the specifications of s. NR 463.13 (6) are not required to conduct a performance test.
(b) The owner or operator shall conduct each test while the affected source or emission unit is operating at the highest production level with charge materials representative of the range of materials processed by the unit and, if applicable, at the highest reactive fluxing rate.
(c) Each performance test for a continuous process shall consist of 3 separate runs; pollutant sampling for each run shall be conducted for the time period specified in the applicable method or, in the absence of a specific time period in the test method, for a minimum of 3 hours.
(d) Each performance test for a batch process shall consist of 3 separate runs; pollutant sampling for each run shall be conducted over the entire process operating cycle.
(e) Where multiple affected sources or emission units are exhausted through a common stack, pollutant sampling for each run shall be conducted over a period of time during which all affected sources or emission units complete at least one entire process operating cycle or for 24 hours, whichever is shorter.
(f) Initial compliance with an applicable emission limit or standard is demonstrated if the average of 3 runs conducted during the performance test is less than or equal to the applicable emission limit or standard.
(3)Test methods. The owner or operator shall use the following methods in Appendix A to 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), to determine compliance with the applicable emission limits or standards:
(a) Method 1 for sample and velocity traverses.
(b) Method 2 for velocity and volumetric flow rate.
(c) Method 3 for gas analysis.
(d) Method 4 for moisture content of the stack gas.
(e) Method 5 for the concentration of PM.
(f) Method 9 for visible emission observations.
(g) Method 23 for the concentration of D&F.
(h) Method 25A for the concentration of THC, as propane.
(i) Method 26A for the concentration of HCl. Where a lime-injected fabric filter is used as the control device to comply with the 90% reduction standard, the owner or operator shall measure the fabric filter inlet concentration of HCl at a point before lime is introduced to the system.
(4)Alternative methods. The owner or operator may use an alternative test method, subject to approval by the department.
(5)Repeat tests. The owner or operator of new or existing affected sources and emission units located at secondary aluminum production facilities that are major sources shall conduct a performance test every 5 years following the initial performance test.
(6)Testing of representative emission units. With the prior approval of the department, an owner or operator may utilize emission rates obtained by testing a particular type of group 1 furnace which is not controlled by any add-on control device, or by testing an in-line flux box which is not controlled by any add-on control device, to determine the emission rate for other units of the same type at the same facility. Emission test results may only be considered to be representative of other units if all of the following criteria are satisfied:
(a) The tested emission unit uses feed materials and charge rates which are comparable to the emission units that it represents.
(b) The tested emission unit uses the same type of flux materials in the same proportions as the emission units it represents.
(c) The tested emission unit is operated utilizing the same work practices as the emission units that it represents.
(d) The tested emission unit is of the same design as the emission units that it represents.
(e) The tested emission unit is tested under the highest load or capacity reasonably expected to occur for any of the emission units that it represents.
(7)Establishment of monitoring and operating parameter values. The owner or operator of new or existing affected sources and emission units shall establish a minimum or maximum operating parameter value, or an operating parameter range, for each parameter to be monitored as required by s. NR 463.15 that ensures compliance with the applicable emission limit or standard. To establish the minimum or maximum value or range, the owner or operator shall use the appropriate procedures in this section and submit the information required by s. NR 463.17 (2) (d) in the notification of compliance status report. The owner or operator may use existing data in addition to the results of performance tests to establish operating parameter values for compliance monitoring provided each of the following conditions are met to the satisfaction of the department:
(a) The complete emission test report used as the basis of the parameter or parameters is submitted.
(b) The same test methods and procedures as required by this subchapter were used in the test.
(c) The owner or operator certifies that no design or work practice changes have been made to the source, process or emission control equipment since the time of the report.
(d) All process and control equipment operating parameters required to be monitored were monitored as required in this subchapter and documented in the test report.
(8)Testing of commonly-ducted units within a secondary aluminum processing unit. When group 1 furnaces and in-line fluxers are included in a single existing SAPU or new SAPU, and the emissions from more than one emission unit within that existing SAPU or new SAPU are manifolded to a single control device, compliance for all units within the SAPU is demonstrated if the total measured emissions from all controlled and uncontrolled units in the SAPU do not exceed the emission limits calculated for that SAPU based on the applicable equation in s. NR 463.13 (11).
(9)Testing of commonly-ducted units not within a secondary aluminum processing unit. With the prior approval of the department, an owner or operator may do combined performance testing of 2 or more individual affected sources or emission units which are not included in a single existing SAPU or new SAPU, but whose emissions are manifolded to a single control device. Any performance testing of commonly-ducted units shall satisfy all the following basic requirements:
(a) All testing shall be designed to verify that each affected source or emission unit individually satisfies all emission requirements applicable to that affected source or emission unit.
(b) All emissions of pollutants subject to a standard shall be tested at the outlet from each individual affected source or emission unit while operating under the highest load or capacity reasonably expected to occur, and prior to the point that the emissions are manifolded together with emissions from other affected sources or emission units.
(c) The combined emissions from all affected sources and emission units which are manifolded to a single emission control device shall be tested at the outlet of the emission control device.
(d) All tests at the outlet of the emission control device shall be conducted with all affected sources and emission units whose emissions are manifolded to the control device operating simultaneously under the highest load or capacity reasonably expected to occur.
(e) For purposes of demonstrating compliance of a commonly-ducted unit with any emission limit for a particular type of pollutant, the emissions of that pollutant by the individual unit shall be presumed to be controlled by the same percentage as total emissions of that pollutant from all commonly-ducted units are controlled at the outlet of the emission control device.
History: CR 04-023: cr. Register December 2008 No. 636, eff. 1-1-09; correction in (2) (a) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2008 No. 636.
NR 463.163Performance test and compliance demonstration requirements and procedures.
(1)Aluminum scrap shredder. The owner or operator shall conduct performance tests to measure PM emissions at the outlet of the control system. If visible emission observations is the selected monitoring option, the owner or operator shall record visible emission observations from each exhaust stack for all consecutive 6-minute periods during the PM emission test according to the requirements of Method 9 in Appendix A to 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13).
(2)Thermal chip dryer. The owner or operator shall conduct a performance test to measure THC and D&F emissions at the outlet of the control device while the unit processes only unpainted aluminum chips.
(3)Scrap dryer, delacquering kiln and decoating kiln.
(a) The owner or operator shall conduct performance tests to measure emissions of THC, D&F, HCl and PM at the outlet of the control device.
(b) If the scrap dryer, delacquering kiln or decoating kiln is subject to the alternative emission limits in s. NR 463.13 (5), the average afterburner operating temperature in each 3-hour block period shall be maintained at or above 760°C (1400°F) for the test.
(c) The owner or operator of a scrap dryer, delacquering kiln or decoating kiln subject to the alternative limits in s. NR 463.13 (5) shall submit a written certification in the notification of compliance status report containing the information required by s. NR 463.17 (2) (g).
(4)Group 1 furnace with add-on air pollution control devices.
(a) The owner or operator of a group 1 furnace that processes scrap other than clean charge materials with emissions controlled by a lime-injected fabric filter shall conduct performance tests to measure emissions of PM and D&F at the outlet of the control device and emissions of HCl at the outlet, for the emission limit, or the inlet and the outlet, for the percent reduction standard.
(b) The owner or operator of a group 1 furnace that processes only clean charge materials with emissions controlled by a lime-injected fabric filter shall conduct performance tests to measure emissions of PM at the outlet of the control device and emissions of HCl at the outlet, for the emission limit, or the inlet and the outlet, for the percent reduction standard.
(c) The owner or operator may choose to determine the rate of reactive flux addition to the group 1 furnace and assume, for the purposes of demonstrating compliance with the SAPU emission limit, that all reactive flux added to the group 1 furnace is emitted. Under these circumstances, the owner or operator is not required to conduct an emission test for HCl.
(d) The owner or operator of a sidewell group 1 furnace that conducts reactive fluxing, except for cover flux, in the hearth, or that conducts reactive fluxing in the sidewell at times when the level of molten metal falls below the top of the passage between the sidewell and the hearth, shall conduct the performance tests required by par. (a) or (b), to measure emissions from both the sidewell and the hearth.
(5)Group 1 furnace, including melting and holding furnaces, without add-on air pollution control devices.
(a) In the site-specific monitoring plan required by s. NR 463.15 (15), the owner or operator of a group 1 furnace, including a melting and holding furnace, without add-on air pollution control devices shall include data and information demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limits.
(b) If the group 1 furnace processes material other than clean charge, the owner or operator shall conduct emission tests to measure emissions of PM, HCl and D&F at the furnace exhaust outlet.
(c) If the group 1 furnace processes only clean charge, the owner or operator shall conduct emission tests to simultaneously measure emissions of PM and HCl at the furnace exhaust outlet. A D&F test is not required. Each test shall be conducted while the group 1 furnace, including a melting and holding furnace, processes only clean charge.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.