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4. You shall use the equations in sub. (15) (a) to (c) to calculate emission levels at 7% oxygen, or an equivalent carbon dioxide basis, the percent reduction in potential hydrogen chloride emissions, and the percent reduction for mercury emissions. The individual test methods in Table 5 of this section shall be used for other required equations.
5. You may apply to the department under s. NR 440.08 (2) for approval to use a reference method with minor changes in methodology, to use a shorter sampling time or smaller sampling volume or for a waiver of the requirement for a performance test because you have demonstrated by other means that you are in compliance. You may apply to the administrator as allowed under s. NR 440.08 (2) for approval to use an equivalent method or an alternative method the results of which the administrator has determined are adequate for demonstrating compliance.
(e) May I conduct stack testing less often?
1. You may test less often than required under par. (c) 2. if you own or operate a Class II municipal waste combustion unit and if all stack tests for a given pollutant over 3 consecutive years show you comply with the emission limit. In that case, you are not required to conduct a stack test for that pollutant for the next 2 years. However, you shall conduct another stack test within 36 months of the anniversary date of the third consecutive stack test that shows you comply with the emission limit. Thereafter, you shall perform stack tests every 3rd year but no later than 36 months following the previous stack tests. If a stack test shows noncompliance with an emission limit, you shall conduct annual stack tests for that pollutant until all stack tests over 3 consecutive years show compliance with the emission limit for that pollutant. The provision applies to all pollutants subject to stack testing requirements: dioxins/furans, cadmium, lead, mercury, particulate matter, opacity, hydrogen chloride and fugitive ash.
2. You may test less often for dioxins/furans emissions if you own or operate a municipal waste combustion plant that meets the following 2 conditions. First, you have multiple municipal waste combustion units onsite that are subject to this section. Second, all those municipal waste combustion units have demonstrated levels of dioxins/furans emissions less than or equal to 7 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter, total mass, for 2 consecutive years. In that case, you may choose to conduct annual stack tests on only one municipal waste combustion unit per year at your plant. This provision only applies to stack testing for dioxins/furans emissions and is subject to the following 3 conditions:
a. You shall conduct the stack test no more than 13 months following a stack test on any municipal waste combustion unit subject to this section at your plant. Each year, you shall test a different municipal waste combustion unit subject to this section and shall test all municipal waste combustion units subject to this section in a sequence that you determine. Once you determine a testing sequence, it may not be changed without approval by the department.
b. If each annual stack test shows levels of dioxins/furans emissions less than or equal to 7 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter, total mass, you may continue stack tests on only one municipal waste combustion unit subject to this section per year.
c. If any annual stack test indicates levels of dioxins/furans emissions greater than 7 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter, total mass, you shall conduct subsequent annual stack tests on all municipal waste combustion units subject to this section at your plant. You may return to testing one municipal waste combustion unit subject to this section per year if you can demonstrate dioxins/furans emission levels less than or equal to 7 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter, total mass, for all municipal waste combustion units at your plant subject to this section for 2 consecutive years.
(f) May I deviate from the 13-month testing schedule if unforeseen circumstances arise? You may not deviate from the 13-month testing schedules specified in pars. (c) 2. and (e) 2. a. unless you apply to the department for an alternative schedule, and the department approves your request for alternate scheduling prior to the date on which you would otherwise have been required to conduct the next stack test.
(11)Other monitoring requirements.
(a) Must I meet other requirements for continuous monitoring? You shall also monitor 3 operating parameters:
1. Load level of each municipal waste combustion unit.
2. Temperature of flue gases at the inlet of your particulate matter air pollution control device.
3. Carbon feed rate if activated carbon is used to control dioxins/furans or mercury emissions.
(b) How do I monitor the load of my municipal waste combustion unit?
1. If your municipal waste combustion unit generates steam, you shall install, calibrate, maintain and operate a steam flowmeter or a feed water flowmeter and meet the following 5 requirements:
a. Continuously measure and record the measurements of steam, or feed water, in kilograms or pounds per hour.
b. Calculate your steam, or feed water, flow in 4-hour block averages.
c. Calculate the steam, or feed water, flow rate using the method in “American Society of Mechanical Engineers Power Test Codes: Test Code for Steam Generating Units, Power Test Code 4.1 - 1964 (R1991),” section 4, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (2) (h) 2.
d. Design, construct, install, calibrate and use nozzles or orifices for flow rate measurements, using the recommendations in “American Society of Mechanical Engineers Interim Supplement 19.5 on Instruments and Apparatus: Application, Part II of Fluid Meters,” 6th Edition (1971), chapter 4, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (2) (h) 3.
e. Before each dioxins/furans stack test, or at least once a year, calibrate all signal conversion elements associated with steam, or feed water, flow measurements according to the manufacturer instructions.
2. If your municipal waste combustion unit does not generate steam, or, if your municipal waste combustion units have shared steam systems and steam load cannot be estimated per unit, you shall determine, to the satisfaction of the department, one or more operating parameters that can be used to continuously estimate load level (for example, the feed rate of municipal solid waste or refuse-derived fuel). You shall continuously monitor the selected parameters.
(c) How do I monitor the temperature of flue gases at the inlet of my particulate matter control device? You shall install, calibrate, maintain and operate a device to continuously measure the temperature of the flue gas stream at the inlet of each particulate matter control device.
(d) How do I monitor the injection rate of activated carbon? If your municipal waste combustion unit uses activated carbon to control dioxins/furans or mercury emissions, you shall meet the following 3 requirements:
1. Select a carbon injection system operating parameter that can be used to calculate carbon feed rate (for example, screw feeder speed).
2. During each dioxins/furans and mercury stack test, determine the average carbon feed rate in kilograms, or pounds, per hour. Also, determine the average operating parameter level that correlates to the carbon feed rate. Establish a relationship between the operating parameter and the carbon feed rate in order to calculate the carbon feed rate based on the operating parameter level.
3. Continuously monitor the selected operating parameter during all periods when the municipal waste combustion unit is operating and combusting waste, and calculate the 8-hour block average carbon feed rate in kilograms, or pounds, per hour, based on the selected operating parameter. When calculating the 8-hour block average, do the following 2 things:
a. Exclude hours when the municipal waste combustion unit is not operating.
b. Include hours when the municipal waste combustion unit is operating but the carbon feed system is not working correctly.
(e) What is the minimum amount of monitoring data I must collect with my continuous parameter monitoring systems and is the data collection requirement enforceable?
1. Where continuous parameter monitoring systems are used, you shall obtain 1-hour arithmetic averages for the following 3 parameters:
a. Load level of the municipal waste combustion unit.
b. Temperature of the flue gases at the inlet of your particulate matter control device.
c. Carbon feed rate if activated carbon is used to control dioxins/furans or mercury emissions.
2. You shall obtain at least 2 data points per hour in order to calculate a valid 1-hour arithmetic average.
3. You shall obtain valid 1-hour averages for at least 75% of the operating hours per day for 90% of the operating days per calendar quarter. An operating day is any day the unit combusts any municipal solid waste or refuse-derived fuel.
4. If you do not obtain the minimum data required in subds. 1. to 3., you are in violation of the data collection requirement and you shall notify the department according to sub. (13) (h) 5.
(a) What records must I keep? You shall keep 5 types of records:
1. Materials separation plan and siting analysis.
2. Operator training and certification.
3. Stack tests.
4. Continuously monitored pollutants and parameters.
5. Carbon feed rate.
(b) Where must I keep my records and for how long?
1. You shall keep all records onsite in paper copy or electronic format unless the department approves another format.
2. You shall keep all records on each municipal waste combustion unit for at least 5 years.
3. You shall make all records available for submittal to the department, or for onsite review by an inspector.
(c) What records must I keep for the materials separation plan and siting analysis? You shall keep records of the following 5 items:
1. The date of each record.
2. The final materials separation plan.
3. The siting analysis.
4. A record of the location and date of the public meetings.
5. Your responses to the public comments received during the public comment periods.
(d) What records must I keep for operator training and certification? You shall keep records of the following 6 items:
1. ‘Records of provisional certifications.’ The following 3 items shall be included:
a. For your municipal waste combustion plant, names of the chief facility operator, shift supervisors and control room operators who are provisionally certified by the American society of mechanical engineers.
b. Dates of the initial provisional certifications.
c. Documentation showing current provisional certifications.
2. ‘Records of full certifications.’ The following 3 items shall be included:
a. For your municipal waste combustion plant, names of the chief facility operator, shift supervisors and control room operators who are fully certified by the American society of mechanical engineers or the department under ch. NR 499.
b. Dates of initial and renewal full certifications.
c. Documentation showing current full certifications.
3. ‘Records showing completion of the operator training course.’ The following 3 items shall be included:
a. For your municipal waste combustion plant, names of the chief facility operator, shift supervisors and control room operators who have completed the EPA or department municipal waste combustion operator training course.
b. Dates of completion of the operator training course.
c. Documentation showing completion of the operator training course.
4. ‘Records of reviews for plant-specific operating manuals.’ The following 3 items shall be included:
a. Names of persons who have reviewed the operating manual.
b. Date of the initial review.
c. Dates of subsequent annual reviews.
5. ‘Records of when a certified operator is temporarily offsite.’ The following 2 items shall be included:
a. If the certified chief facility operator and certified shift supervisor are offsite for more than 12 hours, but for 2 weeks or less, and no other certified operator is onsite, record the dates that the certified chief facility operator and certified shift supervisor were offsite.
b. When the certified chief facility operator and certified shift supervisor are offsite for more than 2 weeks and no other certified operator is onsite, keep records of the following 4 items:
1) Your notice that all certified persons are offsite.
2) The conditions that cause those people to be offsite.
3) The corrective actions you are taking to ensure a certified chief facility operator or certified shift supervisor is onsite.
4) Copies of the written reports submitted every 4 weeks that summarize the actions taken to ensure that a certified chief facility operator or certified shift supervisor will be onsite.
6. ‘Records of calendar dates.’ You shall include the calendar date on each record.
(e) What records must I keep for stack tests? For stack tests required under sub. (10) (a), you shall keep records of the following 4 items:
1. The results of the stack tests for the following 8 pollutants or parameters recorded in the appropriate units of measure specified in Table 1 of this section:
a. Dioxins/furans.
f. Particulate matter.
g. Hydrogen chloride.
h. Fugitive ash.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.